到 2028 年的遠程電源面板市場預測——按類型(落地式、壁掛式、其他)、應用(網絡機櫃、服務器機房、其他)和地區進行的全球分析Remote Power Panel Market Forecasts to 2028 - Global Analysis By Type (Floor-Standing, Wall-Mounted and Other Types), Application (Network Cabinets, Server Rooms and Other Applications) and By Geography |
根據 Stratistics MRC 的數據,全球遠程電源面板市場預計將在 2022 年達到 10.2 億美元,並在 2028 年達到 15.2 億美元,根據預測期預計將以 CAGR 增長期間為 6.8%
遠程配電盤在現代配電系統中必不可少。 遠程配電盤提供了一種可靠且高效的方式來集中監控您的配電資產。 作為顧問和副總裁級行業專家,了解遠程電源面板市場的最新創新和趨勢至關重要。
根據 2022 年 BP 世界能源統計評論,該地區的一次能源消耗從 2013 年的 220.48 艾焦增加到 2021 年的 272.45 艾焦。 根據中國國家能源局的數據,到2021年底,全國可再生能源發電量將達到1.063太瓦,約佔總發電量的44.8%。 根據國家能源局 (NEA) 的數據,中國在 2022 年安裝了 87.4GW 的太陽能。
對數字化的大力推動正在推動 IT 行業的快速增長。 為了避免數據丟失並確保數據自動備份,雲存儲解決方案越來越受歡迎。 隨著IT行業的快速發展以及數字技術和雲服務的普及,對高可靠數據中心的需求越來越大。 由於數字化投資,數據中心投資正在看到一系列新前景。 RPP 提供了必要的冗餘層和故障轉移安全性,有助於優化電力使用和降低能源成本,並使 IT 管理員能夠從世界任何地方控制電力使用,使得這些努力有望增加對 RPP 的需求。
各種利用架空母線槽配電系統的配電結構設計,由於其諸多優點,越來越多地被用於數據中心的配電。 最初,數據中心配電使用主配電單元 (PDU) 和小型遠程配電盤 (RPP) 為機架提供電力鞭狀,這是正常的工業實踐。 配電所需組件的頻繁更換迫使電工不斷使用新的電鞭,即使它們過熱也是如此。 因此,配電所需的 PDU 和 RPP 更少。
數據中心排放大量二氧化碳並消耗大量水電。 投資者現在可以通過這些創新確保他們的數據中心使用無碳能源。 為了實現可持續發展目標,測量和監控數據中心能耗越來越受歡迎。 數據中心運營商可以使用RPP遠程管理和監控功耗,發現能源浪費並做出改變以降低能源消耗。 隨著數據處理和存儲需求的增加以及數據中心在世界技術基礎設施中發揮更大的作用,這一點至關重要。
遠程配電盤供應商必須遵守適用於數據中心電源的所有法律要求。 國際標準化組織 (ISO)、歐洲電工標準化委員會和美國國家標準協會 (ANSI/BICSI) 已經制定了數據中心必須如何用電的指南。 因此,大多數供應商更願意根據數據中心的需求來消耗電力,這阻礙了數據中心電力市場的增長。 在滿足這些要求的同時,新市場進入者的資格認證過程具有挑戰性。
COVID-19(冠狀病毒)的傳播已導致許多工業部門大規模停產和供應鏈問題。已採取措施推遲生產,但更大的破壞正在發生。 在大流行的早期階段,阻止 COVID-19 傳播的政府法規導致這些國家的勞動力短缺,這對遠程配電盤市場份額產生了負面影響。 然而,大流行對電力行業影響不大,支持了對 ECP 的持續需求。
地板類型估計增長良好。 落地式分體式配電盤的安裝方式有獨立式和螺栓式兩種。 它們也更大、更耐用,與壁掛支架相比,它們可以容納更多的斷路器和電氣元件。 高容量、耐用性和靈活的安裝正在推動這一領域的擴張。
在預測期內,數據中心部分預計將以最快的複合年增長率增長。 在過去的幾年裡,數據中心已經從私人控股公司容納一家公司單獨使用的傳統 IT 基礎設施,發展到受到高度監管的本地設施,再到許多公司和客戶共同使用的虛擬化。它變成了一個遠程設施或設施雲服務提供商擁有的網絡,其中包含 IT 基礎設施。
北美數據中心市場不斷湧現新的創新和趨勢,預計在預測期內北美將佔據最大的市場份額。 對高效配電的需求,以及超大規模、邊緣計算和模塊化數據中心的興起等其他主要趨勢,正在推動遠程配電盤市場的發展。
預計亞太地區在預測期內的複合年增長率最高。 這是因為這些國家正在快速工業化,所有工業活動都在線進行。 工業部門正在私有化,對數據中心的投資正在飆升。
2023 年 1 月,施耐德電氣收購了工業軟件解決方案提供商 AVEVA。 通過此次收購,兩家公司將對客戶的運營進行數字化轉型,通過降低能源、碳和資源強度來推動改進,並幫助客戶實現效率和可持續發展目標。
2021 年 9 月,ABB 達成協議,將其電力轉換部門出售給 AcBel Polytech Inc。 該交易尚待監管部門批准,預計將於 2023 年下半年完成。 該部門為電信、數據中心和工業應用提供電源解決方案。 ABB 預計在交易完成後,營業收入的銷售將錄得適度的非經營賬面收益。
2020 年 8 月,施耐德電氣推出了 Galaxy RPP。 Galaxy RPP 產品是高度可配置和模塊化的。 此外,還可以隨時隨地進行監控,還可以通過手機提供服務支持。 此外,緊湊的設計便於安裝和維護。 該產品與 75 至 500kVA 的所有 PDU 兼容。
According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Remote Power Panel Market is accounted for $1.02 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach $1.52 billion by 2028 growing at a CAGR of 6.8% during the forecast period. Modern power distribution systems must include remote power panels because they offer a reliable and efficient way to monitor and control power distribution assets from a central location. It's crucial to keep up with the most recent innovations and trends in the Remote Power Panel market as a consultant or industry expert at the VP level.
