粒狀高爐礦渣市場 - 2018-2028 年全球產業規模、佔有率、趨勢、機會和預測,按類型、按應用、地區和競爭細分Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, and Forecast, 2018-2028 Segmented By Type, By Application, By Region and Competition |
全球粒狀高爐礦渣 (GGBFS) 市場在 2022 年實現了 4.0545 億美元的產量,預計在整個預測期內將經歷強勁成長,到 2028 年年複合成長率 (CAGR) 為 2.85%,預計到2028 年將達到47526 萬噸。GGBFS 是生鐵生產中產生的一種有價值的副產品,當添加到混凝土中時,它可以提高強度、可加工性和耐久性等性能。與沒有 GGBFS 的混凝土不同,礦渣混凝土的強度發展更加緩慢。 GGBFS 的生產涉及將石灰石、鐵礦石和焦炭加熱至 1500°C 的溫度。
高爐礦渣的主要成分包括CaO、SiO2、Al2O3、MgO和少量其他少量氧化物。使用粒化高爐礦渣可顯著減少水泥生產主要原料石灰石的消耗約 40%。一個多世紀以來,GGBFS 因其卓越的水泥質和火山灰性能而被廣泛用作輔助膠凝材料。值得注意的是,它是混凝土中唯一含有大量硫化物的成分。
GGBFS 是混凝土製造中研究最廣泛、最有效的水泥替代材料之一。作為一種環保、具成本效益的建築材料,它是普通矽酸鹽水泥(OPC)的理想替代品。該市場是由主要產業參與者加強研發力度以及推出各種 GGBFS 產品所推動的。
市場概況 | |
預測期 | 2024-2028 |
2022 年市場規模 | 40545萬噸 |
2028F 市場規模 | 47526萬噸 |
2023-2028 年年複合成長率 | 2.85% |
成長最快的細分市場 | 磚塊 |
最大的市場 | 亞太地區 |
例如,印度著名公司塔塔鋼鐵公司是粒狀高爐礦渣 (GGBFS) 的領先製造商之一,以提供符合業界標準的優質產品而聞名。 2021 年 7 月,JFE 鋼鐵公司與東北大學、日本大學等著名學術機構合作,開發出一種名為鹼活化材料 (AAM) 的創新尖端材料,取得了重大突破。預計這一發展將在預測期內進一步推動 GGBFS 的需求,為 GGBFS 在建築材料領域開闢新的可能性和應用。
GGBFS 已成為建築業(尤其是道路建設)中備受追捧的多功能材料。它具有多種有益特性,使其成為傳統建築材料的理想替代品。其在道路建設中越來越多使用的主要原因之一是其提高混凝土強度和耐久性的卓越能力。當摻入水泥混合物中時,GGBFS 可增強即時和長期機械性能,使混凝土更耐開裂、耐磨和化學侵蝕。這可以延長路面使用壽命、降低維護成本並提高道路品質。
GGBFS 也提供永續發展優勢,符合業界對環境考量的關注。透過利用本來會被丟棄的副產品,GGBFS 減少了送往垃圾掩埋場的廢棄物,並最大限度地減少了煉鐵過程對環境的影響。此外,與傳統建築材料相比,GGBFS 的生產所需能源更少,進而降低碳排放,打造更環保的建築業。其獨特的物理和化學特性提高了混凝土混合物的和易性和性能,使其在道路施工過程中更容易處理和放置。
在混凝土混合物中使用 GGBFS 還可以降低水化熱,降低熱裂風險並確保卓越的施工品質。總體而言,GGBFS 透過提供增強的強度、耐用性、永續性和可加工性,徹底改變了建築業,特別是道路建設。
建築業對堅固耐用的混凝土結構的需求正在顯著增加,這些結構能夠承受各種環境條件並在其整個使用壽命中提供卓越的性能。為了滿足這些不斷變化的要求,GGBFS 作為混凝土混合物基本成分的使用量顯著增加。
混凝土結構在其使用壽命期間必須承受重載、極端天氣條件和化學侵蝕。透過在混凝土混合物中加入 GGBFS 作為水泥的部分替代品,可以顯著提高強度和耐久性。 GGBFS 增強了抗壓強度、抗彎強度以及對硫酸鹽和氯化物侵蝕的抵抗力,從而形成更堅固耐用的混凝土結構。
在基礎設施發展、都市化和工業擴張的推動下,全球鋼鐵產量穩定成長。近年來,新興經濟體,特別是亞洲的新興經濟體,由於伴隨著快速城市化的新建築、橋樑、道路和其他重要基礎設施項目的建設,鋼鐵產量大幅成長。隨著鋼鐵需求的增加,副產品高爐礦渣的供應量也在增加,它可以進一步加工成 GGBFS。透過利用高爐礦渣製造 GGBFS,該行業不僅減少了浪費,還將其轉化為有價值的建築材料。
