下一代電池鋰金屬負極材料技術發展現況及市場預測(2024年)<2024> Technology Development Status and Market Forecast of Lithium Metal Anode Materials for Next-Gen Batteries |
隨著21世紀氣候變遷變得更加嚴重,開發再生和清潔能源技術的需求日益增加。 隨著各種法規的到位,並積極努力保護環境,透過環境法規實現永續發展的社會,二次電池產業正在引領環保能源產業的發展方向。 隨著交通從內燃機轉向電動車,各種鋰離子二次電池的研究正在積極進行。
自1990年代投入實際應用以來,鋰離子二次電池作為各種電子設備和電動車的電源取得了巨大成功。 然而,由於負極的理論容量較低(~372mAh/g)和單位體積容量較低(~735mAh/cm3),使用石墨負極的傳統鋰離子電池在實現高能量密度方面受到限制。 為了滿足對鋰二次電池不斷增長的需求,有必要開發超越傳統鋰離子電池的新電池技術。
鋰金屬具有最高的理論容量(~3,860 mAh/g)、最低的電化學勢(-3.04 V vs. SHE)和最低的密度(0.53 g/cm3)。 由於這些特性,鋰金屬被認為是實現單位重量和單位體積的高能量和功率密度的最有前途的材料。
此外,正在積極研究使用不含鋰或僅含有少量鋰的材料作為陽極的無陽極技術。 負極材料會影響電池的充電速度和壽命,因此消除或減少負極材料有利於提高電池的能量密度並延長其壽命。
本報告對鋰金屬負極市場進行了調查,提供了鋰金屬技術、無負極技術以及鋰金屬相關企業和研究機構的技術和發展現狀等資訊。 它也預測了到2030年鋰金屬負極材料市場的需求和規模。
With the growing seriousness of climate change in the 21st century, the need for renewable and clean energy technology development has become increasingly urgent. Amidst various regulations and active efforts to achieve environmental protection and a sustainable society through environmental regulations, the secondary battery industry is a leading eco-friendly energy industry. As transportation shifts from internal combustion engines to electric vehicles, research on various types of lithium-ion batteries is actively underway.
Since their commercialization in the 1990s, lithium-ion batteries have been highly successful in powering various electronic devices and electric vehicles. However, conventional lithium-ion batteries with graphite anodes have limitations in achieving high energy density due to the low theoretical capacity (~372 mAh/g) and volumetric capacity (~735 mAh/cm3) of the anode. Meeting the growing demand for lithium secondary batteries requires the development of new battery technologies beyond conventional lithium-ion batteries.
Lithium metal has a very high theoretical capacity (~3860 mAh/g), the lowest electrochemical potential (-3.04 V vs. SHE), and the lowest density (0.53 g/cm3). Due to these characteristics, lithium metal is considered the most promising material for achieving high energy and power density per unit weight and volume.
In addition, anode-less/anode-free technologies, which use lithium-free materials for the anode or apply only a small amount of lithium, are also being actively researched. Since the anode material affects the charging speed and lifespan of the battery, eliminating or reducing it has the advantage of increasing the energy density of the battery and increasing its lifespan.
This report covers the latest trends centered on lithium metal and anode-free technologies, which are considered promising anode materials for the future. It also examined the technology and development status of more than 50 lithium metal-related companies and research institutes in Korea, China, Japan, North America, and Europe. Lastly, the market analysis section predicts the demand and size of the lithium metal anode material market by 2030, taking into account the utilization in xEVs and other emerging applications within the next-generation battery market landscape.