Teal Group's 'World Military Unmanned Aerial Systems Market Profile & Forecast' annual sector study, authored by Steve Zaloga, David Rockwell and Tom Zoretich, allows clients to identify lucrative potential business opportunities in the increasingly dynamic international military UAS market. It contains a wealth of timely intelligence and analysis on the systems, as well as requirements on a country-by-country basis.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Features include:
- Expert Analysis - A comprehensive outlook and rationale for what will be in demand over the next decade and the key market opportunities.
- Forecast to 2032 - Ten-Year projections of units and dollar value by Region, Country, Vehicle Class, Customer and Platform. R&D and procurement breakouts are included.
- Recent Developments - Coverage includes global conflicts, Ukraine/Russia War, emerging threats, technology advances, and new product development.
- Air Vehicles - Development histories, specifications, functional descriptions, manufacturers, funding, and evaluations.
- Sensors - Electro-optic, infrared, synthetic aperture radar, electronic warfare, SIGINT, and multi- and hyperspectral systems.
- Countries - Covers nearly 100 individual countries, including assessments of requirements, systems, and acquisition activities.
- Competitors - Initiatives of more than 50 key companies: product offerings, investment activities, acquisitions and important developments.
At nearly 1,000 pages, the study offers a comprehensive outlook and assessment of the market and its components. (Forecast Spreadsheets are included).
Table of Contents
Executive Overview
The Market Outlook
- World UAS Budget Forecast (excluding US classified budget)
- World UAS Budget Forecast (including provisional US classified budget)
- World Production Forecast by Type
- World UAV Production Forecast by Region
- Study Parameters
- Forecast Assumptions
- Cost Evaluation
Military UAS Profile
Civil UAVs
The Numbers
- Mini-VTOL UAV Production Forecast by Region
- Small/Tactical VTOL UAV Production Forecast by Region
- Mini-UAV Production Forecast by Region
- Small Tactical UAV Production Forecast by Region
- Tactical UAV Production Forecast Summary by Region
- Naval UAVs Production Forecast Summary by Region
- MALE UAV Production Forecast Summary by Region
- HALE UAV Production Forecast Summary by Region
- UCAV Production Forecast Summary by Region
- Civil Government, Commercial & Consumer UAVs
The US UAS Market
The Market Outlook
- Past as Prologue
- US Department of Defense UAV Funding History
- DoD UAV Categories
- US Military UAV Inventory Trends
- US UAV Inventory (FY17)
- US DoD UAV Budget Forecast
- US UAV Production Forecast
Program Profiles
- US Micro/Mini UAVs
- US Navy/Marine Corps RQ-21 Blackjack STUAS
- RQ-7A Shadow/Future Tactical UAS
- RQ-8 Fire Scout VTUAV
- US Marine UAV Programs
- US Cargo UAV Programs
- MQ-1C Grey Eagle/MQ-9 Reaper
- Air Force Next Generation UAS (NGUAS)
- MQ-25 Stingray (CBARS)
- RQ-4 Global Hawk
- UCAV (CCA/Skyborg/Attritable Aircraft)
European UAS Market
Market Overview
- Current European Military Programs
- European UAV Production Forecast by Type
Country Profiles
- Armenia
- Austria
- Azerbaijan
- Belgium
- Belarus
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Estonia
- European Union/NATO
- Finland
- France
- Georgia
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Ireland
- Italy
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Russia
- Serbia
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- United Kingdom
Rest of the World UAS Market
