
2025 年詐欺偵測與預防全球市場報告

Fraud Detection and Prevention Global Market Report 2025

出版日期: | 出版商: The Business Research Company | 英文 200 Pages | 商品交期: 2-10個工作天內


預計未來幾年詐欺檢測和預防市場將呈指數級成長。到 2029 年,這一數字將成長至 1,307.9 億美元,複合年成長率為 21.0%。預測期內的成長可歸因於保護中小企業免受詐欺的需求不斷成長、業務效率提高和客戶體驗改善、組織需要有效管理大量身分、擴大採用先進的分析技術以及擴大即時監控能力。預測期內的關鍵趨勢包括人工智慧在詐欺檢測中的整合、用於安全交易的區塊鏈技術的出現、行業相關人員之間的資訊共用協作、網路安全和詐欺解決方案的整合,以及需要動態解決方案的詐欺技術的不斷發展。


電子商務行業的日益普及預計將在未來幾年推動詐欺檢測和預防市場的成長。電子商務是指透過網際網路購買和銷售商品和服務。網路購物和數位付款方式的興起導致網路詐騙的增加,從而推動了電子商務領域對詐騙偵測工具的需求。根據美國電子商務統計數據顯示,65%的消費者預測到2022年他們將更頻繁地使用網路購物平台。到 2024 年,電子商務銷售額預計將達到 6.3 兆美元。此外,根據全球電子商務管理公司Esw稱,西班牙目前有2,960萬電子商務用戶。預計到 2025 年,還將有 730 萬人進行網路購物。這3690萬電子商務用戶佔總人口的74%。平均線上消費為 804 美元。因此,電子商務行業的日益普及正在推動詐欺檢測和預防市場的成長。



第2章 市場特徵

第3章 市場趨勢與策略

第4章 市場 - 宏觀經濟情景,包括利率、通膨、地緣政治、新冠疫情和復甦對市場的影響

第5章 全球成長分析與策略分析框架

  • 全球詐欺檢測和預防市場的 PESTEL 分析(政治、社會、技術、環境、法律因素、促進因素、限制因素)
  • 最終用途產業分析
  • 全球詐欺檢測與預防市場成長率分析
  • 全球詐欺偵測與預防市場表現:規模與成長,2019 年至 2024 年
  • 全球詐欺偵測與預防市場預測:規模與成長,2024-2029 年,2034 年
  • 全球詐欺偵測與預防總目標市場 (TAM)

第6章 市場細分

  • 全球詐欺偵測與預防市場(依詐騙類型、表現和預測),2019-2024 年、2024-2029 年、2034 年
  • 檢查詐騙
  • 身分詐騙
  • 網路/網路詐騙
  • 投資詐騙
  • 付款詐騙
  • 保險詐欺
  • 其他詐騙
  • 全球詐欺偵測與預防市場依部署模式、效能和預測,2019-2024 年、2024-2029 年、2034 年
  • 本地
  • 全球詐欺偵測與預防市場(按解決方案、效能和預測),2019-2024 年、2024-2029 年、2034 年
  • 詐欺分析
  • 認證
  • 報告
  • 視覺化
  • 其他解決方案
  • 全球詐欺偵測與預防市場的應用、效能與預測,2019-2024 年、2024-2029 年、2034 年
  • 保險索賠
  • 洗錢
  • 電子付款
  • 全球詐欺偵測與預防市場(按最終用戶、績效和預測),2019-2024 年、2024-2029 年、2034 年
  • 中小型企業
  • 大型企業
  • 全球詐欺偵測與預防市場:按類型、績效和預測檢查詐騙細分,2019-2024 年、2024-2029 年、2034 年
  • 偽造支票
  • 偽造支票
  • 支票被更改
  • 全球詐欺偵測與預防市場:身分詐騙細分類型、表現與預測,2019-2024 年、2024-2029 年、2034 年
  • 身分盜竊
  • 合成身分詐騙
  • 帳號接管
  • 全球詐欺偵測與預防市場 - 網路或線上詐騙細分(按類型、表現和預測),2019-2024 年、2024-2029 年、2034 年
  • 網路釣魚詐騙
  • 網路競標詐騙
  • 電子商務詐騙
  • 全球詐欺偵測與預防市場:投資詐騙細分類型、表現與預測,2019-2024 年、2024-2029 年、2034 年
  • 金字塔騙局
  • 證券詐騙
  • 親和性和詐騙
  • 全球詐欺偵測與預防市場:按類型、績效和預測分類的支付詐騙細分,2019-2024 年、2024-2029 年、2034 年
  • 卡片詐騙
  • 行動付款詐騙
  • ACH詐騙
  • 全球詐欺偵測與預防市場:保險詐欺按類型、表現和預測細分,2019-2024 年、2024-2029 年、2034 年
  • 健康保險詐欺
  • 汽車保險詐欺
  • 財產保險詐欺
  • 全球詐欺偵測與預防市場:按類型、種類、效能和預測分類的其他詐騙細分,2019-2024 年、2024-2029 年、2034 年
  • 逃稅
  • 慈善詐騙
  • 就業詐騙

第7章 區域和國家分析

  • 全球詐欺偵測與預防市場:按地區、表現和預測,2019-2024 年、2024-2029 年、2034 年
  • 全球詐欺偵測與預防市場:按國家、績效和預測,2019-2024 年、2024-2029 年、2034 年

第8章 亞太市場


第10章 印度市場

第11章 日本市場

第12章 澳洲市場

第13章 印尼市場

第14章 韓國市場

第15章 西歐市場


第 17 章 德國市場

第 18 章 法國市場

第 19 章:義大利市場

第 20 章:西班牙市場

第21章 東歐市場

第22章 俄羅斯市場

第23章 北美市場


第 25 章:加拿大市場

第26章 南美洲市場

第 27 章:巴西市場

第28章 中東市場

第 29 章:非洲市場

第 30 章競爭格局與公司概況

  • 詐欺偵測與預防市場:競爭格局
  • 詐欺偵測與預防市場:公司簡介
    • IBM Corporation Overview, Products and Services, Strategy and Financial Analysis
    • Fair Isaac Corporation Overview, Products and Services, Strategy and Financial Analysis
    • Oracle Corporation Overview, Products and Services, Strategy and Financial Analysis
    • SAS Institute Inc. Overview, Products and Services, Strategy and Financial Analysis
    • BAE Systems plc Overview, Products and Services, Strategy and Financial Analysis

第31章 其他大型創新企業

  • DXC Technology Company
  • SAP SE
  • ACI Worldwide Inc.
  • Fiserv Inc.
  • ThreatMetrix company
  • NICE Systems Ltd.
  • Equifax Inc.
  • Cybersource Corporation
  • Global Payments Inc.
  • Experian Information Solutions Inc.
  • TransUnion LLC
  • RSA Security LLC
  • LexisNexis Risk Solutions
  • Kount Inc.
  • Feedzai Inc.

第 32 章 全球競爭基準化分析與儀錶板

第33章 重大併購

第 34 章 近期市場趨勢

第 35 章 高市場潛力國家、細分市場與策略

  • 2029 年詐欺偵測與預防市場 - 提供最多新機會的國家
  • 2029 年詐欺偵測與預防市場 - 提供最新興機會的細分市場
  • 詐欺偵測與預防市場 2029-成長策略
    • 基於市場趨勢的策略
    • 競爭對手的策略

第 36 章 附錄

Product Code: r21521

Fraud detection and prevention refers to the strategies accepted to discover and avoid attempts to secure money or property by deception. Fraud detection and prevention services help organizations analyze huge and complex data sets to detect anomalies, reduce false positives, and provide end-to-end advanced fraud management solutions.

The main types of fraud detection and prevention are check fraud, identity fraud, internet/online fraud, investment fraud, payment fraud, insurance fraud, and other fraud types including mortgage fraud, insider fraud, and mobile fraud. Check fraud refers to automated check image analysis utilizing powerful software to detect small corrections that may not be visible to the human eye alone. These tools look at fixed information on the check such as payer's details, signature line placement, font, check size, and serial number. The deployment modes used in fraud detection and prevention are on-premise and cloud and the various solutions provided include fraud analytics, authentication, reporting, and visualization. Fraud detection and prevention are used in insurance claims, money laundering, and electronic payment in small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and large enterprises.

The fraud detection and prevention market research report is one of a series of new reports from The Business Research Company that provides fraud detection and prevention market statistics, including fraud detection and prevention industry global market size, regional shares, competitors with a fraud detection and prevention market share, detailed fraud detection and prevention market segments, market trends and opportunities, and any further data you may need to thrive in the fraud detection and prevention industry. This fraud detection and prevention market research report delivers a complete perspective of everything you need, with an in-depth analysis of the current and future scenario of the industry.

The fraud detection and prevention market size has grown exponentially in recent years. It will grow from $50.72 billion in 2024 to $61.01 billion in 2025 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.3%. The growth in the historic period can be attributed to increased digitization of financial transactions, rise in online banking and e-commerce, growing sophistication of fraud techniques, regulatory compliance requirements, expansion of mobile and online payment systems.

The fraud detection and prevention market size is expected to see exponential growth in the next few years. It will grow to $130.79 billion in 2029 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21.0%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to growing need to protect SMEs from fraud, improved operational efficiency and enhanced customer experience, need to effectively manage huge volumes of identities by organizations, increasing adoption of advanced analytics techniques, expansion of real-time monitoring capabilities. Major trends in the forecast period include integration of artificial intelligence in fraud detection, emergence of blockchain technology for secure transactions, collaboration between industry stakeholders for information sharing, integration of cybersecurity and fraud prevention solutions, continuous evolution of fraud techniques, requiring dynamic solutions.

An increase in the frequency of cyberattacks and frauds is driving the growth of the fraud detection and prevention market. The International Criminal Police Organization's judgement of the impact of COVID-19 on cybercrime has demonstrated an important target shift from individuals and small businesses to major corporations. For instance, in October 2023, according to a report issued by AAG, a UK-based information technology (IT) service provider, there was a 125% increase in cyberattacks worldwide, and in 2022, the threat created by these attacks to individuals and organizations further grew. Therefore, the increase in the frequency of cyberattacks and frauds is driving the growth of the fraud detection and prevention market.

The rising popularity of the growing e-commerce industry is expected to boost the growth of the fraud detection and prevention market going forward. E-commerce refers to the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet. The growth of online shopping and digital payment methods has led to an uptick in online fraud, driving the demand for fraud detection tools in the e-commerce sector. According to US eCommerce statistics, in 2022, 65% of consumers anticipate using internet purchasing platforms more frequently. By 2024, it is anticipated that e-commerce revenues will total $6.3 trillion. Further, according to Esw, a global eCommerce management company, there are currently 29.6 million eCommerce users in Spain, with an additional 7.3 million users shopping online by 2025. These 36.9 million eCommerce users will represent 74% of the total population. The average user spends $804 online. Hence, the rising popularity of the growing e-commerce industry is driving the growth of the fraud detection and prevention market.

Technological advancement is a key trend gaining popularity in the fraud detection and prevention market. Technological advancement is the discovery of knowledge that advances the understanding of technology. For instance, in October 2022, DG Financial Technology Inc. (DGFT), a Japan-based service provider company, partnered with Scudetto Corporation, a Japan-based company specializing in online fraud prevention, and launched Sift Digital Trust & Safety Suite (Sift), an artificial intelligence (AI)-built fraud detection solution. Sift is a fraud detection and prevention solution that uses artificial intelligence to detect fraud and abuse in the e-commerce space and online, including credit card fraud and account takeover, to reduce the damage from chargebacks and other fraudulent activities by streamlining fraud prevention operations and increasing revenue.

Major companies operating in the fraud detection and prevention market are developing strategic partnerships. Strategic partnerships refer to a process in which companies leverage each other's strengths and resources to achieve mutual benefits and success. For instance, in June 2022, Advanced Fraud Solutions (AFS), a US-based company that specializes in providing technology and solutions to help financial institutions, businesses, and organizations detect and prevent fraudulent activities and transactions, announced its collaboration with Fiserv, a US-based provider of payments and financial services technology. The collaboration will allow Fiserv and financial institution clients to check fraud detection, risk-based fund availability, and decision processes, helping to prevent losses and identify fraudulent deposits before they are accepted.

In September 2024, Mastercard, a U.S.-based company that provides a variety of payment transaction processing and related services, acquired Recorded Future for $2.65 billion. This acquisition aims to enhance Mastercard's fraud detection and prevention capabilities by incorporating Recorded Future's advanced threat intelligence and analytics technology. The integration is expected to offer financial institutions and merchants improved real-time insights into potential cyber threats, thereby bolstering security for digital transactions. Recorded Future is a U.S.-based company that specializes in threat intelligence and cybersecurity solutions, including fraud detection and prevention.

