

Environment Health & Safety Market Forecasts to 2030 - Global Analysis By Component, Deployment Mode, End User and By Geography

出版日期: | 出版商: Stratistics Market Research Consulting | 英文 200+ Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內


根據Stratistics MRC預測,2023年全球EHS(環境、健康與安全)市場規模將達73億美元,預計2030年將達到135億美元,預測期內年複合成長率為9.2%。

EHS(環境、健康和安全)是指公司為保護工人、客戶和環境免受潛在危害而採取的各種措施。 EHS 涵蓋從監控員工健康舉措到確保遵守 OSHA 要求的方方面面。 EHS 涵蓋諮詢服務,以實施最佳實踐、進行審核並確保遵守有關職場安全和環境保護的當地、國家和國際法規。

微軟和PwC表示,到2030年,人工智慧的引進可以將全球溫室氣體排放減少 4%。根據國家安全委員會的資料,2017年,超過 60%的財務長表示,每在職場預防上投入 1 美元,就能獲得超過 2 美元的回報。


隨著社會越來越意識到污染、氣候變遷和工業災難的負面影響,對強大的 EHS 解決方案的需求不斷增加。這種日益增強的意識促使政府制定更嚴格的法規,並迫使產業優先考慮環境永續性和員工安全。因此,公司擴大投資於全面的 EHS 計劃,以遵守法規、降低風險並保護其聲譽。此外,消費者越來越喜歡環保且具有社會責任感的公司,迫使公司將永續性實踐納入其營運中。


遵守嚴格的 EHS(環境、健康和安全)法規通常需要公司進行大量財務投資。這些成本包括設備、培訓和人事費用等直接費用,以及合規監控、報告和法律費用等間接費用。此外,隨著法規的發展和變得更加複雜,公司可能會面臨持續的成本來滿足新的要求。對於規模較小的組織或預算有限的組織來說,這些合規成本可能特別繁重,並且會耗盡其他關鍵營運領域的資源。


物聯網(IoT)感測器、人工智慧(AI)、機器學習和資料分析等技術創新使組織能夠即時監控環境狀況、預測潛在危險並主動採取預防措施。該技術還有助於收集和分析大量資料,使公司能夠識別其 EHS 實踐的趨勢、模式和需要改進的領域。此外,通訊和協作工具的進步可以增強相關人員的參與並實現更有效的法律規章 合規。


這種抵制往往源自於多種因素,包括組織慣性、對未知的恐懼以及不願投資新系統和流程。在許多行業中,既定的做法和程序根深蒂固,因此很難有效實施新的 EHS舉措。然而,員工和相關人員可能會因為擔心工作保障、日常業務受到干擾以及對改善 EHS 的好處缺乏了解而抵制變革。

COVID-19 的影響:

疫情爆發初期擾亂了 EHS 產業,因為各公司致力於即時危機管理,而不是長期的永續性。隨著疫情的蔓延,人們的健康和安全意識不斷增強,對 EHS 解決方案的投資也隨之增加。公司優先採取措施確保職場安全,包括實施遠端監控技術、加強衛生通訊協定和加強社交距離。此外,這場危機凸顯了面對全球健康威脅時保持彈性和做好準備的重要性,並促使企業採取更強力的 EHS 策略和解決方案。


預計軟體領域將在整個預測期內佔據市場最大佔有率。這些軟體解決方案包括廣泛的功能,包括風險評估、合規管理、事件報告和資料分析。透過利用自動化、人工智慧和機器學習演算法,EHS 軟體可以幫助組織比以往更有效地識別潛在危險、降低風險並確保法規遵循。


預計本地細分市場在預測期內將出現最高的年複合成長率,因為它為特定組織需求提供量身定做的解決方案,同時確保資料安全性和合規性。本地解決方案可在自己的基礎設施內託管 EHS 軟體和系統,提供一定程度的控制和客製化,這對具有嚴格監管要求或獨特操作環境的行業具有吸引力。本地解決方案還與現有的IT基礎設施無縫整合,最大限度地減少業務並最大限度地提高效率。


預計期間,北美地區佔最大佔有率。隨著氣候變遷的影響變得越來越明顯並廣泛認可,政府、企業和個人越來越重視永續性和環境責任。這項變化導致各行業加強了監管,目的是減少碳排放、最大限度地減少環境污染並促進綠色業務。因此,該公司投資 EHS 解決方案,以確保遵守這些法規、降低環境風險並提高永續性資格。


預計歐洲地區在陰天期間仍將保持盈利成長。隨著人們對環境退化、公共衛生和安全的日益擔憂,歐洲各國政府實施嚴格的法規,以確保遵守環境和職業安全標準。這些法規要求公司採用 EHS 解決方案和實踐,以最大限度地降低風險、減少污染並提高職場安全。歐洲各國政府也透過稅收優惠和津貼鼓勵對永續企業的投資,進一步增加了對 EHS 解決方案的需求。



  • 公司簡介
    • 其他市場參與者的綜合分析(最多3家公司)
    • 主要企業SWOT分析(最多3家公司)
  • 區域細分
    • 根據客戶興趣對主要國家的市場估計、預測和年複合成長率(註:基於可行性檢查)
  • 競爭基準化分析
    • 根據產品系列、地理分佈和策略聯盟對主要企業基準化分析


第1章 執行摘要

第2章 前言

  • 概述
  • 相關利益者
  • 調查範圍
  • 調查方法
    • 資料探勘
    • 資料分析
    • 資料檢驗
    • 研究途徑
  • 調查來源
    • 主要調查來源
    • 二次研究資料
    • 先決條件

第3章 市場趨勢分析

  • 促進因素
  • 抑制因素
  • 機會
  • 威脅
  • 最終用戶分析
  • 新興市場
  • COVID-19 的影響

第4章 波特五力分析

  • 供應商的議價能力
  • 買方議價能力
  • 替代品的威脅
  • 新進入者的威脅
  • 競爭公司之間的敵對關係

第5章 全球 EHS(環境、健康與安全)市場:依組成部分

  • 服務
    • 計劃部署及實施
    • 審核、評估和法規遵循
    • 分析
    • 商業諮詢和諮詢
    • 其他服務
  • 軟體
  • 其他組件

第6章 全球 EHS(環境、健康與安全)市場:依部署型態

  • 本地
  • 雲端

第7章 全球EHS(環境、健康與安全)市場:依最終使用者分類

  • 能源和採礦
  • 通訊/IT
  • 化學品
  • 衛生保健
  • 建造
  • 其他最終用戶

第8章 全球 EHS(環境、健康與安全)市場:依地區

  • 北美洲
    • 美國
    • 加拿大
    • 墨西哥
  • 歐洲
    • 德國
    • 英國
    • 義大利
    • 法國
    • 西班牙
    • 其他歐洲國家
  • 亞太地區
    • 日本
    • 中國
    • 印度
    • 澳洲
    • 紐西蘭
    • 韓國
    • 其他亞太地區
  • 南美洲
    • 阿根廷
    • 巴西
    • 智利
    • 南美洲其他地區
  • 中東、非洲
    • 沙烏地阿拉伯
    • 阿拉伯聯合大公國
    • 卡達
    • 南非
    • 其他中東和非洲

第9章 主要進展

  • 合約、夥伴關係、協作和合資企業
  • 收購和合併
  • 新產品發布
  • 業務擴展
  • 其他關鍵策略

第10章 公司概況

  • Enablon
  • ERM Group, Inc
  • Intelex Technologies
  • International Finance Corp
  • Jacobs
  • John Wood Group PLC
  • Medgate Inc ProcessMAP
  • RPS Group
  • SAP SE
  • SGS SA
  • Sphera Solutions
  • Tetra Tech, Inc
  • VelocityEHS
Product Code: SMRC25700

According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Environment Health & Safety Market is accounted for $7.3 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach $13.5 billion by 2030 growing at a CAGR of 9.2% during the forecast period. The phrase "environmental health and safety" (EHS) defines the range of measures used by companies to safeguard their workers, clients, and the environment from potential damage. EHS covers everything, from monitoring employee wellness initiatives to ensuring that OSHA requirements are followed. The EHS covers consulting services for implementing best practices, conducting audits, and ensuring compliance with local, national, and international regulations governing workplace safety and environmental protection.

