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全球空中計程車市場按飛機類型、營運模式類型、推進類型、地區、競爭預測和機會細分,2018-2028 年Global Air Taxi Market Segmented By Aircraft Type, By Mode of Operation Type, By Propulsion Type, By Regional, By Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2018-2028F |
2022 年全球空中計程車市場價值為 7.9 億美元,在整個預測期內將實現強勁成長,預計到 2028 年年複合成長率 (CAGR) 為 16.4%。空中計程車是一種高效飛機,專為短途旅行。空中計程車的概念最初於2001年提出,當時美國太空總署和航空航太工業對潛在的小型飛機運輸系統(SATS)和美國輕型噴射機製造的興起進行了研究。隨著時間的推移,道路交通增加、城市擁擠以及對更有效率交通選擇的需求等因素推動了全球對空中計程車的需求。此後,航空和運輸領域的許多公司致力於開發供全球使用的空中計程車。空中計程車是一種緊湊、節能的商用飛機,專為短途旅行而設計。它的小尺寸和操作能力使其能夠在較短的跑道上起飛和降落。空中計程車為定期航班未覆蓋的地點之間的旅行提供便利,並且通常有效載荷和載客量有限。它們主要在空中交通量最少的小型當地機場營運,因為這些機場距離旅客的目的地更近。因此,空中計程車在全球範圍內獲得了巨大的關注。
市場概況 | |
預測期 | 2024-2028 |
2022 年市場規模 | 7.9億美元 |
2028 年市場規模 | 19504億美元 |
2023-2028 年年複合成長率 | 16.4% |
成長最快的細分市場 | 四軸飛行器 |
最大的市場 | 北美洲 |
電力推進的進步:電力推進技術的進步是全球空中計程車市場背後的主要驅動力。電動垂直起降 (eVTOL) 飛機由馬達和電池提供動力,與傳統內燃機相比,可降低噪音水平、降低排放並提高能源效率。隨著人們對環境永續性和空氣品質的擔憂日益加劇,電動空中計程車與全球推動綠色交通解決方案的趨勢一致。電池技術和馬達效率的不斷進步正在提高電動空中計程車的可行性和吸引力。
可擴展性和經濟性:在維持經濟可行性的同時實現可擴展性是空中計程車市場面臨的多方面挑戰。與 eVTOL 的研究、開發和製造相關的初始成本
電力推進技術的進步:電力推進技術的快速進步是影響全球空中計程車市場的一個突出趨勢。電動垂直起降 (eVTOL) 飛機由馬達和電池提供動力,與傳統內燃機相比,運行更安靜,減少了排放,並提高了能源效率。隨著電池技術的進步,電動垂直起降飛機正在擴大其航程和有效載荷能力,使其更適合城市空中交通。這些技術進步正在推動創新,使製造商能夠設計具有最佳化推進系統的空中計程車,以滿足短途城市航班和較長城際航線的需求。
自動駕駛和半自動駕駛功能的整合:自動駕駛和半自動駕駛技術的整合是全球空中計程車市場的關鍵趨勢。雖然未來仍可能完全自主,但許多 eVTOL 飛機在設計時具有不同程度的自主能力。這些功能包括先進的自動駕駛系統、防撞和自動導航。這些技術的逐步採用提高了安全性,降低了駕駛的複雜性,並促進了乘客的接受。此外,自主功能為未來城市空中交通場景奠定了基礎,空中計程車可以在最少的人為干涉下運行,最終減少對訓練有素的飛行員的需求。
城市空中交通(UAM)生態系統發展:全球空中計程車市場正在形成發展綜合城市空中交通(UAM)生態系統的趨勢。 UAM生態系統涉及各種利益相關者,包括飛機製造商、基礎設施開發商、垂直機場營運商、監管機構和服務提供者。這些利害關係人合作創建支援空中計程車營運的無縫基礎設施,包括充電站、垂直機場、維護設施和空中交通管理系統。建立完善的城市空中交通生態系統對於確保空中計程車服務在城市環境中安全、高效和可擴展的部署至關重要。
策略夥伴關係與協作:策略夥伴關係和協作正在成為全球空中計程車市場的主要趨勢。航太巨頭、科技新創公司和共乘公司正在聯手整合資源、專業知識和網路。這些合作加速了電動垂直起降飛機的開發,加強監管宣傳,並促進營運網路的建立。乘車共享平台還與 eVTOL 製造商合作,將空中計程車整合到其現有的行動即服務 (MaaS) 產品中,進一步增強乘客的無縫多式聯運旅行體驗。
投資和資金湧入:空中計程車市場正在經歷傳統航空航太投資者和進入該行業的新參與者的投資和資金激增。創投公司、企業投資者甚至政府都在分配大量資源來支持 eVTOL 技術和基礎設施的發展。資金的湧入推動了研究、開發和測試,加快了空中計程車服務推向市場的時間。此外,公開發行以及與特殊目的收購公司 (SPAC) 的合併已成為 eVTOL 製造商獲取資本和加速成長的熱門途徑。
