到 2028 年的豬飼料市場預測——按類型、形式、補充劑類型、成分、性質、添加劑類型、最終用戶和地區進行的全球分析Swine Feed Market Forecasts to 2028 - Global Analysis By Type, Form, Supplements Type, Ingredient, Nature, Additives Type, End User and By Geography |
根據Stratistics MRC,2022年全球豬飼料市場規模將達到1363億美元,預計到2028年將達到1832.8億美元,預測期內增長5.06%。預計複合年增長率為
豬日糧含有來自玉米、大豆和小麥的天然成分。 進一步強化氨基酸、必需脂肪酸、維生素和礦物質以滿足豬的營養需求。 豬顆粒飼料和粉狀飼料已被開發出來以提高豬的生產性能和保持畜群健康,並且有多個品種可供選擇。 此外,某些豬日糧含有天然存在的基於真菌的□和天然存在的基於植物的蛋白質,有助於在消化過程中分解日糧的各種成分。
糧農組織數據顯示,豬肉產量從2017年的1.19億噸猛增到2018年的1.2億噸,生豬出欄量從14.866億頭增加到14.891億頭,生豬存欄量增加到1萬頭以滿足不斷增長的需求對豬肉的需求。 據糧農組織統計,2017年生豬存欄為96804萬頭,2018年增至97833萬頭。
預計生豬產量的增加將增加對動物蛋白的需求,尤其是肉類,這有望進一步加速豬飼料行業的擴張。 豬肉以其合理的價格深受各國居民的青睞。 此外,培根和火腿等豬肉產品因其風味和質地而經常受到消費者的青睞,飼料需求預計將增加。 未來幾年,西方國家豬肉市場的建立以及全球經濟中活豬肉和豬肉貿易的增加,預計將進一步推動市場擴張。
飼料製造中使用的原材料和添加劑的各種價格波動可能會阻礙市場擴張。 例如,玉米價格大幅上漲可能對中小養豬場主的償債能力產生不利影響。 越來越多的人選擇素食或素食並放棄動物產品,預計對豬肉的需求將受到阻礙,這將進一步對該行業產生不利影響。
有機豬飼料的生產、加工和儲存程序旨在盡量減少化學或人工添加劑和防腐劑的使用。 該行業的公司一直呼籲消費者購買有機豬飼料,因為它是由小麥和穀物等有機種植的原材料製成的。 這是因為它由生物元素組成。 由於公眾健康問題和消費者對食用有機豬肉的健康益處的認識不斷提高,對有機豬飼料的需求也可能增加。
採用植物性飲食和素食主義日益流行的趨勢預計會損害未來的豬消費量並減少豬飼料銷量。 此外,預計近期爆發的豬流感和非洲豬瘟 (ASF) 等各種豬病將對預測期內的產品標準和豬飼料的總體需求產生不利影響。
幾乎所有行業都受到當前全球爆發的 COVID-19 的影響,目前尚不清楚這是否會在長期或短期內影響動物飼料行業。 整體的 COVID-19 情景迫使許多公司暫時關閉或兼職運營,動物飼料行業也不例外。 關於肉類消費的錯誤信息和假設導致肉□□類生產和供應減少,肉類消費減少。 由於形勢的不確定性,很難預測未來幾年的飼料市場統計數據,但預計數字將大幅波動。
由於仔豬和新生豬的高消費量,預計生長飼料部分將實現有利增長。 旨在促進仔豬生長的養殖飼料成本高昂,是推動該行業佔據重要市場份額的主要因素之一。 生長豬對飼料需求的激增也是推動該行業增長的主要因素。
在預測期內,糧食行業預計將以最快的複合年增長率增長。 豬是單胃動物,消化纖維的能力很差(消化效率只有 50% 到 80%,具體取決於纖維的類型和豬的年齡)。 應為 IGS 提供專為滿足其需求而配製的家庭混合或完整飲食。 出於這個原因,他們需要額外的食物,因為他們不能單獨在牧場上生活。
在預測期內,亞太地區預計將佔據最大的市場份額。 包括中國、日本、韓國、馬來西亞等亞洲國家的豬肉消費量比以往任何時候都多,這是該地區豬飼料利用率高的主要原因。 豬肉產量高、勞動力成本低、農場成本低和已建立的分銷網絡都是推動該行業向前發展的重要因素。 養豬業在任何經濟體中都是高利潤的。
隨著可支配收入的增加、豬肉需求的增加以及製造商有效的營銷策略增加了對豬飼料的需求,預計歐洲在預測期內的複合年增長率最高。 對有機豬飼料的需求也在增長。 這是因為人們越來越了解使用有機豬飼料對豬的健康生長有好處。
2023 年 1 月,嘉吉擴大了與巴斯夫在動物營養業務方面的合作夥伴關係,為其現有的飼料□分銷協議增加了研發能力和新市場。 這種夥伴關係支持以客戶為中心的□產品和動物解決方案的開發、生產、營銷和分銷,包括豬。
2022 年 5 月,ADM 公司從 South Sunrays Milling Corporation 手中收購了位於南哥打巴托省 Polomoroc 的一家飼料廠。 此次收購將幫助我們提供更廣泛的產品,以滿足亞洲動物營養市場的需求。
2021 年 7 月,De Heus 收購了荷蘭一家專門從事養豬業的飼料製造商 Coppens Diervoeding。 此次收購使該公司的產能提高了 400k,並加強了其區域影響力。
According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Swine Feed Market is accounted for $136.30 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach $183.28 billion by 2028 growing at a CAGR of 5.06% during the forecast period. Natural elements derived from corn, soybeans and wheat are used to make swine feed. To suit the nutrient needs of pigs, it is additionally enriched with amino acids, vital fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. There are several different pellet and mash swine diets on the market that are formulated to enhance performance objectives and herd health. In addition, certain types of swine feed contain naturally occurring fungal-based enzymes that help break down the feed's various components during digestion as well as proteins derived from all-natural plant sources.
