骨科骨水泥市場 - 2018-2028 年全球產業規模、佔有率、趨勢、機會和預測,按材料、產品類型、最終用戶、地區、競爭預測和機會細分,2018-2028FOrthopedic Bone Cement Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, and Forecast, 2018-2028 Segmented By Material, By Product Type, By End-User, By Region, By Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2018-2028F |
2022 年,全球骨科骨水泥市場價值為7.7707 億美元,預計在預測期內將出現令人印象深刻的成長,到2028 年年複合成長率為5.80%。全球骨科骨水泥市場是更廣泛的醫療器械和骨科領域的重要組成部分產業。骨科骨水泥是一種用於骨科手術的特殊材料,用於將人工關節植入物(例如髖關節和膝關節置換物)固定到患者現有的骨骼結構上。它有助於穩定植入物並確保牢固貼合,減少疼痛並改善患者的活動能力。
市場概況 | |
預測期 | 2024-2028 |
2022 年市場規模 | 77707萬美元 |
2028 年市場規模 | 109993萬美元 |
2023-2028 年年複合成長率 | 5.80% |
成長最快的細分市場 | 醫院 |
最大的市場 | 北美洲 |
全球骨科骨水泥市場正在經歷顯著的成長軌跡,而骨科技術的不斷進步是這項擴張的重要催化劑。手術技術、植入材料和醫療設備的創新不僅改善了患者的治療效果,而且在重塑骨科手術格局方面發揮了關鍵作用。在這些發展中,骨科骨水泥作為確保關節置換手術和骨折治療成功的關鍵組成部分而受到關注。骨科技術的進步開創了微創手術技術的時代。這些技術涉及較小的切口和較少的組織破壞,具有多種優點,包括減少術後疼痛、縮短住院時間和加快恢復時間。微創手術通常需要使用骨科骨水泥來固定人工關節或修復骨折。隨著這些侵入性較小的方法的採用,對骨科骨水泥的需求也隨之成長。骨科植入物在材料成分和設計方面經歷了顯著的改進。現代植入物更耐用、具有生物相容性,並且緊密模仿關節和骨骼的自然解剖結構。這些進步為接受關節置換手術的患者帶來了更好的長期結果。骨科骨水泥用於牢固地錨定這些先進的植入物,確保其穩定性和功能性。磁振造影 (MRI) 和電腦斷層掃描 (CT) 掃描等先進影像技術的整合徹底改變了術前計畫和術中精確度。外科醫生現在可以根據高解析度影像製定詳細的、針對患者的手術計劃。這種精確度水準可確保骨科骨水泥的精確應用,最大限度地降低併發症的風險並提高手術的整體成功率。 3D 列印技術的出現使得客製化設計的骨科植入物和手術器械的生產成為可能。外科醫生現在可以根據每位患者獨特的解剖結構製作植入物,從而獲得更好的貼合度並降低併發症的風險。骨科骨水泥是這些客製化植入手術的一個組成部分,可確保植入物和患者骨骼之間的牢固連接。
骨科骨水泥市場的主要挑戰之一是需要遵守嚴格的監管要求。骨科骨水泥被視為醫療器械,製造商必須遵守美國食品藥物管理局 (FDA) 和歐洲藥品管理局 (EMA) 等監管機構制定的嚴格標準和法規。滿足這些要求需要在研究、開發和測試方面進行大量投資。
3D 列印技術的使用將徹底改變骨科骨水泥市場。可以使用 3D 列印來創建客製化設計的植入物和手術器械,從而能夠根據每位患者獨特的解剖結構進行精確貼合。這一趨勢不僅提高了患者的治療效果,而且還增加了對骨科骨水泥的需求,以有效地固定這些客製化植入物。
預計在預測期內,聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)的使用量將強勁成長。 PMMA 是骨科手術領域的一種經久不衰的材料,在全關節置換術等手術的成功中發揮關鍵作用。它也是經皮椎體成形術和椎體後凸成形術等新技術的組成部分。在髖關節置換手術中,生物惰性 PMMA 骨水泥是快速固定骨科植入物的常用方法。
北美預計在市場上佔據主導地位,這主要是由於肌肉骨骼疾病的顯著增加、老年人口的迅速成長、該地區行業領導者的強勁存在以及其提供的優質醫療基礎設施。膝蓋受傷病例的升級是該細分市場擴張的顯著催化劑。例如,加拿大健康資訊研究所 2021 年 6 月的報告顯示,加拿大的膝關節置換術一直位列每年住院手術前三名。
此外,國家安全委員會 2021 年報告的資料顯示,各種類別的傷害發生率很高:自行車和配件造成425,910 起傷害,運動和健身器材造成377,939 起傷害,全地形車、輕便摩托車、迷你自行車等造成229,974 起傷害。此外,還有 217,646 人因滑板、踏板車和氣墊板受傷的報告。該地區運動相關傷害發生率的上升預計將推動骨科骨水泥的需求,引導市場大幅成長。
Global Orthopedic Bone Cement Market has valued at USD 777.07 million in 2022 and is anticipated to project impressive growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 5.80% through 2028. The global orthopedic bone cement market is a significant segment within the broader medical device and orthopedic industry. Orthopedic bone cement is a specialized material used in orthopedic surgeries to fix artificial joint implants, such as hip and knee replacements, to the patient's existing bone structure. It helps stabilize the implant and ensures a secure fit, reducing pain and improving mobility for patients.
