被動光纖網路設備市場- 2018-2028 年全球產業規模、佔有率、趨勢、機會和預測,按組件、類型、按應用、最終用戶、地區、競爭細分Passive Optical Network Equipment Market- Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, and Forecast, 2018-2028 Segmented By Component, By Type, By Application, By End User, By Region, Competition |
被動光纖網路設備市場預計到 2028 年底將達到 146.3 億美元,預測期內年複合成長率(CAGR) 為 14.3%。電信和網路服務的日益普及,加上對頻寬需求的不斷成長,導致在可預見的未來對千兆被動光纖網路(GPON) 設備的需求不斷增加。此外,在視訊點播、視訊會議和網際網路協定語音 (VoIP) 等資料密集型服務的推動下,對乙太網路被動光纖網路(EPON) 設備的需求預計將激增。
無源光網路 (PON) 是一種電信網路,旨在利用網路通訊中的流量多樣性。 PON 用於資料通訊、特定回程應用以及住宅和商業存取。客戶可以透過利用光纖技術的 PON 來存取寬頻網路。術語「被動」表示只有發射和接收點需要電力,而光纖和其他組件保持不供電。 PON網路採用分光器和點對多點架構,將訊號從單一傳輸點上行和下行同時傳輸到多個用戶終端。光線路終端(OLT)位於通訊業務的中心局,而多個光網路單元(ONU)則放置在終端消費者附近。由於 PON 具有高頻寬、穩定性以及透過頻寬共享進行經濟高效的部署,因此廣泛應用於住宅、商業和企業環境。部署 PON 是一種經濟高效的解決方案,特別是對於大規模安裝而言,因為它透過單一光纖連接眾多用戶,並透過被動分路器將光纖分配到更靠近用戶的位置。此外,PON 因其速度更快、成本效益高、可擴展性、利用現有光纖基礎設施、多種升級路徑和低延遲等優勢而越來越受歡迎,以適應不斷成長的應用數量。
市場概況 | |
預測期 | 2024-2028 |
2022 年市場規模 | 146.3億美元 |
2028 年市場規模 | 326.2億美元 |
2023-2028 年複合年成長率 | 14.4% |
成長最快的細分市場 | 新一代被動光纖網路(NG PON) |
最大的市場 | 北美洲 |
電信業不斷努力採用綠色能源替代方案,以滿足日益成長的能源消耗需求。數位時代和智慧科技的採用顯著增加了各個地區對大頻寬高速網路服務的需求。例如,電信塔已成功開始部署無柴油站點,並積極尋求更可靠的電網供電解決方案,以維持品質標準。基地台佔據了大部分能源使用量,這就是為什麼網路營運商非常重視提高網路基礎設施能源效率。這對電信公司和塔式公司提供可靠和清潔的能源提出了獨特的挑戰,特別是考慮到 2022 年引入 5G 後資料流量的顯著增加。透過消除對機架式交換機的需求,對不可再生電力的依賴可以減少設備和電力消耗。此外,環保的無源光纖區域網路選項優於傳統的基於乙太網路區域網路。這些解決方案以光分路器取代了工作組交換機,確保符合暖氣、通風和空調 (HVAC) 標準。這不僅消除了對數千千瓦能源的需求,而且提供了更具成本效益的選擇。因此,對建立低碳光網路的綠色網路解決方案的需求不斷成長。無源光網路(PON)利用單光纖、單類型光纖連接到工作組終端(WGT)。此外,PON 使用小型被動光分路器,這些分光器安裝在建築物的外殼內,通常位於每個樓層。因此,PON不需要電源,不產生熱量,甚至可以安裝在電氣櫃中。
目前,在數據密集型應用、視訊串流、雲端運算和物聯網 (IoT) 呈指數級成長的推動下,對高速寬頻連線的需求大幅成長。為了滿足這些不斷成長的頻寬需求,電信供應商和網路營運商正在轉向無源光網路 (PON) 技術。 PON 設備能夠提供高速資料、語音和視訊服務。此外,全球寬頻連線的成長預計是預測期內推動市場進步的關鍵因素。例如,根據經濟合作暨發展組織的數據,經合組織國家的固定寬頻用戶數從 2021 年的 4.63 億戶增加到 2022 年 6 月的 4.76 億戶,平均每 100 名居民擁有 34.7 戶固定寬頻用戶。 2022 年 6 月,行動寬頻訂閱人數達到 18 億,高於 2021 年的 17 億,平均每 100 名居民有 128 訂閱。然而,值得注意的是,PON技術涉及複雜的光傳輸和復用技術,這可能需要專門的技能和專業知識來進行部署和維護。與實施和管理 PON 網路相關的技術挑戰可能會限制市場成長,特別是對於技術資源有限的小型服務供應商。
全球被動光纖網路(PON) 市場正面臨無線技術競爭加劇的重大挑戰。 4G和5G無線網路的快速演進大大擴展了高速網路連線的範圍,侵蝕了PON系統的一些傳統優勢。隨著無線基礎設施變得更加強大和廣泛,特別是在人口稠密的城市地區,消費者和企業越來越被無線連接提供的便利性和移動性所吸引。這種轉變促使網路營運商和 PON 供應商重新評估他們的策略,重點是透過更高的頻寬、增強的可靠性以及與無線網路的無縫整合來實現差異化。為了保持競爭力,PON 市場必須利用這些屬性,同時解決無線替代方案帶來的獨特挑戰,並重申其在不斷發展的電信環境中的相關性和價值主張。
在持續的研發努力的推動下,全球被動光纖網路(PON) 市場正在經歷技術進步的浪潮。 PON 技術的創新不斷增強其效能、可擴展性和功能。從 10G-PON 和 NG-PON2 等更高速變體的出現,到波分複用 (WDM) 技術的改進,這些發展擴展了 PON 提供更大頻寬、更低延遲和更高服務品質的潛力。此外,研究工作的重點是解決擴大覆蓋範圍、增強網路安全和最佳化能源效率等挑戰。這項持續創新強調了 PON 的適應性和相關性,可以滿足不同行業和全球市場對高速、可靠和麵向未來的寬頻解決方案不斷成長的需求。
光纖技術的顯著進步極大地推動了全球被動光纖網路(PON) 市場的動態成長。依賴光纖基礎設施的 PON 系統從光纖的不斷發展中受益匪淺,可實現更高的資料傳輸速率、更高的訊號可靠性和更高的成本效率。隨著光纖電纜變得更加緊湊、耐用和經濟實惠,PON 部署對於網路營運商和服務供應商來說變得越來越容易和有吸引力。這些光纖創新增強了 PON 網路的功能,促進高速網際網路、強大連接和多功能服務的無縫交付。 PON 和光纖進步之間的協同關係凸顯了它們在塑造現代電信格局和滿足全球範圍內對高效、面向未來的寬頻解決方案不斷成長的需求方面發揮著不可或缺的作用。
