2030 年亞太地區冷水機市場預測 - 區域分析 - 按技術、類型和應用

2030 年亞太地區冷水機市場預測 - 區域分析 - 按技術、類型和應用

Asia Pacific Chillers Market Forecast to 2030 - Regional Analysis - by Technology, Type, and Application

出版日期: | 出版商: The Insight Partners | 英文 89 Pages | 訂單完成後即時交付



支援物聯網的 HVAC 冷水機組的發展推動了亞太地區冷水機組市場的發展

物聯網革命的初始階段即將到來,物聯網正在供暖、通風和空調 (HVAC) 行業留下印記。支援物聯網的 HVAC 產品正在幫助許多客戶最大限度地提高其 HVAC 系統的效率。智慧城市的人們正在利用最新的技術和設備將他們的房屋改造成智慧家庭。已開發國家採用先進技術的關鍵原因是強勁的經濟狀況和配套的基礎設施。

在短時間內,暖通空調冷水機組將能夠自行微調和更改設置,而無需人工輸入或無需人工輸入。簡單來說,暖通空調冷水機組可以根據具體情況自行做出所需的判斷。 TCS 正在幫助 Voltas 開發遠端冷水機監控系統,該系統將能夠防止冷水機故障。英特爾部署了他們的物聯網閘道器,TCS 利用了他們的物聯網框架,Voltas 利用了他們的冷水機組專業知識,共同開發了一個集中式系統,可以遠端監控不同地區的冷水機組。 TCS 的端到端解決方案有助於透過即時儀表板診斷冰水機的即時運作狀況,識別設備參數的異常情況,並向相應的現場工程師發出通知和警報,並預測設備故障以進行主動維護。


亞太地區 (APAC) 暖通空調冰水機組市場分為澳洲、中國、印度、日本、韓國和亞太其他地區。城市的持續工業化、消費者可支配收入的提高、對奢侈品的需求不斷成長以及針對全球暖化的嚴格政府規範是促進亞太地區暖通空調冷水機組市場成長的因素。中國和印度等國家的建築業正在經歷巨額投資,特別是用於零售空間、商業辦公大樓和製造設施的建設,以及機場的擴建和建設。據中國民用航空局 (CAAC) 稱,中國計劃在 2035 年之前建造 216 個新機場,以滿足日益成長的航空旅行需求。 2020年,亞洲的建築支出超過4.5兆美元,約佔全球建築項目支出的50%。此外,綠建築等新趨勢在新興國家和已開發國家的日益普及和採用,為暖通空調冷水機組市場參與者提供了巨大的成長機會。政府控制能源消耗和促進節能實踐的嚴格規範和標準也有助於提高綠色技術的接受度。根據世界綠色建築理事會(World GBC)的數據,澳洲(~46%)和中國(~42%)主要專注於支持綠色建築的建設。此外,印度、日本和中國等國家正在大力投資商業建築項目,這進一步推動了暖通空調冷水機組的需求。中國和日本對摩天大樓建設的日益關注,為亞太地區暖通空調冷水機組市場參與者的蓬勃發展提供了新的機會。

亞太地區冰水機市場收入及 2030 年預測(百萬美元)



根據技術,亞太地區冷水機市場分為風冷式、水冷式和蒸汽式。 2022 年,風冷細分市場在亞太地區冰水機組市場中佔最大佔有率。

從類型來看,亞太地區冷水機市場分為流程式冷水機、渦旋式冷水機、螺桿式冷水機、離心式冷水機、吸收式冷水機、模組化冷水機和逆循環冷水機。 2022 年,螺桿式冷水機組佔據亞太冷水機組市場的最大佔有率。

根據應用,亞太地區冷水機市場分為工業、商業和住宅。 2022 年,工業領域在亞太地區冰水機組市場中佔最大佔有率。

依國家/地區分類,亞太地區冰水機市場分為澳洲、中國、印度、日本、韓國和亞太地區其他地區。 2022年,中國在亞太冷水機市場佔據主導地位。

LG電子公司、三菱電機公司、開利全球公司、大金工業有限公司、Thermal Care公司、特靈公司、Kaltra、SKM空調公司和Airedale國際空調有限公司是亞太冷水機組市場上的一些領先公司。