According to Food and Agriculture Organization, the production quantity of pig meat rose sharply from 119 million metric ton in 2017 to 120 million metric ton in 2018, while the number of pigs slaughtered also rise from 1,486.6 million to 1,489.1 million heads, to meet the rising demand for swine meat. According to Food and Agriculture Organization, the swine population was 968.04 million in 2017, and it increased to 978.33 million in 2018.
The increased production of pigs is anticipated to increase the demand for animal protein, particularly in the form of meat, which is further anticipated to accelerate the expansion of the swine feed industry. Pork is quite well-liked by the inhabitants of the various economies due to its reasonable pricing structure. Additionally, the high consumer favourability of pork products like bacon, gammon and others due to their flavour and texture will increase the demand for feed. In the approaching years, it is anticipated that established pork markets in western economies and rising trade in live pigs and pork across a number of worldwide economies will further fuel market expansion.
The market's expansion may be hampered by the high price volatility of the raw materials and additives used in the manufacturing of feed. For instance, a considerable increase in maize prices may adversely affect the owners of small and medium-sized pig farms' capacity to pay it. The demand for pig meat is expected to be hampered by the increased number of people choosing vegan and vegetarian diets and giving up animal products, which would further negatively impact the industry.
The production, processing, and preservation procedures for organic pig feed aim to use as few chemical or artificial additives and preservatives as possible. Because it is made from ingredients like wheat and grains that are grown organically, businesses in this sector constantly promote organic swine feed to consumers. This is due to the fact that they are constructed of biological elements. Due to growing public health concerns and consumer awareness of the health advantages of eating organic pork, there is also likely to be an increase in the demand for organic swine feed.
The adoption of plant-based diets and the rise in popularity of veganism are developments that are predicted to damage pig consumption in the future and reduce swine feed sales. It is also projected that the recent outbreak of various swine illnesses, including swine flu and African Swine Fever (ASF), will negatively affect product standards and overall swine feed demand during the course of the forecast period.
Nearly every industry is being impacted by the current global COVID-19 outbreak, and it is unclear whether this will have long- or short-term effects on the animal feed sector. The entire COVID-19 scenario has forced numerous companies to temporarily close their doors or only operate part-time, and the animal feed sector is no exception. Meat production and supply have decreased as a result of false information and suppositions regarding meat consumption, which has also led to a decrease in meat consumption. The situation's vagueness makes it difficult to forecast the market statistics for feed in the coming years, but significant swings are anticipated to happen in the numbers.
The grower feed segment is estimated to have a lucrative growth, due to the high consumption of piglets or newborn pigs. The high cost of grower feed, which is intended to promote growth in young pigs, is one of the main factors contributing to the segment's significant market share. Another significant factor anticipated to spur the segment's growth is a sharp rise in the amount of feed required by growing pigs.
The cereals segment is anticipated to witness the fastest CAGR growth during the forecast period. Pigs are monogastric animals with poor fibre digestion (with an efficiency range of only 50% to 80% depending on the kind of fibre and age of the pigs). IGS should be fed either a home-mixed food that has been particularly formulated to meet their demands or a complete meal. Because of this, they can't survive on pasture alone and need additional food.
Asia Pacific is projected to hold the largest market share during the forecast period. Asian nations including China, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, and others are consuming more pig meat than ever before, which is the main reason for the high swine feed utilisation in the region. Strong pork output, low labour costs, low farm costs, and a well-established distribution network are all key factors driving the industry ahead. Pig production is very profitable in all economies.
Europe is projected to have the highest CAGR over the forecast period, owing to increased disposable income, a rise in the demand for pork, and efficient marketing tactics used by manufacturers all contribute to the need for swine feed. The demand for organic swine feed has also grown, which can be ascribed to a rise in public knowledge of the advantages of using organic swine feed for the healthy development of pigs.
Some of the key players profiled in the Swine Feed Market include ADM Animal Nutrition, Novus International, DSM Animal Nutrition, Cargill Incorporated, Kent Nutrition Group, Lallemand Inc., BASF SE, Archer Daniels Midland, Nutreco NV, Alltech Inc., Chr Hansen Holding A/S, Land O'Lakes Inc, and De Heus.
In January, 2023, Cargill expanded their partnership with BASF in the animal nutrition business, adding research and development capabilities and new markets to the partners' existing feed enzymes distribution agreements. This partnership helped develop, produce, market, and sell customer-centric enzyme products and solutions for animals, including swine.
In May, 2022, ADM Company acquired a feed mill in Polomolok, South Cotabato, from South Sunrays Milling Corporation. The acquisition helps in providing a wide range of products to meet Asia's demand in the animal nutrition market.
In July, 2021, De Heus acquired a feed manufacturing company Coppens Diervoeding, a Netherland-based company specializing in the pig farming sector. This acquisition helped the company to increase its production capacity by 400k and strengthen its regional presence.
Note: Tables for North America, Europe, APAC, South America, and Middle East & Africa Regions are also represented in the same manner as above.