用於光學和射頻的超材料和超表面:市場、技術、趨勢(2023-2029):具有標準材料無法實現的特殊特性的超材料和超表面Metamaterials & Metasurfaces for Optics and RF: Market, Technologies and Trends (2023-2029) - Metamaterials and Metasurfaces Have Extraordinary Features That Cannot Be Achieved With Standard Materials |
超材料源自希臘文 "meta-" (意為超越),是一種智慧材料,具有天然材料所沒有的光子、聲學、機械和 RF(射頻)特性。這就是材料。
超材料是透過組合金屬和聚合物等標準材料並對其進行圖案化而創建的。 這些材料通常以重複圖案和小於波長的尺度排列。
超材料不僅源自於底層材料的特性,也源自新設計的結構。 它精確的形狀、幾何形狀、尺寸、方向和位置賦予它智慧特性,使其能夠操縱電磁波。
STMicro VL53L8 感測器是一款新型 3D dTOF(直接飛行時間)感測模組,採用與 Metalenz 合作開發的超表面。
這項世界首創的超表面技術是與Metalenz 合作開發的,可以讓光學系統收集更多的光,在單層中提供多種功能,並在智慧型手機和其他設備中實現新的使用形式,可以實現檢測功能。
Anywaves、Carillon Technologies、Echodyne、Evolv Technology、Gapwaves AB、Greenerwave、Huawei Technologies、Kuang-Chi Group、Kymeta Corporation、Lumotive、Metalenz、MetaPower、Metawave Corporation、NIL Technology (NILT)、Pivotal Commware、Acree Technologies Incorporated、Antrum Ltd、appliedEM innovations、BlueHalo、Fractal Antenna Systems、Isotropic Systems、JEM Engineering、LongWave Photonics、Meta Material Inc、Metaboards、Metacept、Metamagnetics Inc.、Moxtek、Multiwave Technologies AG、Nano-Meta Technologies、Nanohmics、Notch Inc.、Phoebus Optoelectronics、Physical Sciences Inc.、Plasmonics Inc.、Radi-Cool、Sensormetrix、SI2 Technologies、TeraView、Tesla Dynamic Coils BV、Tunoptix、Ultimetas、Vadient Optics、Wave UP
Metamaterials from the Greek word "meta-" (meaning to go beyond), are smart materials engineered to have photonic, acoustic, mechanical or RF properties that are not found in naturally occurring materials.
They are made by combining and patterning standard materials such as metals or polymers. The materials are usually arranged in repeating patterns, at scales that are smaller than the wavelength.
Metamaterials derive their features not from the properties of the base materials, but from their newly designed structures. Their precise shape, geometry, size, orientation and arrangement gives them their smart properties capable to manipulate electromagnetic waves.
By blocking, absorbing, enhancing, bending waves, they achieve benefits that go beyond what is possible with conventional materials or are unachievable in other ways.
STMicro VL53L8 sensor is a new 3D direct Time-of-Flight (dToF) sensing module using metasurfaces developed through the partnership with Metalenz.
Metasurfaces are now on the market marking the introduction of this revolutionary optical technology in real-world consumer devices.
Developed in partnership with Metalenz, this first metasurface technology enables optical systems to collect more light, provide multiple functions in a single layer, and deliver new forms of sensing in smartphones and other devices, all in its compact package.
Anywaves, Carillon Technologies, Echodyne, Evolv Technology, Gapwaves AB, Greenerwave, Huawei Technologies, Kuang-Chi Group, Kymeta Corporation, Lumotive, Metalenz, MetaPower, Metawave Corporation, NIL Technology (NILT), Pivotal Commware, Acree Technologies Incorporated, Antrum Ltd, appliedEM innovations, BlueHalo, Fractal Antenna Systems, Isotropic Systems, JEM Engineering, LongWave Photonics, Meta Material Inc., Metaboards, Metacept, Metamagnetics Inc., Moxtek, Multiwave Technologies AG, Nano-Meta Technologies, Nanohmics, Notch Inc., Phoebus Optoelectronics, Physical Sciences Inc., Plasmonics Inc., Radi-Cool, Sensormetrix, SI2 Technologies, TeraView, Tesla Dynamic Coils BV, Tunoptix, Ultimetas, Vadient Optics, Wave UP