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互聯企業市場 - 2018-2028 年全球產業規模、佔有率、趨勢、機會和預測(按產品、類型、最終用戶、地區、競爭預測和機會細分)Connected Enterprise Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, and Forecast Segmented By Offering, By Type, By End User, By Region, By Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2018-2028 |
2022 年,全球互聯企業市場價值為 2,537.5 億美元,預測期內年複合成長率為 25.80%。以房地產技術 (PropTech) 整合為特徵的互聯企業的崛起引發了一場波及整個行業的變革浪潮,引發了機械和設備管理領域的數位革命。這些相互關聯的技術進步為工業資產數位孿生的創建奠定了基礎,預示著一個由加強控制、最佳化和預測性維護定義的時代。在影響因素融合的推動下,全球互聯企業市場可望大幅成長。推動互聯企業需求的關鍵催化劑是對整個產業流程的成本最佳化和提高營運效率的不懈追求。從製造業到農業等各行各業都在積極探索創新途徑,以簡化營運並最大限度地減少代價高昂的停機時間。機械狀態監控系統 (MCS) 技術庫使組織能夠以數位方式複製其機器和設備,賦予其監控性能、識別潛在問題並主動避免災難性故障的無所不知的能力。 MCS 技術的整合正在迅速發展,這主要是由感測器、物聯網 (IoT) 設備和工業機械組成的廣泛網路產生的大量資料推動的。這些資料支流提供了有關機械性能的寶貴見解的寶庫,為數據驅動的決策和預測性維護策略的戰略部署鋪平了道路。因此,互聯企業的採用在製造業、建築業、農業和採礦業等各個領域激增。此外,行業專家和堅定支持者全心全意地支持互聯企業的採用,進一步放大了其市場前景。各行業經驗豐富的專業人士很容易認知到 MCS 技術的變革潛力。他們將其視為提高營運效率、提高安全標準和提高整體生產力的管道。這種令人共鳴的樂觀情緒為互聯企業投資激增奠定了基礎,集體決心徹底改變傳統產業並推動其進入創新時代。
為行業精度量身定做的解決方案 MCS 技術的一個顯著特點是它能夠為特定行業量身定做解決方案。例如,在建築領域,互聯企業可以創建建築工地和機械的數位副本。這種精密工程有助於完成平整、挖掘和施工過程等嚴格任務,最終提高專案效率和品質標準。總而言之,在對成本最佳化、卓越營運的堅定追求以及行業鑑賞家堅定不移的信念的推動下,全球互聯企業市場正處於顯著成長的懸崖邊。隨著各行業繼續不懈地邁向數位轉型,互聯企業仍然堅定地作為關鍵,精心塑造機械營運和工業流程的未來輪廓。互聯企業的輻射潛力確實是全球各產業的指路明燈,照亮了通往前所未有的效率和創新時代的道路。
市場概況 | |
預測期 | 2024-2028 |
2022 年市場規模 | 2537.5億美元 |
2028 年市場規模 | 10148億美元 |
2023-2028 年年複合成長率 | 25.8% |
成長最快的細分市場 | 製造執行系統 |
最大的市場 | 北美洲 |
對遠距工作和協作工具不斷成長的需求是全球互聯企業市場成長的驅動力。這種轉變正在重塑企業營運、溝通和協作的方式,強調需要無縫連接和數位解決方案,使員工能夠在任何地方工作。 COVID-19 大流行加速了遠距工作的迅速採用,從根本上改變了公司的運作方式。為了保持業務連續性並支援遠端團隊,組織已轉向各種互聯企業解決方案。這包括基於雲端的通訊平台、視訊會議工具、專案管理軟體和虛擬協作空間。這些工具使員工能夠有效地溝通、分享資訊和協作,無論他們身在何處。此外,對遠端工作解決方案的需求超出了基本通訊工具的範圍。公司正在投資強大的網路安全措施、雲端基礎設施和遠端存取技術,以確保遠端工作人員的公司資料和應用程式的安全性和可存取性。自帶設備 (BYOD) 策略的興起以及虛擬私人網路 (VPN) 和安全存取解決方案的部署是連網企業環境的關鍵組成部分。協作工具已成為互聯企業生態系統的核心,使團隊能夠在專案上進行協作、共享文件並進行即時通訊。文件共享、螢幕共享和文件共同編輯等功能對於保持生產力和團隊合作至關重要,無論地理距離如何。互聯企業概念不僅限於遠距工作,還包括各種業務流程和資料流的整合。該公司正在利用物聯網 (IoT) 設備和感測器來收集和分析來自各種來源的資料,例如製造設備、供應鏈物流和客戶互動。這種數據驅動的方法提高了營運效率,實現了預測性維護,並改善了決策流程。醫療保健產業是互聯企業如何改變營運的典型例子。遠距醫療解決方案越來越受歡迎,使醫療保健提供者能夠提供遠距諮詢和服務。這些解決方案不僅改善了患者獲得照護的機會,也減輕了實體醫療機構的負擔。此外,將醫療設備和穿戴式裝置整合到互聯的醫療保健生態系統中可以持續監測患者的健康狀況,並為個人化治療計劃提供有價值的資料。在製造業,工業 4.0 計劃利用互聯企業來最佳化生產流程。智慧工廠使用物聯網設備和感測器來監控設備性能、檢測異常並自動觸發維護或調整。這種數據驅動的方法可最大限度地減少停機時間、降低營運成本並提高產品品質。對遠距工作和協作工具的需求也推動了擴增實境(AR)和虛擬實境(VR)技術的採用。這些沉浸式技術使遠端技術人員能夠即時接收專家的指導和指示,從而增強培訓和故障排除流程。在建築和施工等領域,AR 和 VR 用於虛擬現場檢查和設計審查,促進遠端團隊之間的協作。隨著組織認知到數位轉型和遠距工作能力的長期好處,全球互聯企業市場有望持續成長。為了利用這一趨勢,公司正在投資可擴展、安全且使用者友好的互聯企業解決方案,以促進協作、資料共享和流程自動化。隨著企業不斷適應不斷變化的工作環境,互聯企業將仍然是全球互聯世界中生產力、創新和競爭力的關鍵推動者。
