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到 2028 年的水溶性聚合物市場預測——按原材料(天然、合成、半合成)、應用(水處理、食品加工、其他應用)和地區進行的全球分析Water-Soluble Polymer Market Forecasts to 2028 - Global Analysis By Raw Material (Natural, Synthetic and Semisynthetic), Application (Water Treatment, Food Processing and Other Applications), and By Geography |
根據Stratistics MRC,2022年全球水溶性聚合物市場規模將達到381.5億美元,預測期內復合年增長率為7.5%,2028年將達到588億美元。預計達到9000萬美元。
被稱為水溶性聚合物的化合物在暴露於水性環境時會發生物理性質的變化。 水溶性聚合物通常具有親水基團,取代或結合到聚合物的主鏈中以形成水溶性聚合物鏈。 親水基團可以是陽離子的、兩性的、陰離子的或非離子的。 水溶性聚合物用於食品、醫藥、造紙、建築、膠粘劑、水處理、油漆、纖維、塗料等諸多領域。
據中國廢水行業統計,到2025年,中國工業廢水行業規模將達到194億美元左右。 此外,中國計劃在幾個重污染行業投資 500 億美元,包括紡織、印刷、鋼鐵生產、石油和天然氣開採、煤炭開采和製藥生產。
新型氨基酸被用於製造耐高溫的水溶性聚合物,而在嚴酷條件下加工後對熱穩定性要求很高的現代應用中,傳統水溶性聚合物的耐熱性仍然很差。足夠的。 另一方面,非常熱穩定的塑料,如聚□胺,幾乎沒有水溶性。 本研究的目的是展示如何以一種新穎的方式為塑料工程創建分子構建模塊,從而在不破壞聚□亞胺主鏈的情況下誘導高水溶性。 作為測試的結果,產生了具有極高水溶性的聚□胺,並且加工後的聚合物具有出色的熱機械和光學性能。
由於基於聚丙烯□胺的聚合物取決於土壤類型,因此無法在不同地點大量採購,多餘的材料也無法在其他地點使用。 每個站點在使用前都必須進行測試,這可能需要幾天時間才能完成。 較高的使用量會使土壤窒息並減少滲透。 將它放在沒有細淤泥或粘土的純沙子或礫石上,或者放在雪地上是無效的。 禁止進入水體或直接施用於水中。 施於濕土時有效,施於乾土或濕土時無效。 毒性和致癌性的水平取決於水溶性聚合物的類型。 只應使用對環境最安全的水溶性聚合物產品。 因此,上述所有因素都阻礙了市場的增長。
水溶性聚合物廣泛應用於石油和天然氣行業,尤其是在上游和中游領域。 它用於鑽井、完井、注水泥、油氣井生產、轉向劑應用、油井增產、沉積物形成控制以及石油和石油污染系統的處理。 石油公司主要依靠化學強化採油和水力壓裂工藝來實現最大產量並滿足迅速增長的能源需求。 粘土中的抗溶脹劑、泥漿中的濾失控製劑、流變改性劑、固體懸浮劑、高溫高壓應用只是這些推動市場增長的聚合物出色鑽井應用中的一小部分。
高分子量聚丙烯□胺經常用作廢水處理中的絮凝劑,以及提高采收率中的粘度調節劑。 過度使用或管理不當會污染當地水源並傷害當地動植物。 此外,高分子聚合物對環境的破壞較小。 然而,在此過程中,高分子聚合物暴露在特別惡劣的機械、化學和熱環境中。 結果,聚合物材料變質和分解,改變其物理和化學性質,阻礙了整個市場的增長。
COVID-19 大流行嚴重影響了各個最終用途領域的增長和供應鏈中斷。 隨著冠狀病毒疫情的持續,限制塑料使用的嚴格政府法律可能會對市場產生不利影響。 保護環境和健康在全世界都非常重要。 因此,遵守政府機構的要求對於有效的廢水和水處理過程至關重要。 此外,由於流行病期間對清潔和安全水資源的需求,水處理行業大幅增長。
由於天然水溶性聚合物在包裝商品中具有多種功能,而且通常用量適中,因此預計天然部分將實現有利可圖的增長。 水溶性聚合物是許多秘密調味料的關鍵成分。 水溶性聚合物在沙拉醬中充當穩定劑,防止油水混合物分離。 它可以防止冰淇淋中的冰晶生長,並使可可粉保持懸浮在巧克力牛奶中。 WSP 賦予軟糖標誌性的質地,使奶油芝士變稠,並將綠橄欖多香果條捆綁在一起。
在預測期內,預計水處理行業的複合年增長率最高。 由於對廢水處理的需求不斷增長,水處理行業佔據了很大一部分市場。 各種工業運營排放的廢液增加了對水處理的需求,這推動了市場的擴張。 美國、英國、中國和德國對生態學日益增長的興趣將通過嚴格的環境法規促進該行業的發展。 管理廢水排放和飲用水質量的環境法規可能會增加對合成聚合物的需求。
亞太地區預計在預測期內佔據最高的市場份額。 這是因為廢水處理行業不斷增長的需求預計將成為亞太地區的主要驅動因素。 由於環境問題的增加以及商業和政府官員為盡量減少對生態系統的危害而進行的支出增加,預計市政和工業廢水處理行業將會增長。 中國生產和消費大量的水溶性聚合物。 由於廢水處理行業預計在預測期內增長,因此對聚丙烯□胺等聚合物的需求可能會出現區域性增長,聚丙烯□胺是廢水處理中常見的絮凝劑和混凝劑。
由於石油和天然氣行業的需求不斷增加,預計北美在預測期內的複合年增長率最高。 在石油和天然氣行業,鑽井、鑽井、生產和採油技術等活動增加了對這些材料的需求。 隨著美國水力壓裂技術的進步,預計石油回收技術將在石油和天然氣鑽井作業中發揮重要作用,從而刺激該地區的市場擴張。 石油和天然氣行業不斷增長的需求預計將推動市場擴張,因為它比採油技術中使用的其他輸注液更具可定制性。
2021 年 6 月,Infinite Material Solutions 推出了一種用於 3D 打印微孔部件的新型水溶性熱塑性塑料。
2021 年 2 月,總部位於英國的 Aquapak Polymers 開發了 Hydropol,這是一種革命性的新型樹脂,可混合到標準塑料顆粒中。 該產品被認為可以消除塑料污染,因為它是水溶性的,並且可以安全地生物降解為礦化的天然生物質、水和二氧化碳。
2021 年 2 月,SNF 將投資 3 億美元為其位於美國路易斯安那州的生產設施增加 3 萬噸/年的粉末級聚丙烯□胺 (PAM) 和 1 萬噸丙烯□胺。生產設施將於 2022 年完工
According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Water-Soluble Polymer Market is accounted for $38.15 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach $58.89 billion by 2028 growing at a CAGR of 7.5% during the forecast period. Compounds known as water soluble polymers experience a change in their physical characteristics when exposed to aqueous environments. Hydrophilic groups that are replaced for or integrated into the polymer's backbone often make up water soluble polymer chains. It is possible for the hydrophilic groups to be cationic, amphoteric, anionic, or nonionic. Numerous sectors, including those in the food, pharmaceutical, paper, construction, adhesive, water treatment, paint, textiles, and coating, use water soluble polymers.
According to China's wastewater industrials, by 2025, China's industrial wastewater industry will reach around USD 19.4 billion. Moreover, China plans to invest USD 50 billion into several heavily polluting industries, including textile, printing, steel production, oil and gas extraction, coal mining, and pharmaceutical production
New amino acids are used to create water-soluble polymers that can withstand high temperatures or contemporary applications that require significant thermal stability after processing under difficult conditions, the heat resistance of conventional soluble polymers is still insufficient. On the other side, plastics with very high heat stability, such polyamides, have little water solubility. The goal of the research work was to show how a molecular building block may be created in a novel way for plastic engineering that induces high water solubility in polyimides without damaging the backbone. According to the results of the tests, polyamides with extraordinarily high water solubility are created, and processed polymers have outstanding thermo mechanical and optical characteristics.\
These materials are soil type-specific, thus a contractor cannot purchase in bulk for various sites or use leftover material at another site. It requires site-specific testing before use, which might take many days to finish. Increased usage may choke soils, reducing infiltration. When applied on pure sand or gravel that doesn't include any fine silts or clays, as well as when placed on top of snow, it is ineffective. Neither is permitted to neither enter a water body nor be applied directly to water. Although it works when applied to wet soil, it is less effective when applied to dry or moist soil. Different water soluble polymers have different levels of toxicity and carcinogenicity. Only the water soluble polymer goods that are the safest for the environment should be utilised. Hence, all the above factors hinder the growth of the market.
In the oil and gas business, especially in the upstream and midstream sectors, water-soluble polymers are widely used. It is employed in drilling, well completion, cementing, the production of oil and gas wells, the use of diverting agents, well stimulation, the management of deposit formation, and the treatment of oil and oil-contaminated systems. Oil companies mainly rely on chemically enhanced oil recovery and hydraulic fracturing processes to reach maximum production levels and meet escalating energy demand. Clay anti-swelling agent, fluid-loss control agent for mud, rheology modifier, solid suspending agent, and high temperature/pressure applications are just a few of the uses for these polymers in good drilling which drives the growth of the market.
High molecular weight polyacrylamide is frequently used as a flocculant in the treatment of wastewater and as a viscosity modifier in improved oil recovery. Overuse and poor management might contaminate the area's water supplies, harming the flora and animals of the area. High molecular weight polymers are also less damaging to the environment. However, during the process, these polymers are subjected to a particularly severe mechanical, chemical, and thermal environment. Due to this reason, high molecular weight materials deteriorate and disintegrate, changing their physical and chemical properties and impeding total market growth.
The growth and supply chain disruptions of various end-use sectors have been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 epidemic. Due to the continuing coronavirus epidemic, strict government laws limiting the use of plastic may have a detrimental impact on the market. Protection of the environment and human health are valued globally. As a result, adhering to the requirements set by the government entities is crucial for effective wastewater and water treatment processes. Additionally, the water treatment sector experienced a sharp increase due to the necessity for clean and safe water resources during the epidemic.
The natural segment is estimated to have a lucrative growth, due the natural water soluble polymers have a number of functions in packaged goods, usually at modest levels of use. In many secret sauces, they are the key ingredient. Water soluble polymers act as stabilisers in salad dressings, preventing the separation of oil and water mixes. It prevents the growth of ice crystals in ice cream, and they maintain the suspension of cocoa powder in chocolate milk. WSPs give gummies their characteristic texture, thicken cream cheese, bind pimento strips in green olives, and thicken cream cheese.
The water treatment segment is anticipated to witness the highest CAGR growth during the forecast period; due to the increasing need for effluent treatment, water treatment made up the lion's share of the market. Growing effluent production from various industrial businesses increases the need for water treatment, which propels market expansion. Strict environmental regulations will help the industry develop as a result of rising ecological concerns in the US, UK, China, and Germany. Environmental rules governing the discharge of wastewater and the quality of drinking water may increase demand for synthetic polymers.
Asia Pacific is projected to hold the highest market share during the forecast period owing to rising demand from the wastewater treatment sector is anticipated to be the main driver in the Asia Pacific area. Due to growing environmental concerns and expenditures from commercial and governmental players to minimise ecological harm, the municipal and industrial wastewater treatment industry will grow. Water soluble polymers are produced and consumed in large quantities in China. As the wastewater treatment industry is anticipated to grow throughout the projection period, there will likely be an increase in regional demand for polymers like polyacrylamide, a common flocculating and coagulating agent in wastewater treatment.
North America is projected to have the highest CAGR over the forecast period, owing to the increased demand from the oil and gas industry. The oil and gas industry's growing need for these materials is primarily driven by activities including drilling, well completion, production, and improved oil recovery. The enhanced oil recovery technique is anticipated to play a large role in oil and gas extraction operations as the U.S. continues to advance fracking technologies, fueling regional market expansion. Growing demand from the oil & gas industry is projected to fuel market expansion since these polymers provide higher customizability than other injection fluids used in improved oil recovery.
Some of the key players profiled in the Water-Soluble Polymer Market include Arkema, Ashland, CP Kelco US Inc., BASF SE, Gantrade Corporation, Kemira, Nouryon, Merck KGa,Polysciences Inc., SNF Group, Sumitomo Seika Chemicals Company, Kuraray Co. Ltd, DuPont, Shandong polymers Bio-Chemicals Co.Ltd, Akzo Nobel N.V, Nitta Gelatin NA Inc, The Dow Chemicals Company and Mitsubishi Chemicals Corporation
In June 2021, Infinite Material Solutions launched a new water-soluble thermoplastic for 3D printed microporous parts.
In February 2021, Aquapak Polymers, a U.K.-based company, developed an innovative new resin, Hydropol, formulated into a standard plastic pellet. The products are considered to remove plastic pollution as they are water-soluble and biodegrade safely into mineralized natural biomass, water, and carbon dioxide.
In February 2021, SNF to invest USD 300 million for an additional 30,000 MT per year of powder grade Polyacrylamide (PAM) and 10,000 MT of Acrylamide production in their production facility plant in Louisiana, the U.S. The production facility is to be completed by 2022