Market Overview
Middle East
- Middle East UAV Production Forecast by Type
- Bahrain
- Egypt
- Iran
- Iraq
- Israel
- Jordan
- Kuwait
- Lebanon
- Qatar
- Saudi Arabia
- Syria
- United Arab Emirates
- Africa
- African UAV Production Forecast by Type
- Algeria
- Angola
- Botswana
- Burkina Faso
- Cameroon
- Chad
- Congo
- Ethiopia
- Ivory Coast
- Kenya
- Libya
- Mali
- Mauritania
- Morocco
- Niger
- Nigeria
- Rwanda
- Senegal
- South Africa
- Sudan
- Tunisia
- Uganda
- Yemen
- Zambia
- Asia-Pacific UAV Production Forecast by Type
- Australia
- Bangladesh
- Brunei
- China
- India
- Indonesia
- Japan
- Kazakhstan
- Korea, North
- Korea, South
- Malaysia
- Myanmar (Burma)
- New Zealand
- Pakistan
- Philippines
- Singapore
- Sri Lanka
- Taiwan
- Thailand
- Vietnam
The Americas
- Americas UAV Production Forecast by Type
- Argentina
- Brazil
- Canada
- Chile
- Colombia
- Dominican Republic
- Ecuador
- Mexico
- Panama
- Venezuela
Electro-Optical/Infrared Sensors
Market Overview
High Altitude Endurance (HALE) EO/IR Sensors
- USAF Global Hawk Basic and Enhanced Integrated Sensor Suite (EISS)
- USAF Global Hawk Follow-On EO/IR Sensors
- USAF Next-Generation HALE EO/IR Sensor Suite
- Navy MQ-4C Triton MTS-B & AN/DAS-X Sensor Suite
- USAF Classified Stealthy UAV EO/IR Sensors (RQ-170 & RQ-180)
- US Army HADES & Future Small Manned ISR Aircraft EO/IR Sensors
- Coast Guard Deepwater Endurance UAV EO/IR Sensor
Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) EO/IR Sensors
- Predator & Predator B/Reaper AN/AAS-52 MTS-A & AN/DAS-1/4/Next Gen MTS-B (Multi-spectral
- Targeting System) & Future MALE EO/IR
- US CBP/USCG Guardian/Predator B AN/DAS-1(V) MTS-B (Multi-Spectral Targeting System)
- Canadian RPAS MALE UAV L3 WESCAM MX-20/25 EO/IR Sensor
- USAF MQ-X/MQ-20/MQ-Next Gen/NG-UAS/Stealthy MALE UAV EO/IR
- Lockheed Martin MQ-20 Avenger TacIRST & UAV IRST Systems
- Missile Defense Agency (MDA) Air Tracking and Targeting Sys (ATTS)
- US Army Next Generation Airborne ISR Sensors and Platforms
- US Army Gray Eagle AN/DAS-2(V) Common Sensor Payload (CSP)
- Predator XP EO/IR Sensors
- FLIR Systems, Inc. (FSI) Star SAFIRE 380HD
- Lockheed Martin INFIRNO
- Collins Aerospace (was Goodrich) DB-110 & MS-110 EO/IR Pods
- Rafael RecceLite & Recce-U EO/IR Pods
- US Navy MALE TERN (Tactically Exploited Reconnaissance Node) Sensors
- US Marine Corps Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF) UAS Expeditionary (MUX) EO/IR Sensors
Wide FOV (WFOV) EO/IR Sensors
- USAF Reaper Gorgon Stare & Classified WFOV EO/IR Sensors
- Predator C Avenger Wide Field of View (WFOV) Sensor
- Logos Technologies Redkite & LEAPS & Kestrel & WAMI Sensors
- Sentient Vision Systems ViDAR WAMI Systems
- US Marine Corps RQ-21A Blackjack Group III UAS Wide Area Persistent Surveillance (WAS) Sensors
- US Marine Corps RQ-7 Shadow Wide Focal Plane Array Camera (WFPAC "Wolfpack")
- US Marine Corps RQ-7 Shadow WASPS (Wide Area Surgical and Persistent Surveillance)
- AWARE (Advanced WFOV Architectures for Image Reconstruction and Exploitation)
Hyperspectral EO Sensors
- Global Hawk SPIRITT & USAF Hyperspectral Systems
- USAF Predator ACES Hy Hyperspectral Imager
- USAF Reaper CERBERUS Hyperspectral Imager
- US Army RQ-7 Shadow AURORA & Navy/Army Hyperspectral Systems
- US Marine Corps RQ-21A Blackjack Group III UAS Hyperspectral Sensors
UCAV EO/IR Sensors
- USAF Classified Stealthy SEAD/Strike UCAV EO/IR Sensors
- US Navy MQ-25A Stingray CBARS & UCLASS & UCAS-D EO/IR Sensors
Tactical UAV EO/IR Sensors
- US Navy/US Coast Guard MQ-8B/C Fire Scout EO/IR Sensors
- US Army FTUAS (Future TUAS) EO/IR Sensors
- US Army/USMC RQ-7 Shadow V2 MX-10 EO/IR Sensors
- US Army/USMC RQ-7 Shadow V1 POP 200/300
- US Army Hunter Raven Eye II/MOSP
- Collins Aerospace (was Goodrich) SWIR (Short-Wave IR) Sensors
- US Navy & Army MRMUAS & MRMP EO/IR Sensors
Small Tactical UAV EO/IR Sensors
- US Navy/USMC RQ-21A Blackjack/Integrator Alticam EO/IR Sensors
- ScanEagle Alticam EO and IR Sensors
- ScanEagle ViDAR "Optical Radar"
- FLIR Systems, Inc. (FSI) StormCaster EO/IR Sensor (SkyRaider & SkyRanger UAVs)
- FLIR Systems, Inc. (FSI) Cooled Neutrino MWIR Thermal Camera Cores
- Gremlins and "Swarming" Small UAV EO/IR Sensors
Mini-UAV EO/IR Sensors
- AeroVironment Raven & Wasp & Puma Mantis EO/IR Sensors
- US Army Long-Range Reconnaissance and Surveillance (LRSS) & Company-Level SUAS Directed
- Requirement UAV EO/IR Sensors
- US & Available International Mini-UAV EO/IR Sensors
- Air Force Desert Hawk (was Sentry Owl) EO Sensors
- RQ-11 Raven Photon IR Sensor
Micro/Nano Air Vehicle (NAV) EO/IR Sensors
- US Army Short Range Reconnaissance (SRR) sUAS (Small UAS) EO/IR Sensors (Quadcopters)
- Nano Air Vehicle (NAV) EO/IR Sensors
- FLIR Systems, Inc. (FSI) Lepton EO/IR Cameras
Synthetic Aperture Radars
Market Overview
- SAR Technology
- SAR Market
- SAR Program Forecasts
- Market Shares
High Altitude Endurance (HALE) UAV Radars
- USAF Global Hawk AN/ZPY-2 MP-RTIP
- NATO "Phoenix" Global Hawk AGS/MP-RTIP
- USAF Global Hawk "HISAR"
- USAF Global Hawk Follow-On SAR (ASARS-2(V))
- USAF Next-Generation HALE UAV SAR
- US Navy MQ-4C Triton AN/ZPY-3 Multi-Function Active Sensor (MFAS)
- USAF Classified Stealthy ISR UAV SARs (RQ-170 & RQ-180)
- US Army HADES & Future Small Manned ISR Aircraft SARs
- USCG Deepwater Endurance UAV ISAR
Medium Altitude Endurance (MALE) UAV Radars
- USAF Reaper AN/APY-8 Lynx SAR & Future MALE SAR
- US CBP Predator B AN/APY-8 Lynx SAR
- USAF Reaper (Lynx Upgrade) Dismount Detection Radar (DR)
- US CBP/USCG Guardian SeaVue SAR
- Predator B/Guardian/MALE Future Small Maritime Radar
- Due Regard Radar (DRR) & Detect and Avoid (DAA) Avionics Systems
- USAF MQ-X/MQ-Next Gen/Next Generation Stealthy MALE UAV Radar
- US Army Next Generation Airborne ISR Sensors and Platforms
- US Army Gray Eagle JADO SAR/GMTI
- US Army Gray Eagle-Extended Range (GA-ER) Eagle Eye MMR SAR
- US Army Gray Eagle AN/ZPY-1 Starlite SAR
- US Army Predator/Sky Warrior ER/MP Lynx II SAR
- Podded US CBP/Army Guardian/Gray Eagle VADER & LRR-E Radars
- Podded AN/ASQ-236 Dragon's Eye Classified USAF SAR Pod
- US Marine Corps Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF) UAS Expeditionary (MUX) MOSAIC Radar
- Podded Leonardo/UTC Aerospace (UTAS) "TacSAR" Pod (UAV)
- "ASARS-3" (Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar System)
- USAF Reaper Dismount Detection Radar (DDR)
- US Army Gray Eagle TRACER
- MB SAR (Multi-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar) UHF/L-band Radar
UCAV Programs
- USAF Classified Stealthy SEAD/Strike UCAV Radars
- USAF CCA/LCAAT/Skyborg UCAV Radars
- US Navy MQ-25A Stingray CBARS & UCLASS & UCAS-D Radars
Tactical UAV Programs
- US Navy MQ-8B/C Fire Scout SARs & Other Tactical UAV Radars
- US Army FTUAS (Future TUAS) Radars
- US Army RQ-7 Shadow SAR
Magnetic Anomaly Detectors (MADs)
- MAD-XR (Magnetic Anomaly Detection Extended Role)
Small Tactical/Mini/Nano UAV Programs
- US Navy/Marine Corps RQ-21A Blackjack/Integrator Group III SAR/MTI (ImSAR NSP-5 UWB & AN/PDY-2 SPLIT ACES Nano-SAR/MTI)
- ScanEagle NanoSAR & Leonardo SAR Systems
- miniSAR
- microSAR
- PicoSAR
- MiniSAR
SIGINT & Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) Sys.