GGBFS 在建築項目中的使用已獲得世界各地監管機構的認可,並制定了促進其使用的標準和法規。這些法規通常要求將 GGBFS 涵蓋建設項目,為全球 GGBFS 市場的成長創造有利的環境。與利用高爐礦渣和生產 GGBFS 相關的永續實踐有助於減少鋼鐵生產對環境的影響。
隨著基礎設施項目的不斷擴張和永續建築實踐的日益採用,全球 GGBFS 市場有望進一步成長。隨著各國優先發展強大而持久的基礎設施,對 GGBFS 的需求預計將會上升,為鋼鐵業創造新的機遇,並為更永續的未來做出貢獻。
採用 GGBFS 作為建築材料的主要挑戰之一是為其生產建立必要的基礎設施所需的大量初始投資。 GGBFS 的製造過程涉及將高爐礦渣研磨成細粉,這需要專門的設備和設施。這些資本支出可能會對新參與者進入市場構成重大障礙,可能會限制 GGBFS 在某些地區的可用性和可近性。
GGBFS 潛在用戶的另一個重要考慮因素是與替代建築材料的成本比較。雖然 GGBFS 具有許多優點,包括增強強度和耐用性、減少環境影響和提高可加工性,但它的初始價格可能高於傳統水泥材料。這種成本差異可能會阻止一些建設項目選擇 GGBFS,特別是當短期預算限制優先於長期利益時。
此外,GGBFS 的可用性和波動的需求也會影響其成本並為全球市場帶來挑戰。 GGBFS 的供應與鋼鐵生產直接相關,因為它是這些產業的副產品。鋼鐵生產的變化可能導致 GGBFS 供應波動,可能影響其定價。此外,不同地區對 GGBFS 的需求也不同,影響其市場動態和整體成本。
儘管人們越來越認知到 GGBFS 的好處,但市場滲透仍然是一個挑戰。由於既定做法和對傳統材料的熟悉,建築業經常表現出對變革的抵制。克服這項挑戰不僅需要教育,還需要讓建築師、工程師、承包商和其他利害關係人認知到與 GGBFS 相關的優勢和長期成本節約。
透過突顯其卓越品質並推廣其永續屬性,可以鼓勵採用 GGBFS,從而形成更環保和高效的建築業。
GGBFS 的化學和物理特性對於塑造混凝土的整體特性起著至關重要的作用。混凝土配合比設計的最佳化需要在所需強度、和易性和耐久性之間進行仔細平衡。要實現這種平衡可能是一項具有挑戰性的任務,需要考慮各種因素,例如水灰比、骨材級配和 GGBFS 的用量,以獲得混凝土混合物的所需性能。
當 GGBFS 加入混凝土混合物中時,它會對抗壓強度的發展產生重大影響。雖然 GGBFS 通常可以增強長期強度,但與傳統水泥材料相比,它可能表現出延遲的初始強度增益。所需的早期強度要求和 GGBFS 的長期強度效益之間的這種平衡行為對在混凝土混合物中實現所需的抗壓強度提出了挑戰。
此外,混凝土混合物的和易性也會受到 GGBFS 的添加的影響。 GGBFS顆粒的高細度和比表面積會增加需水量並降低新拌混凝土的和易性。為了在加入 GGBFS 的同時保持所需的和易性,可能需要調整水灰比和化學外加劑的使用。確保 GGBFS 與其他組件的兼容性至關重要,以在不影響混凝土整體性能的情況下實現所需的和易性。
除了最佳化配合比設計外,GGBFS 生產的一致品質和標準化對於確保與混凝土混合物的兼容性至關重要。 GGBFS 特性(例如化學成分、細度和比表面積)的變化會顯著影響其在混凝土中的表現。因此,實施強力的品質控制措施對於確保 GGBFS 始終滿足所需的標準和規範,為混凝土混合物提供可靠且相容的材料至關重要。
研究與開發 (R&D) 活動的激增導致 GGBFS 的生產和利用取得了顯著進展。研究人員和製造商正在不斷探索最佳化 GGBFS 性能的創新方法,包括細度、化學成分和粒徑分佈,以進一步提高其在混凝土混合物中的性能。這些開發旨在提高基於 GGBFS 的混凝土結構的強度、耐久性、可施工性和環境永續性,並確保其與各種施工要求和規範的兼容性。
此外,研發工作已擴展到傳統建築材料之外,研究人員現在正在探索 GGBFS 的新應用和用途。人們正在積極研究其在土壤穩定、道路建設和廢物管理等領域的潛力。透過應用多樣化,GGBFS 市場可以開拓新的產業和市場,促進進一步的成長和採用。