According to the Microsoft and PwC, the deployment of AI can decrease global GHG emissions by 4% in 2030. According to the National Safety Council, over 60% of the CFOs reported that each USD 1 invested in injury prevention at the workplace returned USD 2 or more in 2017.

Market Dynamics:


Increasing public concern about environmental issues

As communities become increasingly aware of the detrimental impacts of pollution, climate change, and industrial hazards, there's a growing demand for robust EHS solutions. This heightened awareness has prompted governments to enact stricter regulations, compelling industries to prioritize environmental sustainability and employee safety. Consequently, businesses are investing more in comprehensive EHS programs to comply with regulations, mitigate risks, and safeguard their reputation. Moreover, consumers are favoring eco-friendly and socially responsible companies, pushing organizations to integrate sustainability practices into their operations.


Regulatory compliance costs

Adhering to stringent environmental, health, and safety regulations often necessitates substantial financial investments from businesses. These costs encompass not only direct expenditures on equipment, training, and personnel but also indirect expenses related to compliance monitoring, reporting, and legal fees. Moreover, as regulations evolve and become more complex, companies may face ongoing expenses to keep pace with new requirements. For smaller organizations or those operating on tight budgets, these compliance costs can be particularly burdensome and may divert resources away from other critical areas of operation.


Technological advancements

Innovations such as IoT (Internet of Things) sensors, AI (Artificial Intelligence), machine learning, and data analytics empower organizations to monitor environmental conditions in real-time, predict potential hazards, and proactively implement preventive measures. This technology also facilitates the collection and analysis of vast amounts of data, allowing companies to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement in their EHS practices. Additionally, advancements in communication and collaboration tools enhance stakeholder engagement and enable more effective regulatory compliance.


Resistance to change

This resistance often stems from various factors, including organizational inertia, fear of the unknown, and reluctance to invest in new systems or processes. In many industries, established practices and procedures may be deeply ingrained, making it challenging to implement new EHS initiatives effectively. However, employees and stakeholders may resist change due to concerns about job security, perceived disruptions to daily operations, or lack of understanding about the benefits of EHS improvements.

Covid-19 Impact:

Initially, the outbreak led to disruptions in the EHS sector as businesses focused on immediate crisis management rather than long-term sustainability efforts. As the pandemic unfolded, it catalyzed a heightened awareness of health and safety concerns, leading to increased investments in EHS solutions. Companies prioritized measures to ensure workplace safety, including implementing remote monitoring technologies, enhancing sanitation protocols, and enforcing social distancing measures. Additionally, the crisis underscored the importance of resilience and preparedness in the face of global health threats, driving organizations to adopt more robust EHS strategies and solutions.

The software segment is expected to be the largest during the forecast period

Software segment is expected to hold the largest share of the market throughout the projection period. These software solutions encompass a wide range of functionalities, including risk assessment, compliance management, incident reporting, and data analytics. By leveraging automation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning algorithms, EHS software enables organizations to identify potential hazards, mitigate risks, and ensure regulatory compliance more effectively and efficiently than ever before.

The On-Premise segment is expected to have the highest CAGR during the forecast period

On-Premise segment is estimated to witness the highest CAGR during the forecast period due to its ability to offer tailored solutions meeting specific organizational needs while ensuring data security and compliance. By allowing companies to host EHS software and systems within their own infrastructure, On-Premise solutions provide a level of control and customization that appeals to industries with stringent regulatory requirements or unique operational environments. Moreover, On-Premise offerings offer seamless integration with existing IT infrastructure, minimizing disruptions and maximizing efficiency.

Region with largest share:

North America region dominated the largest share over the extrapolated period. As the effects of climate change become more pronounced and widely acknowledged, governments, businesses, and individuals are placing greater emphasis on sustainability and environmental responsibility. This shift has led to increased regulations aimed at reducing carbon emissions, minimizing environmental pollution, and promoting eco-friendly practices across industries. Consequently, organizations are investing in EHS solutions to ensure compliance with these regulations, mitigate environmental risks, and enhance their sustainability credentials.

Region with highest CAGR:

Europe region is poised to hold profitable growth throughout the overcast period. With increasing concerns over environmental degradation, public health, and safety, governments across Europe have implemented stringent regulations to ensure compliance with environmental and occupational safety standards. These regulations mandate companies to adopt EHS solutions and practices to minimize risks, reduce pollution, and enhance workplace safety. Additionally, European governments are incentivizing businesses to invest in sustainable practices through tax benefits and grants, further fueling the demand for EHS solutions.

Key players in the market

Some of the key players in Environment Health & Safety market include Enablon, ERM Group, Inc, Intelex Technologies, International Finance Corp, Jacobs, John Wood Group PLC, Medgate Inc ProcessMAP, RPS Group, SAP SE, SGS SA, Sphera Solutions, Tetra Tech, Inc and VelocityEHS.

Key Developments:

In April 2023, Atlantic Technological University (ATU) and Ireland's Health and Safety Authority (HSA) united to launch an online Workplace Safety, Health and Welfare Induction. This induction is intended to help employers to provide induction to new employees. The online induction contains a suite of short awareness-raising courses that can be used in addition to workplace-specific training.

In February 2023, the collaboration between AECOM and its Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) took place. Development and execution of national initiatives related to radon, acid rain, climate change, etc., are the key objectives of this collaboration. This collaboration has been made possible by an analytical, environmental, technical, research, and hybrid contract.

Components Covered:

  • Services
  • Software
  • Other Components

Deployment Modes Covered:

  • On-Premise
  • Cloud

End Users Covered:

  • Energy & Mining
  • Telecom & IT
  • Chemicals
  • Healthcare
  • Construction
  • Other End Users

Regions Covered:

  • North America
    • US
    • Canada
    • Mexico
  • Europe
    • Germany
    • UK
    • Italy
    • France
    • Spain
    • Rest of Europe
  • Asia Pacific
    • Japan
    • China
    • India
    • Australia
    • New Zealand
    • South Korea
    • Rest of Asia Pacific
  • South America
    • Argentina
    • Brazil
    • Chile
    • Rest of South America
  • Middle East & Africa
    • Saudi Arabia
    • UAE
    • Qatar
    • South Africa
    • Rest of Middle East & Africa

What our report offers:

  • Market share assessments for the regional and country-level segments
  • Strategic recommendations for the new entrants
  • Covers Market data for the years 2021, 2022, 2023, 2026, and 2030
  • Market Trends (Drivers, Constraints, Opportunities, Threats, Challenges, Investment Opportunities, and recommendations)
  • Strategic recommendations in key business segments based on the market estimations
  • Competitive landscaping mapping the key common trends
  • Company profiling with detailed strategies, financials, and recent developments
  • Supply chain trends mapping the latest technological advancements

Free Customization Offerings:

All the customers of this report will be entitled to receive one of the following free customization options:

  • Company Profiling
    • Comprehensive profiling of additional market players (up to 3)
    • SWOT Analysis of key players (up to 3)
  • Regional Segmentation
    • Market estimations, Forecasts and CAGR of any prominent country as per the client's interest (Note: Depends on feasibility check)
  • Competitive Benchmarking
    • Benchmarking of key players based on product portfolio, geographical presence, and strategic alliances

Table of Contents

1 Executive Summary

2 Preface

  • 2.1 Abstract
  • 2.2 Stake Holders
  • 2.3 Research Scope
  • 2.4 Research Methodology
    • 2.4.1 Data Mining
    • 2.4.2 Data Analysis
    • 2.4.3 Data Validation
    • 2.4.4 Research Approach
  • 2.5 Research Sources
    • 2.5.1 Primary Research Sources
    • 2.5.2 Secondary Research Sources
    • 2.5.3 Assumptions

3 Market Trend Analysis

  • 3.1 Introduction
  • 3.2 Drivers
  • 3.3 Restraints
  • 3.4 Opportunities
  • 3.5 Threats
  • 3.6 End User Analysis
  • 3.7 Emerging Markets
  • 3.8 Impact of Covid-19

4 Porters Five Force Analysis

  • 4.1 Bargaining power of suppliers
  • 4.2 Bargaining power of buyers
  • 4.3 Threat of substitutes
  • 4.4 Threat of new entrants
  • 4.5 Competitive rivalry

5 Global Environment Health & Safety Market, By Component

  • 5.1 Introduction
  • 5.2 Services
    • 5.2.1 Project Deployment & Implementation
    • 5.2.2 Audit, Assessment & Regulatory Compliance
    • 5.2.3 Analytics
    • 5.2.4 Business Consulting & Advisory
    • 5.2.5 Other Services
  • 5.3 Software
  • 5.4 Other Components

6 Global Environment Health & Safety Market, By Deployment Mode

  • 6.1 Introduction
  • 6.2 On-Premise
  • 6.3 Cloud

7 Global Environment Health & Safety Market, By End User

  • 7.1 Introduction
  • 7.2 Energy & Mining
  • 7.3 Telecom & IT
  • 7.4 Chemicals
  • 7.5 Healthcare
  • 7.6 Construction
  • 7.7 Other End Users

8 Global Environment Health & Safety Market, By Geography

  • 8.1 Introduction
  • 8.2 North America
    • 8.2.1 US
    • 8.2.2 Canada
    • 8.2.3 Mexico
  • 8.3 Europe
    • 8.3.1 Germany
    • 8.3.2 UK
    • 8.3.3 Italy
    • 8.3.4 France
    • 8.3.5 Spain
    • 8.3.6 Rest of Europe
  • 8.4 Asia Pacific
    • 8.4.1 Japan
    • 8.4.2 China
    • 8.4.3 India
    • 8.4.4 Australia
    • 8.4.5 New Zealand
    • 8.4.6 South Korea
    • 8.4.7 Rest of Asia Pacific
  • 8.5 South America
    • 8.5.1 Argentina
    • 8.5.2 Brazil
    • 8.5.3 Chile
    • 8.5.4 Rest of South America
  • 8.6 Middle East & Africa
    • 8.6.1 Saudi Arabia
    • 8.6.2 UAE
    • 8.6.3 Qatar
    • 8.6.4 South Africa
    • 8.6.5 Rest of Middle East & Africa

9 Key Developments

  • 9.1 Agreements, Partnerships, Collaborations and Joint Ventures
  • 9.2 Acquisitions & Mergers
  • 9.3 New Product Launch
  • 9.4 Expansions
  • 9.5 Other Key Strategies

10 Company Profiling

  • 10.1 Enablon
  • 10.2 ERM Group, Inc
  • 10.3 Intelex Technologies
  • 10.4 International Finance Corp
  • 10.5 Jacobs
  • 10.6 John Wood Group PLC
  • 10.7 Medgate Inc ProcessMAP
  • 10.8 RPS Group
  • 10.9 SAP SE
  • 10.10 SGS SA
  • 10.11 Sphera Solutions
  • 10.12 Tetra Tech, Inc
  • 10.13 VelocityEHS

List of Tables

  • Table 1 Global Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Region (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 2 Global Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Component (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 3 Global Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Services (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 4 Global Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Project Deployment & Implementation (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 5 Global Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Audit, Assessment & Regulatory Compliance (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 6 Global Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Analytics (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 7 Global Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Business Consulting & Advisory (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 8 Global Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Other Services (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 9 Global Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Software (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 10 Global Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Other Components (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 11 Global Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Deployment Mode (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 12 Global Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By On-Premise (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 13 Global Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Cloud (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 14 Global Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By End User (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 15 Global Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Energy & Mining (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 16 Global Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Telecom & IT (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 17 Global Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Chemicals (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 18 Global Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Healthcare (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 19 Global Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Construction (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 20 Global Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Other End Users (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 21 North America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Country (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 22 North America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Component (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 23 North America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Services (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 24 North America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Project Deployment & Implementation (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 25 North America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Audit, Assessment & Regulatory Compliance (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 26 North America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Analytics (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 27 North America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Business Consulting & Advisory (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 28 North America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Other Services (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 29 North America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Software (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 30 North America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Other Components (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 31 North America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Deployment Mode (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 32 North America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By On-Premise (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 33 North America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Cloud (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 34 North America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By End User (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 35 North America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Energy & Mining (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 36 North America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Telecom & IT (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 37 North America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Chemicals (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 38 North America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Healthcare (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 39 North America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Construction (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 40 North America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Other End Users (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 41 Europe Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Country (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 42 Europe Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Component (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 43 Europe Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Services (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 44 Europe Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Project Deployment & Implementation (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 45 Europe Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Audit, Assessment & Regulatory Compliance (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 46 Europe Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Analytics (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 47 Europe Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Business Consulting & Advisory (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 48 Europe Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Other Services (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 49 Europe Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Software (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 50 Europe Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Other Components (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 51 Europe Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Deployment Mode (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 52 Europe Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By On-Premise (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 53 Europe Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Cloud (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 54 Europe Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By End User (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 55 Europe Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Energy & Mining (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 56 Europe Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Telecom & IT (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 57 Europe Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Chemicals (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 58 Europe Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Healthcare (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 59 Europe Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Construction (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 60 Europe Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Other End Users (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 61 Asia Pacific Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Country (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 62 Asia Pacific Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Component (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 63 Asia Pacific Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Services (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 64 Asia Pacific Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Project Deployment & Implementation (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 65 Asia Pacific Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Audit, Assessment & Regulatory Compliance (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 66 Asia Pacific Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Analytics (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 67 Asia Pacific Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Business Consulting & Advisory (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 68 Asia Pacific Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Other Services (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 69 Asia Pacific Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Software (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 70 Asia Pacific Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Other Components (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 71 Asia Pacific Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Deployment Mode (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 72 Asia Pacific Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By On-Premise (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 73 Asia Pacific Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Cloud (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 74 Asia Pacific Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By End User (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 75 Asia Pacific Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Energy & Mining (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 76 Asia Pacific Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Telecom & IT (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 77 Asia Pacific Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Chemicals (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 78 Asia Pacific Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Healthcare (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 79 Asia Pacific Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Construction (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 80 Asia Pacific Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Other End Users (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 81 South America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Country (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 82 South America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Component (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 83 South America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Services (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 84 South America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Project Deployment & Implementation (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 85 South America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Audit, Assessment & Regulatory Compliance (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 86 South America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Analytics (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 87 South America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Business Consulting & Advisory (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 88 South America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Other Services (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 89 South America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Software (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 90 South America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Other Components (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 91 South America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Deployment Mode (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 92 South America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By On-Premise (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 93 South America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Cloud (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 94 South America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By End User (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 95 South America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Energy & Mining (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 96 South America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Telecom & IT (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 97 South America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Chemicals (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 98 South America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Healthcare (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 99 South America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Construction (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 100 South America Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Other End Users (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 101 Middle East & Africa Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Country (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 102 Middle East & Africa Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Component (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 103 Middle East & Africa Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Services (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 104 Middle East & Africa Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Project Deployment & Implementation (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 105 Middle East & Africa Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Audit, Assessment & Regulatory Compliance (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 106 Middle East & Africa Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Analytics (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 107 Middle East & Africa Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Business Consulting & Advisory (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 108 Middle East & Africa Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Other Services (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 109 Middle East & Africa Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Software (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 110 Middle East & Africa Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Other Components (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 111 Middle East & Africa Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Deployment Mode (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 112 Middle East & Africa Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By On-Premise (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 113 Middle East & Africa Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Cloud (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 114 Middle East & Africa Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By End User (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 115 Middle East & Africa Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Energy & Mining (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 116 Middle East & Africa Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Telecom & IT (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 117 Middle East & Africa Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Chemicals (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 118 Middle East & Africa Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Healthcare (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 119 Middle East & Africa Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Construction (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 120 Middle East & Africa Environment Health & Safety Market Outlook, By Other End Users (2021-2030) ($MN)