全球互聯企業市場最重要的網路安全問題之一是網路攻擊威脅不斷升級。隨著對互聯系統和物聯網 (IoT) 的日益依賴,惡意行為者的攻擊面呈指數級擴大。網路犯罪分子現在擁有更多進入網路和設備的入口點,使他們更容易利用漏洞並竊取敏感資訊。這些攻擊可能會造成嚴重後果,包括財務損失、營運中斷和聲譽損害。
資料隱私是另一個迫切的挑戰。隨著設備和系統之間資料的不斷流動,確保個人和敏感資訊的保護已成為首要問題。組織必須努力滿足合規法規,例如歐盟的《一般資料保護規範》(GDPR) 和《加州消費者隱私法案》(CCPA),這些法規需要嚴格的資料保護措施和同意機制。不遵守這些規定可能會導致巨額罰款和法律後果。
為了應對這些挑戰,全球互聯企業市場必須優先考慮互通性標準的開發和採用。產業聯盟、政府機構和國際組織在製定這些標準方面發揮著至關重要的作用。例如,工業網際網路聯盟 (IIC) 和開放連接基金會 (OCF) 等組織致力於創建通用框架和協議,以實現工業物聯網 (IIoT) 和更廣泛的互聯企業空間中的無縫連接。
5G 連接和邊緣運算:
5G 網路的推出透過提供超快、低延遲的連線正在徹底改變連網企業。這種高速、低延遲的功能對於依賴即時資料處理和通訊的行業(例如製造、醫療保健和自動駕駛汽車)來說是遊戲規則的改變者。借助 5G,可以即時傳輸和處理的資料量呈指數級成長,從而支援遠端機器人控制、擴增實境 (AR) 維護以及用於培訓和設計的沉浸式虛擬實境 (VR) 體驗等應用。此外,5G 還支援邊緣運算,這涉及在更接近其來源(即網路的「邊緣」)處理資料,而不是僅依賴集中式雲端伺服器。這種趨勢減少了延遲,增強了安全性,並實現了更快的決策,這對於物聯網設備和自主系統等應用至關重要。隨著 5G 網路在全球範圍內不斷擴展,我們可以預期連網企業將變得更有效率、反應迅速,並且能夠支援廣泛的變革性應用。
人工智慧 (AI) 和機器學習 (ML) 技術正日益融入互聯企業生態系統中。這些技術使企業能夠從互聯設備產生的大量資料中提取有價值的見解。例如,預測性維護利用人工智慧分析來自機械和設備感測器的資料,以預測何時需要維護,從而減少停機時間並最佳化資產利用率。在醫療保健領域,人工智慧驅動的診斷和患者監測正在提高護理品質和患者治療效果。此外,人工智慧驅動的分析和決策支援系統正在供應鏈管理、客戶服務和詐欺檢測等領域部署。隨著人工智慧和機器學習演算法變得更加複雜,互聯企業將繼續受益於改進的自動化、預測能力以及即時做出數據驅動決策的能力。
類型洞察 製造執行系統 (MES) 領域正在主導全球互聯企業市場。 MES是一個收集和分析生產流程資料以提高效率和品質的軟體系統。它用於監視和控制生產活動、追蹤庫存水準以及管理品質控制。
製造業對即時資料和分析的需求不斷成長,推動了 MES 解決方案的採用。提高製造業營運效率和生產力的需求不斷成長,也推動了對 MES 解決方案的需求。物聯網和大資料等工業 4.0 技術的日益普及也為 MES 解決方案創造了新的機會…
製造業擴大採用工業 4.0 技術。醫療保健和零售業對即時資料和分析的需求不斷成長。
The Global Connected Enterprise Market was valued at USD 253.75 billion in 2022 and is growing at a CAGR of 25.80% during the forecast period. The ascent of Connected Enterprise, characterized by the integration of Property Technology (PropTech), has triggered a transformative wave that has rippled across industries, orchestrating a digital revolution in machinery and equipment management. These interconnected technological advancements lay the foundation for the creation of digital twins of industrial assets, heralding an era defined by heightened control, optimization, and predictive maintenance. The Global Connected Enterprise Market is poised for substantial growth, driven by the convergence of influential factors. A pivotal catalyst propelling the demand for Connected Enterprise is the relentless pursuit of cost optimization and heightened operational efficiency across industrial processes. Industries spanning the spectrum from manufacturing to agriculture are ardently exploring innovative pathways to streamline their operations and minimize costly downtime. The arsenal of Machinery Condition Monitoring Systems (MCS) technology empowers organizations to