對永續性的日益重視促使研發部門尋找更多創新方法來提高 GGBFS 的環境效益。研究人員正在積極探索進一步減少GGBFS生產碳足跡的方法,例如利用再生能源以及實施碳捕獲和儲存技術。此外,正在評估高爐礦渣的替代來源(包括工業副產品)在 GGBFS 生產中的適用性。此外,正在研究將回收材料涵蓋 GGBFS 混凝土混合物中,以增強其整體永續性和循環經濟原則。
這些正在進行的舉措與全球永續發展目標一致,並將 GGBFS 堅定地定位為傳統水泥材料的更環保的替代品。透過不斷突破研究和開發的界限,GGBFS 產業努力釋放這種多功能材料的全部潛力,確保其廣泛採用,並為更永續和更靈活的建築環境做出貢獻。
根據類型類別,到 2022 年,鹼度高爐礦渣細分市場將成為全球粒狀高爐礦渣 (GGBFS) 市場的主導者。鹼度高爐礦渣是鋼鐵生產的副產品過程,是豐富可用的。作為原料,其現成的可用性確保了穩定和一致的供應,使其成為製造商和最終用戶等具有成本效益且可靠的選擇。這種穩定的供應和可靠性使其在 GGBFS(粒狀高爐礦渣)市場中佔據主導地位。鹼度高爐礦渣的使用不僅可以帶來經濟效益,還有助於減少廢棄物並促進鋼鐵業的永續發展。憑藉其多功能性和積極的環境影響,鹼度高爐礦渣繼續在各種建築應用和基礎設施開發中發揮重要作用。
波特蘭水泥和混凝土部門預計在預測期內將經歷快速成長。波特蘭水泥充當混凝土混合物中的黏合劑,而 GGBFS 通常用作輔助膠凝材料。 GGBFS的化學成分和物理性能與波特蘭水泥相輔相成,從而提高混凝土的整體性能。 GGBFS 提高了可加工性,減少了發熱,增加了長期強度,並增強了對化學品和環境因素的抵抗力。 GGBFS 與波特蘭水泥和混凝土的相容性極大地促進了該組合在全球 GGBFS 市場的主導地位。
2022 年,亞太地區成為全球粒狀高爐礦渣 (GGBFS) 市場的主導者,在價值和數量方面均佔據最大的市場佔有率。亞太地區目前正在經歷城市化和基礎設施建設的大幅成長。中國、印度、日本和韓國等國家對各種建設項目進行了大量投資,包括住宅、商業和基礎設施開發。因此,對永續和耐用建築材料的需求不斷成長,增強了 GGBFS 在亞太地區的地位。
AfriSam 南非有限公司
在本報告中,除了以下詳細介紹的產業趨勢外,全球粒狀高爐礦渣 (GGBFS) 市場還分為以下幾類:
公司概況:對全球粒狀高爐礦渣 (GGBFS) 市場中主要公司的詳細分析。
全球粒狀高爐礦渣 (GGBFS) 市場報告根據給定的市場資料,Tech Sci Research 根據公司的具體需求提供客製化服務。該報告可以使用以下自訂選項:
The Global Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag (GGBFS) Market achieved a volume of USD 405.45 million tonnes in 2022, and it is expected to experience robust growth throughout the forecast period with a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 2.85% until 2028 and is expected to reach at 475.26 million tonnes by 2028. GGBFS is a valuable by-product derived from raw iron production, and when added to concrete, it enhances properties such as strength, workability, and durability. Unlike concrete without GGBFS, slag concrete develops its strength more gradually. The production of GGBFS involves heating limestone, iron ore, and coke to a temperature of 1500°Celsius.