Major companies operating in the fraud detection and prevention market include IBM Corporation, Fair Isaac Corporation, Oracle Corporation, SAS Institute Inc., BAE Systems plc, DXC Technology Company, SAP SE, ACI Worldwide Inc., Fiserv Inc., ThreatMetrix company, NICE Systems Ltd., Equifax Inc., Cybersource Corporation, Global Payments Inc., Experian Information Solutions Inc., TransUnion LLC, RSA Security LLC, LexisNexis Risk Solutions, Kount Inc., Feedzai Inc., Featurespace Inc., Pindrop Security Inc., Simility Inc., Signifyd Inc., Sift Science Inc., Idology Inc., Total System Services Inc.

North America was the largest region in the fraud detection and prevention market in 2024. Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest-growing region in the forecast period. The regions covered in the fraud detection and prevention market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa

The countries covered in the fraud detection and prevention market report are Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Russia, South Korea, UK, USA, Italy, Canada, Spain.

The fraud detection and prevention market consists of revenues earned by entities that provide protection against fraudulent activities that can involve a broad range of cases such as money laundering, cybersecurity threats, tax evasion, and fraudulent insurance claims. The market value includes the value of related goods sold by the service provider or included within the service offering. Only goods and services traded between entities or sold to end consumers are included.

The market value is defined as the revenues that enterprises gain from the sale of goods and/or services within the specified market and geography through sales, grants, or donations in terms of the currency (in USD, unless otherwise specified).

The revenues for a specified geography are consumption values that are revenues generated by organizations in the specified geography within the market, irrespective of where they are produced. It does not include revenues from resales along the supply chain, either further along the supply chain or as part of other products.

Fraud Detection and Prevention Global Market Report 2025 from The Business Research Company provides strategists, marketers and senior management with the critical information they need to assess the market.

This report focuses on fraud detection and prevention market which is experiencing strong growth. The report gives a guide to the trends which will be shaping the market over the next ten years and beyond.

Reasons to Purchase

  • Gain a truly global perspective with the most comprehensive report available on this market covering 15 geographies.
  • Assess the impact of key macro factors such as conflict, pandemic and recovery, inflation and interest rate environment and the 2nd Trump presidency.
  • Create regional and country strategies on the basis of local data and analysis.
  • Identify growth segments for investment.
  • Outperform competitors using forecast data and the drivers and trends shaping the market.
  • Understand customers based on the latest market shares.
  • Benchmark performance against key competitors.
  • Suitable for supporting your internal and external presentations with reliable high quality data and analysis
  • Report will be updated with the latest data and delivered to you within 2-3 working days of order along with an Excel data sheet for easy data extraction and analysis.
  • All data from the report will also be delivered in an excel dashboard format.

Where is the largest and fastest growing market for fraud detection and prevention ? How does the market relate to the overall economy, demography and other similar markets? What forces will shape the market going forward? The fraud detection and prevention market global report from the Business Research Company answers all these questions and many more.

The report covers market characteristics, size and growth, segmentation, regional and country breakdowns, competitive landscape, market shares, trends and strategies for this market. It traces the market's historic and forecast market growth by geography.

  • The market characteristics section of the report defines and explains the market.
  • The market size section gives the market size ($b) covering both the historic growth of the market, and forecasting its development.
  • The forecasts are made after considering the major factors currently impacting the market. These include:

The forecasts are made after considering the major factors currently impacting the market. These include the Russia-Ukraine war, rising inflation, higher interest rates, and the legacy of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Market segmentations break down the market into sub markets.
  • The regional and country breakdowns section gives an analysis of the market in each geography and the size of the market by geography and compares their historic and forecast growth. It covers the growth trajectory of COVID-19 for all regions, key developed countries and major emerging markets.
  • The competitive landscape chapter gives a description of the competitive nature of the market, market shares, and a description of the leading companies. Key financial deals which have shaped the market in recent years are identified.
  • The trends and strategies section analyses the shape of the market as it emerges from the crisis and suggests how companies can grow as the market recovers.


  • Markets Covered:1) By Fraud Type: Check Fraud; Identity Fraud; Internet Or Online Fraud; Investment Fraud; Payment Frauds; Insurance Fraud; Other Fraud Types
  • 2) By Deployment Mode: Cloud; On-premises
  • 3) By Solution: Fraud Analytics; Authentication; Reporting; Visualization; Other Solutions
  • 4) By Application: Insurance claims; Money laundering; Electronic Payment
  • 5) By End User: Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs); Large Enterprises
  • Subsegments:
  • 1) By Check Fraud: Forged Checks; Counterfeit Checks; Altered Checks
  • 2) By Identity Fraud: Identity Theft; Synthetic Identity Fraud; Account Takeover
  • 3) By Internet Or Online Fraud: Phishing Scams; Online Auction Fraud; E-commerce Fraud
  • 4) By Investment Fraud: Ponzi Schemes; Securities Fraud; Affinity Fraud
  • 5) By Payment Frauds: Credit Card Fraud; Mobile Payment Fraud; ACH Fraud
  • 6) By Insurance Fraud: Health Insurance Fraud; Auto Insurance Fraud; Property Insurance Fraud
  • 7) By Other Fraud Types: Tax Fraud; Charity Fraud; Employment Fraud
  • Companies Mentioned: IBM Corporation; Fair Isaac Corporation; Oracle Corporation; SAS Institute Inc.; BAE Systems plc
  • Countries: Australia; Brazil; China; France; Germany; India; Indonesia; Japan; Russia; South Korea; UK; USA; Canada; Italy; Spain
  • Regions: Asia-Pacific; Western Europe; Eastern Europe; North America; South America; Middle East; Africa
  • Time series: Five years historic and ten years forecast.
  • Data: Ratios of market size and growth to related markets, GDP proportions, expenditure per capita,
  • Data segmentations: country and regional historic and forecast data, market share of competitors, market segments.
  • Sourcing and Referencing: Data and analysis throughout the report is sourced using end notes.
  • Delivery format: PDF, Word and Excel Data Dashboard.

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Fraud Detection and Prevention Market Characteristics

3. Fraud Detection and Prevention Market Trends And Strategies

4. Fraud Detection and Prevention Market - Macro Economic Scenario Including The Impact Of Interest Rates, Inflation, Geopolitics And Covid And Recovery On The Market

5. Global Fraud Detection and Prevention Growth Analysis And Strategic Analysis Framework

  • 5.1. Global Fraud Detection and Prevention PESTEL Analysis (Political, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal Factors, Drivers and Restraints)
  • 5.2. Analysis Of End Use Industries
  • 5.3. Global Fraud Detection and Prevention Market Growth Rate Analysis
  • 5.4. Global Fraud Detection and Prevention Historic Market Size and Growth, 2019 - 2024, Value ($ Billion)
  • 5.5. Global Fraud Detection and Prevention Forecast Market Size and Growth, 2024 - 2029, 2034F, Value ($ Billion)
  • 5.6. Global Fraud Detection and Prevention Total Addressable Market (TAM)

6. Fraud Detection and Prevention Market Segmentation

  • 6.1. Global Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Fraud Type, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • Check Fraud
  • Identity Fraud
  • Internet /Online Fraud
  • Investment Fraud
  • Payment Frauds
  • Insurance Fraud
  • Other Fraud Types
  • 6.2. Global Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Deployment Mode, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • Cloud
  • On-premises
  • 6.3. Global Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Solution, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • Fraud Analytics
  • Authentication
  • Reporting
  • Visualization
  • Other Solutions
  • 6.4. Global Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • Insurance claims
  • Money laundering
  • Electronic Payment
  • 6.5. Global Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By End User, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
  • Large Enterprises
  • 6.6. Global Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Sub-Segmentation Of Check Fraud, By Type, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • Forged Checks
  • Counterfeit Checks
  • Altered Checks
  • 6.7. Global Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Sub-Segmentation Of Identity Fraud, By Type, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • Identity Theft
  • Synthetic Identity Fraud
  • Account Takeover
  • 6.8. Global Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Sub-Segmentation Of Internet Or Online Fraud, By Type, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • Phishing Scams
  • Online Auction Fraud
  • E-commerce Fraud
  • 6.9. Global Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Sub-Segmentation Of Investment Fraud, By Type, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • Ponzi Schemes
  • Securities Fraud
  • Affinity Fraud
  • 6.10. Global Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Sub-Segmentation Of Payment Frauds, By Type, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • Credit Card Fraud
  • Mobile Payment Fraud
  • ACH Fraud
  • 6.11. Global Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Sub-Segmentation Of Insurance Fraud, By Type, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • Health Insurance Fraud
  • Auto Insurance Fraud
  • Property Insurance Fraud
  • 6.12. Global Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Sub-Segmentation Of Other Fraud Types, By Type, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • Tax Fraud
  • Charity Fraud
  • Employment Fraud

