矯形輔助器具市場規模和預測、全球和區域佔有率、趨勢和成長機會分析報告範圍:按產品類型、應用、配銷通路、供應商類型和地理位置Orthotic Aids Market Size and Forecasts, Global and Regional Share, Trends, and Growth Opportunity Analysis Report Coverage: By Product Type, Application, Distribution Channel, Supplier Type, and Geography |
矯形輔助器具市場規模預計將從2022年的50.05億美元成長到2030年的90.63億美元;預計 2022 年至 2030 年市場CAGR為 7.7%。
許多影響身體肌肉骨骼系統的疾病都需要醫療照護。類風濕性關節炎、骨關節炎和關節炎是幾個經常影響人們的骨科疾病的例子。已開發國家和發展中國家的政府正在採取措施提高人們對骨科疾病的認知並增加人們獲得骨科產品的機會。為了應對日益增加的骨關節炎負擔,疾病管制與預防中心資助了骨關節炎行動聯盟(OAAA)。 OAAA 透過經過驗證的干涉措施、公共政策、溝通策略和改進的骨關節炎研究計劃,促進預防和控制 OA 及其進展的行動。在全國關節炎宣傳月期間,關節炎基金會舉辦了一場宣傳活動,以提高人們對關節炎的認知。作為 2023 年活動的一部分,關節炎基金會舉辦了各種宣傳活動。透過這些活動,關節炎基金會主要致力於籌集資金並提高大眾的認知。
此外,2023 年 8 月,印度骨科協會與卡丹比尼骨科和脊椎信託基金 (KOST-KCT) 合作,最近組織了一場特別活動,作為印度年度國家骨骼和關節日慶祝活動的一部分。因此,政府為培養人們對骨科疾病的認知而採取的措施推動了骨科輔助器具的採用。
矯形輔助器具市場依產品類型分為支架、身體帶等。牙套細分市場在 2022 年佔據最大的市場佔有率。預計該細分市場在 2022 年至 2030 年期間CAGR最高。背部牽引帶、彈性背帶、銅帶、背痛帶、背帶等身體帶常用來治療關節扭傷、肌肉拉傷和損傷。大多數人在一生中的某個時刻可能會經歷背痛。雖然受傷和疾病是背痛的幾個原因之一,但很大一部分病例是由於不正確舉起重物和不良姿勢造成的。穿戴背部支架是預防背部疼痛和改善姿勢的常見方法。根據 Cross River Therapy 的數據,十分之八的美國人表示一年中至少有一次或多次出現背部問題。根據同一來源,每年有 8,000 萬名工人(佔所有就業美國人的 50%)報告背痛。
根據應用,矯形輔助器具市場分為韌帶損傷修復、預防護理、骨關節炎、壓力治療等。韌帶損傷修復領域在 2022 年佔據最大的市場佔有率,預計 2022-2030 年CAGR最高。內側副韌帶(MCL)、後十字韌帶(PCL)、前十字韌帶(ACL)和外側副韌帶(LCL)是膝關節的四大韌帶。韌帶有助於維持人的膝蓋運動,中等程度的輕微傷害也會帶給人們很大的不適。護膝可以減輕膝蓋的負荷。如果部分撕裂,醫生可能會建議使用 ACL 支架和物理治療來增強肌肉,以非手術方式修復 ACL 撕裂。然而,對於接受手術的患者,醫生建議佩戴術後護膝和拐杖,直到充分康復。 ACL 撕裂的復原過程相對較長,可能需要 6 個月到 1 年才能完成。康復後,可能會建議患者在運動時配戴 ACL 護膝。
根據配銷通路,矯形輔助器具市場分為線上和線下。 2022 年,線下細分市場佔據了更大的市場佔有率。然而,預計線上細分市場在 2022 年至 2030 年期間將實現更高的CAGR。網路藥局允許顧客購買處方藥、醫療設備和電子服務,而無需前往實體商店,使他們能夠在家中快速、舒適地獲得藥物或服務。網路普及、數位化、政府支持、經濟繁榮等是透過線上配銷通路促進矯形輔助器具市場成長的突出因素。例如,沃爾瑪和 Medical Department Store, Inc. 是提供支架、皮帶、手臂吊帶等的一些線上經銷商。
根據供應商類型,矯形輔助器具市場分為品牌和非品牌。到 2022 年,品牌細分市場將佔據更大的市場佔有率;然而,非品牌細分市場預計在 2022 年至 2030 年期間將實現更高的CAGR。品牌矯形輔助器具包括在全球擁有重要影響力的知名製造商所生產的產品;這些產品透過線上和線下分銷管道提供。美國是世界第二大護膝進口國,大部分護膝來自中國、越南和比利時。發展中經濟體的製造商數量有限,而消費者的購買力不斷增強,這鼓勵品牌商品製造商提供滿足不斷變化的消費者需求的產品。
在準備兒科骨科植入物市場報告時提到的一些主要一手和二手資料來源包括世界衛生組織(WHO)、疾病管制與預防中心(CDC)、經濟合作暨發展組織(OECD) ),泛美衛生組織(PAHO)
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The orthotic aids market size is projected to grow from US$ 5.005 billion in 2022 and is projected to reach US$ 9.063 billion by 2030; the market is estimated to register a CAGR of 7.7% during 2022-2030.
