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到 2028 年的橄欖市場預測——按產品類型、產品形式、最終用戶、分銷渠道和地區進行的全球分析Olive Market Forecasts to 2028 - Global Analysis By Type, Product Form, End User, Distribution Channel and By Geography |
根據 Stratistics MRC,全球橄欖市場在預測期內以 6.5% 的複合年增長率增長。
可食用的橄欖果要麼是綠色的,要麼是黑色的。 橄欖是種植最廣泛的農作物之一。 這棵樹還提供橄欖果。 橄欖,也稱為食用橄欖,是一種優質原料,用於製作著名的橄欖油產品。 由於它們在收穫時的成熟度不同,我們今天能夠在市場上生產各種各樣的橄欖。 橄欖經常用於家庭和餐館的各種菜餚中。
根據糧農組織的數據,2017 年世界橄欖收穫面積為 970 萬公頃,預計到 2020 年將增長到 1270 萬公頃。
隨著消費者對健康的意識越來越強,對油和橄欖油產品的需求增加,主要是因為它們對健康有益,趨勢正在發生變化。 橄欖油中的抗氧化劑 omega-6 和 omega-3 脂肪酸可改善心臟健康。 傳統上,西班牙、意大利、摩洛哥和突尼斯等地中海國家消費橄欖油,但隨著中國、巴西和印度中產階級和富人的增加,精煉和初搾橄欖油開始成為日常消費。將其納入他們的膳食,這是市場增長的一個因素。
在接下來的幾年裡,預計橄欖市場的增長將受到氣候變化、季節性種植和高生產成本導致的橄欖生產不規律的限制。 此外,高生產成本導致橄欖價格上漲,預計將在預測期內抑制橄欖市場的增長。
食用橄欖有許多健康益處,包括預防心血管疾病、保護結腸、皮膚和乳房、防止貧血、控制血壓、提高生育能力以及保持強大的免疫系統。 此外,橄欖還是製作泡菜和橄欖油的重要原料。 即使在家裡,橄欖也被用於各種菜餚。 如此廣泛的好處正在推動市場。
綠橄欖油可以將血糖水平降低到正常水平以下,從而增加患某些健康問題的風險,例如出汗過多、低血糖、顫抖和虛弱。 然而,過量食用橄欖油與許多健康問題有關,包括頭暈、頭暈、腎衰竭和中風。 還有研究表明,它可以導致血壓顯著下降。
COVID-19 的爆發給橄欖市場供應鏈帶來了問題,影響了從橄欖園到消費者的方方面面。 FAOSTAT 報告稱,自 2019 年以來,全球橄欖產量一直呈下降趨勢。 但是,繼 2019 年下降之後,用於橄欖種植的面積在 2020 年有所增加。 據意大利農民協會 Coldiretti 稱,在 COVID-19 封鎖的幾個月裡,意大利的橄欖油市場損失了 20 億歐元(約合 22.5 億美元)。 大部分經濟損失是由於食品服務關閉和其他冠狀病毒遏制措施造成的。 但是,最近橄欖油價格下跌也使該細分市場受到重創。
在預測期內,食品行業預計將佔據最大份額。 大部分橄欖產品用於製油,但可食用的加工橄欖也有很大的市場,通常用作餐桌、小吃或添加到熟食中。 對於橄欖,大約 90% 的收成會變成油。 它不僅可以用於沙拉,還可以用作烹飪和時令蔬菜的油。 食用橄欖與各種奶酪和葡萄酒相得益彰,是開胃菜和開胃菜的完美之選。 您還可以找到塞滿奶酪、辣椒、檸檬或杏仁的橄欖。 許多關於橄欖益處的健康聲明也推動了該行業的增長。
由於鐵攝入量高,預計黑橄欖在預測期內的複合年增長率最高。 黑橄欖通常比綠橄欖含有更少的卡路裡和脂肪。 黑橄欖在收穫時已完全成熟,而綠橄欖尚未成熟。 根據北卡羅來納大學教堂山醫學院臨床助理教授 Russell H. Greenfield 博士的說法,研究表明,黑橄欖通常富含有助於防止細胞損傷的抗氧化劑和支持免疫系統的多酚。 此外,如果你想減少飽和脂肪的攝入,黑橄欖是更好的選擇。
預計在預測期內,歐洲將佔最大份額。 歐盟主導著所有橄欖的生產、消費和出口。 西班牙、意大利、希臘和法國占全球消費量的80%以上,其中歐洲貢獻最大。 據國際奧委會統計,歐洲人均橄欖油消費量最高的國家是西班牙、希臘、葡萄牙和意大利。 為了滿足需求和生產,歐洲橄欖的收成從每公頃 26,398 百克增加到每公頃 27,346 百克。
由於飲食中橄欖油含量的增加和食用橄欖的使用量增加,預計在預測期內北美地區將實現高速增長。 美國是北美最大的橄欖果生產國之一。 美國種植的橄欖中有 95% 以上產自加利福尼亞州。 此外,美國進口的橄欖油比出口的多,其中大部分來自希臘、意大利和西班牙等地中海國家。 在美國之後,墨西哥和加拿大是橄欖的主要生產國。 美國將在 2021 年生產 91,600 噸橄欖果,預計這一產量將繼續增長,推動該地區的橄欖市場。
2022 年 9 月,聯合國糧食及農業組織 (FAO) 和歐洲復興開發銀行 (EBRD) 將與農業部和歐盟合作,在約旦接待主要利益相關者橄欖油開采和橄欖油質量。舉辦兩期最佳實踐培訓課程。
2022 年 5 月,來自巴塞羅那大學藥物科學與食品科學學院、托裡貝拉食品與營養校區和營養與食品安全研究所 (INSA) 的團隊宣布將幫助解決摻假問題和商業欺詐案件 一種確定地理來源的新方法已經公佈。
2022 年 1 月,意大利政府通過了一項法律,禁止以低於成本的價格銷售特級初搾橄欖油,以保護供應商和運營商免受阻礙盈利能力的昂貴合同協議的影響。