由於擁有城市空中交通所需的航空基礎設施,北美地區將在未來幾年成為空中計程車服務的早期採用者。美國是該地區的一個重要市場,預計將為該地區的城市空中交通創造巨大的需求。隨著強勁的消費者需求,高度發展的空中交通管制基礎設施以及對無人駕駛交通管理的日益重視可能會促進該地區的市場成長,因為這些是空中計程車服務營運的完美標準。包括 Joby Aviation、Wisk Aero 和 Kitty Hawk Corporation 在內的幾家美國空中計程車公司已經在積極創建區域空中計程車營運框架。這些公司是空中計程車服務領域的領導者。移動出行企業正在專注於開發電動空中計程車,以提供環保的交通。例如,美國企業Archer Aviation Inc.於2021年6月發布了電動垂直起降(eVTOL)飛機的示範模型,重點是減少城市交通堵塞和碳排放。美國政府旨在推動城市空中交通生態系統的多項努力將促進產業擴張。 2021 年,美國聯邦航空局(FAA) 和美國太空總署(NASA) 將開展先進空中交通國家運動,以促進和提高人們對城市、郊區、農村和地區環境中的空中計程車等新一代航空運輸服務的認知。
The Global Air Taxi Market, valued at USD 790 million in 2022, is poised for robust growth throughout the forecast period, with a projected Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 16.4% through 2028. An air taxi is a highly efficient aircraft designed for short-distance travel. The concept of air taxis was initially proposed in 2001, when NASA and the aerospace industry conducted a study on the potential Small Aircraft Transportation System (SATS) and the emergence of light-jet aircraft manufacturing in the United States. Over time, factors such as increased road traffic, urban congestion, and the need for more efficient transportation options have driven the global demand for air taxis. Numerous companies in the aviation and transportation sectors have since worked on developing air taxis for global use. An air taxi is a compact, energy-efficient commercial aircraft specifically designed for short journeys. Its small size and operational capabilities enable it to take off and land on shorter runways. Air taxis facilitate travel between locations not covered by scheduled airlines and typically have limited payload and passenger capacity. They operate primarily from smaller local airports with minimal air traffic, as these airports are closer to travelers' destinations. Consequently, air taxis are gaining significant traction worldwide.
Urban Congestion and Traffic Challenges: One of the primary drivers propelling the global air taxi market is the escalating urban congestion and traffic congestion in major cities worldwide. As urbanization continues, traditional ground transportation struggles to accommodate the influx of people and vehicles. Air taxis offer a novel solution by providing point-to-point urban air mobility, bypassing congested roads, and reducing travel times. This advantage not only enhances convenience but also addresses the frustration caused by long commutes and traffic jams, making air taxis an attractive alternative for time-sensitive individuals.