第 1 章:簡介

第 2 章:執行摘要

  • 重要見解
  • 市場吸引力

第 3 章:研究方法

  • 覆蓋範圍
  • 二次研究
  • 初步研究

第 4 章:亞太地區冰水機組市場格局

  • 概述
  • PEST分析
    • 亞太地區
  • 生態系分析

第 5 章:亞太地區冰水機組市場 - 主要產業動態

  • 冷水機市場 - 主要產業動態
  • 市場促進因素
    • 各產業需求不斷成長
    • 增加資料中心數量以促進市場成長
  • 市場限制
    • 潮濕環境效率低,維護成本高
  • 市場機會
    • 世界各地發展中國家的經濟成長
  • 未來的趨勢
    • 開發支援物聯網的 HVAC 冷水機組
  • 促進因素和限制的影響:

第 6 章:冷水機市場 - 亞太市場分析

  • 冷水機市場收入,2022 - 2030
  • 冷水機市場預測與分析

第 7 章:亞太地區冰水機組市場分析 - 技術

  • 概述
    • 按技術分類的冷水機市場(2022 年和 2030 年)
  • 風冷式
    • 概述
    • 風冷市場、收入與 2030 年預測
  • 水冷
    • 概述
    • 水冷市場、收入與 2030 年預測
  • 蒸氣燒製
    • 概述
    • 蒸汽驅動市場收入與 2030 年預測

第 8 章:亞太地區冰水機市場分析 - 類型

  • 概述
    • 亞太地區冷水機組市場,按類型(2022 年和 2030 年)
  • 工藝冷水機
    • 概述
    • 工藝冷水機市場收入及 2030 年預測
  • 渦旋式冷水機
    • 概述
    • 渦旋式冷水機市場收入及 2030 年預測
  • 螺桿式冷水機組
    • 概述
    • 螺桿式冷水機市場收入及 2030 年預測
  • 離心式冷水機組
    • 概述
    • 離心式冰水機市場收入及 2030 年預測
  • 吸收式製冷機
    • 概述
    • 吸收式製冷機市場收入及 2030 年預測
  • 模組化冷水機
    • 概述
    • 模組化冷水機市場收入及 2030 年預測
  • 逆循環冷水機
    • 概述
    • 逆循環冷水機市場收入及 2030 年預測

第 9 章:亞太地區冰水機組市場分析 - 應用

  • 概述
    • 亞太地區冷水機組市場,依應用分類(2022 年及 2030 年)
  • 商業的
    • 概述
    • 商業市場收入及 2030 年預測
  • 工業的
    • 概述
    • 工業市場收入及 2030 年預測
  • 住宅
    • 概述
    • 住宅市場收入及 2030 年預測

第 10 章:亞太地區冰水機市場 - 國家分析

  • 亞太地區
    • 中國
    • 日本
    • 印度
    • 韓國
    • 澳洲
    • 亞太地區其他地區

第 11 章:產業格局

  • 概述
  • 市場主動性
  • 新產品開發

第 12 章:公司簡介

  • LG Electronics Inc
  • Mitsubishi Electric Corp
  • Carrier Global Corp
  • Daikin Industries Ltd
  • Thermal Care, Inc.
  • Trane Inc.
  • Kaltra
  • SKM Air Conditioning
  • Airedale International Air Conditioning Ltd

第 13 章:附錄

Product Code: BMIRE00030004

The Asia Pacific chillers market is expected to grow from US$ 5,000.85 million in 2022 to US$ 8,062.57 million by 2030. It is estimated to register a CAGR of 6.2% from 2022 to 2030.

Development of IoT enabled HVAC Chillers Boosts Asia Pacific Chillers Market

The initial stage of the IoT revolution is on the horizon, and IoT is making its mark on the heat, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) industry. IoT enabled HVAC products are helping many customers to maximize the efficiency of their HVAC systems. People in smart cities are transforming their houses into smart homes with latest technologies and devices. The crucial reason behind the adoption of advanced technology in developed countries is the strong economic condition along with supportive infrastructure.

In short period of time, HVAC chillers will be able to fine-tune and make changes in settings for themselves, with lesser or no human input at all. In simple words, HVAC chillers will be able to make the required judgment as per the specific condition on their own. TCS is helping Voltas in developing a remote chiller monitoring system which will be able to prevent the chiller breakdowns. Intel deployed their IoT gateway, TCS made use of their IoT framework and Voltas leveraged their chiller expertise for jointly developing a centralized system which can monitor chillers remotely across distinct geographies. End to end solutions from TCS helps in diagnosing the real-time health of the chillers via live dashboard, identifying anomalies in the equipment parameters and raise notifications and alerts for the respective field engineer and predict failures in equipment for proactive maintenance.

Asia Pacific Chillers Market Overview

Asia-Pacific (APAC) HVAC chillers market is segmented into Australia, China, India, Japan, South Korea, and the Rest of Asia Pacific. The ongoing industrialization of cities, elevating disposable income of consumers, rising demand for luxury products, and stringent government norms focusing on global warming are the factors contributing to the growth of the Asia-Pacific HVAC chillers market. The construction sectors in countries such as China and India are witnessing huge investments, specifically for the establishment of retail spaces, commercial office buildings, and manufacturing facilities, as well as for the expansion and construction of airports. According to Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), China aims to construct 216 new airports by 2035 to meet the growing demands for air travel. In 2020, the building construction spending in Asia crossed US$ 4.5 trillion, which was ~50% of the global expenditure on construction projects. Moreover, the growing popularity and adoption of new trends such as green building in emerging and developed countries is providing significant growth opportunities for the HVAC chillers market players. Stringent government norms and standards for controlling energy consumption and promoting energy-efficient practices is also contributing to the rise in acceptance of green technologies. According to the World Green Building Council (World GBC), Australia (~46%) and China (~42%) majorly focus on supporting the construction of green buildings. Moreover, countries such as India, Japan, and China are investing heavily in commercial building projects, which further propels the HVAC chiller demand. Increasing focus on the construction of skyscrapers in China and Japan is offering new opportunities for the flourishment of the HVAC chillers market players in Asia Pacific.

Asia Pacific Chillers Market Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Asia Pacific Chillers Market Segmentation

The Asia Pacific chillers market is segmented into technology, type, application, and country.

Based on technology, the Asia Pacific chillers market is segmented into air-cooled, water-cooled, and steam-fired. The air-cooled segment held the largest share of the Asia Pacific chillers market in 2022.

In terms of type, the Asia Pacific chillers market is segmented into process chillers, scroll chillers, screw chillers, centrifugal chillers, absorption chillers, modular chillers, and reverse cycle chillers. The screw chillers segment held the largest share of the Asia Pacific chillers market in 2022.

Based on application, the Asia Pacific chillers market is segmented into industrial, commercial, and residential. The industrial segment held the largest share of the Asia Pacific chillers market in 2022.

Based on country, the Asia Pacific chillers market is segmented into Australia, China, India, Japan, South Korea, and the Rest of Asia Pacific. China dominated the Asia Pacific chillers market in 2022.

LG Electronics Inc, Mitsubishi Electric Corp, Carrier Global Corp, Daikin Industries Ltd, Thermal Care, Inc, Trane Inc, Kaltra, SKM Air Conditioning, and Airedale International Air Conditioning Ltd are some of the leading companies operating in the Asia Pacific chillers market.

Table Of Contents

1. Introduction

  • 1.1 The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance
  • 1.2 Market Segmentation

2. Executive Summary

  • 2.1 Key Insights
  • 2.2 Market Attractiveness

3. Research Methodology

  • 3.1 Coverage
  • 3.2 Secondary Research
  • 3.3 Primary Research

4. Asia Pacific Chillers Market Landscape

  • 4.1 Overview
  • 4.2 PEST Analysis
    • 4.2.1 APAC
  • 4.3 Ecosystem Analysis

5. Asia Pacific Chillers Market - Key Industry Dynamics

  • 5.1 Chillers Market - Key Industry Dynamics
  • 5.2 Market Drivers
    • 5.2.1 Rising Demand from Various Industries
    • 5.2.2 Increasing Number of Data Centres to Boost Market Growth
  • 5.3 Market Restraints
    • 5.3.1 Less Efficiency in Humid Environment and High Maintenance Cost
  • 5.4 Market Opportunities
    • 5.4.1 Economic Growth in Developing Countries Across the World
  • 5.5 Future Trends
    • 5.5.1 Development of IoT enabled HVAC Chillers
  • 5.6 Impact of Drivers and Restraints:

6. Chillers Market - Asia Pacific Market Analysis

  • 6.1 Chillers Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2022 - 2030
  • 6.2 Chillers Market Forecast and Analysis

7. Asia Pacific Chillers Market Analysis - Technology

  • 7.1 Overview
    • 7.1.1 Chillers Market , By Technology (2022 and 2030)
  • 7.2 Air-Cooled
    • 7.2.1 Overview
    • 7.2.2 Air-Cooled Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • 7.3 Water-Cooled
    • 7.3.1 Overview
    • 7.3.2 Water-Cooled Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • 7.4 Steam-Fired
    • 7.4.1 Overview
    • 7.4.2 Steam-Fired Market Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

