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硝酸銨鈣市場 - 2018-2028 年全球產業規模、佔有率、趨勢、機會和預測,按應用(化肥、炸藥、其他)、地區和競爭細分Calcium Ammonium Nitrate Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, and Forecast, 2018-2028 Segmented By Application (Fertilizers, Explosives, Others), By Region and Competition |
2022年全球硝酸銨鈣市場估值為36.8億美元,預計2028年市場規模將達到44.6億美元,預計到2028年年複合成長率(CAGR)為3.27%。硝酸銨鈣、也稱為硝基石灰石和硝基白堊,是全球廣泛使用的肥料。它是通過將石灰石粉與硝酸銨混合製成的,形成具有中和酸性土壤能力的中性混合物。這種肥料是植物生長的重要氮源,以其在結果階段被植物根部快速吸收而聞名,使其受到全世界農民的高度重視。此外,鈣的存在不僅可以增強土壤健康,還可以確保長期效益。通常,硝酸銨鈣肥料級含有約 8% 的鈣和 21% 至 27% 的氮,使其適合增強根系和土壤健康。有趣的是,在禁止使用硝酸銨的國家,硝酸銨鈣是一種可行的替代品。此外,由於其吸濕性,即使在室溫下也能保留水分子,進一步提高了其有效性。
市場概況 | |
預測期 | 2024-2028 |
2022 年市場規模 | 36.8億美元 |
2028F 市場規模 | 44.6億美元 |
2023-2028 年年複合成長率 | 3.27% |
成長最快的細分市場 | 化肥 |
最大的市場 | 亞太地區 |
硝酸銨鈣 (CAN) 是一種在農業領域備受推崇的肥料,因其獨特的成分和為作物生長提供的眾多益處而備受推崇。隨著對高品質食品的需求不斷增加以及對永續農業實踐的迫切需要,CAN 的受歡迎程度大幅上升。 CAN 是一種複合肥料,獨特地混合了植物生長所需的兩種重要營養素:氮和鈣。 CAN 中氮和鈣的完美平衡比例有助於促進植物健康發育,促進最佳養分吸收,並最終提高作物產量和品質。
氮是植物生長中不可缺少的重要大量營養素,但土壤中常缺乏氮。幸運的是,CAN 是一種可靠的氮源,可為植物提供生產蛋白質、酵素和葉綠素所需的燃料。透過這樣做,它不僅促進了旺盛的營養生長,而且還促進了光合作用的過程,從而產生茂盛的綠色葉子。同樣重要的是,鈣在形成堅固的細胞壁、增強植物抵抗疾病和促進適當的營養吸收方面發揮關鍵作用。 CAN 的鈣含量有助於防止營養缺乏,促進根部健康發育,並顯著提高果實品質。
此外,它還有助於減少番茄花端腐病或蘋果苦坑等疾病。此外,CAN 還可以充當土壤中的 pH 調節劑,確保為植物提供養分和吸收的最佳條件。其獨特的特性有助於維持適當的 pH 水平,促進有效的養分吸收,並防止任何可能阻礙植物生長的不平衡。鑑於全球人口不斷增加和飲食偏好不斷變化,對優質農產品的需求持續飆升。事實證明,硝酸銨鈣在促進作物生長、增強養分吸收和提高品質方面具有不可估量的價值,使其成為努力滿足這一需求的農民不可或缺的組成部分。這一因素極大地推動了 CAN 的採用,並推動了全球硝酸銨鈣市場的成長。
建築業對硝酸銨鈣的需求不斷成長:硝酸銨鈣(CAN)通常用作混凝土生產中的添加劑,在提高混凝土結構的強度和耐久性方面發揮著至關重要的作用。作為氮源,CAN 不僅可以改善混凝土的凝結時間和和易性,還可以提高混凝土的抗壓強度,使其成為各種建築專案的理想選擇。除了在混凝土生產中的應用外,硝酸銨鈣也是製造各種建築相關活動中使用的炸藥的重要成分。
從採礦和採石到拆除,CAN 既可作為氮源又可作為氧化劑,有助於這些應用所需的受控爆炸反應。此外,CAN 在涉及岩石開挖或隧道挖掘的建築項目中也可用作爆破劑。其爆炸特性與其穩定性和安全特性相結合,使其成為受控爆破作業的首選,確保高效、安全的挖掘過程。硝酸銨鈣不僅限於在混凝土和爆破中的作用,也用於建築中的土壤穩定目的。
透過改變土壤的特性,CAN 有助於提高其承載能力和壓實特性,使其適合建築地基和基礎設施開發。 CAN應用的這一方面凸顯了其在確保建設項目的穩定性和壽命方面的重要意義。考慮到建築業嚴重依賴採礦和挖掘活動來採購原料和準備場地,硝酸銨鈣在炸藥製造和爆破作業中的作用變得不可或缺。隨著採礦和挖掘項目在全球範圍內不斷擴張,對 CAN 作為可靠、有效的爆破劑的需求也相應增加,凸顯了其在建築領域的關鍵作用。
炸藥製造中對硝酸銨鈣的需求不斷成長:由於其獨特的性能和優勢,硝酸銨鈣(CAN)已成為炸藥製造的關鍵成分。隨著採礦、採石、建築等各行業對炸藥的需求不斷增加,CAN 的重要性日益顯著。 CAN 是一種特殊的氮源,而氮是爆炸反應所需的關鍵成分。硝酸銨鈣中的高氮含量為受控爆炸提供了必要的能量,使其成為炸藥配方中不可或缺的成分。能量的受控釋放確保了爆炸裝置的安全和高效運作。
此外,硝酸銨鈣作為氧化劑在炸藥製造中起著至關重要的作用。作為一種氧化劑,它提供了至關重要的氧氣供應以支持爆炸性混合物內的燃燒過程。當與其他組件結合使用時,此特性可顯著提高爆炸反應的效率和有效性,從而確保在各種應用中達到最佳性能。除了其爆炸特性外,CAN 在搬運和儲存過程中的穩定性和安全性方面也具有明顯的優勢。由於其對衝擊和摩擦的敏感度相對較低,因此意外爆炸的風險顯著降低,從而為爆炸作業提供了更高程度的安全性。這使得硝酸銨鈣成為需要受控和安全爆炸操作的應用的首選,讓使用者安心。總體而言,硝酸銨鈣的獨特特性使其成為炸藥產業中用途廣泛且不可或缺的成分。它提供能量、充當氧化劑以及提供穩定性和安全性的能力使其成為各種爆炸應用的重要組成部分,確保全球各行業的高效和受控操作。
此外,歐盟於 2021 年 3 月推出了 2021-2030 年有機行動計劃,作為其從農場到餐桌戰略的一部分。這項綜合計劃旨在增加整個歐洲的有機農業實踐和有機肥料的使用。隨著這些措施和投資的吸引力,硝酸銨鈣產業面臨越來越大的挑戰。有機肥料的廣泛採用預計將對預測期內硝酸銨鈣市場規模產生負面影響。這種向更永續農業實踐的轉變反映了全球對環境保護重要性的認知不斷增強,以及需要盡量減少化學肥料對生態系統的潛在有害影響。總之,硝酸銨鈣產業面臨環境問題和對有機替代品不斷成長的需求等挑戰。促進使用生態友善肥料的政府措施和投資的實施預計將塑造市場的未來,推動向永續農業實踐的過渡。
採用先進農業技術:精準農業是最先進的農業方法,涉及全球定位系統 (GPS)、感測器和資料分析等先進工具的策略使用。這些工具使農民能夠以無與倫比的精確度監控和管理農業實踐。透過精確定位養分施用,包括最佳化使用硝酸銨鈣等肥料,可以最大限度地減少浪費,同時大大提高作物效率。
應用洞察:根據應用類別,化肥領域將在 2022 年成為全球硝酸銨鈣市場的主導者。硝酸銨鈣 (CAN) 因其多樣化的應用而在農業中發揮著至關重要的作用。其最重要的應用之一是作為有效的氧化劑,促進氮轉化為氨,從而提高土壤肥力和生產力。這種獨特的特性可以輕鬆地與其他肥料混合,從而提高其整體效果。此外,CAN 作為一種特殊的追肥,有助於控制農田中頑固雜草和害蟲的生長。它的應用透過最大限度地減少對必需營養素和資源的競爭來確保作物更健康地生長。除了作為氧化劑的作用外,CAN 還透過與黏土礦物結合而表現出顯著的土壤改良特性。這種相互作用改善了土壤結構,實現更好的水滲透和通氣。因此,它可以防止養分流失並確保作物的永續養分供應,有助於長期維持土壤生產力。憑藉其多功能性,硝酸銨鈣被證明是一種高效肥料,適用於多種作物,包括玉米、小麥、水稻和甘蔗。其均衡的營養成分和逐漸釋放機制為植物的整個生長週期提供最佳營養,從而實現更健康的產量並改善農業成果。總之,硝酸銨鈣是現代農業實踐的基石,為農民提供了提高土壤肥力、控制害蟲和雜草以及促進作物永續生長的寶貴工具。
區域洞察: 2022 年,亞太地區成為全球硝酸銨鈣市場的主導者,在價值和數量方面均佔據最大的市場佔有率。亞太地區對硝酸銨鈣的需求受到其在農業領域日益成長的應用的顯著影響。不斷增加的投資和優惠的政府政策導致亞太主要國家農業產量快速成長。例如,根據印尼統計局的數據,2022年1月至4月,印尼稻米產量達到2,540萬噸,與2020年同期相比顯著成長7.7%。同樣,根據國家統計局報告,中國稻米總產量2021年糧食產量為68,285萬噸,較2020年增加2%。此外,根據農業和農民福利部的數據,2021年印度糧食總產量達3,1606萬噸,大幅增產6.9%輸出。農業產量的顯著成長極大地加速了對無機肥應用硝酸銨鈣的需求。這反過來又對亞太地區硝酸銨鈣產業的成長做出了積極貢獻。政府的持續支持和對高效農業實踐日益成長的需求進一步推動了該行業的擴張。
The Global Calcium Ammonium Nitrate Market achieved a valuation of USD 3.68 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach the market size of USD 4.46 billion in 2028, with a projected Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 3.27% through 2028. Calcium ammonium nitrate, also known as nitro limestone and nitro chalk, is a widely used fertilizer on a global scale. It is produced by blending powdered limestone with ammonium nitrate, resulting in a neutral mixture with the ability to neutralize acidic soil. This fertilizer is an essential source of nitrogen for plant growth, known for its rapid absorption by plant roots during the fruiting stage, making it highly valued by farmers worldwide. Additionally, the presence of calcium not only enhances soil health but also ensures long-term benefits. Typically, the fertilizer grade of calcium ammonium nitrate contains around 8% calcium and 21% to 27% nitrogen, making it suitable for enhancing root and soil health. Interestingly, calcium ammonium nitrate serves as a viable alternative in countries where ammonium nitrate is banned. Moreover, due to its hygroscopic nature, it has the ability to retain water molecules even at room temperature, further contributing to its effectiveness.
Key Market Drivers
Growing Demand for Calcium Ammonium Nitrate in the Agriculture Industry
Market Overview | |
Forecast Period | 2024-2028 |
Market Size 2022 | USD 3.68 billion |
Market Size 2028F | USD 4.46 billion |
CAGR 2023-2028 | 3.27% |
Fastest Growing Segment | Fertilizers |
Largest Market | Asia Pacific |
Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN) is a highly regarded fertilizer in the agriculture industry, prized for its exceptional composition and the multitude of benefits it offers for crop growth. With the increasing demand for high-quality food and the urgent need for sustainable agricultural practices, the popularity of CAN has witnessed a significant surge. CAN, a compound fertilizer, boasts a unique blend of two vital nutrients essential for robust plant growth: nitrogen and calcium. The perfectly balanced ratio of nitrogen and calcium within CAN serves to promote healthy plant development, facilitate optimal nutrient absorption, and ultimately enhance both crop yield and quality.
Nitrogen, a crucial macronutrient indispensable for plant growth, is often found deficient in soil. Fortunately, CAN acts as a reliable source of nitrogen, providing plants with the necessary fuel to produce proteins, enzymes, and chlorophyll. By doing so, it not only fosters vigorous vegetative growth but also bolsters the process of photosynthesis, resulting in lush, green foliage. Equally important, calcium plays a pivotal role in the formation of strong cell walls, fortifying plants against diseases, and facilitating proper nutrient uptake. CAN's calcium content helps prevent nutrient deficiencies, fosters robust root development, and significantly improves fruit quality.
Moreover, it aids in minimizing disorders such as blossom-end rot in tomatoes or bitter pit in apples. Additionally, CAN acts as a pH regulator in the soil, ensuring optimal conditions for nutrient availability and uptake by plants. Its unique properties contribute to maintaining a suitable pH level, facilitating efficient nutrient absorption, and preventing any imbalances that could hinder plant growth. Given the escalating global population and evolving dietary preferences, the demand for high-quality agricultural produce continues to soar. Calcium Ammonium Nitrate proves invaluable in facilitating improved crop growth, enhanced nutrient absorption, and superior quality, making it an indispensable component for farmers striving to meet this demand. This factor significantly propels the adoption of CAN and fuels the growth of the global Calcium Ammonium Nitrate market.
Growing Demand for Calcium Ammonium Nitrate in the Construction Industry: Calcium Ammonium Nitrate, or CAN, is commonly used as an additive in concrete production, playing a vital role in enhancing the strength and durability of concrete structures. Acting as a nitrogen source, CAN not only improves the setting time and workability of concrete but also enhances its compressive strength, making it highly desirable for a wide range of construction projects. Aside from its application in concrete production, Calcium Ammonium Nitrate is an essential component in the manufacturing of explosives used in various construction-related activities.
From mining and quarrying to demolition, CAN serves as both a source of nitrogen and an oxidizing agent, contributing to the controlled explosive reactions required for these applications. Furthermore, CAN finds its utility as a blasting agent in construction projects that involve rock excavation or tunneling. Its explosive properties, combined with its stability and safety features, make it a preferred choice for controlled blasting operations, ensuring efficient and secure excavation processes. Not limited to its role in concrete and blasting, Calcium Ammonium Nitrate is also utilized for soil stabilization purposes in construction.
By modifying the properties of the soil, CAN helps improve its load-bearing capacity and compaction characteristics, making it suitable for building foundations and infrastructure development. This aspect of CAN's application underscores its significance in ensuring the stability and longevity of construction projects. Considering the construction industry's heavy reliance on mining and excavation activities for sourcing raw materials and preparing sites, Calcium Ammonium Nitrate's role in explosives manufacturing and blasting operations becomes indispensable. As mining and excavation projects continue to expand globally, the demand for CAN as a reliable and effective blasting agent rises accordingly, emphasizing its pivotal role in the construction sector.
Growing Demand for Calcium Ammonium Nitrate in the Manufacturing of Explosives: Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN) has emerged as a crucial ingredient in the manufacturing of explosives due to its unique properties and advantages. With the increasing demand for explosives in various industries like mining, quarrying, and construction, the significance of CAN has witnessed remarkable growth. CAN serves as an exceptional source of nitrogen, which is a key component required for explosive reactions. The high nitrogen content in Calcium Ammonium Nitrate provides the necessary energy for controlled detonation, making it an indispensable ingredient in explosive formulations. The controlled release of energy ensures the safe and efficient operation of explosive devices.
Furthermore, Calcium Ammonium Nitrate plays a vital role as an oxidizer in explosives manufacturing. As an oxidizing agent, it provides a crucial supply of oxygen to support the combustion process within the explosive mixture. This property significantly enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of explosive reactions when combined with other components, ensuring optimal performance in various applications. In addition to its explosive properties, CAN offers distinct advantages in terms of stability and safety during handling and storage. Thanks to its relatively low sensitivity to shock and friction, the risk of accidental detonation is significantly reduced, providing a higher level of safety in explosive operations. This makes Calcium Ammonium Nitrate a preferred choice for applications that require controlled and safe explosive operations, giving users peace of mind. Overall, the unique characteristics of Calcium Ammonium Nitrate make it a versatile and indispensable ingredient in the explosives industry. Its ability to provide energy, act as an oxidizer, and offer stability and safety makes it an essential component for various explosive applications, ensuring efficient and controlled operations in industries worldwide.
Key Market Challenges
Growing Preference for Organic Fertilizers: Calcium Ammonium Nitrate, known for its hygroscopic properties, is primarily utilized as an inorganic fertilizer. However, the excessive use of such fertilizers can lead to environmental issues such as soil, water, and air pollution due to nutrient leaching and the accumulation of toxic chemicals. In response to these concerns, governments have launched various investments and initiatives to promote the use of organic or biofertilizers. For instance, in March 2022, the United States Department of Agriculture announced plans to invest a substantial amount of US$250 million in promoting the production of sustainable and organic fertilizers nationwide. This initiative aims to support the transition towards environmentally friendly agricultural practices.
Additionally, the European Union introduced the Organic Action Plan for the 2021-2030 period as part of its Farm to Fork Strategy in March 2021. This comprehensive plan aims to increase organic farming practices and the usage of organic fertilizers throughout Europe. As these initiatives and investments gain traction, there is a growing challenge for the calcium ammonium nitrate industry. The widespread adoption of organic fertilizers is expected to negatively impact the calcium ammonium nitrate market size during the forecast period. This shift towards more sustainable agricultural practices reflects the increasing global awareness of the importance of environmental conservation and the need to minimize the potential harmful effects of chemical fertilizers on ecosystems. In summary, the calcium ammonium nitrate industry faces challenges in the form of environmental concerns and the rising demand for organic alternatives. The implementation of government initiatives and investments promoting the use of eco-friendly fertilizers is expected to shape the future of the market, driving the transition towards sustainable agricultural practices.
Key Market Trends
Adoption of Advanced Farming Technologies: Precision agriculture, the cutting-edge approach to farming, involves the strategic use of advanced tools such as global positioning systems (GPS), sensors, and data analytics. These tools empower farmers to monitor and manage agricultural practices with unrivaled precision. By precisely targeting nutrient application, including the optimized use of fertilizers like Calcium Ammonium Nitrate, the waste can be minimized, while crop efficiency is vastly improved.
To further enhance nutrient management, controlled-release fertilizers are specifically designed to gradually release nutrients over an extended period. This remarkable feature allows these fertilizers to align perfectly with the specific needs of crops. As a result, controlled-release fertilizers not only enhance nutrient uptake but also reduce leaching, minimizing the overall environmental impact. In the realm of sustainable nutrient management, Calcium Ammonium Nitrate can be formulated as a controlled-release fertilizer, making it compatible with advanced farming technologies.