Market Overview | |
Forecast Period | 2024-2028 |
Market Size 2022 | USD 790 million |
Market Size 2028 | USD 1950.40 Billion |
CAGR 2023-2028 | 16.4% |
Fastest Growing Segment | Quadcopter |
Largest Market | North America |
Advancements in Electric Propulsion: Advancements in electric propulsion technology are a major driver behind the global air taxi market. Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing (eVTOL) aircraft, powered by electric motors and batteries, offer reduced noise levels, lower emissions, and increased energy efficiency compared to traditional combustion engines. As concerns about environmental sustainability and air quality rise, electric-powered air taxis align with the global push for greener transportation solutions. The ongoing progress in battery technology and electric motor efficiency is boosting the feasibility and attractiveness of electric air taxis.
Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous Technologies: The evolution of autonomous and semi-autonomous technologies is another significant driver for the global air taxi market. The integration of autonomous flight capabilities reduces the reliance on highly trained pilots, making air travel more accessible and user-friendly. While full autonomy might still be in the future, the gradual adoption of semi-autonomous features, such as advanced autopilot systems and collision avoidance, enhances the safety and confidence of both passengers and operators. These technologies are crucial for scaling air taxi operations, ensuring safe and reliable transportation for a wider audience.
Rapid Urbanization and Infrastructure Challenges: Rapid urbanization is driving the demand for innovative transportation solutions, including air taxis. As urban areas become more densely populated, traditional ground transportation systems struggle to keep pace. Air taxis can efficiently navigate over traffic congestion and geographical obstacles, offering a solution to the "last-mile" problem that many urban dwellers face. The ability to operate from vertiports or helipads, often requiring less space than traditional runways, enables air taxis to bypass the limitations of ground infrastructure and connect urban centers more seamlessly.
Ridesharing and Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) Trends: The rise of ridesharing and Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) concepts is driving the global air taxi market by changing the way people perceive and access transportation. The success of ride-sharing platforms has accustomed consumers to the idea of on-demand mobility, fostering a willingness to embrace new forms of transportation. Air taxis can seamlessly integrate with existing MaaS platforms, offering users a comprehensive multimodal transportation experience. This integration aligns with the shift from vehicle ownership to mobility solutions, positioning air taxis as a convenient and efficient option for short-distance travel.
Investment and Technological Innovation: Significant investment and technological innovation are propelling the global air taxi market forward. Notable companies, both established aerospace giants and innovative startups, are pouring resources into research, development, and manufacturing of eVTOL aircraft. This competitive landscape spurs technological breakthroughs, fostering improvements in aircraft design, battery efficiency, and operational safety. Investment also accelerates regulatory approval processes, infrastructure development, and partnerships that are essential for launching and scaling air taxi services.
Regulatory Framework and Government Support: The establishment of a supportive regulatory framework and government initiatives is a critical driver for the global air taxi market. Governments and regulatory bodies are recognizing the potential of urban air mobility and are working to streamline certification processes, safety standards, and airspace integration. Collaboration between industry stakeholders and regulatory bodies is essential to ensure that air taxis operate safely and seamlessly within existing aviation systems. Government support through funding, incentives, and partnerships further accelerates the development and deployment of air taxi services.
Infrastructure Development: One of the foremost challenges facing the global air taxi market is the development of the necessary infrastructure to support air taxi operations. Unlike traditional aviation, air taxis require vertiports or helipads that are strategically located within urban areas. Designing, constructing, and maintaining these facilities is a complex endeavor that demands coordination between regulators, urban planners, and private stakeholders. Ensuring that vertiports are strategically situated to minimize congestion, are equipped with efficient charging systems for electric air taxis, and adhere to safety standards poses a significant challenge. Infrastructure development requires substantial investments and collaboration to establish a functional network that enables seamless air taxi services.
Regulatory Hurdles: Regulatory challenges pose a substantial obstacle to the global air taxi market. Integrating air taxis into existing airspace systems requires navigating complex aviation regulations that govern safety, airspace management, and air traffic control. Earning certification for new aircraft models, especially those with electric or hybrid propulsion, involves meeting rigorous standards to ensure passenger safety and operational reliability. Additionally, air taxi services may need to comply with city-specific regulations and noise abatement policies. Harmonizing regulations across jurisdictions and adapting them to accommodate new technologies and operational paradigms is a significant challenge that demands collaboration between industry players, regulators, and policymakers.