The primary constituents of blast furnace slag include CaO, SiO2, Al2O3, MgO, and other minor oxides in small quantities. The use of granulated blast furnace slag significantly reduces the consumption of limestone, the primary raw material for cement production, by approximately 40%. For over a century, GGBFS has been widely used as a supplementary cementing material due to its exceptional cementitious and pozzolanic properties. It is notably the only component of concrete that contains appreciable quantities of sulfide.
GGBFS is one of the most extensively researched and effective cement replacement materials in concrete manufacturing. As an eco-friendly and cost-effective building material, it serves as an ideal substitute for Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC). The market is driven by increased research and development efforts and the introduction of various GGBFS products by key industry players.
Market Overview | |
Forecast Period | 2024-2028 |
Market Size 2022 | 405.45 million tonnes |
Market Size 2028F | 475.26 million tonnes |
CAGR 2023-2028 | 2.85% |
Fastest Growing Segment | Bricks and Blocks |
Largest Market | Asia Pacific |
For example, Tata Steel, a renowned Indian company, is one of the leading manufacturers of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS), known for offering premium quality products that meet industry standards. In July 2021, JFE Steel Corporation, in collaboration with prestigious academic institutions like Tohoku University and Nihon University, made a significant breakthrough by developing an innovative and cutting-edge material called alkali-activated material (AAM). This development is expected to drive the demand for GGBFS even further during the forecast period, opening up new possibilities and applications for GGBFS in the field of construction materials.
Key Market Drivers
GGBFS has emerged as a highly sought-after and versatile material in the construction industry, particularly in road construction. It possesses several beneficial properties that make it an ideal alternative to traditional construction materials. One primary reason for its increasing use in road construction is its remarkable ability to improve the strength and durability of concrete. When incorporated into cementitious mixtures, GGBFS enhances both immediate and long-term mechanical properties, resulting in concrete that is more resistant to cracking, abrasion, and chemical attacks. This leads to extended road surface lifespan, reduced maintenance costs, and enhanced road quality.
GGBFS also offers sustainability benefits, aligning with the industry's focus on environmental considerations. By utilizing a byproduct that would otherwise be discarded, GGBFS reduces waste sent to landfills and minimizes the environmental impact of iron-making processes. Additionally, GGBFS requires less energy for production compared to traditional construction materials, resulting in lower carbon emissions and a more eco-friendly construction industry. Its unique physical and chemical properties enhance the workability and performance of concrete mixtures, making it easier to handle and place during road construction.
The use of GGBFS in concrete mixtures also reduces the heat of hydration, mitigating the risk of thermal cracking and ensuring superior construction quality. Overall, GGBFS has revolutionized the construction industry, particularly in road construction, by offering enhanced strength, durability, sustainability, and workability.
The construction industry is witnessing a significant increase in demand for robust and long-lasting concrete structures capable of withstanding various environmental conditions and providing exceptional performance throughout their lifespan. To meet these evolving requirements, there has been a notable surge in the utilization of GGBFS as a fundamental component in concrete mixtures.
Concrete structures must endure heavy loads, extreme weather conditions, and chemical attacks over their operational lifespan. By incorporating GGBFS as a partial replacement for cement in concrete mixtures, remarkable improvements in strength and durability can be achieved. GGBFS enhances compressive strength, flexural strength, and resistance to sulfate and chloride attacks, resulting in the creation of more robust and durable concrete structures.
One of the common challenges faced by concrete structures is the occurrence of cracking and shrinkage, which can compromise their durability and structural integrity. However, the use of GGBFS can effectively mitigate these issues by reducing the heat of hydration during the cement hydration process. This reduction in heat generation significantly minimizes the risk of thermal cracking and shrinkage, ensuring the long-term stability and performance of the concrete.
