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2031 年北美不間斷電源市場預測 - 區域分析 - 按類型、評級和最終用戶North America Uninterrupted Power Supply Market Forecast to 2031 - Regional Analysis - by Type, Rating, and End User |
2023年北美不間斷電源市場價值為 31.9211 億美元,預計到 2031 年將達到 55.0998 億美元;預計 2023 年至 2031 年的複合年成長率為 7.1%。
智慧建築配備了技術先進的產品,以確保高效利用建築資源。目的是為居民創造一個安全舒適的環境。物聯網 (IoT) 感測器、建築管理、人工智慧 (AI) 系統和機器人是智慧建築中使用的技術之一,所有這些技術都透過節能解決方案進行整合和增強。自動化對於智慧建築至關重要,因為許多活動之間存在高度的聯繫,例如,連接到物聯網和建築管理系統的即時運動感測器所發送的資料之間。這種自動化擴展到暖通空調、照明和安全系統等領域。組成智慧建築的所有設備和系統都必須具有可靠、穩定且高品質的電力供應。不間斷電源 (UPS) 系統可保護任何建築物(無論是商業、企業、教育或住宅)的硬體和軟體基礎設施。如果電源中斷,UPS將繼續提供所需的電力,以便建築物內安裝的電腦設備有足夠的時間關閉並正常重啟,以及儲存資料和製作備份。 UPS 系統可保護連接的裝置免受可能導致重大資料遺失或硬體損壞的電源波動的影響。它們提供不間斷電源,使連接的設備有足夠的時間在斷電時關閉。因此,智慧建築中 UPS 數量的增加正在推動市場的成長。
北美不間斷電源市場分為美國、加拿大和墨西哥。北美是工業和經濟發達的地區。該地區已經建立了大量資料中心,預計未來幾年還將進一步成長。例如,2023年,微軟宣布計畫投資5億美元在魁北克開發超大規模雲端運算和人工智慧基礎設施。這項投資是為了實現加強該地區創新經濟、創造高價值就業機會和為該省未來的人工智慧經濟做好準備的目標。 2024年,亞馬遜子公司AWS宣布計畫投資50億美元在墨西哥建立多個資料中心,以滿足日益成長的雲端運算服務需求。根據路透社報道,AWS墨西哥公司執行長Ruben Mugartegui表示,新的資料中心將建立在墨西哥克雷塔羅州。穆加特吉也表示,公司已致力於該計畫五年多,並打算在15年內分階段進行投資。此外,該地區對智慧電網的投資增加也促進了對不間斷電源的需求增加。 2023 年,能源部宣布撥款 35 億美元,用於增加風能和太陽能發電能力、加強電線抵禦極端天氣的能力、整合電池和電動車,以及開發微電網以確保停電期間燈光正常運轉。報告指出,美國 44 個州的 58 個項目有資格獲得聯邦融資。投資額將超過 80 億美元,資金來自州和地方政府、公用事業公司和產業合作夥伴。政府的這項舉措將推動該地區的市場成長。
北美不間斷電源市場營收及 2031 年預測(百萬美元)
根據類型,北美不間斷電源市場分為備用型、線上互動型和線上型。 2023 年,線上市場佔據最大市場佔有率。
就額定功率而言,北美不間斷電源市場分為50 kVA以下、50至100 kVA之間以及100 kVA以上。 2023 年,100 kVA 以上部分佔據最大的市場佔有率。
根據最終用戶,北美不間斷電源市場分為資料中心、電信、醫療保健、工業和其他。資料中心部門在 2023 年佔據了最大的市場佔有率。
根據國家,北美不間斷電源市場分為美國、加拿大和墨西哥。 2023 年美國佔據北美不間斷電源市場的主導佔有率。
施耐德電氣 SE、ABB 有限公司、東芝公司、Cyber Power Systems(美國)公司、伊頓公司、艾默生電氣公司、台達電子公司、羅格朗公司、三菱電機公司和科華數據有限公司是北美不間斷電源市場的一些領先公司。
The North America uninterrupted power supply market was valued at US$ 3,192.11 million in 2023 and is expected to reach US$ 5,509.98 million by 2031; it is estimated to register a CAGR of 7.1% from 2023 to 2031.
Increase in Requirement for UPS in Smart Buildings Fuels North America Uninterrupted Power Supply Market
Smart buildings are equipped with technologically advanced products to ensure efficient use of the building's resources. This aims to create a safe and comfortable environment for its residents. Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, building management, artificial intelligence (AI) systems, and robots are among the technologies used in smart buildings, all of which are integrated and enhanced by power saving solutions. Automation is critical in a smart building because of the high level of connection between many activities, for example, between data sent by real-time motion sensors connected to the Internet of Things and building management systems. This automation extends to HVAC, lighting, and security systems, among other areas. All equipment and systems that comprise a smart building must have a dependable, consistent, and high-quality electricity supply. Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems can protect the hardware and software infrastructure of any building, whether commercial, business, educational, or residential. If the power supply is interrupted, the UPS will continue to provide the required power so that the computer equipment installed in the building has enough time to turn off and reboot properly, as well as store data and produce backup copies. UPS systems protect connected devices from power fluctuations that could cause major data loss or hardware damage. They provide an uninterrupted power source, giving the connected device enough time to turn off during a power loss. Thus, the rising number of UPS in smart buildings is driving the market growth.
North America Uninterrupted Power Supply Market Overview
The North America uninterrupted power supply market is segmented into the US, Canada, and Mexico. North America is an industrially and economically advanced region. The region has established a significant number of data centers, which are expected to grow in the coming years. For instance, in 2023, Microsoft announced its plan to invest US$ 500 million in developing a hyperscale cloud computing and AI infrastructure in Quebec. The investment was made to fulfill the goal of strengthening the region's innovation economy, creating high-value jobs, and preparing the province for the future AI economy. In 2024, Amazon subsidiary AWS announced its plan to invest US$ 5 billion to establish multiple data centers in Mexico to cater to the growing demand for cloud computing services. According to Reuters, Ruben Mugartegui, the CEO of AWS Mexico, stated that the new data centers will be established in the Mexican state of Queretaro. Mugartegui also stated that the company has been working on the project for more than five years and intends to divide the investment over a period of 15 years. Also, the rise in investment in smart grids in the region contributes to the increased demand for uninterrupted power supply. In 2023, the Department of Energy announced US$ 3.5 billion in grants to increase wind and solar power capacity, fortify power lines against extreme weather, integrate batteries and electric vehicles, and develop microgrids to keep lights operational during power outages. The report highlighted 58 projects in 44 states in the US as eligible for federal financing. The investment amount will reach more than US$ 8 billion with funding from state and local governments, utilities, and industry partners. This government initiative will drive the market growth in the region.
North America Uninterrupted Power Supply Market Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
North America Uninterrupted Power Supply Market Segmentation
The North America uninterrupted power supply market is categorized into type, rating, end user, and country.
Based on type, the North America uninterrupted power supply market is segmented into standby, line interactive, and online. The online segment held the largest market share in 2023.
In terms of rating, the North America uninterrupted power supply market is categorized into upto 50 kVA, between 50 to 100 kVA, and above 100 kVA. The above 100 kVA segment held the largest market share in 2023.
By end user, the North America uninterrupted power supply market is segmented into data centers, telecom, healthcare, industrial, and others. The data centers segment held the largest market share in 2023.
Based on country, the North America uninterrupted power supply market is segmented into the US, Canada, and Mexico. The US dominated the North America uninterrupted power supply market share in 2023.
Schneider Electric SE, ABB Ltd, Toshiba Corp, Cyber Power Systems (USA) Inc, Eaton Corp Plc, Emerson Electric Co, Delta Electronics Inc, Legrand SA, Mitsubishi Electric Corp, and Kehua Data Co Ltd. are some of the leading companies operating in the North America uninterrupted power supply market.