Key factors driving the orthotic aids market include the increasing prevalence of orthopedic conditions among people of different age groups. Additionally, the rising number of strategic collaborations and product launches by market players is expected to contribute to the proliferation of orthotic aids in the future.
Government Initiatives to Increase Awareness About Orthopedic Diseases Creates Opportunity for Orthotic Aids Market Growth
Numerous illnesses impacting the musculoskeletal system of the body necessitate medical attention. Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, and arthritis are a few examples of orthopedic diseases frequently affecting people. The governments in developed and developing countries are taking steps to raise awareness of orthopedic diseases and to increase people's access to orthopedic products. In response to the increasing burden of Osteoarthritis, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention funded the Osteoarthritis Action Alliance (OAAA). The OAAA promotes actions to prevent and control OA and its progression through tried-and-true interventions, public policies, communication strategies, and improved research initiatives for Osteoarthritis. During National Arthritis Awareness Month, the Arthritis Foundation runs an awareness campaign to raise awareness of arthritis. The Arthritis Foundation hosts various awareness events as part of the 2023 campaign. With these activities, the Arthritis Foundation mainly focuses on raising money and awareness among the masses.
Additionally, In August 2023, Indian Orthopaedic Association, in collaboration with Kadambini Orthopaedic and Spine Trust (KOST-KCT), recently organized a special event as part of the annual National Bone and Joint Day celebration in India. Thus, governments' initiatives to nurture awareness of orthopedic diseases among people drive the adoption of orthopedic aids.
Product Type-Based Insights
The orthotic aids market, by product type, is categorized into braces, body belts, and others. The braces segment held the largest market share in 2022. The same segment is anticipated to register the highest CAGR during 2022-2030. Body belts such as back traction belts, elastic back braces, copper belts, back pain belts, and back braces are commonly used to treat joint sprain, muscle strain, and injuries. Most people are likely to experience back pain at some point in their lives. While injuries and illnesses are among several causes of back pain, a vast percentage of cases result from the improper lifting of heavy objects and poor posture. Wearing a back brace is a common method of preventing back pain and improving posture. According to Cross River Therapy, 8 out of 10 Americans report having back issues at least once or more frequently in a year. As per the same source, 80 million workers, or 50% of all employed Americans, report back pain annually.
Application-Based Insights
Based on application, the orthotic aids market is segmented into ligament injury repair, preventive care, Osteoarthritis, compression therapy, and others. The ligament injury repair segment held the largest market share in 2022 and is anticipated to register the highest CAGR 2022-2030. The medial collateral ligament (MCL), posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), and lateral collateral ligament (LCL) are the four major ligaments in the knee. Ligaments are instrumental to keeping a person's knee moving, and moderately minor injuries can also cause much discomfort to persons. Knee braces can decrease the load on the knee. In case of a partial tear, a doctor may recommend repairing the ACL tear non-surgically by using an ACL brace and physical therapy for muscle strengthening. However, for patients undergoing surgery, doctors recommend wearing post-operative knee braces and crutches until they are adequately healed. The rehab procedure for an ACL tear is relatively lengthy, as it can take 6 months to 1 year for completion. After recovery, the patient may be advised to wear an ACL knee brace while playing sports.
Distribution Channel-Based Insights
Based on the distribution channel, the orthotic aids market is bifurcated into online and offline. The offline segment held a larger market share in 2022. However, the online segment is anticipated to register a higher CAGR during 2022-2030. Online pharmacies allow customers to buy prescription medications, medical equipment, and electronic services without the need to visit actual stores, enabling them to receive their medications or services quickly and comfortably at home. Internet penetration, digitalization, government support, booming economy, etc., are the prominent factors contributing to the growth of the orthotic aids market through the online distribution channel. For instance, Walmart and Medical Department Store, Inc. are a few of the online distributors that offer braces, body belts, arm slings, etc.
Supplier Type-Based Insights
Based on supplier type, the orthotic aids market is bifurcated into branded and unbranded. The branded segment held a larger share of the market in 2022; however, the unbranded segment is anticipated to register a higher CAGR during 2022-2030. Branded orthotic aids include products that well-known manufacturers manufacture with a significant global presence; these products are made available through online and offline distribution channels. The US is the second-largest importer of knee braces in the world, sourcing the majority of its knee braces from China, Vietnam, and Belgium. The limited number of manufacturers in developing economies and increasing the purchasing power of consumers encourage manufacturers of branded goods to offer products meeting evolving consumer needs.
A few of the major primary and secondary sources referred to while preparing the report on the pediatric orthopedic implants market are the World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
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