The production of steel and iron has experienced steady growth worldwide, driven by infrastructure development, urbanization, and industrial expansion. In recent years, emerging economies, particularly in Asia, have witnessed a significant rise in steel and iron production due to the construction of new buildings, bridges, roads, and other essential infrastructure projects accompanying rapid urbanization. As the demand for steel and iron increases, so does the availability of the byproduct known as blast-furnace slag, which can be further processed into GGBFS. By utilizing blast-furnace slag in the manufacturing of GGBFS, the industry not only reduces waste but also transforms it into a valuable construction material.
The use of GGBFS in construction projects has gained recognition from regulatory bodies worldwide, leading to standards and regulations that promote its use. These regulations often require the incorporation of GGBFS in construction projects, creating a favorable environment for the growth of the global GGBFS market. The sustainable practices associated with utilizing blast-furnace slag and producing GGBFS contribute to reducing the environmental impact of steel and iron production.
With the continuous expansion of infrastructure projects and the increasing adoption of sustainable construction practices, the global GGBFS market is poised for further growth. As countries prioritize the development of robust and long-lasting infrastructure, the demand for GGBFS is expected to rise, creating new opportunities for the steel and iron industry and contributing to a more sustainable future.
Key Market Challenges
One of the primary challenges in adopting GGBFS as a construction material is the significant initial investment required to set up the necessary infrastructure for its production. The manufacturing process for GGBFS involves grinding blast-furnace slag into a fine powder, which demands specialized equipment and facilities. These capital expenditures can pose a substantial barrier to entry for new players in the market, potentially limiting the availability and accessibility of GGBFS in certain regions.
Another crucial consideration for potential users of GGBFS is the cost comparison with alternative construction materials. While GGBFS offers numerous benefits, including enhanced strength and durability, reduced environmental impact, and improved workability, it may be initially priced higher than conventional cementitious materials. This cost differential can deter some construction projects from opting for GGBFS, particularly when short-term budget constraints take precedence over long-term benefits.
Moreover, the availability and fluctuating demand for GGBFS can also impact its cost and pose challenges in the global market. The supply of GGBFS is directly linked to the production of steel and iron since it is a byproduct of these industries. Variations in the production of steel and iron can lead to fluctuations in the supply of GGBFS, potentially impacting its pricing. Additionally, the demand for GGBFS varies across different regions, affecting its market dynamics and overall cost.
Despite the growing awareness of the benefits of GGBFS, market penetration remains a challenge. The construction industry often exhibits resistance to change due to established practices and familiarity with conventional materials. Overcoming this challenge requires not only educating but also creating awareness among architects, engineers, contractors, and other stakeholders about the advantages and long-term cost savings associated with GGBFS.
By highlighting its superior qualities and promoting its sustainable attributes, the adoption of GGBFS can be encouraged, leading to a more environmentally friendly and efficient construction industry.
The chemical and physical properties of GGBFS play a crucial role in shaping the overall characteristics of concrete. The optimization of concrete mix design requires a careful balance between the desired strength, workability, and durability properties. Achieving this balance can be a challenging task that involves considering various factors, such as the water-cement ratio, aggregate gradation, and dosage of GGBFS, to attain the desired performance of the concrete mixture.
When GGBFS is incorporated into concrete mixtures, it can have a significant impact on the development of compressive strength. While GGBFS generally enhances long-term strength, it may exhibit a delayed initial strength gain compared to conventional cementitious materials. This balancing act between the desired early-age strength requirements and the long-term strength benefits of GGBFS presents a challenge in achieving the desired compressive strength in concrete mixtures.
Moreover, the workability of concrete mixtures can also be influenced by the addition of GGBFS. The high fineness and specific surface area of GGBFS particles can increase the water demand and reduce the workability of fresh concrete. In order to maintain the desired workability while incorporating GGBFS, adjustments in the water-cement ratio and the use of chemical admixtures may be necessary. It is crucial to ensure the compatibility of GGBFS with other components to achieve the desired workability without compromising the overall performance of the concrete.
In addition to optimizing the mix design, consistent quality and standardization in GGBFS production are vital to ensure compatibility with concrete mixtures. Variations in GGBFS properties, such as chemical composition, fineness, and specific surface area, can significantly impact its behavior in concrete. Therefore, implementing robust quality control measures is essential to ensure that GGBFS consistently meets the required standards and specifications, providing a reliable and compatible material for concrete mixtures.
Key Market Trends
The surge in Research and Development (R&D) activities has led to significant advancements in the production and utilization of GGBFS. Researchers and manufacturers are continually exploring innovative ways to optimize GGBFS properties, including fineness, chemical composition, and particle size distribution, to further enhance its performance in concrete mixtures. These developments aim to improve the strength, durability, workability, and environmental sustainability of GGBFS-based concrete structures and ensure their compatibility with various construction requirements and specifications.
Moreover, R&D efforts have expanded beyond traditional construction materials, as researchers are now exploring new applications and uses for GGBFS. Its potential in areas such as soil stabilization, road construction, and waste management are being actively investigated. By diversifying its applications, the GGBFS market can tap into new industries and markets, fostering further growth and adoption.
The increased emphasis on sustainability has propelled R&D to identify even more innovative ways to enhance the environmental benefits of GGBFS. Researchers are actively exploring methods to further reduce the carbon footprint of GGBFS production, such as the utilization of renewable energy sources and the implementation of carbon capture and storage technologies. In addition, alternative sources of blast-furnace slag, including industrial by-products, are being evaluated for their suitability in GGBFS production. Furthermore, the incorporation of recycled materials into GGBFS-based concrete mixtures is being studied to enhance its overall sustainability and circular economy principles.
These ongoing initiatives align with global sustainability goals and firmly position GGBFS as a more environmentally friendly alternative to conventional cementitious materials. By continually pushing the boundaries of research and development, the GGBFS industry strives to unlock the full potential of this versatile material, ensuring its widespread adoption and contributing to a more sustainable and resilient built environment.
Segmental Insights
Type Insights
Based on the category of type, the Alkalinity Blast-Furnace Slag segment emerged as the dominant player in the global market for Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag (GGBFS) in 2022. Alkalinity blast-furnace slag, a byproduct of the iron and steel production process, is abundantly available. Its ready availability as a raw material ensures a steady and consistent supply, making it a cost-effective and reliable option for manufacturers and end-users alike. This consistent supply and reliability have contributed to its dominance in the GGBFS (Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag) market. The use of alkalinity blast-furnace slag not only provides economic benefits but also helps to reduce waste and promote sustainability in the iron and steel industry. With its versatility and positive environmental impact, alkalinity blast-furnace slag continues to play a significant role in various construction applications and infrastructure development.
Application Insights
The Portland Cement and Concrete segment is projected to experience rapid growth during the forecast period. Portland cement acts as the binder in concrete mixtures, while GGBFS is commonly utilized as a supplementary cementitious material. The chemical composition and physical properties of GGBFS complement Portland cement, thereby enhancing the overall performance of concrete. GGBFS improves workability, reduces heat generation, increases long-term strength, and enhances resistance to chemicals and environmental factors. The compatibility of GGBFS with Portland cement and concrete contributes significantly to the dominance of this combination in the global GGBFS market.
Regional Insights
Asia Pacific emerged as the dominant player in the Global Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag (GGBFS) Market in 2022, holding the largest market share in terms of both value and volume. The Asia Pacific region is currently undergoing a significant surge in urbanization and substantial infrastructure development. Nations such as China, India, Japan, and South Korea have made substantial investments in various construction projects, encompassing residential, commercial, and infrastructure development. The growing need for sustainable and long-lasting construction materials has consequently bolstered the prominence of GGBFS in the Asia Pacific region.
Key Market Players
JSW Cement Limited
Sagar Cement Limited
TATA Steel Limited
Boral Limited
JFE Mineral & Alloy Company,Ltd.
Lafarge Group
Super Cement Manufacturing Company LLC
AfriSam South Africa Pty Ltd.
ArcelorMittal S.A.
Report Scope:
In this report, the Global Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag (GGBFS) Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:
Alkalinity Blast-Furnace Slag
Acidic Blast-Furnace Slag
Portland Cement and Concrete
Bricks and Blocks
Road Construction
Soil Stabilization
Waste Treatment
North America
South America
Middle East & Africa
Competitive Landscape
Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the Global Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag (GGBFS) Market.
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