在寬頻用戶對高速連線的需求不斷成長的推動下,千兆位元被動光網路 (GPON) 領域有望主導全球無源光網路設備市場。這種不斷成長的需求使得採用 GPON 成為必然,因為與乙太網路被動光網路 (EPON) 相比,它提供了更先進的技術,具有更高的頻寬分配和更低的功耗。在高品質視訊串流需求不斷成長的推動下,FTTH/GPON在全球範圍內迅速部署,進一步增強了GPON技術的優勢。在預測期內,由於 GPON 在光纖到府 (FTTH) 服務中越來越多的採用,預計 GPON 的市佔率將大幅成長。因此,基於雲端的被動光網路設備解決方案正在全球市場廣泛採用。
就最終用戶而言,商業部門預計將成為全球無源光網路設備市場的主導者。這是由於電信業者不斷開發用於各種商業應用的光纖網路,包括辦公室、教育機構、飯店、銀行等。各行業的企業都在優先考慮技術進步,以提高網路速度和效率。資訊科技和國防部門尤其需要安全可靠的網路服務,而這可以透過光纖技術來實現。此外,企業正在從資料速率為 2.5Gbit/s 和 1.25Gbit/s 的現有千兆乙太網路被動光網路 (GPON) 過渡到新一代 NG-PON,對稱地提供 10Gbit/s 的最大速度。因此,商業領域不斷成長的需求正在推動全球無源光網路設備市場的擴張。
受多種因素的推動,北美地區預計將在預測期內確立其在全球無源光網路 (PON) 市場的主導地位,這些因素使該地區成為 PON 採用方面的領跑者。該地區擁有各行業的知名企業,並廣泛實施軟體解決方案。非洲大陸技術先進的基礎設施、對高速網際網路和資料服務的高需求以及對光纖網路的強勁投資為 PON 的擴張奠定了堅實的基礎。此外,政府致力於增強寬頻連線的舉措,加上醫療保健、金融和教育等行業對可靠、高效網路解決方案的需求不斷成長,正在推動 PON 的成長。北美競爭激烈的電信格局和主要行業參與者的存在進一步促進了其在採用和部署 PON 技術方面的領先地位。隨著 PON 不斷發展並滿足現代社會不斷升級的連接需求,北美不僅佔據市場主導地位,而且還在全球範圍內樹立了創新和卓越網路的基準。
全球被動光纖網路設備市場報告以及給定的市場資料,Tech Sci Research 根據公司的具體需求提供客製化服務。該報告可以使用以下自訂選項:
The Passive Optical Network Equipment Market is projected to reach USD 14.63 billion by the end of 2028, exhibiting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.3% during the forecast period. The rising adoption of telecom and internet services, coupled with the growing demand for bandwidth, has resulted in an increased requirement for Gigabyte Passive Optical Network (GPON) equipment in the foreseeable future. Moreover, the demand for Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON) equipment is expected to surge, driven by data-intensive services like video on demand, videoconferencing, and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).
Passive optical networks (PONs) are telecommunications networks designed to leverage traffic diversity in network communications. PONs are utilized for data communications, specific backhaul applications, and residential and commercial access. Customers can access broadband networks through PONs, which leverage fiber optic technology. The term "passive" signifies that only the transmit and receive points require electrical power, while the fiber and other components remain unpowered. PON networks employ optical splitters and point-to-multipoint architecture to simultaneously transmit signals upstream and downstream from a single transmission point to multiple user terminals. An optical line terminal (OLT) is located at the central office of the communications business, while multiple optical network units (ONUs) are placed near end consumers. PONs are extensively used in residential, commercial, and enterprise settings due to their high bandwidth, stability, and cost-effective