According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Olives Market is growing at a CAGR of 6.5% during the forecast period. An edible olive fruit can be green or black. The olive is one of the most widely grown crops. This tree also provides olive pits. Olive, also known as a table olive, is a premium raw material used to create the well-known product known as olive oil. Different ripening levels at the time of harvest are used to produce the various types of olives that are currently on the market. Olives are frequently used in homes and restaurants to make a wide range of dishes.
According to the FAO, the global harvested area of olives was recorded at 9.7 million ha in 2017, which will grow to 12.7 million ha by 2020.
The trend is changing with the rising demand for oil and olive products, primarily because of their health benefits, as the general public becomes more informed about health. Antioxidants, omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants in olive oil improve heart health. Although the traditional centers of olive oil consumption were the Mediterranean nations-Spain, Italy, Morocco, Tunisia, and others-the growing middle class and wealthy consumers in China, Brazil, and India have begun incorporating refined and virgin olive oil into their daily diets, which is driving the market growth.
It is anticipated that in the coming years, the growth of the olive market will be constrained by the irregularities in the production of olive trees caused by climatic changes, their seasonal cultivation, and high production costs. Additionally, high production costs result in high prices for olives, which are expected to restrain the growth of the olive market during the projected timeframe.
Olive consumption offers a number of health advantages, including the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, defense against colon, skin, breast, and anemia, control of blood pressure, improvement of fertility and the reproductive system, and maintenance of a strong immune system. Additionally, olives are a crucial component in the production of pickles and olive oil. In the home, olives are also used to make a variety of dishes. Such a wide range of advantages is boosting the market.
Green olive oil has the ability to lower blood sugar levels below normal, which increases your risk of developing certain health issues like excessive sweating, hypoglycemia, trembling, and feeling weak. However, excessive consumption of olive oil has been linked to a number of health problems, including lightheadedness, dizziness, kidney failure, and stroke. Some research indicates that it can also cause a significant drop in blood pressure.
The COVID-19 outbreak caused problems in the olive market's supply chain, affecting everything from the olive grove to the consumer. FAOSTAT reports that since 2019, there has been a downward trend in the global production of olives. However, following a decline in 2019, the area used for olive farming increased in 2020. According to the Italian farmers' association Coldiretti, the market for olive oil in Italy has lost €2 billion ($2.25 billion) during the months of the COVID-19 lockdown. The closure of the food services and other coronavirus containment measures are responsible for the majority of the economic losses. However, the sector was also severely impacted by this time's declining olive oil prices.
During the forecast period, the food industry segment is anticipated to register the largest share. The majority of olive production is used to make oil, but there are sizable markets for processed olives for food, typically as an entree or snack or as an addition to cooked dishes. In olives, about 90 percent of the harvest gets turned into oil. It can be used in salads, as well as in cooking and as a drizzling agent for seasonal vegetables. Table olives pair nicely with a variety of cheeses and wines and make a great snack or appetizer. Some olives are sold stuffed with cheese, chili, lemon, and almonds. The growth of the segment is also being fueled by the numerous health claims made about the advantages of olives.
Due to their high iron intake, black olive segment is estimated to witness the highest CAGR during the projected period. In general, black olives have fewer calories and fat than green olives. Black olives are ripe when harvested, while green olives are unripe. Studies suggest that black olives are generally higher in antioxidant activity, which aids your cells in fending off damage, and polyphenols, which support the immune system, according to Dr. Russell H. Greenfield, clinical assistant professor of medicine at UNC Chapel Hill School of Medicine. Additionally, black olives are a marginally better choice when trying to cut back on saturated fat.
Europe is expected to witness the largest share during the forecast period. Owing to their production, consumption, and export of olives, all three are dominated by the European Union. With Spain, Italy, Greece, and France together accounting for more than 80% of global consumption, Europe is a significant contributor. According to the IOC, the European nations with the highest per-capita consumption of olive oil are Spain, Greece, Portugal, and Italy. In order to keep up with demand and production, the yield of olives in Europe increased from 26,398 to 27,346 hectograms per hectare.
Due to the shift in the consumption pattern towards the inclusion of olive oil in regular diets and greater usage of table olives, lucrative growth is anticipated in the North American region during the forecast period. One of North America's top producers of olive fruits is the United States. More than 95% of the olives grown in the US are produced in California. Additionally, the United States imports more olive oil than it exports, with the majority of those imports coming from Mediterranean nations like Greece, Italy, and Spain. Mexico and Canada are a couple of the other major producers of olives after the United States. The United States produced 91.6 thousand metric tons of olive fruit in 2021, and this amount is forecast to rise going forward, propelling the region's olive market.
Some of the key players profiled in the Olives Market include: 2Brother Olives & Foods, Adamakis Olives, Agrotiki S.A, Apollo Olive Oil, Escamilla, Eugene Brunel, Fruyper SA, Gaia olives, GARO-Aceituna Verde SL, Mantziolive Hellas P.C., Olive line international S.L and Texas Olive Oil.
In September 2022, The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is collaborating with the Ministry of Agriculture and the European Union to conduct two training sessions for key players in Jordan on the best practices on olive oil mining and olive oil quality.
In May 2022, A team from the Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences, Torribera Food and Nutrition Campus, and the Institute for Nutrition and Food Safety Research (INSA) of the University of Barcelona has presented a new methodology to determine the geographical origin of olive oil to help tackle adulteration and commercial fraud cases.
In January 2022, The Italian government has passed a law to protect suppliers and operators from burdensome contractual agreements hindering profitability and prohibiting the sale of extra virgin olive oil below cost.