到 2028 年的閥門定位器市場預測——按類型、驅動、應用和地區進行的全球分析Valve Positioners Market Forecasts to 2028 - Global Analysis By Type, Actuation, Application and Geography |
根據 Stratistics MRC,全球閥門定位器市場規模將在 2022 年達到 18 億美元,預計到 2028 年將達到 27 億美元,預測期內復合年增長率為 7.6%。成長。
為了移動閥門執行器,閥門定位器將執行器的位置與伺服控制器進行對比。 適用於旋轉閥和線性閥。 當由於摩擦或較大的壓差而無法處理 0.2 至 1 巴的隔膜室壓力時,使用閥門定位器。
隨著數據科學、連通性和計算能力的最新進展,企業可能已經開始涉足工業物聯網。 IIoT 使閥門專業人員能夠遠程檢查設施中閥門的狀況,提高閥門性能並減少與閥門相關的計劃外停機時間。 通過監測閥門參數,通過 IIoT 連接的帶傳感器的閥門組件可以幫助行業參與者降低維護和關閉成本,並促進 IIoT 和閥門定位器的使用。 事實證明,遠程操作閥門監控對工廠和工業設施非常有益,尤其是化學、紙漿和造紙以及水和廢水處理設施。 連接到生產設施的遠程監控技術可用於實時跟蹤生產中每個閥門的位置。 因此,隨著數字化的引入,閥門定位器市場正在改善。
對於某些客戶,尤其是小型企業,購買和部署閥門定位器的高成本可能會阻礙並限制產品的採用。 由於閥門定位器的安裝和維護成本高,客戶覺得不便宜,這可能會抑制市場擴張。 客戶可能會選擇其他更便宜的產品,這可能會因更高的安裝和維護成本而減少對閥門定位器的需求。 高昂的安裝和維護成本會限制閥門定位器的使用,例如在中小型企業或經濟條件較差的地區。 因此,高昂的安裝和維護成本可能成為閥門定位器市場推廣和擴張的主要障礙。 為了解決這個問題並為消費者降低閥門定位器的價格,製造商正試圖提供更便宜的替代品。
由於人口增長和城市化,工業基礎設施正在大幅擴張。 一些國家正在迅速而適當地應對電力、交通、醫療、教育等領域日益嚴峻的挑戰。 還有一些嘗試通過引入和控制適當的技術來改善對自然災害的反應以及社區的包容性、復原力和可持續性。
標準化可能因地區、行業或應用而異。 各種閥門用於半導體、建築/建築、石油/天然氣、能源/電力和石油/天然氣等各個領域。 這些行業中的每一個都有特定的標準需求。 此外,公司正在世界各地建立生產設施以應對這一問題,需要進一步的支出。 目前的閥門法規是靈活的,並考慮到技術進步、不斷變化的客戶偏好和良好的技術實踐。
COVID-19 的爆發將對 OPEC+ 國家的石油和天然氣行業產生嚴重的供應方面負面影響。 需求方衝擊和供應方限制在該行業是無與倫比的。 對於一些公司來說,這甚至已經成為一種生存威脅。 多個行業的製造業下滑也導致對閥門定位器的需求下降。 部分由於大流行病(全球大流行病)的影響,閥門定位器業務受到重創。
據估計,氣動閥門定位器細分市場將因其防腐塗層而實現利潤豐厚的增長,這使得氣動閥門定位器能夠在採礦和礦物、化工以及石油和天然氣等行業有效工作。 對氣動閥門定位器的需求受益於這些行業的擴張。 這意味著該類別在預測期內將繼續佔據閥門定位器的最大市場份額。 在此分析中準確預測了每個部分對閥門定位器體積增長的貢獻。
由於新藥開發的研發支出增加、技術先進產品的出現、嚴格遵守質量標準等,預計醫藥製造業在預測期內將以最快的複合年增長率增長。 該領域需要專門的儀器來測試整個藥物開發生命週期中的各種過程變量,包括多尺度的配方驗證和過程控制。 預計這些變量將推動該行業的市場滲透,並在不久的將來增加國際產品需求。
由於快速工業化以及近年來經歷了經濟增長的中國和印度等新興經濟體,預計亞太地區在預測期內將佔據最大的市場份額。 此外,政府鼓勵外國投資的支持措施也有助於增加該地區的需求。 由石油和天然氣行業以及電力行業組成的能源行業的增長將受到電力需求增加的推動。 因此,預計該地區對數字定位器等閥門自動化產品的需求將會增加。
北美預計在預測期內的複合年增長率最高,原因是石油和天然氣、化工和製藥等各種最終用途行業的閥門定位器消耗量不斷增加。 大公司的研發支出預計在預測期內也會增加。 美國人口不斷增長,公司和重要組織眾多,技術進步迅速,正在擴大北美閥門定位器的市場規模。
閥門定位器市場的主要參與者包括:Emerson Electric Company、Cameron International Corporation、Apollo Valves、General Electric、SAMSON Controls、Baker Hughes、Yokogawa、Circor International、Siemens、ABB、Flowserve、 Power-Genex、施耐德電氣和 Rotork Plc。
2022 年 4 月,艾默生電氣公司宣布推出 TopWorxTM PD 系列智能閥門定位器,擴展了 TopWorx 傳感和控制產品。 智能閥門定位器PD系列集成了閥門定位器的全控制和4-20mA迴路信號通訊。
2022 年 3 月,福斯公司與全球水處理清潔技術水項目製造商和供應商戈潤公司(美國)簽署了一份合同,以幫助解決問題。
2021 年 2 月,福斯公司推出了低成本的 Logix 3800e 數字定位器。 這些定位器專為與控制閥一起使用而設計,並提供多種外殼選項,適用於廣泛的應用。
2020 年 10 月,貝克休斯公司推出了下一代 SVI3 數字閥門定位器,旨在通過引入在線閥門診斷來提高工廠效率和流程正常運行時間。
2020 年 4 月,貝克休斯自豪地宣布推出 Masoneilan SVI3,這是其行業領先的數字閥門定位器悠久歷史的最新發展。 SVI3 建立在具有數十億小時現場安裝正常運行時間的強大傳統平台上,在可靠性和性能方面繼續其經過驗證的一流設計卓越性。
According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Valve Positioners Market is accounted for $1.8 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach $2.7 billion by 2028 growing at a CAGR of 7.6% during the forecast period. In order to move a valve actuator, valve positioners contrast a servo controller to the actuator's position. They work with both rotary and linear valves. When friction and large differential pressures are too much for the 0.2 to 1 bar pressure in the diaphragmatic chamber to handle, valve positioners are utilised.
Companies may already start utilising the Industrial Internet of Things thanks to recent advancements in data science, connectivity, and computing power. IIoT enables valve specialists to remotely check the condition of valves in a facility to ensure improved valve performance, reducing valve-related unscheduled downtimes. By monitoring valve parameters, sensor-equipped valve assemblies connected via IIoT may assist industry participants in lowering maintenance and shutdown costs, promoting the use of IIoT and valve positioners. Remote-control valve monitoring has proven beneficial for factories and industrial facilities, especially chemicals, pulp & paper, and water & sewage treatment plants. The locations of all the valves in a manufacturing may be tracked in real-time using a remote monitoring technology connected into a production facility. Hence, the market for valve positioners is improved by the introduction of digitalization.
Some clients, particularly small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), may find the expensive cost of acquiring and implementing valve positioners to be a deterrent, which may restrict the product's uptake. Customers may find valve positioners to be less inexpensive due to high installation and maintenance costs, which might restrain market expansion. Customers may choose other, less costly choices, which might lower demand for valve positioners due to the high installation and maintenance costs. The use of valve positioners may be constrained by high installation and maintenance costs in some sectors, such as small and medium-sized businesses or locations with bad economic conditions. Consequently, a major obstacle to the adoption and expansion of the valve positioners market may be the high installation and maintenance costs. In order to solve this problem and lower the price of valve positioners for consumers, manufacturers are attempting to offer cheap alternatives.
The population growth and urbanisation are significantly expanding the industrial infrastructure. Some nations are responding swiftly and precisely to the growing issues in power, transportation, healthcare, and education. Also, by implementing the right technologies and controlling them, attempts are being made to react to natural catastrophes while boosting the inclusivity, resilience, or sustainability of communities.
Standardization may differ by geography, industry, and use. Different valves are used in a variety of sectors, including semiconductor, building & construction, oil & gas, energy & power, and oil & gas. These industries all have particular standard needs. Also, businesses are setting up production facilities all around the world to meet this issue, which calls for additional expenditures. Current valve regulations are flexible and take into account technology advancements, changing customer preferences, and good engineering practise.
The COVID-19 outbreak has severe supply-side negative repercussions on the oil and gas sector from the OPEC+ countries. The demand-side shock and the supply-side restrictions were unparalleled in this sector. In several businesses, this even created an existential risk. The decline in manufacturing across several industries also contributed to a decline in the demand for valve positioners. The pandemic so had a detrimental effect mostly on valve positioner business.
The pneumatic valve positioner segment is estimated to have a lucrative growth due to its anti-corrosion coating, pneumatic valve positioners work well in sectors including mining and minerals, chemicals, and oil and gas. The need for pneumatic valve-positioners is benefiting from the expansion of these sectors. This means that during the course of the projected period, the category will continue to have the largest market share for valve positioners. The contribution of each segment to the expansion of the valve positioner sales volume is accurately predicted in this analysis.
The pharmaceutical manufacturing segment is anticipated to witness the fastest CAGR growth during the forecast period, due to rising R&D expenditures for the development of new drugs, the beginning of technologically advanced products, and the industry's strict adherence to quality standards. This sector requires specialised instrumentation for testing different process variables throughout all stages of the drug development lifecycle, such as formulation validation and process control at multiple scales. These variables are anticipated to boost market penetration in this industry in the near future, thereby boosting product demand internationally.
Asia Pacific is projected to hold the largest market share during the forecast period owing to fast industrialization and rising economies like China and India which have both been enjoying robust economic growth over the last few years. Moreover, supportive government programmes meant to encourage investments from abroad are also a factor in the region's rising demand. The growth of the energy industry, which comprises the oil and gas and power industries, would be caused by the rising demand for electricity. As a result, the need for valve automation products like digital positioners would increase in the area.
North America is projected to have the highest CAGR over the forecast period, owing to rising consumption for valve positioners from a variety of end-use sectors, including the oil and gas, chemical, among pharmaceutical industries, the region is anticipated to rise moderately over the projected period. Throughout the course of the projected period, it is also predicted that big corporations would increase their R&D spending. Due to its expanding population, the existence of numerous companies and significant organisations, and the country's quick technical improvements, the U.S. has a greater market for valve positioners in North America.
Some of the key players profiled in the Valve Positioners Market include: Emerson Electric Company, Cameron International Corporation, Apollo Valves, General Electric, SAMSON Controls, Baker Hughes, Yokogawa, Circor International, Siemens, ABB, Flowserve, Power-Genex, Schneider Electric SE and Rotork Plc.
In April 2022, Emerson Electric Co. released the TopWorxTM PD Series smart valve positioner, which will extend the TopWorx sensing and control products. The PD series of smart valve positioners provide complete control over the valve positioner and integrates communication with 4-20 mA loop signal.
In March 2022, Flowserve Corporation entered into an agreement with Gradiant (US), a global manufacturer and provider of cleantech water project for water treatment, to help address the most challenging problems in water and wastewater treatment.
In February 2021, Flowserve Corporation launched a low-cost Logix 3800e digital positioner. The positioner is designed to use with control valves and is available with multiple housing options used for a broad range of applications.
In October 2020, Baker Hughes Company launched next-generation SVI3 digital valve positioners designed to improve plant efficiency and process uptime with the introduction of online valve diagnostics.
In April 2020, Baker Hughes proudly announces the launch of the latest evolution in a long history of industry-leading digital valve positioners, the Masoneilan SVI3. Built upon a robust legacy platform, with billions of in-field installed operating hours, the SVI3 continues to leverage the excellence of a proven design in both reliability and performance that has made it the best in class.
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