2030 年雪地摩托市場預測 - 按產品類型、發動機類型、發動機容量、座椅、銷售渠道和地區進行的全球分析Snowmobile Market Forecasts to 2030 - Global Analysis By Product Type, Engine Type, Engine Capacity, Seating, Sales Channel and By Geography |
根據 Stratistics MRC 的數據,2023 年全球雪地摩托市場規模將達到 18.1 億美元,預計到 2030 年將達到 28.5 億美元,預測期內復合年增長率為 6.7%。
雪地摩托是一種單座或二座機動車輛,前面有一個或兩個滑雪板,以及一個或兩個由發動機驅動的連續履帶。使用協助者和控制滑雪板的車把的位置進行機動。根據地形的不同,雪地摩托涉及不同程度的鍛煉。雪地摩托可以幫助成年人實現每週 150 分鐘或更多的身體活動目標。雪地摩托可以鍛煉身體、享受戶外活動、接觸大自然以及與他人社交。我們生活中的所有這些領域在冬天常常被忽視。由於這些原因,雪地摩托作為健康生活方式的一部分,對於所有年齡段的人來說都是一項很棒的運動。
根據 ISMA 的數據,人們平均在酒店和汽車旅館度過 7.2 晚。零件、服裝和配件佔雪地摩托製造商銷售額的很大一部分。2007年,北極貓佔該類別銷售額的13%,北極星占16%。
阻礙市場擴張的主要因素之一是高昂的維護成本。根據 ISMA 的研究,典型的雪地摩托車主每年在旅行配件和相關服務上花費 3,000 美元至 4,000 美元。平均年行駛裡程為1,500公裡,這輛車的擁有成本在1,500美元至5,500美元之間。二手雪橇可靠性較差,但維護成本較低。因此,需要較高的維護成本。擁有一輛新雪橇的成本每年從 2,500 美元到 5,500 美元不等,具體取決於型號、功能和年份。
COVID-19 大流行對該行業產生了輕微影響。由於供應鏈中斷、工廠臨時關閉、勞動力短缺、原材料短缺和銷量下降,新車型的推出被推遲。然而,北美和歐洲的強勁經濟以及冬季戶外休閒活動的激增正在幫助抵消 COVID-19 對銷售的影響。新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫情和漫長的降雪冬季增加了歐洲和北美雪地摩託的吸引力。
由於其普遍性,越野車細分市場預計將出現良好的增長,到 2022 年,越野車類別將佔據重要的市場份額,並且預計將繼續增長。這種步道類型具有重量輕、靈活、可靠、成本低和經濟實惠等特點。這些雪地摩托很受新手騎手歡迎,因為它們易於操作,適合在整潔的路線上悠閒地騎行。此外,隨著越野滑雪越來越受到年輕人的歡迎,這一類別可能會增長。
2023 年 3 月,德事隆公司 (Textron Inc.) 子公司 Arctic Cat 推出了一款專為騎手設計的 2024 年雪地摩托。該公司還重新推出了全尺寸旅行車 Pantera 7000、ZR 7000 和 ZR 9000 RR。
2023 年 3 月,Polaris Inc. 宣布推出全面的雪地自行車產品組合,具有創新和改進的騎手驅動功能,可實現高性能、敏捷性和控制力。該產品陣容包括新型 9 325 系列卡車和 Timbersled 的新型 RIOT Gen 2 系統。
2020 年 9 月,Polaris Inc. 宣布與電動動力總成和技術領域的全球領導者 Zero Motorcycles 建立為期 10 年的合作夥伴關係,為其所有動力運動車輛實現電氣化。
According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Snowmobile Market is accounted for $1.81 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach $2.85 billion by 2030 growing at a CAGR of 6.7% during the forecast period. A snowmobile is a one- or two-passenger motorised vehicle with one or two skis up front and one or two continuous tracks that are powered by an engine. Both the driver's position and the handlebars that control the skis are used to steer them. Depending on the terrain, a snowmobile ride might include varying levels of physical exertion. Snowmobiling can help adults reach their weekly physical activity target of at least 150 minutes. Snowmobiling provides exercise, time spent outside, exposure to nature, and interaction with others. All of these areas of our life are frequently ignored in the winter. These entire things make Snowmobile a great sport for individuals of all ages as part of a healthy lifestyle.
According to ISMA, spend on average 7.2 nights in hotels and motels. Parts, clothing, and accessories represent significant portions of the sales of snowmobile producers; in 2007 Arctic Cat earned 13 percent of its revenues from this category, Polaris 16 percent.