According to the BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2022, the primary energy consumption in the region increased from 220, 48 exajoules in 2013 to 272.45 exajoules in 2021. According to China's National Energy Administration, the country's renewable installed capacity reached 1.063 terawatts by the end of 2021, accounting for about 44.8% of the total installed generation capacity. According to the National Energy Administration (NEA) data, China installed 87.4 GW of solar in 2022.
A strong push towards digitization is driving the IT sector's rapid growth. To avoid data loss and assure automatic data backups, cloud storage solutions are becoming more and more popular. With the rapid improvements in the IT industry and the rising popularity of digital technologies and cloud services, there is a growing need for reliable data centres. Data centre investments are finding a variety of new prospects as a result of investments in digitalization. These initiatives are expected to increase demand for RPPs since they offer an essential layer of redundancy and failover security, aid in power usage optimisation and energy cost reduction, and allow IT managers to control power usage from any location in the world.
In light of their many advantages, various power distribution structural designs utilising overhead busway distribution systems are now being included in data centres more frequently for power distribution. Initially, major power distribution units (PDUs), which branch out to smaller remote power panels (RPPs), which provide power whips to racks, were used for power distribution in data centres as a normal industrial practise. Due to the frequent component replacements needed for power distribution, electricians are compelled to constantly utilise fresh whips, even when they are overheated. As a result, fewer PDUs and RPPs are required for power distribution.
Data centres generate a sizable amount of carbon emissions and are heavy users of water and electricity. Investors now have the chance to secure data centres with carbon-free energy sources thanks to these innovations. In order to better meet sustainability objectives, measurement and monitoring of data centre energy consumption are gaining popularity. Data centre operators may remotely manage and monitor power consumption with the help of RPPs, which enables them to spot places where energy is being wasted and make changes to lower energy consumption. This is crucial at a time when demand for data processing and storage is rising and data centres are playing a bigger role in the world's technological infrastructure.
Vendors of remote power panels must adhere to all legal requirements that apply to power supplies for data centres. The International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO), the European Committee for Electro-technical Standardisation, and the American National Standards Institute/Building Industry Consulting Services International (ANSI/BICSI) have established guidelines for how data centres must use electricity. As a result, the majority of vendors prefer to consume power in accordance with the needs of data centres, which has hampered the growth of the data centre power market. The accreditation process for new market entrants is challenging while adhering to these requirements.
The spread of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) has resulted in mass production shutdowns and problems along the supply chain across a number of industry sectors, particularly in China where the virus originated, but wider disruptions are now being felt as other jurisdictions take action to contain or delay the spread of the virus. Due to the shortage of labour in these nations as a result of restrictions put in place by governments to stem the spread of COVID-19 in the early stages of the crisis, the market share of remote power panels was negatively impacted. Nevertheless, the pandemic had little effect on the electricity industry, which supported the ongoing need for ECPs.
The floor-standing segment is estimated to have a lucrative growth. Installation options for floor-standing remote power panels include freestanding or bolted-down options. They can hold more circuit breakers and other electrical components than wall-mounted panels since they are often larger and more durable. Their segmental expansion is boosted by their high power capacity, improved durability, and flexible installation advantages.
The data centres segment is anticipated to witness the fastest CAGR growth during the forecast period. Over the past few years, data centres have changed from being privately owned, strictly regulated on-premises facilities housing traditional IT infrastructure for the sole use of one company to remote facilities or networks of facilities owned by cloud service providers housing virtualized IT infrastructure for the shared use of numerous companies and customers.
North America is projected to hold the largest market share during the forecast period owing to new innovations and rising trends are continually appearing in the North American data centre market. The demand for efficient power distribution is driving the market for remote power panels, along with other major trends like the rise of hyper scale, edge computing, and modular data centres.
Asia Pacific is projected to have the highest CAGR over the forecast period, owing to rapid industrialization is taking place in these countries, and all industrial operations are moving online. Investments in data centres are soaring in the area as privatisation of the industrial sector rises.
Some of the key players profiled in the Remote Power Panel Market include Eaton, Toshiba International Corporation, ABB, Universal Power and Cooling, Allied Power and Control, Delta Group, Raptor Power Systems, Anord Mardix, Vertiv Group Corporation, Layerzero Power Systems, Inc., Hanley Energy, C&C Power, Inc., The Ea Group, Schneider Electric, Jiangsu Acrel Electrical Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Lutron Electronics Co. Inc, United Engineering Company, Inc., Socomec and Lyntec.
In January 2023, Schneider Electric acquired AVEVA, a provider of industrial software solutions. The acquisition will enable both companies to digitally transform customers' operations and drive improvements through a reduction in energy, carbon, and resource intensity, encouraging customers to achieve their goals regarding efficiency and sustainability.
In September 2021, ABB reached an agreement to sell the Power Conversion division to AcBel Polytech Inc. The transaction is subject to regulatory approvals and is expected to be completed in the second half of 2023. This segment offers power solutions for telecommunication, data center, and industrial applications. Upon closing, ABB expects to record a small non-operational book gain in income from operations on the sale.
In August 2020, Schneider Electric launched the Galaxy RPP. Galaxy RPP products are highly configurable and modular. It also offers anytime, anywhere monitoring and service support via cellphone. They are easy to install and maintain due to their compact design. The products compleiments all 75- 500 kVA PDUs.