2030 年熱壓塊鐵 (HBI) 添加劑市場預測:按產品類型、添加劑類型、形式、製造方法、成分、應用、最終用戶和地區進行的全球分析Hot Briquetted Iron Additives Market Forecasts to 2030 - Global Analysis By Product Type, Additive Type, Form, Production Method, Composition, Application, End User and By Geography |
根據 Stratistics MRC 的數據,2024 年全球熱壓塊鐵 (HBI) 添加劑市場規模為 42 億美元,預計在預測期內將以 8.3% 的複合年成長率成長,到 2030 年達到 68 億美元。
熱壓塊鐵 (HBI) 添加劑是添加到 HBI 製造過程中以增強 HBI 性能的材料,例如提高煉鋼效率和提高最終產品的整體品質。 HBI 是一種固體海綿鐵,透過高溫壓縮直接還原鐵 (DRI) 形成緻密且可運輸的團塊。該添加劑旨在最佳化 HBI 的生產和使用,HBI 是一種主要用於鋼鐵生產的電爐 (EAF) 的中間產品。
根據《美國新聞與世界報道》報道,2019年美國家庭購買的包裝食品和飲料產品中有一半以上含有三種或三種以上添加劑。到 2023 年,大約 60% 的購買食品將含有色素、香料、防腐劑和甜味劑。
基礎設施、建築和汽車等各行業對高等級鋼材的需求不斷成長是推動 HBI 添加劑市場的主要因素。隨著工業界努力提高產品性能和耐用性,HBI 添加劑對於改善鐵的冶金性能至關重要。透過最佳化強度、密度和化學成分等特性,這些添加劑使 HBI 成為電弧爐 (EAF) 的理想原料。由於電弧爐煉鋼的靈活性和環境效益,人們對 HBI 及其相關添加劑的偏好日益成長,這進一步增強了對 HBI 及其相關添加劑的需求。
熱成型鐵 (HBI) 添加劑市場原料成本的波動是製造商和最終用戶面臨的主要挑戰。價格波動增加了生產成本,使供應商難以維持穩定的定價和盈利。這種不確定性可能會擾亂供應鏈,導致產品延誤和品質不穩定。投資決策也會受到影響,因為相關人員可能不願意承擔成本不確定的新計畫。較高的價格也可能使 HBI 添加對最終用戶的吸引力低於替代品。總的來說,這些波動阻礙了價格敏感的煉鋼過程的市場擴張、接受和規劃。
對高等級鋼材的需求是由對能源、交通和基礎設施的大規模投資所推動的,特別是在新興經濟體。 HBI 添加劑對於提高煉鋼製程的效率和確保一致的品質以滿足基礎設施應用的嚴格規範至關重要。綠色建築技術、政府計畫和都市化都有助於加速這一趨勢。此外,永續建築材料的使用,加上 HBI 添加劑實現的清潔生產技術,已成為世界各地現代基礎設施發展的重要組成部分。
限制 HBI 生產的地理分佈
HBI 生產集中在某些地區,例如中東、拉丁美洲和歐洲部分地區,這對其他市場造成了供應鏈限制。這種不均勻的分佈限制了添加劑生產商獲得重要原料的機會,增加了運輸成本,並延長了前置作業時間。 HBI 產量較低地區的鋼鐵製造商依賴進口,導致價格和供應難以預測。此外,基礎設施和技術接受度的地區差異可能會阻礙 HBI 添加劑的廣泛使用,並影響全球市場的擴張。
COVID-19 的影響
COVID-19 大流行減少了鋼鐵需求、停止了生產並擾亂了建築和汽車等關鍵行業的供應鏈,對熱壓塊鐵 (HBI) 添加劑市場產生了重大影響。由於旅行限制和封鎖,工業營運和基礎設施計劃被推遲,從而減少了鋼鐵以及 HBI 添加劑的使用。此外,物流困難和原料短缺導致供應延誤和成本增加。但在政府獎勵策略和基礎設施支出的支持下,疫情後的復甦正在創造新的需求。對綠色鋼鐵生產的關注以及向穩健和永續供應鏈的轉變預計將改善市場的長期前景。
據估計,黏合劑部分是最大的部分,因為它在提高團塊的冶金性能、耐久性和強度方面發揮著重要作用。在工業成長和基礎設施發展的推動下,鋼鐵產量的增加正在推動黏合劑的使用。此外,向綠色鋼鐵製造和更高品質標準的轉變需要先進的黏合劑來提高效率。此外,電弧爐 (EAF) 的使用不斷增加,綠色鋼鐵計畫也成為了為高性能、環保鐵塊製程而設計的有前途的黏合劑。
由於建築和基礎設施計劃需要高品質的鋼材,預計建築業在預測期內的複合年成長率最高。由於政府對道路、橋樑和多用戶住宅等基礎設施的投資,以及快速的都市化和人口成長,對 HBI 添加劑的需求將會增加。加強環境法和永續建築實踐也將促進更清潔、更有效率的鋼鐵生產,這與 HBI 的優勢相符。智慧城市計畫和全球大型企劃也正在加速市場的成長軌跡。
在都市化、工業化和基礎設施支出加速的推動下,亞太地區預計將在預測期內佔據最大的市場佔有率,特別是在中國和印度等國家。由於製造業、汽車和建築業發展的推動,該地區鋼鐵產量不斷增加,對 HBI 及其添加劑的需求不斷成長。電弧爐 (EAF) 的使用以及促進永續和環保鋼鐵生產的政府計劃也有助於市場擴張。
由於能源、汽車和建築等行業對高等級鋼材的需求不斷增加,預計北美在預測期內的複合年成長率最高。該地區致力於減少碳排放和採用永續煉鋼方法,因此增加了 HBI 的使用並提高了對添加劑的要求。電爐(EAF)等創新生產技術的支出增加有助於市場擴張。此外,強大的工業基礎和政府基礎設施計劃為 HBI 添加劑市場提供了支持。
According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Hot Briquetted Iron (HBI) Additives Market is accounted for $4.2 billion in 2024 and is expected to reach $6.8 billion by 2030 growing at a CAGR of 8.3% during the forecast period. Hot Briquetted Iron (HBI) Additives are materials incorporated into the production process of HBI to enhance its properties, such as increasing its efficiency in steelmaking and improving the overall quality of the final product. HBI is a solid form of sponge iron produced by compressing direct reduced iron (DRI) at high temperatures to form dense, transportable briquettes. The additives are designed to optimize the production and use of HBI, which is an intermediate product used primarily in electric arc furnaces (EAF) for steel production.
According to US News, over half of the packaged food and beverage products purchased by US households in 2019 contained three or more additives. By 2023, approximately 60% of the purchased foods included coloring or flavoring agents, preservatives, and sweeteners.
Increasing demand for high-quality steel
The growing need for premium steel in a variety of industries, such as infrastructure, construction, and automotive, is a major factor propelling the market for HBI additives. HBI additives are essential to improving the metallurgical characteristics of iron as industries work to improve product performance and durability. By optimizing properties including strength, density, and chemical composition, these additives make HBI a desirable feedstock for electric arc furnaces (EAFs). The need for HBI and its related additives is further fuelled by the growing preference for EAF steelmaking, which is motivated by its flexibility and environmental benefits.
Fluctuating raw material prices
For manufacturers and end users, fluctuating raw material costs in the market for Hot Briquetted Iron (HBI) additives pose significant challenges. Price fluctuation makes it harder for suppliers to maintain steady pricing and profitability because it raises production costs. Supply networks may be disrupted by this uncertainty, which could result in delays and uneven product quality. Investment decisions are also impacted since stakeholders may be reluctant to commit to new projects when costs are uncertain. Higher prices could make HBI additions less appealing to end users than alternatives. Overall, these variations impede market expansion, acceptance, and planning in steelmaking processes that are influenced by price.
Expanding global infrastructure projects
The need for premium steel is being driven by enormous investments in energy, transportation, and building infrastructure, especially in emerging economies. HBI additives are essential for improving steelmaking processes' efficiency and guaranteeing constant quality to satisfy the demanding specifications of infrastructure applications. Green building techniques, government programs, and urbanization are all contributing to this trend's acceleration. Furthermore, the use of sustainable building materials is in line with the cleaner production techniques made possible by HBI additives, which makes them crucial for the development of contemporary infrastructure across the world.
Limited geographical distribution of HBI production
HBI production is concentrated in specific regions, such as the Middle East, Latin America, and parts of Europe, creating supply chain constraints for other markets. This unequal distribution restricts additive producers' access to essential raw materials, raises transportation costs, and lengthens lead times. Pricing and supply are unpredictable for steelmakers in areas with low HBI production due to their reliance on imports. Additionally, regional differences in infrastructure and technology acceptance can hinder HBI additives from being widely used, which could have an impact on worldwide market expansion.
Covid-19 Impact
The COVID-19 pandemic had a major effect on the market for hot briquetted iron (HBI) additives by lowering demand for steel in important industries like construction and automotive, stopping production, and upsetting supply networks. Due to travel restrictions and lockdowns, industrial operations and infrastructure projects were delayed, which reduced the use of steel and, in turn, HBI additives. Additionally, supply delays and higher costs were caused by logistical difficulties and shortages of raw materials. However new demand is being generated by the post-pandemic recovery, which is being supported by government stimulus plans and infrastructure expenditures. It is anticipated that a focus on green steel production and a move toward robust and sustainable supply chains will improve the market's long-term prospects.
The binder segment is expected to be the largest during the forecast period
The binder segment is estimated to be the largest, due to their vital role in improving the metallurgical performance, durability, and strength of briquettes. Increased steel production, fuelled by industrial growth and infrastructure, encourages the use of binder. Advanced binders that increase efficiency are additionally urged by the move to more environmentally friendly steelmaking and higher quality standards. Furthermore, prospects for binders designed for high-performance and environmentally friendly iron briquetting processes are created by the growing use of electric arc furnaces (EAF) and green steel efforts.
The construction segment is expected to have the highest CAGR during the forecast period
The construction segment is anticipated to witness the highest CAGR during the forecast period, because of the great need for high-quality steel in construction and infrastructure projects. The need for HBI additives rises as a result of government investments in infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and residential complexes, as well as rapid urbanization and population expansion. Stricter environmental laws and sustainable building methods also promote cleaner and more effective steel production, which is consistent with HBI's advantages. Smart city initiatives and global mega-projects also accelerate the market's growth trajectory.
Asia Pacific is expected to have the largest market share during the forecast period driven by accelerating urbanization, industrialization, and infrastructure spending, especially in nations like China and India. The need for HBI and its additives is increased by the region's rising steel production, which is driven by the developing manufacturing, automotive, and construction industries. The use of electric arc furnaces (EAF) and government programs promoting sustainable and green steel production also contribute to the market's expansion.
North America is projected to witness the highest CAGR over the forecast period, owing to growing need for premium steel in sectors like energy, automotive, and construction. HBI use is increased and the requirement for additives is increased by the region's emphasis on cutting carbon emissions and implementing sustainable steelmaking methods. Increased spending on innovative production technology, such as electric arc furnaces (EAF), contributes to market expansion. Furthermore, a strong industrial base and government infrastructure projects support the market for HBI additives.
Key players in the market
Some of the key players profiled in the Hot Briquetted Iron (HBI) Additives Market include ArcelorMittal, Baosteel Group, Cleveland-Cliffs Inc., Comsigua CA, Hyundai Steel, Jindal Shadeed Iron & Steel LLC, JSW Group, Kobe Steel, Libyan Iron and Steel, Metalloinvest MC LLC, Nippon Steel, Orinoco Iron S.C.S., Qatar Steel, Shagang Group, Sumitomo Metal Industries, Tata Steel, and Voestalpine Group.
In September 2024, Nippon Steel Announces Governance Policy for U. S. Steel. Nippon Steel continues to believe that the Transaction will enhance American national security by reinforcing U. S. Steel and its domestic production capabilities, bringing cutting-edge technologies into the United States, and ultimately making the American industrial base and supply-chain.
In April 2022, ArcelorMittal acquired 80% shareholding in Voestalpine's world-class Hot Briquetted Iron ('HBI') plant located in Corpus Christi, Texas. This acquisition would help the company to strengthen its position and guarantee the security of supply to ArcelorMittal facilities, including AM/NS Calvert in Alabama.
Note: Tables for North America, Europe, APAC, South America, and Middle East & Africa Regions are also represented in the same manner as above.