7. Fraud Detection and Prevention Market Regional And Country Analysis

  • 7.1. Global Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Split By Region, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 7.2. Global Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Split By Country, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion

8. Asia-Pacific Fraud Detection and Prevention Market

  • 8.1. Asia-Pacific Fraud Detection and Prevention Market Overview
  • Region Information, Market Information, Background Information, Government Initiatives, Regulations, Regulatory Bodies, Major Associations, Taxes Levied, Corporate Tax Structure, Investments, Major Companies
  • 8.2. Asia-Pacific Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Fraud Type, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 8.3. Asia-Pacific Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Deployment Mode, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 8.4. Asia-Pacific Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Solution, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion

9. China Fraud Detection and Prevention Market

  • 9.1. China Fraud Detection and Prevention Market Overview
  • 9.2. China Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Fraud Type, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F,$ Billion
  • 9.3. China Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Deployment Mode, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F,$ Billion
  • 9.4. China Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Solution, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F,$ Billion

10. India Fraud Detection and Prevention Market

  • 10.1. India Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Fraud Type, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 10.2. India Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Deployment Mode, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 10.3. India Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Solution, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion

11. Japan Fraud Detection and Prevention Market

  • 11.1. Japan Fraud Detection and Prevention Market Overview
  • 11.2. Japan Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Fraud Type, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 11.3. Japan Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Deployment Mode, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 11.4. Japan Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Solution, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion

12. Australia Fraud Detection and Prevention Market

  • 12.1. Australia Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Fraud Type, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 12.2. Australia Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Deployment Mode, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 12.3. Australia Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Solution, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion

13. Indonesia Fraud Detection and Prevention Market

  • 13.1. Indonesia Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Fraud Type, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 13.2. Indonesia Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Deployment Mode, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 13.3. Indonesia Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Solution, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion

14. South Korea Fraud Detection and Prevention Market

  • 14.1. South Korea Fraud Detection and Prevention Market Overview
  • 14.2. South Korea Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Fraud Type, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 14.3. South Korea Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Deployment Mode, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 14.4. South Korea Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Solution, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion

15. Western Europe Fraud Detection and Prevention Market

  • 15.1. Western Europe Fraud Detection and Prevention Market Overview
  • 15.2. Western Europe Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Fraud Type, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 15.3. Western Europe Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Deployment Mode, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 15.4. Western Europe Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Solution, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion

16. UK Fraud Detection and Prevention Market

  • 16.1. UK Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Fraud Type, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 16.2. UK Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Deployment Mode, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 16.3. UK Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Solution, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion

17. Germany Fraud Detection and Prevention Market

  • 17.1. Germany Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Fraud Type, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 17.2. Germany Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Deployment Mode, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 17.3. Germany Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Solution, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion

18. France Fraud Detection and Prevention Market

  • 18.1. France Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Fraud Type, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 18.2. France Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Deployment Mode, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 18.3. France Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Solution, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion

19. Italy Fraud Detection and Prevention Market

  • 19.1. Italy Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Fraud Type, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 19.2. Italy Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Deployment Mode, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 19.3. Italy Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Solution, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion

20. Spain Fraud Detection and Prevention Market

  • 20.1. Spain Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Fraud Type, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 20.2. Spain Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Deployment Mode, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 20.3. Spain Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Solution, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion

21. Eastern Europe Fraud Detection and Prevention Market

  • 21.1. Eastern Europe Fraud Detection and Prevention Market Overview
  • 21.2. Eastern Europe Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Fraud Type, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 21.3. Eastern Europe Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Deployment Mode, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 21.4. Eastern Europe Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Solution, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion

22. Russia Fraud Detection and Prevention Market

  • 22.1. Russia Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Fraud Type, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 22.2. Russia Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Deployment Mode, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 22.3. Russia Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Solution, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion

23. North America Fraud Detection and Prevention Market

  • 23.1. North America Fraud Detection and Prevention Market Overview
  • 23.2. North America Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Fraud Type, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 23.3. North America Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Deployment Mode, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 23.4. North America Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Solution, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion

24. USA Fraud Detection and Prevention Market

  • 24.1. USA Fraud Detection and Prevention Market Overview
  • 24.2. USA Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Fraud Type, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 24.3. USA Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Deployment Mode, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 24.4. USA Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Solution, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion

25. Canada Fraud Detection and Prevention Market

  • 25.1. Canada Fraud Detection and Prevention Market Overview
  • 25.2. Canada Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Fraud Type, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 25.3. Canada Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Deployment Mode, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 25.4. Canada Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Solution, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion

26. South America Fraud Detection and Prevention Market

  • 26.1. South America Fraud Detection and Prevention Market Overview
  • 26.2. South America Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Fraud Type, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 26.3. South America Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Deployment Mode, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 26.4. South America Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Solution, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion

27. Brazil Fraud Detection and Prevention Market

  • 27.1. Brazil Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Fraud Type, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 27.2. Brazil Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Deployment Mode, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 27.3. Brazil Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Solution, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion

28. Middle East Fraud Detection and Prevention Market

  • 28.1. Middle East Fraud Detection and Prevention Market Overview
  • 28.2. Middle East Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Fraud Type, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 28.3. Middle East Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Deployment Mode, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 28.4. Middle East Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Solution, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion

29. Africa Fraud Detection and Prevention Market

  • 29.1. Africa Fraud Detection and Prevention Market Overview
  • 29.2. Africa Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Fraud Type, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 29.3. Africa Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Deployment Mode, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion
  • 29.4. Africa Fraud Detection and Prevention Market, Segmentation By Solution, Historic and Forecast, 2019-2024, 2024-2029F, 2034F, $ Billion

30. Fraud Detection and Prevention Market Competitive Landscape And Company Profiles

  • 30.1. Fraud Detection and Prevention Market Competitive Landscape
  • 30.2. Fraud Detection and Prevention Market Company Profiles
    • 30.2.1. IBM Corporation Overview, Products and Services, Strategy and Financial Analysis
    • 30.2.2. Fair Isaac Corporation Overview, Products and Services, Strategy and Financial Analysis
    • 30.2.3. Oracle Corporation Overview, Products and Services, Strategy and Financial Analysis
    • 30.2.4. SAS Institute Inc. Overview, Products and Services, Strategy and Financial Analysis
    • 30.2.5. BAE Systems plc Overview, Products and Services, Strategy and Financial Analysis

31. Fraud Detection and Prevention Market Other Major And Innovative Companies

  • 31.1. DXC Technology Company
  • 31.2. SAP SE
  • 31.3. ACI Worldwide Inc.
  • 31.4. Fiserv Inc.
  • 31.5. ThreatMetrix company
  • 31.6. NICE Systems Ltd.
  • 31.7. Equifax Inc.
  • 31.8. Cybersource Corporation
  • 31.9. Global Payments Inc.
  • 31.10. Experian Information Solutions Inc.
  • 31.11. TransUnion LLC
  • 31.12. RSA Security LLC
  • 31.13. LexisNexis Risk Solutions
  • 31.14. Kount Inc.
  • 31.15. Feedzai Inc.

32. Global Fraud Detection and Prevention Market Competitive Benchmarking And Dashboard

33. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The Fraud Detection and Prevention Market

34. Recent Developments In The Fraud Detection and Prevention Market

35. Fraud Detection and Prevention Market High Potential Countries, Segments and Strategies

  • 35.1 Fraud Detection and Prevention Market In 2029 - Countries Offering Most New Opportunities
  • 35.2 Fraud Detection and Prevention Market In 2029 - Segments Offering Most New Opportunities
  • 35.3 Fraud Detection and Prevention Market In 2029 - Growth Strategies
    • 35.3.1 Market Trend Based Strategies
    • 35.3.2 Competitor Strategies

36. Appendix

  • 36.1. Abbreviations
  • 36.2. Currencies
  • 36.3. Historic And Forecast Inflation Rates
  • 36.4. Research Inquiries
  • 36.5. The Business Research Company
  • 36.6. Copyright And Disclaimer