digitally replicate their machines and equipment, bestowing upon them an omniscient capability to monitor performance, identify latent issues, and proactively avert catastrophic breakdowns. The integration of MCS technology is on a meteoric trajectory, primarily fueled by the deluge of data emanating from an expansive network of sensors, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and industrial machinery. These data tributaries present a treasure trove of invaluable insights into machinery performance, paving the way for data-driven decision-making and the strategic deployment of predictive maintenance strategies. Consequently, the adoption of Connected Enterprise is surging across sectors as diverse as manufacturing, construction, agriculture, and mining. Furthermore, industry experts and stalwarts have wholeheartedly embraced the adoption of Connected Enterprise, further amplifying its market prospects. Experienced professionals across various sectors readily recognize the transformative potential of MCS technology. They envision it as a conduit to elevate operational efficiency, enhance safety standards, and increase overall productivity. This resonating optimism has set the stage for a surge in investments in Connected Enterprise, with a collective determination to revolutionize conventional industries and propel them into an era of innovation.
Tailored Solutions for Industry Precision A remarkable facet of MCS technology is its capacity to tailor bespoke solutions for specific industries. In the construction sector, for instance, Connected Enterprise enables the creation of digital replicas of construction sites and machinery. This precision engineering facilitates exacting tasks such as grading, excavation, and construction processes, ultimately leading to heightened project efficiency and elevated quality standards. In summary, the Global Connected Enterprise Market stands at the precipice of remarkable growth, driven by the unwavering pursuit of cost optimization, operational excellence, and the unswerving faith of industry connoisseurs. As industries continue their relentless journey towards digital transformation, Connected Enterprise remains steadfast as a linchpin, meticulously shaping the contours of the future for machinery operations and industrial processes. The radiant potential of Connected Enterprise is indeed a guiding beacon for industries worldwide, illuminating the path to an era of unprecedented efficiency and innovation.