deployment through bandwidth sharing. Deploying PONs is a cost-effective solution, especially for large-scale installations, as it connects numerous subscribers through a single fiber-optic cable, distributing fiber closer to users through passive splitters. Furthermore, PONs are gaining popularity due to their advantages of faster speed, cost-effectiveness, scalability, utilization of existing fiber-optic infrastructure, multiple upgrade paths, and low latency to accommodate the growing number of applications.
Market Overview | |
Forecast Period | 2024-2028 |
Market Size 2022 | USD 14.63 billion |
Market Size 2028 | USD 32.62 billion |
CAGR 2023-2028 | 14.4% |
Fastest Growing Segment | Next Generation Passive Optical Network (NG PON) |
Largest Market | North America |
The telecommunications industry is continuously striving to adopt green energy alternatives to meet the growing demand for energy consumption. The era of digitalization and the adoption of smart technologies have significantly increased the need for high-speed internet services with large bandwidth in various regions. For instance, telecom towers have successfully started deploying diesel-free sites and are actively seeking solutions for more reliable grid power supply to maintain quality standards. Base stations account for most of the energy usage, which is why network operators place a strong emphasis on improving network infrastructure energy efficiency. This presents a unique challenge in delivering dependable and clean energy to Telcos and Tower cos, especially considering the significant increase in data traffic following the introduction of 5G in 2022. By eliminating the need for rack-mount switches, the reliance on non-renewable electrical equipment and power consumption can be reduced. Additionally, environmentally-friendly passive optical local area network options outperform traditional copper-based Ethernet local area networks. These solutions replace the use of workgroup switches with optical splitters, ensuring compliance with heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) standards. This not only eliminates the need for thousands of KW energy but also provides a more cost-effective option. As a result, there is a growing demand for green network solutions to establish low-carbon optical networks. Passive optical network (PON) utilizes a single fiber, single type optic to connect to the workgroup terminal (WGT). Moreover, PON utilizes small passive optical splitters, which are housed in enclosures in a building, typically on every floor. Therefore, PON requires no power, generates no heat, and can even be installed in electrical closets.