Market Overview
Endurance UAV SIGINT & ECM Programs
- USAF Global Hawk/HALE & Predator/Reaper/MALE ASIP (Airborne Signals Intelligence Payload)
- USAF Global Hawk Hyperwide COMINT
- USAF Global Hawk LR-100 RWR/ESM/ELINT
- Navy MQ-4C Triton AN/ZLQ-1 ESM System & Follow-On SIGINT & Future Triton SIGINT Suite
- USAF Classified Stealthy ISR UAV ESM/EA Sys. (RQ-170 & RQ-180) & Other Endurance UAV SIGINT
- Army HADES & Future Small Manned ISR Aircraft SIGINT Sensors
- USAF ALQ-167 Angry Kitten & USAF MALE UAV ECM/EA Pods
- USMC Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF) UAS Expeditionary (MUX) EW/SIGINT Sensors
- Army Tactical SIGINT Payload (TSP) & Follow-On & Future Army MALE UAV SIGINT System
- General Atomics MALE UAV Self-Protection Pod (SPP)
- MALE UAV (MQ-25A) ALR-69A Radar Warning Receiver/ESM System
- Reaper Advanced Radar Detection System (ARDS) ELINT Pod
- Army Next Generation Airborne ISR Sensors and Platforms
- Army Gray Eagle MFEW-AL (Multi-Function EW-Air Large) Pod
- Army Gray Eagle CEASAR/NERO COMINT Electronic Attack Pods
- Pandora Electronic Warfare (EW) System (MALE)
- Army MQ-5B Hunter Green Dart SIGINT System
- USAF Classified Stealthy SEAD/Strike UCAV SIGINT & Electronic Attack (EA) Systems
- USAF CCA/LCAAT/Skyborg SIGINT & EA Systems
- USMC UCAV Electronic Attack (EA)
- USMC UAV Electronic Attack (EA) Standoff Jammers (AN/ALQ-99 & AN/ALQ-249 NGJ)
- Navy MQ-25A Stingray CBARS & UCLASS & UCAS-D SIGINT & Electronic Attack (EA)
- Early US Air Force/Navy UCAV Electronic Warfare Systems
Tactical/Mini/Nano UAV SIGINT & EA Programs
- Overview
- US Army FTUAS (Future TUAS) SIGINT & EA Systems
- Army RQ-7 Shadow SIGINT Systems
- USMC RQ-7 Shadow Software Reprogrammable Payload (SRP)
- RQ-7B Shadow SIGINT Pod
- Navy MQ-8C Fire Scout SIGINT/EW Pod
- DARPA CONCERTO (CONverged Collaborative Elements for RF Task Operations)
- US Special Operations Forces (SOF) Tactical/Mini-UAV SIGINT Sensor
- Pandora Electronic Warfare (EW) System (Small UAV)
- "NanoSIGINT" (Tactical/Small Tactical UAV)
- USMC AN/ALQ-231(V) Intrepid Tiger Electronic Warfare (EW) Pod
- Navy/Marine Corps RQ-21A Blackjack/Integrator Group III AN/DSY-4 Spectral Bat SIGINT Payload
- US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) MEUAS III Small Tactical SIGINT/ELINT Sensors
- Army RQ-20 Puma Mini-UAV SIGINT Sensors
- USMC Raven/Puma Group I Mini-UAV SIGINT Payloads
International UAV SIGINT Programs
- Euro Hawk ISIS/Pegasus Wide Area SIGINT System
- Ultra Electronics Australia Predator B Electronic Warfare (EW) Payloads
- UK Watchkeeper SIGINT: Soothsayer
- Xtender/FlyingFish Satellite Phone SIGINT System
- TRC 274 & TRC 6200
- Top Scan
- Skyfix SIGINT Suite
- SPS-65V5 Modular EW/SIGINT Suite
- Skyfix COMINT/DF
C4I Systems
Market Overview
- System Types
- Teal Group Evaluation
Data Link Programs
- Global Hawk (EQ-4) Battlefield Airborne Communications Node (BACN)
- Global Hawk Block 30/40 C4I Systems
- Predator B Agile Condor AI Computing Architecture
- Predator B/MALE Network Centric Communications Pod (NCCP)
- US Marine Corps Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF) UAS Expeditionary (MUX) & MQ-9A Reaper
- C4I Systems
- MUM-T (Manned-Unmanned Teaming) & VUIT-2
- NATO Mode 5 IFF for UAVs
- USMC RQ-7 Shadow Software Reprogrammable Payload (SRP)
- RQ-7 Shadow Forward Airborne Secure Transmissions and Communications (FASTCOM)
- US Marine Corps Raven/Puma Group I Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET)
- Next-Generation Scalable UA Mission Command System
- Tactical Control System (TCS) & UAV Operating Systems
- Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T)
- Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS)
- USAF Tactical Data Links (TDL)/Link-16
- US Navy Tactical Data Links (TDL)/Link-16
- US Army Tactical Data Links (TDL)/Link-16
- Improved Data Modem (IDM)
- CEC (Cooperative Engagement Capability)
- Common Data Link (CDL) & Tactical Common Data Link (TCDL)
- Network Tactical Common Data Link-Network (TCDL-N)
- Tactical Common Data Link-Network (TCDL-N)
- Communications Data Link System (CDLS)
Military UAS Company Profiles
- Aeronautics Ltd.
- AeroVironment Inc.
- Airbus Defence & Space (formerly European Defence and Space Co.)
- Aurora Flight Sciences
- Aviation Industry Corp of China (AVIC)
- BAE Systems
- Baykar Makina
- Bell Textron
- The Boeing Co.
- CAE Inc.
- China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp.
- Dassault Aviation
- Denel Pty. Ltd.
- Diehl Defence GmbH & Co. KG
- DJI Innovations
- Elbit Systems Ltd.
- General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.
- Griffon Aerospace
- Honeywell International Inc.
- Insitu Inc.
- Intra Defense Technologies
- Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd.
- Kaman Aerospace Corp.
- Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd
- Korean Air Aerospace Business Division
- Kratos Defense and Security Solutions Inc.
- L3Harris Technologies
- Leidos Holdings Inc.
- Leonardo (formerly Finmeccanica)
- Lockheed Martin Corp.
- MDA Space (formerly MacDonald, Dettwiler, and Associates)
- Northrop Grumman Corp.
- Parrot SA
- Piaggio Aerospace
- Rheinmetall (formerly EMT Ingenieurgesellschaft)
- Rolls-Royce
- RTX Corporation
- Safran
- Saudi Arabian Military Industries
- Schiebel Elektronische Geraete GmbH
Shield AI
- Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation
- Skydio
- Swift Engineering, Inc.
- Teledyne Technologies Inc. (including FLIR)
- Textron Systems Unmanned Systems
- Thales
- Turkish Aerospace Industries
- Uconsystem Co. Ltd.
- UMS Skeldar
Appendix 1
US DoD 10-Year UAV Funding History Summary
RDT&E by Service
Procurement by Service
Appendix 2
US DoD Prime Contracts