Market Overview | |
Forecast Period | 2024-2028 |
Market Size 2022 | USD 777.07 Million |
Market Size 2028 | USD 1099.93 Million |
CAGR 2023-2028 | 5.80% |
Fastest Growing Segment | Hospitals |
Largest Market | North America |
The global orthopedic bone cement market is poised for significant growth, thanks in large part to the world's aging population. As demographics shift, with a larger percentage of the population entering their senior years, the prevalence of orthopedic conditions like osteoarthritis and fractures is on the rise. This, in turn, is driving the demand for orthopedic procedures, including joint replacement surgeries, which heavily rely on orthopedic bone cement. Aging often comes hand in hand with the development of orthopedic conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and fractures due to bone fragility. These conditions can significantly impact an individual's quality of life, leading many to seek medical intervention. Joint replacement surgeries, including hip and knee replacements, are common procedures for addressing these issues. Orthopedic bone cement plays a pivotal role in these surgeries by securing artificial joints to the existing bone structure. With a growing aging population, the number of people affected by orthopedic conditions is increasing, driving the demand for orthopedic bone cement. Advances in healthcare and living standards have led to an increase in life expectancy worldwide. People are living longer, which is generally a positive development. However, the longer individuals live, the more wear and tear their joints may endure. As a result, elderly individuals are more likely to require orthopedic interventions, such as joint replacements, to maintain their mobility and overall well-being. Orthopedic bone cement is a critical component of these procedures, and its demand is therefore closely tied to the increasing life expectancy of the global population. Today's seniors are more active than previous generations. Many older adults are choosing to lead active and fulfilling lives well into their retirement years. This increased activity level can put additional stress on joints and bones, increasing the likelihood of orthopedic conditions. However, seniors are also more willing to pursue orthopedic solutions to maintain their active lifestyles. This trend drives the need for joint replacement surgeries and subsequently, orthopedic bone cement. Access to healthcare services has improved in many parts of the world, including emerging economies. This means that a larger portion of the aging population has access to medical care, including orthopedic procedures. Greater healthcare access has made it possible for more seniors to seek treatment for orthopedic conditions, boosting the demand for orthopedic bone cement. Advancements in medical technology have made orthopedic procedures safer and more effective. Surgical techniques, implant materials, and orthopedic bone cement formulations have all seen significant improvements. These technological advancements not only enhance patient outcomes but also make joint replacement surgeries more appealing to the elderly population.
The global orthopedic bone cement market is witnessing robust growth, and one of the key drivers behind this surge is the rising incidence of orthopedic conditions worldwide. Conditions such as osteoarthritis, fractures, and bone deformities are becoming increasingly prevalent across different age groups. This surge in orthopedic conditions has led to a growing demand for orthopedic procedures, particularly joint replacement surgeries, where orthopedic bone cement plays a pivotal role. One of the primary factors contributing to the increased incidence of orthopedic conditions is the aging population. As people grow older, their joints naturally wear down, leading to conditions like osteoarthritis. This is particularly true for the elderly, who often seek joint replacement surgeries to regain mobility and improve their quality of life. Orthopedic bone cement is a critical component of these surgeries, as it securely attaches artificial joints to the existing bone structure. With a growing aging demographic worldwide, the demand for orthopedic bone cement is on the rise. Obesity is a global health concern that has been linked to various orthopedic conditions, including osteoarthritis, joint pain, and back problems. As obesity rates continue to climb in many parts of the world, the strain on joints and bones increases. Obese individuals are more likely to require orthopedic interventions to alleviate pain and restore functionality. Consequently, the demand for orthopedic bone cement has surged in parallel with rising obesity rates. The global emphasis on physical fitness and sports participation has led to an increase in sports-related injuries, which can result in orthopedic conditions. Athletes and active individuals often experience bone and joint injuries that require surgical treatment. Orthopedic bone cement is a crucial component in these surgeries, facilitating the repair and stabilization of injured bones. As participation in sports and physical activities continues to grow, so does the demand for orthopedic bone cement. Advances in medical imaging and diagnostic technologies have improved the early detection and diagnosis of orthopedic conditions. Physicians can identify issues such as osteoarthritis and fractures at an earlier stage, allowing for timely intervention. This means that more individuals are seeking medical treatment, including orthopedic procedures, to address their conditions. Orthopedic bone cement is integral to these surgical interventions, driving its increased demand.
The global orthopedic bone cement market is experiencing a remarkable growth trajectory, and a significant catalyst for this expansion is the continuous advancement in orthopedic technology. Innovations in surgical techniques, implant materials, and medical devices have not only improved patient outcomes but have also played a pivotal role in reshaping the landscape of orthopedic procedures. Among these developments, orthopedic bone cement has garnered attention as a critical component for ensuring the success of joint replacement surgeries and fracture treatments. Advancements in orthopedic technology have ushered in an era of minimally invasive surgical techniques. These techniques, which involve smaller incisions and less tissue disruption, offer several advantages, including reduced postoperative pain, shorter hospital stays, and faster recovery times. Minimally invasive procedures often require the use of orthopedic bone cement to secure artificial joints or repair fractures. The demand for orthopedic bone cement has grown in tandem with the adoption of these less invasive approaches. Orthopedic implants have undergone significant enhancements in terms of material composition and design. Modern implants are more durable, biocompatible, and closely mimic the natural anatomy of joints and bones. These advances have contributed to better long-term outcomes for patients undergoing joint replacement surgeries. Orthopedic bone cement is used to anchor these advanced implants securely, ensuring their stability and functionality. The integration of advanced imaging technologies, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) scans, has revolutionized preoperative planning and intraoperative precision. Surgeons can now create detailed, patient-specific surgical plans based on high-resolution images. This level of precision ensures that orthopedic bone cement is applied precisely, minimizing the risk of complications and improving the overall success rate of surgeries. The emergence of 3D printing technology has enabled the production of custom-designed orthopedic implants and surgical instruments. Surgeons can now create implants that are tailored to each patient's unique anatomy, resulting in a better fit and reduced risk of complications. Orthopedic bone cement is an integral part of these custom implant procedures, ensuring a secure connection between the implant and the patient's bone.
The global orthopedic bone cement market is on an upward trajectory, and one of the key drivers of this growth is the expansion of healthcare infrastructure worldwide. Developing countries, in particular, have made substantial investments in healthcare facilities, improved access to medical services, and the training of healthcare professionals. This evolving healthcare landscape is fostering an environment where orthopedic procedures, often requiring the use of orthopedic bone cement, can flourish. One of the most significant ways in which growing healthcare infrastructure supports the orthopedic bone cement market is by increasing access to healthcare services. In many developing nations, improved healthcare facilities are reaching underserved populations, ensuring that more individuals have access to essential medical care, including orthopedic procedures. This expanded access directly correlates with a rising demand for orthopedic bone cement. Developing healthcare infrastructure often includes the establishment of specialized orthopedic centers and clinics. These facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and a team of skilled orthopedic surgeons. Patients seeking orthopedic treatments, including joint replacement surgeries, tend to prefer these specialized centers for their expertise and specialized care. The demand for orthopedic bone cement naturally follows the increased utilization of such facilities. Healthcare infrastructure development goes hand in hand with investments in medical education and training. More healthcare professionals, including orthopedic surgeons and nurses, are being trained to perform orthopedic procedures. This growing pool of skilled healthcare providers can meet the rising demand for orthopedic surgeries, thereby boosting the use of orthopedic bone cement in these procedures. The expansion of healthcare infrastructure often includes the acquisition of advanced surgical equipment and technology. This includes cutting-edge imaging devices, surgical instruments, and implant materials. Orthopedic bone cement plays a crucial role in securing these advanced implants during joint replacement surgeries, enhancing their stability and longevity. The availability of such equipment and technology encourages more patients to opt for orthopedic procedures, further driving market growth.
One of the primary challenges in the orthopedic bone cement market is the need to comply with stringent regulatory requirements. Orthopedic bone cement is considered a medical device, and manufacturers must adhere to strict standards and regulations set by regulatory bodies like the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Meeting these requirements demands substantial investments in research, development, and testing.
Ensuring the quality and safety of orthopedic bone cement products is paramount. Any compromise in product quality can have severe consequences for patients, including implant failure and post-operative complications. Manufacturers must consistently maintain high standards of production and quality control to minimize these risks.
Product recalls can be a significant challenge in the orthopedic bone cement market. In the event of product defects or safety concerns, manufacturers may need to recall their products, which can have financial and reputational repercussions. Additionally, the potential for product liability lawsuits is a concern, as any adverse events or complications can lead to legal disputes.
Biocompatibility is a critical aspect of orthopedic bone cement, as it must interact seamlessly with the patient's body without causing adverse reactions. Allergic responses or adverse tissue reactions to cement components can lead to complications. Manufacturers must constantly assess and improve the biocompatibility of their products.