Key Market Drivers
Market Overview | |
Forecast Period | 2024-2028 |
Market Size 2022 | USD 253.75 billion |
Market Size 2028 | USD 1014.8 billion |
CAGR 2023-2028 | 25.8% |
Fastest Growing Segment | Manufacturing Execution System |
Largest Market | North America |
Rapid Advancements in IoT Technology
he Global Connected Enterprise Market is experiencing rapid growth, and one of the primary drivers behind this expansion is the remarkable advancements in Internet of Things (IoT) technology. IoT refers to the network of interconnected devices and objects that can communicate and exchange data over the internet. This technology has been a game-changer for various industries, transforming the way businesses operate and create value.
One significant aspect of IoT's impact on the connected enterprise is the proliferation of smart devices. These devices are embedded with sensors, actuators, and connectivity capabilities, allowing them to collect and transmit data in real time. This data can encompass a wide range of information, from environmental conditions to machine performance metrics and user behavior.
IoT technology enables businesses to harness this data for various purposes, including:
Improved Operational Efficiency:
IoT-connected sensors can monitor equipment, machinery, and processes, providing real-time insights into their performance. This allows companies to optimize operations, predict maintenance needs, and minimize downtime. For example, in manufacturing, IoT sensors on production lines can detect anomalies and trigger maintenance alerts before a breakdown occurs, ensuring continuous production.
IoT-enabled products and services can provide a personalized and seamless experience to customers. For instance, in the retail sector, smart shelves can track inventory levels in real time, helping retailers ensure products are always in stock and reducing out-of-stock situations that can frustrate shoppers.
The data generated by IoT devices serves as a valuable resource for data analytics and business intelligence. By analyzing this data, organizations can gain deeper insights into consumer preferences, market trends, and operational inefficiencies, enabling data-driven decision-making.
IoT technology is revolutionizing supply chain management by enabling real-time tracking and monitoring of goods in transit. This leads to improved visibility, reduced transportation costs, and more efficient logistics operations.
Energy Efficiency and Sustainability:
Connected enterprises can leverage IoT to optimize energy consumption and reduce environmental impact. Smart building systems, for instance, can adjust lighting, heating, and cooling based on occupancy and environmental conditions, leading to energy savings and sustainability benefits.
Increasing Demand for Remote Work and Collaboration Tools:
The increasing demand for remote work and collaboration tools is a driving force behind the growth of the global connected enterprise market. This transformation is reshaping the way businesses operate, communicate, and collaborate, emphasizing the need for seamless connectivity and digital solutions that enable employees to work from anywhere. The rapid adoption of remote work, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has fundamentally changed the way companies approach their operations. To maintain business continuity and support remote teams, organizations have turned to a wide array of connected enterprise solutions. This includes cloud-based communication platforms, video conferencing tools, project management software, and virtual collaboration spaces. These tools empower employees to communicate, share information, and collaborate effectively, regardless of their physical location. Moreover, the demand for remote work solutions extends beyond basic communication tools. Companies are investing in robust cybersecurity measures, cloud infrastructure, and remote access technologies to ensure the security and accessibility of corporate data and applications for remote workers. The rise of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies and the deployment of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and secure access solutions are key components of the connected enterprise landscape. Collaboration tools have become central to the connected enterprise ecosystem, enabling teams to collaborate on projects, share documents, and engage in real-time communication. Features like file sharing, screen sharing, and document co-editing have become essential for maintaining productivity and teamwork, regardless of geographic distances. The connected enterprise concept extends beyond remote work to encompass the integration of various business processes and data streams. Companies are leveraging Internet of Things (IoT) devices and sensors to collect and analyze data from various sources, such as manufacturing equipment, supply chain logistics, and customer interactions. This data-driven approach enhances operational efficiency, enables predictive maintenance, and improves decision-making processes. The healthcare industry is a prime example of how the connected enterprise is transforming operations. Telehealth solutions have surged in popularity, allowing healthcare providers to offer remote consultations and services. These solutions not only improve patient access to care but also reduce the burden on physical healthcare facilities. Additionally, the integration of medical devices and wearables into connected healthcare ecosystems enables continuous monitoring of patients' health and provides valuable data for personalized treatment plans. In the manufacturing sector, Industry 4.0 initiatives leverage the connected enterprise to optimize production processes. Smart factories use IoT devices and sensors to monitor equipment performance, detect anomalies, and automatically trigger maintenance or adjustments. This data-driven approach minimizes downtime, reduces operational costs, and enhances product quality. The demand for remote work and collaboration tools has also driven the adoption of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies. These immersive technologies enable remote technicians to receive guidance and instructions from experts in real-time, enhancing training and troubleshooting processes. In fields like architecture and construction, AR and VR are used for virtual site inspections and design reviews, fostering collaboration among remote teams. The global connected enterprise market is poised for continued growth as organizations recognize the long-term benefits of digital transformation and remote work capabilities. To capitalize on this trend, companies are investing in scalable, secure, and user-friendly connected enterprise solutions that facilitate collaboration, data sharing, and process automation. As businesses continue to adapt to the evolving work landscape, the connected enterprise will remain a pivotal enabler of productivity, innovation, and competitiveness in a globally interconnected world.
Key Market Challenges
Cybersecurity Concerns and Data Privacy:
The Global Connected Enterprise Market is a rapidly evolving landscape driven by the proliferation of digital technologies and the interconnectedness of various industries and sectors. While this connectivity has brought about significant benefits in terms of efficiency, productivity, and innovation, it has also given rise to a host of cybersecurity concerns and data privacy challenges that demand immediate attention.
One of the foremost cybersecurity concerns in the Global Connected Enterprise Market is the escalating threat of cyberattacks. With the increasing reliance on interconnected systems and the Internet of Things (IoT), the attack surface for malicious actors has expanded exponentially. Cybercriminals now have more entry points into networks and devices, making it easier for them to exploit vulnerabilities and steal sensitive information. These attacks can have severe consequences, ranging from financial losses and operational disruptions to reputational damage.
Another significant concern revolves around the sophistication of cyber threats. As technology advances, so do the capabilities of cyber attackers. They employ advanced tactics such as zero-day exploits, ransomware, and social engineering techniques to breach organizations' defenses. The interconnected nature of the Global Connected Enterprise Market means that a breach in one sector can have cascading effects, potentially impacting critical infrastructure and national security.
Data privacy is another pressing challenge. With the constant flow of data between devices and systems, ensuring the protection of personal and sensitive information has become a paramount concern. Organizations must grapple with compliance regulations, such as the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which require stringent data protection measures and consent mechanisms. Failing to comply with these regulations can result in hefty fines and legal repercussions.
Moreover, the sheer volume of data generated by connected devices presents a logistical challenge in terms of data management and storage. Ensuring that data is collected, processed, and stored securely is essential to mitigate the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access. This challenge is further compounded by the need to balance data access and sharing for legitimate purposes while safeguarding against misuse.
The complexity of supply chains in the Global Connected Enterprise Market also poses cybersecurity and data privacy challenges. As organizations collaborate with numerous partners, suppliers, and vendors, they create potential weak links in the security chain. A breach in any part of the supply chain can have ripple effects on the entire ecosystem, making it essential to establish robust security protocols and vetting procedures for all stakeholders.
To address these concerns and challenges, organizations in the Global Connected Enterprise Market must adopt a proactive and comprehensive cybersecurity strategy. This strategy should include continuous monitoring, threat intelligence, employee training, and the implementation of advanced security technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, to detect and respond to threats in real-time.
Additionally, organizations must prioritize data privacy by adopting encryption, access controls, and anonymization techniques to protect sensitive information. Regular audits and assessments of data handling practices are essential to ensure compliance with data protection regulations and maintain trust with customers.
In conclusion, the Global Connected Enterprise Market offers immense opportunities for innovation and growth, but it also brings with it a multitude of cybersecurity concerns and data privacy challenges. To thrive in this interconnected landscape, organizations must prioritize cybersecurity, invest in robust defense mechanisms, and uphold the highest standards of data privacy. Only by doing so can they harness the full potential of the Global Connected Enterprise Market while safeguarding their assets and reputation...
Interoperability and Standardization
The Global Connected Enterprise Market presents a dynamic and rapidly evolving landscape characterized by the proliferation of diverse technologies and systems. Amidst this complexity, interoperability and standardization emerge as critical challenges that must be addressed to unlock the full potential of connectivity and integration.
Interoperability, the ability of different systems, devices, and applications to communicate and work together seamlessly, is a paramount concern. In the Global Connected Enterprise Market, various industries and sectors are interconnected, often relying on a multitude of proprietary technologies and protocols. This lack of interoperability can result in data silos, inefficiencies, and compatibility issues. For businesses, it means difficulty in integrating new technologies into existing infrastructures, limiting their ability to adapt and innovate.
Standardization is closely linked to interoperability and is essential for achieving it. In a world where countless vendors offer their solutions, the absence of industry-wide standards can lead to fragmentation and chaos. Organizations often find themselves grappling with incompatible interfaces, protocols, and data formats, hindering the seamless exchange of information and collaboration across the connected ecosystem. This fragmentation also poses challenges for scalability, as it requires custom integration efforts, which can be costly and time-consuming.
To address these challenges, the Global Connected Enterprise Market must prioritize the development and adoption of interoperability standards. Industry consortia, government bodies, and international organizations play a crucial role in establishing these standards. For instance, organizations like the Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) and the Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) work towards creating common frameworks and protocols to enable seamless connectivity in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and the broader connected enterprise space.
Standardization efforts not only enhance interoperability but also drive innovation and market growth. They reduce development costs, accelerate time-to-market for new solutions, and foster healthy competition among vendors. Moreover, standards provide a level of assurance for businesses and customers alike, ensuring that products and services meet a minimum set of quality and security criteria.
In conclusion, interoperability and standardization challenges are pivotal considerations in the Global Connected Enterprise Market. Addressing these challenges requires collaborative efforts from industry stakeholders, regulatory bodies, and standards organizations to establish common frameworks, protocols, and best practices. By doing so, the market can unlock the full potential of connectivity, drive innovation, and ensure the seamless integration of diverse technologies and systems across industries and sectors.
Key Market Trends
5G Connectivity and Edge Computing:
The rollout of 5G networks is revolutionizing the connected enterprise by providing ultra-fast, low-latency connectivity. This high-speed, low-latency capability is a game-changer for industries that rely on real-time data processing and communication, such as manufacturing, healthcare, and autonomous vehicles. With 5G, the volume of data that can be transmitted and processed in real-time increases exponentially, enabling applications like remote robotic control, augmented reality (AR) maintenance, and immersive virtual reality (VR) experiences for training and design. Moreover, 5G empowers edge computing, which involves processing data closer to its source (i.e., at the "edge" of the network) rather than relying solely on centralized cloud servers. This trend reduces latency, enhances security, and enables faster decision-making, making it crucial for applications like IoT devices and autonomous systems. As 5G networks continue to expand globally, we can expect the connected enterprise to become even more efficient, responsive, and capable of supporting a wide range of transformative applications.
AI and Machine Learning Integration:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies are becoming increasingly integrated into the connected enterprise ecosystem. These technologies enable businesses to extract valuable insights from the vast amounts of data generated by connected devices. Predictive maintenance, for example, utilizes AI to analyze data from sensors on machinery and equipment to predict when maintenance is needed, reducing downtime and optimizing asset utilization. In the healthcare sector, AI-powered diagnostics and patient monitoring are enhancing the quality of care and patient outcomes. Moreover, AI-driven analytics and decision-support systems are being deployed in areas like supply chain management, customer service, and fraud detection. As AI and ML algorithms become more sophisticated, the connected enterprise will continue to benefit from improved automation, predictive capabilities, and the ability to make data-driven decisions in real-time.
Segmental Insights
Type Insights The Manufacturing Execution System (MES) segment is dominating the global connected enterprise market. MES is a software system that collects and analyzes data from production processes to improve efficiency and quality. It is used to monitor and control production activities, track inventory levels, and manage quality control.
The increasing demand for real-time data and analytics in manufacturing is driving the adoption of MES solutions. The growing need to improve operational efficiency and productivity in manufacturing is also driving the demand for MES solutions. The increasing adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies, such as IoT and big data, is also creating new opportunities for MES solutions...
Regional Insights
North America is the dominating region in the global connected enterprise market. The growth of the market in North America is being driven by the following factors:The presence of a large number of IoT vendors and solution providers in the region.
The increasing adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies in the manufacturing sector.The growing demand for real-time data and analytics in the healthcare and retail sectors..
Cisco Systems
GE Digital
Honeywell International Inc.
MindTree Ltd.
Rockwell Automation, Inc
In this report, the Global Connected Enterprise Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below: