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到 2028 年的長石市場預測 - 按類型(鉀長石、斜長石)、按應用(陶瓷、玻璃製造、填料、裝飾、建築、電氣)、按地區分類的全球分析Feldspar Market Forecasts to 2028 - Global Analysis By Type (K-Feldspar and Plagioclase Feldspar), Application (Ceramics, Glassmaking, Fillers, Decoration, Construction and Electrical) and By Geography |
根據 Stratistics MRC,2022 年全球長石市場將達到 15.8 億美元,預測期內以 4.93% 的複合年增長率增長,預計到 2028 年將達到 21.1 億美元
長石是一組構造矽酸鋁礦物,可以搖晃並含有鋇、鈣、鈉或鉀。 長石有兩種主要類型:鹼性(鉀-鈉)和斜長石(鈉-鈣)。 它是在火成巖、變質巖和沈積巖中發現的重要礦物。 長石是地球上最豐富的巖石之一,以結晶形式出現。 它們通常具有罕見的光學效果。 長石提高了玻璃和陶瓷體的韌性、耐用性和強度。
瓷磚是無孔的。 由自然界中發現的材料製成。 瓷磚可以防止細菌和黴菌的生長。 優異的防水性和耐用性。 它們非常易於清潔和維護,並且有多種款式可供選擇。 耐潮濕和污漬,不吸收細菌或異味。 它是一種經濟實惠且環保的地板選擇。 這些因素正在推動市場的增長。
玻璃和陶瓷即使在使用一次後也可以回收利用。 回收過程可以減少製造玻璃和陶瓷所需的長石量。 由於對流自混合,很少有長石前晶體被回收,形成地幔斜長石。 因此,需要高質量的精礦與去除有色礦物的聯合選礦。 長石在回收過程中的使用不足阻礙了市場需求。
隨著人們對長石的益處的了解不斷擴大,各大公司都在進行大量投資。 長石是世界上儲量最豐富的礦物家族之一。 它經常表現出不尋常的視覺效果。 有多種用途,從水杯到隔熱材料、地磚、淋浴盤和餐具。 汽車和建築行業不斷提高的融資水平提供了一個極其有利可圖的市場機會。
長石是一種主要成分為鹼金屬矽酸鹽的結晶礦物。 明石是長石的替代品。 Minspar 200 經常用於製造陶瓷的釉料和粘土。 出色的顏色穩定性和色調保持力。 它還具有出色的抗咬合性和耐磨性。 此類替代品的優勢阻礙了長石市場的擴張。
長石市場受到冠狀病毒大流行的負面影響,已在全國范圍內停止生產。 由於許多生產流程和供應鏈運營的嚴重中斷,市場遭受了重大的財務挫折。 因此,預計建築和汽車等玻璃行業的關鍵領域將出現負面趨勢。
由於容易獲得,陶瓷行業預計將實現有利可圖的增長。 在低溫下,長石被用作形成玻璃相的助熔劑。 長石增加了陶瓷體的強度、硬度和耐久性。 定位為頂級環保地材,價格合理。 該領域的擴展是由其硬度和耐化學腐蝕等特性驅動的。
在預測期內,玻璃製造業預計將以最快的複合年增長率增長。 長石是製造玻璃的重要組成部分和重要原材料,因為它充當助熔劑,降低石英的熔化溫度,並有助於控制玻璃的粘度。 它還用作氧化鋁的來源,以提高玻璃纖維和其他玻璃製造應用的化學和物理強度。
由於對玻璃和陶瓷材料的需求不斷增加,亞太地區預計在預測期內將佔據最大的市場份額。 亞太地區是一個擁有蓬勃發展的玻璃製造和陶瓷工業的地區。 隨著中國和印度經濟增長的擴大,該地區實現了持續的經濟發展。 這兩個國家都是建築和汽車行業最大的市場。 隨著市場的發展和堅實的基礎,這些國家的經濟為市場提供了有利可圖的機會。
預計歐洲在預測期內的複合年增長率最高。 該地區是長石的第二大區域市場。 該地區是產品的主要生產地,並擁有橫跨意大利和土耳其的大量礦產儲量。 由於西班牙、波蘭和俄羅斯西部的長石產量和消費量增加,該地區對原材料的需求量很大。
2022 年 11 月 - 投資技術和金融科技公司 WBI 和九次屢獲殊榮的交易所交易基金提供商 Pacer 讓財務顧問與客戶互動以個性化和執行模型投資組合宣佈建立戰略合作夥伴關係以轉變方式我們做生意。
2022 年 6 月,多元化工業礦產公司和石油和天然氣行業領先的最後一英裡物流供應商 US Silica Holdings 宣布,其董事會此前已通過 ISP") 宣布已完成對該部門的戰略選擇。
According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Feldspar Market is accounted for $1.58 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach $2.11 billion by 2028 growing at a CAGR of 4.93% during the forecast period. Feldspars are a group of aluminum tectosilicate minerals that can turn into rocks and have barium, calcium, sodium, or potassium in them. The two most prevalent types of feldspar are alkali (potassium-sodium) and plagioclase (sodium-calcium). It is an essential mineral in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. Feldspar is one of the most abundant terrestrial rocks, which occurs in the form of crystals. It often possesses rare optical effects. Feldspars improve the toughness, durability, and strength of the glass and ceramic body.