One of the most promising trends in the orthopedic bone cement market is the development of bioactive bone cements. These specialized formulations promote bone growth and integration with the implant, improving long-term stability and reducing the risk of implant failure. Bioactive bone cement contains substances like hydroxyapatite or tricalcium phosphate, which mimic the composition of natural bone and encourage osseointegration.
The use of 3D printing technology is set to revolutionize the orthopedic bone cement market. Custom-designed implants and surgical instruments can be created using 3D printing, allowing for a precise fit tailored to each patient's unique anatomy. This trend not only enhances patient outcomes but also increases the demand for orthopedic bone cement to secure these custom implants effectively.
As environmental concerns continue to gain importance globally, the orthopedic industry is not exempt from scrutiny. Manufacturers are increasingly focusing on sustainable practices and materials. This includes reducing the environmental footprint of orthopedic bone cement production and disposal. Eco-friendly formulations and manufacturing processes are expected to become more prevalent in the market.
The trend toward outpatient and ambulatory orthopedic procedures is growing. Patients are seeking convenient, cost-effective alternatives to traditional hospital stays. These procedures often involve the use of orthopedic bone cement for the treatment of fractures and joint replacements. As outpatient settings become more common, the demand for orthopedic bone cement in these facilities is set to increase.
The forecast period is expected to see robust growth in the utilization of Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA). PMMA stands as an enduring material in the field of orthopedic surgery, playing a pivotal role in the success of procedures like total joint replacement. It is also integral to newer techniques such as percutaneous vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty. In the context of hip replacement surgery, bioinert PMMA bone cement is the prevailing method for rapidly securing orthopedic implants in place.
The growth of this segment is poised to receive a significant boost due to the rising number of orthopedic surgeries. As per the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, there is a projected 673% increase in total knee transplant surgeries by 2030, reaching 3.5 million procedures annually. Consequently, the growing demand for cement and casts in orthopedic surgeries is expected to drive segment growth over the forecast period.
According to the World Health Organization's data, last updated in July 2022, approximately 1.71 billion people globally experienced musculoskeletal conditions in 2021. Among these conditions, low back pain emerged as the most burdensome, affecting 568 million people. Musculoskeletal disorders hold the leading position in causing disabilities on a global scale, with low back pain being the primary cause in 160 countries. Consequently, the increasing prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders is driving higher demand for polymethyl methacrylate, further fueling the growth of this market segment during the forecast period.
Hospitals are poised to dominate the global orthopedic bone cement market for several compelling reasons. Firstly, hospitals serve as the primary centers for orthopedic surgeries, including joint replacements and fracture repairs, where orthopedic bone cement plays a pivotal role in anchoring prosthetic implants. The increasing prevalence of musculoskeletal conditions, coupled with the aging population worldwide, is driving a surge in the demand for orthopedic procedures, further solidifying hospitals' central position in this market.
Secondly, hospitals typically have well-established infrastructure, advanced surgical facilities, and a skilled workforce specialized in orthopedic surgeries. This infrastructure allows them to efficiently conduct orthopedic procedures and utilize orthopedic bone cement, ensuring the highest standards of patient care and safety.
Moreover, hospitals often have strong purchasing power, enabling them to negotiate favorable deals with orthopedic bone cement manufacturers, reducing overall procurement costs. This cost-efficiency translates into better affordability for patients and healthcare systems, making hospitals the preferred choice for orthopedic care.
In summary, the dominance of hospitals in the global orthopedic bone cement market is underpinned by their central role in orthopedic surgeries, robust infrastructure, and cost-effective procurement capabilities, all of which contribute to the delivery of high-quality orthopedic care to a growing patient population.
North America is poised to take a commanding position in the market, primarily driven by a significant uptick in musculoskeletal disorders, a burgeoning elderly population, the robust presence of industry leaders in the region, and the superior healthcare infrastructure it offers. The escalation in cases of knee injuries stands out as a prominent catalyst for the segment's expansion. For example, a report from the Canadian Institute of Health Information in June 2021 revealed that knee replacements in Canada consistently rank among the top three inpatient surgeries performed annually.
Furthermore, data from the National Safety Council's 2021 report indicates a notable incidence of injuries in various categories: 425,910 from bicycles and accessories, 377,939 from exercise and exercise equipment, and 229,974 from ATVs, mopeds, minibikes, among others. In addition, there were 217,646 injuries reported from skateboards, scooters, and hoverboards. This heightened prevalence of sports-related injuries within the region is expected to drive the demand for orthopedic bone cement, steering the market toward substantial growth.
In light of these compelling factors, the North American region is anticipated to be a focal point for the growth of the studied market.
In this report, the Global Orthopedic Bone Cement Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below: