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到 2028 年的自愈材料市場預測——按材料類型、幾何形狀、技術、最終用戶和地區進行的全球分析Self-Healing Materials Market Forecasts to 2028 - Global Analysis By Material Type, Form, Technology, End User and By Geography |
根據Stratistics MRC,2022年全球自愈材料市場規模將達到33.2億美元,預測期內以60.5%的複合年增長率增長,2028年將達到568億美元。預計達到美元。
無需人工干預即可自動、自主修復自身損傷的材料稱為自愈材料。 這些材料和產品是人工或合成製成的。 自修復材料作為先進的工程系統具有巨大的潛力,因為它們可以在不需要外部幫助的情況下以非線性和高效的方式適應環境變化。 自修復技術的最新進展催生了具有自修復特性的新型聚合物、智能材料、聚合物共混物和復合材料。 由於它們能夠在結構和分子水平上修復損傷,這些物質被用於許多行業,包括生物醫學、電子、航空航天和塗料。
根據聯邦統計局 (Destatis) 的數據,這反映出自 2021 年 10 月以來建築許可數量下降了 14.2%。 此外,在 2022 年 1 月至 2022 年 10 月期間頒發了 297,453 個住宅建築許可證。 所有這些建設活動都將增加行業對自愈材料的需求,並推動市場向前發展。
混凝土是建築和施工項目中的常見材料。 常用於大壩、港口、儲罐、道路、隧道、地鐵等基礎設施建設。 然而,雖然混凝土堅固耐用,但很容易開裂,並且容易受到各種有毒化學品和其他物質的影響。 諸如自我修復技術之類的積極治療方法用於治療此類損傷。 在印度等新興經濟體,主要驅動力之一是公共和私人基礎設施建設活動的擴張。 此外,建築行業越來越多地使用 CMC、複合材料和聚合物基材料,這將進一步刺激市場。
自修復材料旨在減少對外部修復援助的需求。 然而,實現這一目標的技術有局限性。 該限制為自愈材料可以承受的損壞設置了上限。 一旦材料的自修復成分耗盡,它就無法再進行自我修復。 當受到特定觸發時,主動自我修復劑會執行類似的功能。 此外,它們只能在特定的溫度和壓力範圍內工作。 這些制約因素可能會阻礙市場擴張。
與自愈材料相關的維護成本極低。 因此,無需單獨花費預算進行維護,攤銷期長。 此外,隨著可支配收入的增加,對耐用消費品的需求也會增加。 隨著越來越多的市場參與者競相以具有競爭力的價格為消費者提供最好的產品,對電子產品的需求無疑會增加。 隨著對電子產品需求的增加,自愈材料市場有望擴大。
自愈材料的高價格是這些材料市場面臨的主要挑戰之一。 這種高質量材料的高成本迫使許多較小的製造商和企業求助於更便宜的替代品。 此外,這些材料的安裝和維護需要具備行業知識的熟練工人。 由於材料的自愈能力有限,合格的工人短缺,進一步阻礙了市場的發展。
COVID-19 大流行對自愈材料市場產生了重大影響,導致許多最終用途行業受到損害。 這可能是由於世界各國政府為遏制病毒傳播而實施的臨時關閉和其他嚴格規定。 受此影響,許多重要的終端行業,如汽車和建築行業,暫時停止運營,這對自愈材料的需求產生了非常不利的影響。 然而,該行業已經復蘇,此後市場一直受到汽車、建築和航空航天行業穩步增長的推動。
可逆聚合物部分預計將在 2021 年主導市場,市場份額約為 39%,這一趨勢將在預測期內持續。 該細分市場在自愈材料市場佔據主導地位的主要原因之一是可逆聚合物的醫療應用不斷增長。 可逆聚合物是用於治療、自我修復、藥物輸送和精準醫學的智能聚合物。 可逆聚合物用於 3D 生物打印、細胞療法和醫療設備。 隨著人口老齡化,可逆聚合物預計將在醫療保健領域有很高的需求,從而刺激該領域的擴張。
在預測期內,瀝青部分預計將以最高複合年增長率增長。 瀝青是建築和建築過程中使用的主要材料之一,與自修復瀝青相容。 它在高溫下穩定並具有治療溫度範圍。 它可以承受施工條件,同時繼續癒合。 這些特性使瀝青不太可能過早老化人行道和道路。 除了它的好處,瀝青還有很多用途。 用於屋面施工、隔音施工、防水施工、地磚施工等各種施工。 由於全球基礎設施支出的增加,瀝青行業的自愈材料市場預計將呈指數級增長。
北美在自愈材料中所佔份額最大,預計在預測期內將保持這一地位。 為了建設基礎設施並為其公民提供住房,北美政府增加了對建築業的資助。 這是由於該地區建築業的快速擴張。 完善的汽車製造基地和快速擴張的建築市場,尤其是在美國、墨西哥和加拿大,是該行業的主要驅動力。 由於許多市場進入者和大學開展的眾多研發項目,該地區以美國為首的自愈材料市場持續增長。
預計亞太地區在預測期內的增長率最高。 該地區增長的主要驅動力是快速工業化、人口密度以及電子和汽車行業不斷增加的外國直接投資 (FDI)。 此外,為了贏得龐大的客戶群,新興經濟體的主要參與者正在擴大製造能力並將生產設施轉移到東南亞。 此外,該地區自愈材料的增長和發展將得到有利的政府貿易政策和 GDP 增長的支持。
2023 年 5 月,秘魯私人投資促進局 (Proinversion) 和 Acciona 宣佈建設兩條新輸電線路,造福秘魯南部伊卡和波洛馬以及秘魯北部卡克利克和哈恩的 370,000 人。簽署特許經營協議設計、融資、建設、運營和維護。
2023 年 5 月,阿科瑪將收購專門從事電池和電子產品粘合劑的 Polytec PT。 通過收購 Polytec PT,阿科瑪加強了 Bostik 的產品組合,以服務於快速增長的電池和電子市場。 此次收購是集團成為完整系統供應商並支持其客戶為電池和電子市場開發可持續解決方案的戰略的一部分。
According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Self-Healing Materials Market is accounted for $3.32 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach $56.80 billion by 2028 growing at a CAGR of 60.5% during the forecast period. Materials that can automatically and autonomously repair damage to themselves without the need for human intervention are referred to as self-healing materials. These materials or products are artificially or synthetically created. Self-healing materials have enormous potential for advanced engineering systems because they can adapt to environmental changes in a non-linear and efficient way without the need for outside help. Recent advancements in self-healing technology have led to the creation of new polymers, smart materials, polymer blends, and composites with self-healing properties. These substances are used in many industries, including biomedicine, electronics, aerospace, and coatings, because they have the ability to repair damage at both the structural and molecular levels.
According to the Federal Statistics Office (Destatis), this reflects a 14.2% decrease in building permits from October 2021. Also, 297,453 residential building licenses were issued between January and October 2022. All these construction activities increase the demand for self-healing materials in the industry, propelling the market ahead.
For building and construction projects, concrete is a common material. It is frequently used to build infrastructure, including dams, ports, storage tanks, roads, tunnels, and subways. Despite being robust and long-lasting, it is prone to cracking, which lets various unwelcome aggressive chemicals and other materials seep in. To treat such damages, active treatment methods like self-healing techniques are used. One of the main driving forces in a developing economy like India is the expansion of construction activities for both public and private infrastructure. Additionally, the market will be further stimulated by the growing use of CMCs, composites, and polymer-based materials in construction.
Self-healing materials are designed to reduce the need for outside repair assistance. However, the technology used to accomplish this has a limit. The threshold establishes a cap on how many damages the self-healing material can support. When the self-healing component of the material is exhausted, it can no longer heal itself. The active self-healing agent functions similarly when certain triggers are received by it. Additionally, it only functions in specific temperature and pressure ranges. Such restraints may prevent the market from expanding.
The maintenance costs associated with self-healing materials are extremely low. As a result, maintaining such materials does not require a separate budget, allowing for a long amortization period. In addition, as disposable income rises, so does the demand for consumer durables. The demand for electronics is sure to rise as more market players compete to offer consumers the best products at competitive prices. The self-healing material market will expand in response to the rising demand for electronics.