Safety and Certification: Ensuring the safety of passengers, crew, and the urban population is paramount in the air taxi market. The challenges associated with obtaining airworthiness certification for novel electric VTOL aircraft are multifaceted. New aircraft designs and propulsion systems necessitate robust testing and validation processes to demonstrate reliability and safety standards. Moreover, the adoption of autonomous and semi-autonomous technologies introduces a new layer of complexity in terms of certification. Addressing these challenges requires rigorous testing, comprehensive risk assessment, and cooperation with aviation authorities to ensure that air taxi operations meet the highest safety standards.
Public Perception and Acceptance: Public perception and acceptance of air taxis present a significant challenge that could influence market adoption. Convincing potential passengers to embrace a novel mode of transportation requires building trust in the technology's safety, reliability, and overall feasibility. Addressing concerns related to noise pollution, privacy, and potential disruptions to urban life is essential to gain public support. Educating the public about the benefits of air taxis, dispelling misconceptions, and fostering positive attitudes are crucial steps in overcoming this challenge and driving market acceptance.
Scalability and Economics: Achieving scalability while maintaining economic viability is a multifaceted challenge in the air taxi market. Initial costs associated with research, development, and manufacturing of eVTOL
aircraft can be substantial. Additionally, the challenge of producing aircraft at scale to meet market demand while ensuring high-quality standards poses economic challenges. Furthermore, the economics of air taxi operations, including pricing models, operational costs, and revenue generation, require careful consideration to create sustainable and competitive services that attract passengers without compromising profitability.
Limited Range and Battery Technology: The limited range of electric aircraft, driven by current battery technology limitations, poses a challenge to the global air taxi market. Electric VTOL aircraft must strike a balance between carrying capacity, range, and battery weight. While advancements in battery technology are ongoing, current energy densities may constrain the operational radius of air taxis, affecting their suitability for longer routes. Overcoming this challenge requires continued investment in battery research and development, as well as the optimization of aircraft design to maximize efficiency and range.
Air Traffic Management and Integration: Integrating air taxis into existing air traffic management systems is a complex challenge that necessitates synchronization between various stakeholders. Coordinating the movement of manned and unmanned aircraft, including air taxis, drones, and traditional aviation, within shared airspace requires robust communication protocols, collision avoidance technologies, and real-time data exchange. Implementing a seamless air traffic management system capable of accommodating both conventional and autonomous operations is crucial for the safe and efficient integration of air taxis into urban airspace.
Technological Advancements in Electric Propulsion: A prominent trend shaping the global air taxi market is the rapid advancement of electric propulsion technologies. Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing (eVTOL) aircraft are powered by electric motors and batteries, offering quieter operations, reduced emissions, and improved energy efficiency compared to traditional combustion engines. As battery technology improves, eVTOL aircraft are extending their range and payload capacity, making them more practical for urban air mobility. These technological advancements are driving innovation, allowing manufacturers to design air taxis with optimized propulsion systems that cater to the demands of both short-haul urban flights and longer intercity routes.
Integration of Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous Features: The integration of autonomous and semi-autonomous technologies is a pivotal trend in the global air taxi market. While full autonomy may still be in the future, many eVTOL aircraft are being designed with varying degrees of autonomous capabilities. These features include advanced autopilot systems, collision avoidance, and automated navigation. The gradual adoption of these technologies enhances safety, reduces the complexity of piloting, and facilitates passenger acceptance. Furthermore, autonomous features lay the groundwork for future urban air mobility scenarios where air taxis can operate with minimal human intervention, ultimately reducing the need for highly trained pilots.
Urban Air Mobility (UAM) Ecosystem Development: The trend of developing a comprehensive Urban Air Mobility (UAM) ecosystem is gathering momentum in the global air taxi market. UAM ecosystems involve various stakeholders, including aircraft manufacturers, infrastructure developers, vertiport operators, regulators, and service providers. These stakeholders collaborate to create a seamless infrastructure that supports air taxi operations, including charging stations, vertiports, maintenance facilities, and air traffic management systems. The establishment of a well-integrated UAM ecosystem is crucial to ensuring the safe, efficient, and scalable deployment of air taxi services in urban environments.
Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations: Strategic partnerships and collaborations are emerging as a key trend in the global air taxi market. Aerospace giants, technology startups, and ride-sharing companies are joining forces to pool resources, expertise, and networks. These collaborations accelerate the development of eVTOL aircraft, enhance regulatory advocacy, and facilitate the establishment of operational networks. Ride-sharing platforms are also partnering with eVTOL manufacturers to integrate air taxis into their existing Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) offerings, further enhancing the seamless multimodal travel experience for passengers.
Investment and Funding Influx: The air taxi market is experiencing a surge in investment and funding from both traditional aerospace investors and new players entering the sector. Venture capital firms, corporate investors, and even governments are allocating substantial resources to support the development of eVTOL technology and infrastructure. The influx of funding fuels research, development, and testing, accelerating the timeline for bringing air taxi services to market. Additionally, public offerings and mergers with Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs) have become popular avenues for eVTOL manufacturers to access capital and expedite growth.
Evolution of Business Models: A noticeable trend in the global air taxi market is the evolution of innovative business models. Beyond traditional ownership, operators are exploring various ownership models, including ridesharing, subscription-based services, and pay-per-flight options. These models cater to diverse passenger needs, enabling individuals to use air taxis for daily commutes, occasional travel, or special events. Additionally, cargo and medical transport services using eVTOL aircraft are gaining traction, broadening the market's scope beyond passenger transport.
Regulatory Framework and Certification Progress: The establishment of a regulatory framework tailored to air taxis is a crucial trend in the global market. Regulatory bodies and aviation authorities are collaborating with industry stakeholders to develop safety standards, certification processes, and operational guidelines that align with the unique challenges of urban air mobility. As eVTOL aircraft undergo rigorous testing and validation, regulatory agencies are working to ensure that safety requirements are met without stifling innovation. Achieving regulatory approval is pivotal for instilling passenger confidence and driving widespread adoption.
Propulsion Type Analysis: The air taxi industry has been subdivided into parallel hybrid, electric, turboshaft, and turboelectric, among others, based on propulsion type. The rising emphasis on the usage of fuel-efficient vehicles with long-distance coverage is increasing demand for air taxi parallel hybrid and turboelectric propulsion systems. Similarly, aircraft types such as Multicopter, Side-by-Side aircraft, Tiltwing aircraft, and Tiltrotor aircraft are being studied.
Because of the availability of the requisite aviation infrastructure for urban air mobility, the North American area will be an early adopter of air taxi services in the next years. The United States, a prominent market in the area, is expected to create significant demand for Urban Air Mobility in the region. Along with strong consumer demand, highly developed air traffic control infrastructure and a rising emphasis on unmanned traffic management are likely to contribute to the region's market growth, as these are the perfect criteria for the operation of air taxi services. Several US-based air taxi businesses, including Joby Aviation, Wisk Aero, and Kitty Hawk Corporation, are already actively creating frameworks for regional air taxi operations. These firms are among the leaders in the field of air taxi services. Mobility businesses are focusing on the development of electric-powered air taxis in order to provide environmentally friendly transportation. Archer Aviation Inc., an American business, for example, released a demonstration model of electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft in June 2021, with an emphasis on reducing urban traffic congestion and carbon emissions. Several government efforts in the United States targeted at boosting the UAM ecosystem will promote industry expansion. In 2021, the FAA and NASA will work on the Advanced Air Mobility National Campaign to promote and raise awareness of new generation air transportation services such as air taxis in urban, suburban, rural, and regional settings.
In this report, the Global Air Taxi Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:
Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the Global Air Taxi Market.
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