Another innovative farming practice is vertical farming, which involves the cultivation of crops in vertically stacked layers, often in controlled indoor environments. This technology revolutionizes traditional farming as it maximizes land utilization, optimizes resource consumption, and enables year-round crop production. In vertical farming systems, Calcium Ammonium Nitrate is commonly used to provide essential nutrients to plants grown in these controlled environments, ensuring their healthy growth and development. In addition to vertical farming, hydroponics and aeroponics are soilless cultivation methods that utilize nutrient-rich solutions or mist to deliver essential nutrients directly to plant roots. These state-of-the-art systems are at the forefront of technology-driven agriculture, enabling superior nutrient absorption, faster growth rates, and higher yields. Calcium Ammonium Nitrate, with its rich nitrogen and calcium content, is frequently employed in hydroponic and aeroponic setups, ensuring optimal growth and yield of plants.
By integrating advanced tools, adopting innovative practices, and utilizing Calcium Ammonium Nitrate as a key component, modern agriculture is making great strides in achieving sustainable and efficient crop production. These technological advancements are not only transforming the farming landscape but also ensuring a brighter and more sustainable future for the agricultural industry.
Segmental Insights
Application Insights: Based on the category of application, the fertilizers segment emerged as the dominant player in the global market for Calcium Ammonium Nitrate in 2022. Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN) plays a vital role in the agriculture industry due to its diverse applications. One of its most significant applications is its use as an effective oxidizing agent, which facilitates the conversion of nitrogen into ammonia, leading to improved soil fertility and productivity. This unique property allows for easy blending with other fertilizers, enhancing their overall effectiveness. Moreover, CAN serves as an exceptional top dressing that helps control the growth of stubborn weeds and pests in agricultural lands. Its application ensures a healthier crop growth by minimizing the competition for essential nutrients and resources. Beyond its role as an oxidizing agent, CAN also exhibits remarkable soil-enhancing properties by binding with clay minerals. This interaction improves soil structure, enabling better water infiltration and aeration. Consequently, it contributes to the long-term maintenance of soil productivity by preventing nutrient leaching and ensuring a sustainable nutrient supply for crops. With its versatile nature, Calcium Ammonium Nitrate proves to be a highly effective fertilizer for a wide range of crops, including maize, wheat, rice, and sugarcane. Its balanced nutrient composition and gradual release mechanism provide optimal nourishment to plants throughout their growth cycle, resulting in healthier yields and improved agricultural outcomes. In summary, Calcium Ammonium Nitrate stands as a cornerstone of modern agricultural practices, offering farmers an invaluable tool to enhance soil fertility, control pests and weeds, and promote sustainable crop growth.
Regional Insights: Asia Pacific emerged as the dominant player in the Global Calcium Ammonium Nitrate Market in 2022, holding the largest market share in terms of both value and volume. The demand for calcium ammonium nitrate in the Asia-Pacific region is significantly influenced by its growing applicability in the agriculture sector. The increasing investments and favorable government policies have led to a rapid growth in agriculture production output across major Asian-Pacific countries. For instance, according to Statistics Indonesia, between January to April 2022, rice production in Indonesia reached 25.4 million tonnes, showing a notable 7.7% increase compared to the same period in 2020. Similarly, as reported by the National Bureau of Statistics, China's total grain output in 2021 stood at 682.85 million tonnes, indicating a 2% growth from 2020. Furthermore, according to the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, India's total food grain production in 2021 reached 316.06 million tonnes, reflecting a substantial 6.9% increase in production output. The remarkable surge in agriculture output has significantly accelerated the demand for calcium ammonium nitrate for inorganic fertilizer applications. This, in turn, has positively contributed to the growth of the calcium ammonium nitrate industry in the Asia-Pacific region. The continuous support from governments and the increasing need for efficient agricultural practices further drive the expansion of this industry.
Key Market Players
Barium & Chemicals, Inc.
Yara International ASA
EuroChem Group
Achema AB
Origin Fertilizers Limited
Fertinagro India Pvt. Ltd
Agrico Canada
San Corporation
Helm AG
Pakarab Fertilizers Limited
Report Scope:
In this report, the Global Calcium Ammonium Nitrate Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:
North America
South America
Middle East & Africa
Competitive Landscape
Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the Global Calcium Ammonium Nitrate Market.
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