到 2028 年的丙醇市場預測——按類型、純度、包裝類型、應用、最終用戶和地區進行的全球分析Propanol Market Forecasts to 2028 - Global Analysis By Type, Purity, Packaging Type, Application, End User and By Geography |
根據Stratistics MRC,2022年全球丙醇市場規模將達到39.6億美元,預計2028年將達到56.2億美元,預測期內增長6.0%。預計以 % 的 CAGR 增長。
異丙醇和正丙醇(有時稱為 1-丙醇)是最常見的透明無色醇。 異丙醇和正丙醇通常用作各種工業應用中的天然溶劑。 此外,正丙醇等中等揮發性醇類在塗料工業中用於改善電泳塗料、醇酸樹脂和烘烤塗料的干燥性能。 此外,由於具有抑製成品起泡和稀釋液體稠度的作用,在化妝品領域也常被用作主要原料。
由於對油漆和塗料的需求不斷增加,丙醇市場正在擴大。 油漆和塗料行業在製造過程中使用正丙醇作為溶劑。 大多數新興地區不斷增長的城市人口是建築業增長的原因。 汽車工業是油漆和塗料的另一個重要用戶。 汽車行業仍受經濟衰退影響,新車需求不多。 因此,這些國家建築業的擴張將增加對油漆和塗料的需求,最終將推動全球丙醇市場。
丙醇市場的擴張受到揮發性有機化合物排放和與使用石化溶劑相關的其他環境問題的限制。 與石油基溶劑相關的環境風險將增加使用不含石化產品的無溶劑替代品,例如在建築應用中使用水性油漆和塗料,而不是溶劑型油漆和塗料,這是一個因素。 使用具有石化溶劑特性的不含VOC的生物綠色溶劑可以解決這個問題。
溶劑在工業中很有用,因為它們能夠與各種固體、液體和氣體結合。 含有丙烷的溶劑經常用於油漆、粘合劑和藥物等領域。 世界發展中國家正在快速工業化,未來幾年丙醇製造商有擴張的空間。 隨著建築、汽車和醫療保健等市場的發展,粘合劑、油漆、藥品等的消費量增加,預計新興國家的丙醇市場將增長。
基於丙醇的溶劑會造成各種健康危害。 接觸正丙醇和正丙醇會引起多種症狀,包括皮膚龜裂、嗜睡、頭痛、共濟失調、胃腸道疼痛、胃痙攣、噁心、嘔吐和腹瀉。 另一方面,接觸異丙醇會損害大腦、肝臟、腎臟和循環系統等器官。 異丙醇被認為比正丙醇危險性稍低。 因此,基於丙醇的溶劑的不利影響會使市場變得困難。
COVID-19 大流行導致藥品、食品和飲料以及個人護理產品的各種製造設施在 2020 年關閉,對丙醇市場的增長產生了負面影響。 進出口供應鏈中斷,導致原材料供應減少,進一步對市場增長產生負面影響。 此外,鑑於新常態和每個地區多家公司的重新開業,預計丙醇市場將在預測期內恢復正常。
異丙醇部分預計會有良好的增長。 由於其低成本和廣泛的可用性,異丙醇被用作各種產品的溶劑,包括油漆和塗料、油墨、藥品以及家庭和個人護理產品。 異丙醇也越來越多地用於使乙醇變性,這是需求的主要驅動力之一。 因此,由於異丙醇的使用量增加,市場在預測期內將繼續上漲。
在預測期內,製藥行業預計將以最快的複合年增長率增長。 稱為 β 受體阻滯劑的藥物包括丙醇。 含有丙醇的藥物通常以口服片劑、口服液、口服緩釋膠囊和注射劑的形式出現。 極少量的異丙醇用於製造膠囊和片劑。 丙醇用於治療多種疾病,包括高血壓、心律失常、嗜鉻細胞瘤、某些類型的震顫和肥厚性主動脈瓣下狹窄。
丙醇及其衍生物的需求受到中國、印度和韓國等經濟快速增長的國家的推動,因此亞太地區有望在預測期內佔據最大的市場份額。 影響消費的關鍵變量之一是不斷增加的基礎設施支出,以及強大的製藥行業環境。 此外,政府正在努力提高消毒劑的產量以對抗 COVID-19 病毒。
由於特種化學品和藥品的使用不斷擴大,預計歐洲在預測期內的複合年增長率最高。 對消毒劑的需求正在推動使用量激增。 由於大量消耗異丙醇,該化合物供不應求。 為了成功生產異丙醇,該地區的許多公司都在簡化原材料供應。
2018 年 7 月,OXEA GmbH 在美國德克薩斯州開設了新的丙醇生產設施。 新設施將使公司在北美的正丙醇產能增加 75%。
2017 年 3 月,荷蘭皇家殼牌公司在印度班加羅爾建立了一個新技術中心。 此次擴張是該公司擴大其在亞洲的研發活動戰略的一部分。
2015 年 8 月,OXEA GmbH 推出了新產品正丙醇(殺菌劑質量)。 該產品專門設計為殺生物產品的基礎。
According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Propanol Market is accounted for $3.96 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach $5.62 billion by 2028 growing at a CAGR of 6.0% during the forecast period. Isopropanol and n-propanol, sometimes known as 1-propanol, are two of the most commonly seen colourless forms of alcohol. Isopropanol and n-propanol are generally employed as natural solvents in a variety of industrial applications. In addition, medium-volatile alcohol such as n-propanol is employed in the coating business to improve the drying capabilities of electro-deposition paints, alkyd resins, and baked finishes. Due to its capacity to lessen the tendency of completed products to produce foam and reduce liquid thickness, it is frequently utilised as one of the primary raw ingredients in the cosmetics sector.
The market for propanol has grown as a result of the growing demand for paint and coatings. The paints and coatings industry uses n-propanol as a solvent during production. The growing urban population in the majority of emerging regions is the cause of the growth of the building sector. The automotive industry is a further significant user of paints and coatings. The consequences of the recession are still being felt by the automotive industry, and there is not much of a demand for new vehicles. Thus, when the construction sector expands in these countries, there will be a greater demand for paints and coatings, which will ultimately drive the worldwide propanol market.
Propanol market expansion is being constrained by VOC emissions and other environmental issues related to the usage of solvents based on petrochemicals. The environmental risks associated with petroleum-based solvents have prompted an increase in the use of substitutes that use less petrochemical-based solvent, such as the use of water-based paints and coatings in construction applications rather than solvent-based paints and coatings. The usage of bio & green solvents with the properties of petrochemical-based solvents and without VOCs can solve this issue.
The ability of solvents to combine with various solids, liquids, and gases makes them useful in industry. Solvents containing propane are frequently utilised in sectors like paint, adhesives, and pharmaceuticals. The world's developing nations are rapidly industrialising, which will offer plenty of room for expansion for propanol producers in the years to come. The propanol market in emerging nations will grow as a result of rising adhesive, paint, pharmaceutical, and other product consumption brought on by developments in the construction, automotive, healthcare, and other industries.
Health risks of many kinds can be caused by exposure to propanol solvents. N-propyl alcohol or n-propanol exposure can result in a variety of symptoms, including cracking skin, sleepiness, headaches, ataxia, gastrointestinal pain, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea. On the other hand, exposure to isopropyl alcohol can harm the brain, the liver, the kidneys, the cardiovascular system, and other organs. Isopropyl alcohol is thought to be slightly less hazardous than n-propanol. As a result, the market may face difficulties due to the negative impacts of propanol solvents.
The COVID-19 pandemic caused the closure of various manufacturing facilities for pharmaceuticals, food and drink, and personal care products in 2020, which had an adverse effect on the expansion of the propanol market. Raw material availability decreased as a result of the import-export supply chain disruption, which had an additional negative impact on market expansion. Additionally, it is predicted that the propanol market will return to normal circumstances in the forecast period taking into account the new normal state and the reopening of several enterprises in various regions.
The isopropanol segment is estimated to have a lucrative growth. Isopropanol is utilised as a solvent in a variety of products including paints & coatings, inks, medicines, and household & personal care items since it is inexpensive and widely available. Isopropanol is increasingly being used to denaturize ethanol, which is one of the main causes fueling the demand for it. So, during the course of the projection period, the market would continue to rise as a result of the rising use of isopropanol.
The drugs segment is anticipated to witness the fastest CAGR growth during the forecast period. The class of medications known as beta-blockers includes propanol. Drugs containing propanol often come in oral tablet, oral liquid solution, oral extended-release capsule, and Injectable forms. In very small amounts, isopropanol is used to make capsules and tablets. Propanol is used to treat a variety of conditions, including high blood pressure, irregular heartbeats, pheochromocytoma, some forms of tremors, and hypertrophic subaortic stenosis.
Asia Pacific is projected to hold the largest market share during the forecast period owing to demand for propanol and its derivatives is being driven by nations with rapid economic expansion, like China, India, and South Korea. One of the key variables influencing consumption is the increase in infrastructure spending, along with the existence of a strong pharmaceutical industry environment. Additionally, governments are attempting to enhance sanitizer manufacturing to counter the COVID-19 virus.
Europe is projected to have the highest CAGR over the forecast period, owing to the use of speciality chemicals and pharmaceuticals has expanded. The demand for sanitizers is driving a rapid increase in use. Large-scale consumption of isopropyl alcohol has caused a shortage of the compounds. To successfully make isopropyl alcohol, many businesses in the area are simplifying their raw material supply.
Some of the key players profiled in the Propanol Market include LG Chem Ltd., The Dow Chemical Company, Exxon Mobil Corporation, Tokuyama Corporation, BASF SE, LCY Chemical Corp., Sasol Limited, Eastman Chemical Company, Royal Dutch Shell Plc, JXTG Holdings, Inc., China National Petroleum Corporation, Mitsui Chemicals Inc., Zhejiang Xinhua Chemical Co Ltd., Oxea GMBH and ISU Chemical Co Ltd.
In July 2018, OXEA GmbH inaugurated its new propanol production unit in Texas, US. The new production facility will increase the company's North American production capacity of n-propanol by 75%.
In March 2017, Royal Dutch Shell established its new technology center in Bangalore, India. Expansion is a part of the company's strategy to expand its R&D activities in Asia.
In August 2015, OXEA GmbH launched a new product, namely, n-propanol (biocide quality). The product is specially designed as a base material for biocidal products.
Note: Tables for North America, Europe, APAC, South America, and Middle East & Africa Regions are also represented in the same manner as above.