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到 2028 年北美衛星光學地面站市場預測 - 區域分析 - 按營運、設備、應用和最終用戶North America Satellite Optical Ground Station Market Forecast to 2028 - Regional Analysis - by Operation, Equipment, Application, and End User |
所有在不同高度繞地球運行的非功能性人造材料都可以稱為太空碎片。碎片包括火箭主體部件、碎片、載人任務期間產生的垃圾、火箭的廢氣、報廢的衛星。大多數此類碎片在近地軌道 (LEO) 中以每小時 26,000 公里以上的平均速度繞地球運行,對功能性太空資產構成嚴重的碰撞威脅。隨著每次向近地軌道和深空發射火箭,此類威脅都會增加。空間物體日益成長的碰撞威脅是安全和永續利用外太空的一個持續存在的問題。這些威脅限制了不受阻礙地進入太空,並促使相關各方採取必要措施來降低風險。 2021年11月,俄羅斯軍方進行了反衛星試驗(ASAT),並用Nudol飛彈炸毀了其已報廢的Cosmos 1408衛星(於1982年發射)。爆炸發生後,國際太空站上的美國和俄羅斯太空人必須立即採取預防措施,以避免被衛星碎片擊中,因為國際太空站據稱距離衛星相當近。
北美衛星光學地面站市場分為美國和加拿大。美國和加拿大正在廣泛採用先進的衛星光學地面站技術來提高防禦能力。 2020 年 8 月,美國太空中心宣布聯合發射聯盟(ULA)獲準為美國太空軍發射其關鍵的國家安全太空任務。這些任務計劃於 2027 會計年度從佛羅裡達州卡納維爾角空軍基地部署。這些類型的衛星發射有助於地面站技術的採用。
2023 年 2 月,衛星營運商 KSAT 宣布正在透過在整個南極洲安裝新的地面站天線來擴展其網路,並透過夏威夷、阿拉斯加和美國東南部的多個天線擴大其在美國的容量。
2023 年 1 月,SpaceX 的 Starlink 宣布發射第二代衛星群,並在美國各地擴大地面站基礎設施。
2019 年 5 月,Ultra Electronics Communications & Integrated Systems (CIS) 旗下的 GigaSat 與 Inmarsat 合作,向加拿大國防部 (DND) 交付了 16 個衛星多頻段地球地面站終端。
根據營運,北美衛星光學地面站市場分為雷射衛星通訊和光學營運。到 2023 年,光學營運領域將佔據更大的市場佔有率。雷射衛星通訊領域又細分為 OISL、直接到地和饋線鏈路。
根據應用,北美衛星光學地面站市場分為雷射操作、碎片辨識、地球觀測和空間態勢感知。地球觀測領域在 2023 年佔據最大的市場佔有率。雷射操作領域進一步細分為測距和通訊。
根據最終用戶,北美衛星光學地面站市場分為政府、軍事和商業企業。 2023 年,政府和軍事領域將佔據更大的市場佔有率。
依設備分類,北美衛星光地面站市場分為消費性設備及網路設備。 2023年,網路設備領域將佔據更大的市場佔有率。
依國家分類,北美衛星光學地面站市場分為美國和加拿大。 2023年,美國主導北美衛星光學地面站市場。
AAC 克萊德太空公司;波爾公司; Comtech電信公司;通用原子航空系統公司;亨索爾特股份公司;邁納里克股份公司;和 Thales SA 是北美衛星光學地面站市場的一些領先公司。
The North America satellite optical ground station market is expected to grow from US$ 23,177.27 million in 2023 to US$ 40,776.36 million by 2028. It is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 12.0% from 2023 to 2028.
Rising Amount of Space Debris Fuels North America Satellite Optical Ground Station Market
All non-functional artificial materials orbiting the Earth at different altitudes can be termed space debris. Debris includes rocket body parts, fragmentation debris, refuse created during crewed missions, exhaust products from rockets, and defunct satellites. Most of such debris orbit the Earth at an average speed above 26,000 km per hour in Low Earth Orbits (LEO), posing a severe threat of collision for functional space assets. Such threats increase with each rocket launch for LEO and deep space. Growing collision threats of space objects are a persistent problem for the safe and sustainable use of outer space. These threats restrict unhindered access to space and prompt relevant parties to take necessary steps to mitigate risk. In November 2021, the Russian military conducted an anti-satellite test (ASAT) and blew up its defunct Cosmos 1408 satellite (which was launched in 1982) with a Nudol missile. Immediately after the blast, American and Russian astronauts aboard the International Space Station had to take preventive measures to avoid being struck by debris from the satellite, as the International Space Station was supposedly reasonably close to the satellite.
North America Satellite Optical Ground Station Market Overview
The North American satellite optical ground station market is segmented into US and Canada. Advanced satellite optical ground station technologies are being widely adopted in the US and Canada to improve defense capabilities. In August 2020, the US Space Center announced that United Launch Alliance (ULA) was awarded to launch its critical national security space missions for the US Space Force. The missions are planned to be deployed from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida in FY2027. These types of satellite launch help in the adoption of the ground station technologies.
Moreover, the launch of new satellite ground stations across the region and the expansion of existing ground stations is another major factor driving the growth of satellite optical ground stations across the North America region. For instance:
In 2022, BlueHalo won a contract worth US$ 1.4 billion from the US Space Force for the upgrade of 12 military ground stations across the country wherein BlueHalo will replace the old parabolic satellite dishes with electronic phased array antennas across the military ground stations.
In February 2023, Satellite operator KSAT announced that it is expanding its network with the installation of new ground station antennas across Antarctica and expanding its capacity in the US through multiple antennas in Hawaii, Alaska, and the Southeast US.
In January 2023, SpaceX's Starlink announced the launch of its fleet of second-generation satellites and expansion of its ground station infrastructure across the US.
In May 2019, GigaSat, part of Ultra Electronics Communications & Integrated Systems (CIS), in partnership with Inmarsat, delivered 16 satellite multiband earth ground station terminals to Canada's Department of National Defence (DND).
North America Satellite Optical Ground Station Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
North America Satellite Optical Ground Station Market Segmentation
The North America satellite optical ground station market is segmented into operation, application, end user, equipment, and country.
Based on operation, the North America satellite optical ground station market is segmented into laser satcom and optical operations. The optical operations segment held a larger market share in 2023. The laser satcom segment is sub-segmented into OISL, direct-to-earth, and feeder links.
Based on application, the North America satellite optical ground station market is segmented into laser operation, debris identification, earth observation, and space situational awareness. The earth observation segment registered the largest market share in 2023. The laser operation segment is further sub-segmented into ranging and communication.
Based on end user, North America satellite optical ground station market is segmented into government & military and commercial enterprises. The government & military segment held a larger market share in 2023.
Based on equipment, the North America satellite optical ground station market is segmented into consumer equipment and network equipment. The network equipment segment held a larger market share in 2023.
Based on country, the North America satellite optical ground station market has been categorized into US and Canada. The US dominated the North America satellite optical ground station market in 2023.
AAC Clyde Space AB; Ball Corp; Comtech Telecomm Corp; General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc; Hensoldt AG; Mynaric AG; and Thales SA are some of the leading companies operating in the North America satellite optical ground station market.