The high cost of self-healing materials is one of the major challenges facing the market for these materials. Due to the high cost of materials of such high quality, many small manufacturers and businesses are forced to turn to less expensive substitutes. Furthermore, skilled workers with industry knowledge are required to install and maintain these materials. As a result of the materials' limited ability to self-heal, there is a shortage of qualified workers, which further hinders the market.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the market for self-healing materials, and numerous end-use industries have suffered as a result. This can be attributed to the temporary lockdowns and other stringent rules that governments around the world implemented to stop the virus's spread. This caused numerous significant end-use industries, such as the automotive and building and construction sectors, to temporarily shut down, which had a very negative effect on the demand for self-healing materials. However, the sector began to rebound, and from that point forward, the market has been driven by steady growth in the automotive, building, and aerospace sectors.
The reversible polymers segment dominated the market with a market share of about 39% in 2021 and is predicted to continue to do so throughout the forecast period. One of the main causes for the segment's dominance in the market for self-healing materials is the expanding applications of reversible polymers in medicine. Reversible polymers are intelligent polymers used in therapies, self-healing, drug delivery, and precision medicine. Reversible polymers are used in 3D bioprinting, cell therapy, and medical devices. Reversible polymers will be in high demand in the healthcare sector as a result of the aging population, fueling the segment's expansion.
The asphalt segment is anticipated to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period. Bitumen, one of the primary materials used in construction or building processes, is compatible with self-healing asphalt. It is stable at high temperatures and has a therapeutic temperature range. It can withstand the conditions of construction while continuing to heal. These characteristics enable asphalt to lessen the possibility of paving and roads aging too quickly. Asphalt has numerous uses in addition to the many benefits it offers. It is employed in roof construction, soundproofing, waterproofing, and floor tiling, among other construction tasks. The self-healing material market is expected to experience exponential growth in the asphalt segment due to the rise in infrastructure spending around the world.
North America accounted for the largest market share for self-healing materials, and it is anticipated that it will continue to hold this position throughout the forecast period. To build infrastructure and provide housing for its citizens, the North American government increased funding for the construction sector. This can be attributed to the region's rapidly expanding construction and building sector. The industry is primarily driven by the presence of a well-established automobile manufacturing base and a rapidly expanding construction market, particularly in Mexico and Canada, in addition to the United States. The market for self-healing materials in the region, particularly in the United States, is growing as a result of numerous research and development projects carried out by numerous industry participants as well as universities.
During the projection period, Asia-Pacific is anticipated to grow at the highest rate. The region's growth is primarily driven by rapid industrialization, a dense population, and rising foreign direct investments (FDIs) in the electronics and automotive industries. In order to tap into a sizable customer base, major players from developed economies are also expanding their manufacturing capabilities and moving their production facilities to Southeast Asia. The growth and development of self-healing materials in this region are also likely to be supported by favorable government trade policies and rising GDP growth rates.
Some of the key players profiled in the Self-Healing Materials Market include Acciona SA, Akzo Nobel N.V., Applied Thin Films Inc., Arkema SA, Autonomic Materials Inc., BASF SE, Bayer AG, Covestro AG, Devan Chemicals, Evonik Industries Corp., High Impact Technology, LLC, Huntsman International LLC, MacDermid Autotype Ltd., Michelin Group, NEI Corporation, Sensor Coating Systems Ltd., Slips Technologies Inc., The Dow Chemical Company and The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company.
In May 2023, Peru's Private Investment Promotion Agency (Proinversion) and ACCIONA have signed a concession contract for the design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of two new power transmission lines that will benefit 370,000 people across Ica and Poroma, in southern Peru, and Caclic and Jaen, in the north of the country.
In May 2023, Arkema acquires Polytec PT, specialized in adhesives for batteries and electronics. With the planned acquisition of Polytec PT, Arkema will strengthen Bostik's product offer to serve the fast-growing batteries and electronics markets. This bolt-on acquisition is part of the Group's strategy to become a full system provider and support its customers to develop sustainable solutions for the batteries and electronics markets.
Note: Tables for North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South America and Middle East & Africa Regions are also represented in the same manner as above.