到 2030 年家庭通風電動市場預測 - 按產品、安裝和地區劃分的全球分析Household Ventilation Electrical Appliance Market Forecasts to 2030 - Global Analysis By Product, Installation, and By Geography |
根據 Stratistics MRC 的數據,預計 2023 年全球家庭通風電氣設備市場規模將達到 16.1 億美元,2030 年將達到 23.5 億美元,預測期間複合年增長率為 5.4%。
住宅通風系統為人們提供安全、舒適的居住空間。 這些系統控製家中的空氣流動,以防止煙霧、二氧化碳和揮發性有機化合物等污染物的積聚。 當外界污染程度較高或夏季室內溫度升高時,房屋可能會安裝多個換氣扇,以將有害氣體從內部排出。
電氣設備,稱為電器,用於幫助做家務,例如做飯、洗滌和清潔。 可支配收入的增加、世界人口的增長以及公民生活水平的提高都促進了冰箱、炊具、洗衣機和空調等白色家電的購買。 客戶購買力的增加推動了對這些產品的巨大需求。 儘管價格較高,可支配收入較高的人們仍可能購買冰箱、洗衣機、空調和廚房用具等新型白色家電。
智能電器比標準電器更貴。 根據所使用設備的數量和技術,安裝價格可能相差很大,並且消費者無法承擔。 高昂的初始安裝成本可能是該業務擴張的主要障礙之一。 然而,安裝電動通風系統不僅可以保護個人健康,還可以保護其他家庭用品和建築結構。
暖通空調業務的技術進步集中在降低成本和增強現有技術。 潛熱儲存具有較高的儲熱密度和較小的溫度快速變化,因此越來越多的人使用潛熱儲存。 影響市場增長的因素之一是相變材料(PCM)在暖通空調系統中用於儲熱和溫度維持應用的潛在應用。 此外,機械通風系統的重大進步和改進預計將使其與當前的價格水平保持一致,顯著降低運營成本,並將能源消耗和碳足跡減少50-90%。
在可預見的未來,對洗衣服務等在線按需服務的需求不斷增長預計將限製家用洗衣機市場。 許多發達國家和新興國家強勁的經濟發展前景預計將使按需洗衣服務市場受益。 由於經濟穩定發展、互聯網使用量增加、可支配收入增加以及人們忙碌的生活方式,按需洗衣服務預計將增加,從而減少對家用洗衣機的需求。
主要消費電子產品和電子公司的全球供應鏈受到了 COVID-19 的影響。 中國是各種家用電器和家用電器的最大用戶和製造商之一,但它也通過出口許多原本用於製造成品的原材料來為許多國家提供服務。我在這裡。 由於中國製造業務的關閉,在美國和歐洲設有業務的其他家電製造商被迫暫時停止成品生產。 其結果是,供需缺口不斷擴大。
冰箱行業預計將有良好的增長。 冰箱已經成為家庭不可或缺的一部分,成為家庭收入達到足夠水平時首先購買的家用電器之一。 產品的年能耗備受關注,因為冰箱通常全年不斷使用。 憑藉節能壓縮機、隔熱和除霜功能,能源之星評級冰箱的需求量很大。 由於對電器的需求增加,製造商正在投資研發以開發新的節能產品。
排氣通風系統預計在預測期內將經歷最高的複合年增長率,因為它們是從室內排出空氣,同時從被動通風口和建築物外部洩漏處吸入供氣的系統。 排氣系統非常適合寒冷氣候。 排氣系統將廢氣收集在氣缸中,過濾掉有害物質,降低噪音水平,並將清潔後的廢氣引導到遠離家的合適位置。
由於美國和加拿大大量進口冰箱和洗衣機等家用電器,預計北美在預測期內將佔據最大的市場份額。 該地區是世界上最大的區域經濟區,預計在可預見的未來將繼續在全球經濟中發揮重要作用,特別是在新技術開發方面。 該地區消費者強勁的消費能力、智能設備的普及率不斷提高以及客戶對聯網家電的強勁需求預計將增加該地區物聯網家電的消費。
由於中產階級消費者對節能家電的需求不斷增長以及市場擴張的新機遇,預計亞太地區在預測期內將出現最高的複合年增長率。 由於消費者偏好轉向高端白色家電以及中國和印度等國家中產階級的不斷壯大,該市場將會擴大。 由於中國和印度的人口增長,預計對冰箱和洗衣機等家居用品的需求將會增加。
2022 年 1 月,LG 推出了 PuriCare AeroTower,該產品被廣泛認為是 CES 2022 上代表消費電子產品的最令人興奮的產品之一。
2020年2月,松下推出革命性的室內空氣淨化系統“Cosmos”。 它設計為在後台自動工作,去除污染的空氣並從外部引入新鮮的過濾空氣。
According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Household Ventilation Electrical Appliance Market is accounted for $1.61 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach $2.35 billion by 2030 growing at a CAGR of 5.4% during the forecast period. Ventilation systems in homes give people a secure and pleasant living space. To stop the build-up of pollutants including smoke, carbon dioxide, and volatile organic compounds, these systems control the airflow in the home. Homes should have several ventilation fans placed throughout the interior to evacuate harmful gases from within when external pollution levels are high or indoor temperatures rise in the summer.