Ceramic tiles are non-porous. They are made of naturally occurring materials. Ceramic tiles prevent growth of germs and moulds. They are water resistant and durable. They are very easy to clean and maintain and available in wide range of styles. It's resistant to moisture, stands up to stains and won't absorb bacteria or odours. They're more affordable and one of the best eco-healthy flooring options. All these elements are fuelling the market's growth.
Glass and ceramics can also be recycled after a single use. The recycling process reduces the amount of feldspar needed to make glass and ceramics. Through convective self-mixing, feldspar antecrysts would be barely recycled to create mantled plagioclase. It needs high-quality concentrates produced by utilizing combined beneficiation to remove coloured minerals. The inadequate use of feldspar in the recycling process is hampering the market demand.
Growing knowledge of feldspar's advantages led major companies to make large investments. Feldspar is one of the most abundant mineral families in the world. They often display uncommon visual effects. It has several uses, from drinking glasses to insulation, floor tiles, shower pans, and dinnerware. Growing levels of finance from the automotive and construction industries provide incredibly profitable market opportunities.
Feldspar is a kind of crystalline mineral made up primarily of alkaline silicates. Minspar is a substitute for feldspar. In the creation of glazes and clay for pottery, minspar 200 is frequently utilized. It exhibits excellent colour consistency and tint retention. Additionally, it offers resistance to burnishing and abrasion. The expansion of the feldspar market is being hampered by all these advantages of the alternatives.
The feldspar market suffered negatively due to corona virus pandemic, which shut down manufacturing across the nation. The market suffered a significant financial setback as a result of the severe interruptions in numerous production processes and supply-chain operations. As a result, a negative trend is anticipated in the important segments of the glass industry, including construction and automotive.
The ceramics segment is estimated to have a lucrative growth owing to easy accessibility. When temperatures are low, feldspars are utilized as fluxing agents to create a glassy phase. They increase the ceramic body's strength, hardness, and durability. It is among the top eco-friendly flooring solutions and is more reasonably priced. The segment's expansion is driven by features including its hardness and resistance to chemical corrosion.
The glassmaking segment is anticipated to witness the fastest CAGR growth during the forecast period. Feldspar is a crucial component in the production of glass as well as an essential raw material because of its functions as a fluxing agent, lowering the melting temperature of quartz and assisting in the regulation of glass' viscosity. It offers a source of alumina to help fiberglass and other glass-making applications achieve greater chemical and physical robustness.
Asia Pacific is projected to hold the largest market share during the forecast period owing to the rising demand of glass and ceramic materials. It has the presence of strong glassmaking and ceramics industries. Due to China's and India's expanding economic growth, the area has experienced consistent economic development. Both countries are among the largest markets for the construction and automotive sectors. These nation's economies have developed markets and strong foundations that provide the market profitable opportunities.
Europe is projected to have the highest CAGR over the forecast period. It is the second-largest regional market for feldspar. The region is a key producer of the product and holds significant reserves of minerals across Italy and Turkey. This region has huge requirement of raw materials due to growing production and consumption of feldspar in Spain, Poland and western parts of Russia.
Some of the key players profiled in the Feldspar Market include: Adolf Gottfried TonwerkeGMbH, LB Minerals, Quarzwerke GmbH, U.S. Silica Company, I-Minerals Inc, SP Minerals, Feldspar Corp, El Waha Mining And Fertilizers, Imerys S.A, Eczacibasi Esan, Granite Rock Company, Sun Minerals, Mahavir Minerals, SCR-Sibelco NV and Pacer Corporation.
In November 2022, -WBI, an invest-tech and fintech company, and Pacer a 9-time award winning exchange traded fund provider, announced a strategic partnership to transform how financial advisors interact with clients to personalize and implement model portfolios.
In June 2022, U.S. Silica Holdings, Inc a diversified industrial minerals company and the leading last-mile logistics provider to the oil and gas industry, announced that its Board of Directors has concluded its previously announced review of strategic alternatives for its Industrial & Specialty Products ("ISP") segment.
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