Currently, there is a significant surge in the demand for high-speed broadband connectivity, driven by the exponential growth of data-intensive applications, video streaming, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT). To meet these ever-increasing bandwidth requirements, telecommunication providers and network operators are turning to passive optical network (PON) technology. PON equipment enables the delivery of high-speed data, voice, and video services. Furthermore, the global increase in broadband connections is a key factor projected to drive market progress in the forecast period. For instance, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, fixed broadband subscriptions in OECD countries reached 476.0 million in June 2022, up from 463.0 million in 2021, with an average of 34.7 subscriptions per 100 inhabitants. Mobile broadband subscriptions reached 1.8 billion in June 2022, up from 1.7 billion in 2021, with an average of 128 subscriptions per 100 inhabitants. However, it is important to note that PON technology involves complex optical transmission and multiplexing techniques, which may require specialized skills and expertise for deployment and maintenance. The technical challenges associated with implementing and managing PON networks can act as a restraint for market growth, particularly for smaller service providers with limited technical resources.
The Global Passive Optical Network (PON) market is currently experiencing robust expansion, driven by the compelling combination of low ownership costs and high return on investment (ROI). PON technology offers a cost-effective solution for high-speed broadband deployment, leveraging its inherent ability to deliver data, voice, and video services over a single optical fiber infrastructure. The reduced maintenance and operational expenses associated with PON systems contribute to their favorable cost of ownership, appealing to service providers and enterprises alike. Simultaneously, the scalability and efficiency of PON networks result in a remarkable ROI as they cater to a growing subscriber base. This blend of affordability and profitability has positioned PON technology as the preferred choice for network operators seeking to optimize their resources while meeting the increasing demand for bandwidth-intensive applications and seamless connectivity, thereby driving the ongoing expansion of the global PON market.
The global passive optical network equipment market is witnessing significant growth, primarily due to the rapid rise in popularity of Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON) equipment. As internet connectivity becomes increasingly vital in residential and commercial sectors, GPON technology offers unparalleled data transmission speeds and enhanced bandwidth capabilities. This advancement has spurred substantial demand for GPON equipment, fostering innovation and competitiveness within the market as providers strive to meet the growing connectivity needs of modern consumers and businesses.
However, the growth of the global Passive Optical Network (PON) market faces challenges due to limited reach and coverage. While PON technology offers impressive data transmission capabilities, its effectiveness diminishes over long distances. This limitation hinders its widespread adoption, particularly in geographically expansive or remote areas where extending the PON infrastructure proves economically and technically challenging. As a result, network operators are compelled to seek alternative solutions or combine PON with other technologies to achieve comprehensive coverage. Efforts to address this challenge involve research into innovative signal amplification techniques and the optimization of optical components. Successfully overcoming the limited reach and coverage obstacle will be pivotal in unlocking the full potential of PON networks, enabling them to provide high-speed connectivity to a broader spectrum of users and ultimately accelerating the expansion of the global PON market.
The global Passive Optical Network (PON) market is facing a significant challenge in the form of intensifying competition from wireless technologies. The rapid evolution of 4G and 5G wireless networks has greatly expanded the reach of high-speed internet connectivity, eroding some of the traditional advantages of PON systems. As wireless infrastructure becomes more robust and widespread, particularly in densely populated urban areas, consumers and businesses are increasingly drawn to the convenience and mobility offered by wireless connections. This shift has prompted network operators and PON providers to reassess their strategies, with a focus on differentiation through higher bandwidth, enhanced reliability, and seamless integration with wireless networks. To maintain competitiveness, the PON market must harness these attributes while also addressing the unique challenges posed by wireless alternatives, reaffirming its relevance and value proposition in an ever-evolving telecommunications landscape.
The Global Passive Optical Network (PON) market is experiencing a surge of technological advancements driven by ongoing research and development endeavors. Innovations in PON technology continually enhance its performance, scalability, and capabilities. From the emergence of higher-speed variants like 10G-PON and NG-PON2 to improvements in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) techniques, these developments expand PON's potential to deliver even greater bandwidth, lower latency, and improved quality of service. Moreover, research efforts focus on addressing challenges such as extending reach and coverage, enhancing network security, and optimizing energy efficiency. This ongoing innovation underscores PON's adaptability and relevance in meeting the ever-growing demand for high-speed, reliable, and future-proofed broadband solutions across diverse industries and global markets.
The dynamic growth of the Global Passive Optical Network (PON) market is significantly propelled by remarkable advancements in fiber optic technologies. PON systems, reliant on optical fiber infrastructure, benefit immensely from the ongoing evolution of fiber optics, enabling higher data transmission rates, increased signal reliability, and enhanced cost-efficiency. As fiber optic cables become more compact, durable, and affordable, PON deployments become increasingly accessible and attractive to network operators and service providers. These fiber optic innovations amplify the capabilities of PON networks, facilitating the seamless delivery of high-speed internet, robust connectivity, and versatile services. The synergistic relationship between PON and fiber optic advancements underscores their integral role in shaping the modern telecommunications landscape and meeting the surging demand for efficient, future-ready broadband solutions on a global scale.
The gigabit passive optical network (GPON) segment is poised to dominate the global market for passive optical network equipment, driven by the growing demand for high-speed connectivity from broadband users. The adoption of GPON is necessitated by this increasing demand, as it offers superior technology compared to ethernet passive optical network (EPON), with higher bandwidth allocation and lower power consumption. The rapid deployment of FTTH/GPON globally, fueled by the rising demand for high-quality video streaming, further reinforces the superiority of GPON technology. The forecast period predicts a significant market share growth for GPON, driven by its increasing adoption in fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) services. Consequently, cloud-based solutions for passive optical network equipment are witnessing widespread adoption in the global market.
In terms of end-users, the commercial sector is expected to be the dominant player in the global market for passive optical network equipment. This is attributed to the telecommunications providers' increasing development of fiber optic networks for various commercial applications, including offices, educational institutions, hospitality, banking, and more. Enterprises across industries are prioritizing technological advancements to enhance network speed and efficiency. The information technology and defense sectors, in particular, require secure and reliable internet services, which can be achieved through optical fiber technology. Furthermore, enterprises are transitioning from existing gigabit ethernet passive optical networks (GPON) with data rates of 2.5Gbit/s and 1.25Gbit/s to next-generation NG-PONs, offering maximum speeds of 10Gbit/s symmetrically. As a result, the growing demand in the commercial segment is driving the expansion of the global passive optical network equipment market.
North America is expected to assert its dominance in the Global passive optical network (PON) market during the forecast period, driven by a confluence of factors that position the region as a frontrunner in PON adoption. The region boasts prominent businesses across various industries and extensively implements software solutions. The continent's technologically advanced infrastructure, high demand for high-speed internet and data services, and robust investments in fiber optic networks provide a solid foundation for PON's expansion. Additionally, government initiatives focused on enhancing broadband connectivity, coupled with the increasing need for reliable and efficient network solutions in sectors like healthcare, finance, and education, are propelling PON's growth. North America's competitive telecommunications landscape and the presence of key industry players further catalyze its leadership in adopting and deploying PON technology. As PON continues to evolve and cater to the escalating connectivity demands of modern society, North America is positioned to not only dominate the market but also set benchmarks for innovation and network excellence on a global scale.
In this report, the Global Passive Optical Network Equipment Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:
Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the Global Passive Optical Network Equipment Market.
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