In the upcoming years, electric snowmobile technology may completely alter the industry. Electric snow machines with improved performance, manoeuvrability, and dependability are being introduced by OEMs in this sector. The electric transportation industry has experienced rapid expansion. Market for OEMs in the power sports sector, the progressive transition from IC engine cars to electric vehicles will present development potential. To meet the need for zero-emission cars and increase their market share, a few manufacturers have joined the electric vehicle industry by releasing an electric version of snow vehicles thus driving the growth of the market.
One of the primary factors limiting market expansion is the high maintenance cost. According to the ISMA research, a typical snowmobile owner spends between USD 3,000 and USD 4,000 per year on travel accessories and related services. For an average yearly mileage of 1,500 kilometres, the expenses of ownership for this car range from USD 1,500 to USD 5,500. Used sleds are less dependable but cost less to maintain. Consequently, they require greater upkeep. New sledge ownership expenses range from USD 2,500 to USD 5,500 annually, depending on the model, feature, and year.
The demand for snowmobiles is rising as outdoor leisure and winter sports activities become more and more popular. The demand for these vehicles is increasing due to growing leisure spending, sports contests, and outdoor recreational activities throughout the winter. This vehicle is increasingly being used by search and rescue teams as their main vehicle in high elevations throughout the winter. In areas with heavy snowfall, this vehicle may also serve as an ambulance sledge and puller. This vehicle also enables quick searches for leads, enabling quick deployment of medical assistance in an emergency.
The expansion of the snowmobile market is significantly impacted by safety-related difficulties. Additionally, it is anticipated that the early battery depletion, fuel freezing at low temperatures on mountains, constrained by an increase in accident rates and a rise in the risk of riders falling off and frequent gasoline drainage due to mishaps would hinder snowmobile sales worldwide and constrain the market's expansion.
The COVID-19 pandemic had a minor effect on this sector. Supply chain disruptions, temporary plant closures, a labour and raw material scarcity, and a fall in sales were the results, which delayed the introduction of new models. However, robust economies in North America and Europe as well as a surge in winter outdoor leisure helped to counteract the effects of COVID-19 on sales. The COVID19 epidemic and extended periods of snowy winters boosted snowmobiling's appeal throughout Europe and North America.
The trail segment is estimated to have a lucrative growth, due to its widespread availability, the trail category had a sizable market share in 2022 and is expected to continue expanding. Lightweight, nimble, dependable, costly, and affordable describe trail kinds. Due to their simple operation and suitability for leisurely riding on groomed routes, these snowmobiles are popular among beginning riders. Additionally, the category will increase as trail-specific ski-doo becomes more and more popular among young people.
The four stroke segment is anticipated to witness the highest CAGR growth during the forecast period, due to their improved performance and higher fuel efficiency; four-stroke engines have become more and more popular in recent years. They have liquid-cooled engines and higher gas mileage, making them perfect for long-distance trail riding. In addition, four-stroke engines contribute to superior fuel efficiency, more torque, and reduced pollution levels which propels the growth of the market.
North America is projected to hold the largest market share during the forecast period owing to due to rising spending on leisure time and tourism-related industries; major producers like Polaris, Arctic Cat, Bombardier Recreational Products, and Yamaha are also present in the area, which helps the market, expand. To increase their consumer base, many businesses place a strong emphasis on broadening their product lines which drives the market growth in this region.
Asia Pacific is projected to have the highest CAGR over the forecast period, owing to the rise in popularity of winter travel in nations like China, Japan, Australia, India, and Australia. For instance, there are now more individuals in China partaking in seasonal winter sports. Many companies place a heavy focus on expanding their product offerings in order to grow their customer base. Future market expansion in the aforementioned Asian nations is anticipated to be aided by supportive public and private sector measures to boost winter tourism activities and the organisation of various winter sports competitions.
Some of the key players profiled in the Snowmobile Market include Arctic Cat Inc, TAIGA, AD Boivin Inc, Bombardier Recreational Product, Polaris Inc, Alpina Snowmobiles. S.r.l, Aurora Powertrains, Crazy Mountain Xtreme, Yamaha Motor Corporation, Lynx, Ski-doo, John Deere GMBH & Co.KG., Moto MST, Textron, Subsidiary Companies and Xtreme Motorsports
In March 2023, Arctic Cat, a subsidiary of Textron Inc., announced its 2024 snowmobile, designed with the rider in mind. The company also reintroduced the full-size touring Pantera 7000, ZR 7000, and ZR 9000 RR.
In March 2023 Polaris Inc. announced the launch of a comprehensive snow bike portfolio with new and improved rider-driven innovations and features to deliver high performance, agility, and control. The lineup includes the new Series 9 325 track and Timbersled's new RIOT Gen 2 system.
In September 2020, Polaris announced a 10-year partnership with Zero Motorcycles, one of the global leaders in electric powertrains and technology, to electrify all power sports vehicles.