According to statistics provided by the China Household Electrical Appliances Association, online retail sales of washers and dryers in China reached USD 1,645.85 million in 2020, up 5.6% from the previous year.
An electric device known as a home appliance is used to help with household chores including cooking, washing, and cleaning. The increasing levels of disposable incomes, expanding worldwide population, and raising living standards of the populace are all factors that contribute to the purchase of white goods including refrigerators, cooking, and washing machines, as well as heating and cooling appliances. A significant demand for these products resulted from customers' increasing purchasing power. A population with high disposable income may purchase brand-new white goods like refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners (AC), and kitchen equipment despite their high cost.
Smart appliances are more expensive than standard appliances. Depending on the number of appliances and technologies utilised, installation prices may differ significantly and become unaffordable for a consumer. The initial high installation cost may be one of the main obstacles to the expansion of this business. However, the installation of electric ventilation systems may preserve not only the health of individuals but also other home goods and building structures.
The technical advancement of the HVAC business is concentrated on endeavours to reduce costs and enhance current technologies. More people are using latent heat storage since it has a higher storage density and less rapid temperature swings. One of the factors influencing market growth is the potential application of Phase Change Material (PCM) in HVAC systems for thermal storage and temperature maintenance applications. Furthermore, major advancements and improvements in mechanical ventilation systems are anticipated to equal present pricing levels, drastically cut operating costs, and provide energy consumption and carbon footprint reductions of between 50 and 90 percent.
In the foreseeable term, rising demand for online, on-demand services such as laundry services is anticipated to constrain the market for home washing machines. A solid economic development outlook for many developed and emerging nations is anticipated to benefit the market for on-demand washing services. On-demand laundry services will rise as a result of stable economic development, increased internet usage, rising disposable income, and people's busy lifestyles, which will result in a decline in the need for home washing machines.
The main home appliance and consumer electronics firms' worldwide supply chains have been impacted by COVID-19. China is one of the biggest users and makers of different consumer electronics and home appliances, but it also serves a variety of nations by exporting a number of raw materials that are essentially utilised to make completed items. Other consumer electronics manufacturers with operations in the US and Europe have been compelled to temporarily halt the production of final items due to the shutdown of the Chinese manufacturing industry. The gap between supply and demand is widening as a result of this.
The refrigerator segment is estimated to have a lucrative growth; because it is one of the first appliances to be acquired whenever the household income reaches a sufficient level is a refrigerator, which has grown to be an essential component of a home. Since refrigerators are typically used constantly throughout the year, the product's yearly energy consumption is a significant concern. Due to their installation of energy-efficient compressors, insulation, and defrosting features, refrigerators with the energy star rating are in great demand. As a result of the increase in demand for such appliances, manufacturers make R&D investments to develop new energy-efficient goods.
The exhaust ventilation systems segment is anticipated to witness the highest CAGR growth during the forecast period, due to the system removes air from the home while allowing make-up air to enter through passive vents and building shell leaks. Systems for exhaust ventilation are best suited for cold areas. The exhaust system gathers the cylinder exhaust gases, filters out dangerous materials, lowers noise levels, and then releases the cleaned exhaust gases to an appropriate location away from the house.
North America is projected to hold the largest market share during the forecast period owing to the massive import of several appliances, including refrigerators and washing machines in the U.S. and Canada, is what essentially drives the appliance consumption rate in North America. It is the largest regional economy in the world and is expected to continue playing a significant role in the global economy for the foreseeable future, especially in terms of the development of new technology. The region's consumption of IoT-based appliances will increase due to the region's strong consumer spending power, growing smart device penetration, and considerable customer demand for linked home appliances.
Asia Pacific is projected to have the highest CAGR over the forecast period, owing to rising middle-class consumer demand for energy-efficient appliances in Asia Pacific will present fresh chances for market expansion. The market will expand as a result of shifting consumer preferences towards high-end white goods and the expansion of the middle class in nations like China and India. The demand for home goods like refrigerators and washing machines would increase due to the expanding populations in China and India.
Some of the key players profiled in the Household Ventilation Electrical Appliance Market include Arise India Limited, Atlantic, Carrier, Daikin Industries, General Electric Company, Glen Dimplex, Greenheck Fan Corporation, Haier Inc., Hitachi, Honeywell, Johnson Controls, Lennox, LG Electronics, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Omen Electric and Gas Appliances Private Limited, Panasonic, Plunket Electric, Robert Bosch GmbH, Unovent And Whirlpool Corporation
In Jan 2022, LG launched, PuriCare AeroTower which was widely recognized for being one of the most exciting products of CES 2022 on behalf of its home appliance offerings.
In Feb 2020, Panasonic launched Cosmos, an innovative indoor air quality system. It is designed in such a way that it works automatically in the background to remove contaminated air and bring in fresh, filtered air from outside.