8. Asia Pacific Chillers Market Analysis - Type

  • 8.1 Overview
    • 8.1.1 Asia Pacific Chillers Market , By Type (2022 and 2030)
  • 8.2 Process Chillers
    • 8.2.1 Overview
    • 8.2.2 Process Chillers Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • 8.3 Scroll Chillers
    • 8.3.1 Overview
    • 8.3.2 Scroll Chillers Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • 8.4 Screw Chillers
    • 8.4.1 Overview
    • 8.4.2 Screw Chillers Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • 8.5 Centrifugal Chillers
    • 8.5.1 Overview
    • 8.5.2 Centrifugal Chillers Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • 8.6 Absorption Chillers
    • 8.6.1 Overview
    • 8.6.2 Absorption Chillers Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • 8.7 Modular Chillers
    • 8.7.1 Overview
    • 8.7.2 Modular Chillers Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • 8.8 Reverse Cycle Chillers
    • 8.8.1 Overview
    • 8.8.2 Reverse Cycle Chillers Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

9. Asia Pacific Chillers Market Analysis - Application

  • 9.1 Overview
    • 9.1.1 Asia Pacific Chillers Market , By Application (2022 and 2030)
  • 9.2 Commercial
    • 9.2.1 Overview
    • 9.2.2 Commercial Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • 9.3 Industrial
    • 9.3.1 Overview
    • 9.3.2 Industrial Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • 9.4 Residential
    • 9.4.1 Overview
    • 9.4.2 Residential Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

10. Asia Pacific Chillers Market - Country Analysis

  • 10.1 Asia Pacific
    • 10.1.1 Asia Pacific Chillers, By Key Country - Revenue 2022 (US$ Mn)
    • 10.1.2 Asia Pacific Chillers Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Country
      • Asia Pacific Chillers Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Country
      • China Chillers Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn)
        • China Chillers Market Breakdown by Technology
        • China Chillers Market Breakdown by Type
        • China Chillers Market Breakdown by Application
      • Japan Chillers Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn)
        • Japan Chillers Market Breakdown by Technology
        • Japan Chillers Market Breakdown by Type
        • Japan Chillers Market Breakdown by Application
      • India Chillers Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn)
        • India Chillers Market Breakdown by Technology
        • India Chillers Market Breakdown by Type
        • India Chillers Market Breakdown by Application
      • South Korea Chillers Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn)
        • South Korea Chillers Market Breakdown by Technology
        • South Korea Chillers Market Breakdown by Type
        • South Korea Chillers Market Breakdown by Application
      • Australia Chillers Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn)
        • Australia Chillers Market Breakdown by Technology
        • . Australia Chillers Market Breakdown by Type
        • Australia Chillers Market Breakdown by Application
      • Rest of Asia Pacific Chillers Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn)
        • Rest of Asia Pacific Chillers Market Breakdown by Technology
        • Rest of Asia Pacific Chillers Market Breakdown by Type
        • Rest of Asia Pacific Chillers Market Breakdown by Application

11. Industry Landscape

  • 11.1 Overview
  • 11.2 Market Initiative
  • 11.3 New Product Development

12. Company Profiles

  • 12.1 LG Electronics Inc
    • 12.1.1 Key Facts
    • 12.1.2 Business Description
    • 12.1.3 Products and Services
    • 12.1.4 Financial Overview
    • 12.1.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 12.1.6 Key Developments
  • 12.2 Mitsubishi Electric Corp
    • 12.2.1 Key Facts
    • 12.2.2 Business Description
    • 12.2.3 Products and Services
    • 12.2.4 Financial Overview
    • 12.2.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 12.2.6 Key Developments
  • 12.3 Carrier Global Corp
    • 12.3.1 Key Facts
    • 12.3.2 Business Description
    • 12.3.3 Products and Services
    • 12.3.4 Financial Overview
    • 12.3.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 12.3.6 Key Developments
  • 12.4 Daikin Industries Ltd
    • 12.4.1 Key Facts
    • 12.4.2 Business Description
    • 12.4.3 Products and Services
    • 12.4.4 Financial Overview
    • 12.4.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 12.4.6 Key Developments
  • 12.5 Thermal Care, Inc.
    • 12.5.1 Key Facts
    • 12.5.2 Business Description
    • 12.5.3 Products and Services
    • 12.5.4 Financial Overview
    • 12.5.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 12.5.6 Key Developments
  • 12.6 Trane Inc.
    • 12.6.1 Key Facts
    • 12.6.2 Business Description
    • 12.6.3 Products and Services
    • 12.6.4 Financial Overview
    • 12.6.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 12.6.6 Key Developments
  • 12.7 Kaltra
    • 12.7.1 Key Facts
    • 12.7.2 Business Description
    • 12.7.3 Products and Services
    • 12.7.4 Financial Overview
    • 12.7.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 12.7.6 Key Developments
  • 12.8 SKM Air Conditioning
    • 12.8.1 Key Facts
    • 12.8.2 Business Description
    • 12.8.3 Products and Services
    • 12.8.4 Financial Overview
    • 12.8.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 12.8.6 Key Developments
  • 12.9 Airedale International Air Conditioning Ltd
    • 12.9.1 Key Facts
    • 12.9.2 Business Description
    • 12.9.3 Products and Services
    • 12.9.4 Financial Overview
    • 12.9.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 12.9.6 Key Developments

13. Appendix

  • 13.1 About The Insight Partners

List Of Tables

  • Table 1. Asia Pacific Chillers Market Segmentation
  • Table 2. Chillers Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Table 3. Asia Pacific Chillers Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Million) - Technology
  • Table 4. Asia Pacific Chillers Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Million) - Type
  • Table 5. Asia Pacific Chillers Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Million) - Application
  • Table 6. Asia Pacific Chillers Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) - By Country
  • Table 7. China Chillers Market Revenue And Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) - Technology
  • Table 8. China Chillers Market Revenue And Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) - Type
  • Table 9. China Chillers Market Revenue And Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) - Application
  • Table 10. Japan Chillers Market Revenue And Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) - Technology
  • Table 11. Japan Chillers Market Revenue And Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) - Type
  • Table 12. Japan Chillers Market Revenue And Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) - Application
  • Table 13. India Chillers Market Revenue And Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) - Technology
  • Table 14. India Chillers Market Revenue And Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) - Type
  • Table 15. India Chillers Market Revenue And Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) - Application
  • Table 16. South Korea Chillers Market Revenue And Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) - Technology
  • Table 17. South Korea Chillers Market Revenue And Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) - Type
  • Table 18. South Korea Chillers Market Revenue And Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) - Application
  • Table 19. Australia Chillers Market Revenue And Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) - Technology
  • Table 20. Australia Chillers Market Revenue And Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) - Type
  • Table 21. Australia Chillers Market Revenue And Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) - Application
  • Table 22. Rest of Asia Pacific Chillers Market Revenue And Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) - Technology
  • Table 23. Rest of Asia Pacific Chillers Market Revenue And Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) - Type
  • Table 24. Rest of Asia Pacific Chillers Market Revenue And Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) - Application

List Of Figures

  • Figure 1. Asia Pacific Chillers Market Segmentation, By Country
  • Figure 2. PEST Analysis
  • Figure 3. Ecosystem: Chillers Market
  • Figure 4. Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints
  • Figure 5. Chillers Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2022 - 2030
  • Figure 6. Asia Pacific Chillers Market Share (%) - Technology, 2022 and 2030
  • Figure 7. Asia Pacific Air-Cooled Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 8. Asia Pacific Water-Cooled Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 9. Asia Pacific Steam-Fired Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 10. Asia Pacific Chillers Market Share (%) - Type, 2022 and 2030
  • Figure 11. Asia Pacific Process Chillers Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 12. Asia Pacific Scroll Chillers Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 13. Asia Pacific Screw Chillers Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 14. Asia Pacific Centrifugal Chillers Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 15. Asia Pacific Absorption Chillers Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 16. Modular Chillers Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 17. Asia Pacific Reverse Cycle Chillers Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 18. Asia Pacific Chillers Market , By Application (2022 and 2030)
  • Figure 19. Asia Pacific Commercial Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 20. Asia Pacific Industrial Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 21. Asia Pacific Residential Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 22. Chillers Market, By Key Country - Revenue 2022 (US$ Mn)
  • Figure 23. Chillers Market Breakdown by Key Countries, 2022 and 2030 (%)
  • Figure 24. China Chillers Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn)
  • Figure 25. Japan Chillers Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn)
  • Figure 26. India Chillers Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn)
  • Figure 27. South Korea Chillers Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn)
  • Figure 28. Australia Chillers Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn)
  • Figure 29. Rest of Asia Pacific Chillers Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn)