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到 2028 年的抗菌塑料市場預測——按產品類型、添加劑、應用和地區進行的全球分析Antimicrobial Plastic Market Forecasts to 2028 - Global Analysis By Product Type, Additive, Application, and By Geography |
根據Stratistics MRC,2022年全球抗菌塑料市場規模將達到451.2億美元,預計2028年將達到929.4億美元,預計複合年增長率為12.8% .
根據印度包裝工業協會 (PIAI) 的數據,印度正在成為塑料包裝行業的首選中心。 據印度包裝工業協會 (PIAI) 稱,印度正在成為塑料包裝行業的首選中心。 包裝業是印度經濟的第五大部門。
世界各國政府不斷增加的醫療支出增加了醫療和保健應用對抗菌塑料的需求。 醫院獲得性感染 (HAI) 和醫療保健相關感染 (HAI) 是全球發病率和死亡率的兩個重要原因。 異物進入人體後,會引起一定的感染。 這個問題可以通過使用抗菌塑料來解決。 同樣,建築、包裝和消費品行業不斷增長的需求正在推動全球對抗菌聚合物的需求。 由於大流行,製造商擔心建築設備和產品中抗菌劑的擴散和流行。
抗菌塑料市場擴張的主要障礙是抗菌助劑原料價格的波動。 銀、銅和鋅是生產抗菌化合物的主要原料礦物,價格昂貴。 銀基抗菌劑的高成本限制了其在各種產品中的應用,尤其是在亞太和南美洲。 銀基抗菌劑生產成本高,增加了產品的綜合成本,降低了廠家的利潤空間。
紡織品製造中的納米技術進步使抗菌劑可用於各種技術和非技術織物。 可以將砷基氧化雙苯氧胂 (OBPA) 和有機金屬殺菌劑等抗菌添加劑注入材料中,以長期防止細菌和病原體。 該塑料可抑制包括藻類、細菌和真菌在內的病原體的生長,並具有出色的防潮性能,使其成為食品和飲料行業中有效的食品包裝解決方案,這在未來提供了廣闊的機會。
關於塑料使用的嚴格環境和政府法規正在阻礙抗菌塑料行業的發展。 為提高質量和降低製造成本而增加的研發 (R&D) 投資預計將推動抗菌塑料市場。 生物殺滅產品法規 (BPR) EU 528/2012 和聯邦殺蟲劑、殺真菌劑和滅鼠劑法案 (FIFRA) 等嚴格法規迫使抗菌塑料供應商推出新配方,以滿足安全劑量和抗菌標準。預計這將阻礙預測期內抗菌塑料市場的增長。
冠狀病毒的爆發導致了全球經濟衰退,並減緩了一些公司的增長。 軟包裝薄膜和包裝行業是食品包裝不可或缺的一部分。 結果,即使在鎖定期間,其操作仍在繼續。 在停工的頭幾天,許多行業都面臨著勞動力短缺和原材料和成品供應鏈流動不穩定的問題。 這也是行業合作夥伴需要確保食品和藥品等關鍵商品包裝供應連續性的時候。 此外,在這次流行病期間,消費者對健康的擔憂加劇,增加了對抗菌包裝的銷售和需求。
商品塑料將實現利潤豐厚的增長,因為它們被大量生產用於不需要出色材料質量的應用,例如包裝、食品容器和家居用品。 對於商品塑料,不需要很大的機械強度,因為它們不用於基本應用。 因此,與工程塑料相比,它具有價格低廉和機械強度差的特點。 對塑料垃圾的日益增長的環境擔憂和政府對包裝塑料使用的限制預計將阻礙商品塑料市場的增長。
由於在食品應用中用作防腐劑,預計有機部分在預測期內將以最快的複合年增長率增長。 有機酸用於包裝材料以延長保質期並保護微生物食品安全。 另一方面,細菌素是由細菌和一些古細菌產生的蛋白質毒物。 可作為天然食品防腐劑防止腐敗和感染。 它常用於包裝非發酵食品,如加工肉類和熟蔬菜沙拉。 由於對包裝食品的需求不斷增加,市場預計將擴大。
由於當地人的知識水平高,預計在預測期內北美將佔據最大的市場份額。 由於對藥品和治療設備的需求增加,醫療保健和製藥行業為該地區的繁榮做出了貢獻。 此外,該地區人們快節奏的生活方式增加了包裝食品的使用,許多顧客也在使用化妝品,這也推動了市場增長。 此外,食品飲料和個人護理行業可能成為市場擴張的驅動力,預計該地區的有利增長將在預測期內受到原材料供應容易的支持。
預計亞太地區在預測期內的複合年增長率最高。 這是因為醫療保健和包裝行業對抗菌塑料的需求預計會增加,尤其是在印度、中國和日本等發展中國家。 此外,保險覆蓋面的擴大和慢性病的流行預計將成為政府對醫療保健基礎設施投資的主要驅動力。 預計該地區的經濟將受到債務危機、失業率上升和工業生產低迷等各種宏觀經濟問題的阻礙。
抗菌塑料市場的主要參與者包括:BASF SE、Sanitized AG、Microban International、BioCote Limited、DuPont De Nemours Inc.、Avient Corporation、King Plastic Corporation、Parx Plastics N.V、 PolyOne Corporation、Milliken Chemical、Lonza、Clariant、Bayer Material Science AG、Ray Products Company、Polyone Corporation、Steritouch、Doeflex Vitapol、Dow 和 Ticon Engineering Polymers
2023 年 3 月,巴斯夫個人護理在化妝品和全球範圍內推出了動物角蛋白的植物替代品,這些□具有與角蛋白相似的氨基酸組成,角蛋白是一種天然存在於頭髮中的蛋白質,其抵抗力確保了強度和彈性。
2022 年 1 月,塑料衛生和材料保護專家 SANITIZED AG 擴展了其 Sanitized(R) BroadtecTM 產品系列,推出了一種新的水性產品:Sanitized(R) PL 19-30。 Sanitized(R) PL 19-30 提供針對細菌、黴菌、藻類和真菌的全面保護。
According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Antimicrobial Plastics Market is accounted for $45.12 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach $92.94 billion by 2028 growing at a CAGR of 12.8% during the forecast period. Antibacterial plastic is a form of plastic that has the capacity to eradicate or prevent the growth of microorganisms that can contaminate the plastic, such as moulds, viruses, algae, and bacteria furthermore, antimicrobial plastic is less expensive than regular plastic; hence it is employed in a wide range of applications.
According to the Packaging Industry Association of India (PIAI), India is becoming a preferred hub for the plastic packaging industry. The packaging industry is the fifth-largest sector in the Indian economy.
Because of increased healthcare spending by governments around the world, there is a growing demand for antimicrobial plastics in medical and healthcare applications. Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) and healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are two important sources of global morbidity and mortality. When a foreign body penetrates the human body, it causes certain infections. This problem can be solved by using antibacterial plastic. Similarly, rising demand from the building and construction, packaging, and consumer products industries is fuelling global demand for antimicrobial polymers. As a result of the pandemic, manufacturers are more concerned about antimicrobial growth and dissemination in construction equipment and products.
One of the major hindrances to the expansion of the antimicrobial plastics market is fluctuating raw material prices for antimicrobial additives. Silver, copper, and zinc are the primary raw minerals utilised in the production of antimicrobial compounds, and their prices are excessive. Silver antimicrobials' high cost limits their application in a variety of products, particularly in Asia Pacific and South America. The manufacturing cost of silver-based antibacterial compounds is substantial, which raises the entire cost of the product and reduces manufacturers' profit margins.
Antimicrobials can now be used in a variety of technical and non-technical fabrics because to advances in nanotechnology in textile manufacturing. Antimicrobial additives such as arsenic-based oxybisphenoxarsine (OBPA) and organometallic biocides are infused into the material to give long-term protection against germs and pathogens. This plastic inhibits the growth of pathogens including algae, bacteria, and fungi and has great moisture resistance, increasing its adoption as an effective food packaging solution in the food and beverage industry which provide wide range of opportunities in future.
Stringent environmental restrictions and government rules regarding the usage of plastics impede the growth of the antimicrobial plastics industry. Increased investments in research and development (R&D) for higher quality and lower manufacturing costs are expected to drive the antimicrobial plastics market. Stringent regulations, such as the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR) EU 528/2012 and the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), have compelled antimicrobial plastic suppliers to introduce new compositions in order to meet safe administration and anti-bacterial properties standards, which are expected to impede the growth of the antimicrobial plastics market over the forecast period.
The corona virus outbreak has caused a worldwide recession, with some businesses experiencing de-growth. Flexible packaging films and the packaging sector are critical to food packaging. As a result, even when under lockdown, its operations continued. Numerous industries experienced personnel shortages and erratic supply chain flow for raw materials and completed items during the opening days of the shutdown. The era also prompted industry partners to secure the continuity of packaging supply for important commodities such as food and pharmaceuticals. Furthermore, consumer health concerns arose during the epidemic, increasing sales and demand for antimicrobial packaging.
The Commodity Plastic segment is estimated to have a lucrative growth, due to manufactured in large quantities for uses that do not require remarkable material qualities, such as packaging, food containers, and domestic products. Because commodity plastics are not employed in essential service situations, significant mechanical strength is not required. As a result, these plastics are less expensive and have lesser mechanical qualities than designed plastics. Increased environmental worries about plastic waste, as well as government controls on the use of plastics for packaging, are projected to stymie commodity plastics market growth.
The Organic segment is anticipated to witness the fastest CAGR growth during the forecast period, due to its use as preservatives in food applications. Organic acids are used in packing materials to improve shelf life and protect microbiological food safety. Bacteriocins, on the other hand, are protein poisons generated by bacteria and some archaea. They may act as natural food preservatives against rotting and infections. They are commonly used to package non-fermented items such as processed meats and prepared vegetable salads. The market is predicted to rise due to rising demand for packaged foods.
North America is projected to hold the largest market share during the forecast period owing to the high level of knowledge among locals is projected to keep the industry going. The healthcare and pharmaceutical industries contribute to regional prosperity due to rising demand for drugs and therapeutic devices. People's fast-paced lifestyles are increasing the use of packaged food in the region, as well as the usage of cosmetics by a major number of customers, which is boosting market growth. Furthermore, food and beverage and personal care industries are likely to drive market expansion, and the region's favourable growth will be aided by the region's simple supply of raw materials during the predicted period.
Asia Pacific is projected to have the highest CAGR over the forecast period, owing to Antimicrobial plastic demand is expected to rise in the healthcare and packaging industries, particularly in developing countries such as India, China, and Japan. Furthermore, it is expected that the expansion of insurance coverage and the rising prevalence of chronic diseases, will be a substantial driver of government investment in healthcare infrastructure. The region's economy is projected to be stifled by a variety of macroeconomic problems, including the debt crisis, rising unemployment, and sluggish industrial production.
Some of the key players profiled in the Antimicrobial Plastics Market include: BASF SE, Sanitized AG, Microban International, BioCote Limited, DuPont De Nemours Inc., Avient Corporation, King Plastic Corporation, Parx Plastics N.V, PolyOne Corporation, Milliken Chemical, Lonza, Clariant, Bayer Material Science AG, Ray Products Company, Polyone Corporation, Steritouch, Doeflex Vitapol,Dow and Ticon Engineering Polymers
In March 2023, BASF Personal Care launches plant-based alternative to animal keratin at in-cosmetics Global, the peptides exhibit an amino acid composition similar to that of keratin, a protein naturally present in the hair, which ensures its resistance and elasticity.
In Jan 2022, SANITIZED AG, a specialist in hygiene function and material protection for plastics, expanded its Sanitized® BroadtecTM product range with a new, water-based product: Sanitized® PL 19-30. Sanitized® PL 19-30 offers comprehensive protection against bacteria, mold, algae, and fungi.
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