邊緣資料中心市場 - 全球產業規模、佔有率、趨勢、機會和預測,按組件、設施規模、最終用途、地區、競爭細分,2018-2028 年Edge Data Center Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, and Forecast, Segmented By Component, By Facility Size, By End-use, By Region, By Competition, 2018-2028 |
到 2022 年,全球邊緣資料中心市場價值將達到 100 億美元,預計到 2028 年,預測期內將實現強勁成長,複合CAGR為 23%。數據驅動技術不斷擴大的前景以及網路邊緣即時處理的需求。邊緣資料中心已成為滿足 5G、物聯網 (IoT)、自動駕駛汽車和各種其他邊緣運算應用程式時代對低延遲、高效能運算資源不斷成長的需求的關鍵解決方案。這些資料中心策略性地定位在更靠近最終用戶和連接裝置的位置,從而顯著減少資料傳輸時間並提高整體網路效率。預計市場將在預測期內強勁擴張,年複合成長率(CAGR)顯著。主要促進因素包括物聯網設備的激增、5G 網路的推出,以及自動駕駛汽車、智慧城市和工業自動化等應用程式對即時資料處理的需求不斷成長。隨著組織越來越依賴邊緣運算來支援其關鍵營運,全球邊緣資料中心市場有望持續成長,提供敏捷且反應迅速的基礎設施來支援數位轉型格局。
市場概況 | |
預測期 | 2024-2028 |
2022 年市場規模 | 100億美元 |
2028 年市場規模 | 363.6億美元 |
2023-2028 年CAGR | 23% |
成長最快的細分市場 | 它 |
最大的市場 | 北美洲 |
全球邊緣資料中心市場正在經歷邊緣運算策略進步所推動的變革。隨著組織對即時資料處理和超低延遲應用程式的需求日益成長,邊緣資料中心已成為現代數位生態系統中的關鍵組件。這些中心策略性地位於網路邊緣,更靠近最終用戶和連接設備,促進快速資料處理並最大限度地減少延遲。邊緣運算對於物聯網、自動駕駛汽車、智慧城市和 5G 服務等應用不可或缺,所有這些都需要即時資料存取和高響應運算能力。因此,大量投資正在流入邊緣資料中心,以滿足這些不斷變化的需求。邊緣資料中心與更廣泛的數位基礎設施的無縫整合正在簡化邊緣運算的部署,標誌著市場顯著成長的重要驅動力。隨著邊緣運算的持續崛起,全球邊緣資料中心市場有望大幅擴張,徹底改變資料處理格局並重塑數位體驗。
5G、人工智慧、物聯網和邊緣運算等新興技術的採用正在推動全球邊緣資料中心市場的成長。這些技術需要低延遲、高頻寬和即時處理能力,而邊緣資料中心可以提供這些能力。 5G網路具有高速和低延遲的能力,預計將產生大量需要在邊緣進行處理和分析的資料。自動駕駛汽車和智慧家庭等人工智慧和物聯網應用需要即時資料處理和分析,而邊緣資料中心可以有效處理這些數據。這些技術的整合為邊緣資料中心供應商創造了新的機會,以提供滿足各個行業需求的創新解決方案。
邊緣資料中心解決方案的實施和管理可能會為組織帶來複雜的挑戰,特別是那些 IT 資源或專業知識有限的組織。有效配置邊緣資料中心並將其與現有資料中心基礎架構和網路整合在技術上要求很高。整合過程中可能會出現相容性問題,從而導致延遲和效能不佳。為了應對這些挑戰,必須簡化邊緣資料中心解決方案的部署和管理。應提供使用者友善的介面和直覺的配置選項,以簡化設定和自訂。此外,組織應該能夠獲得全面的支援和指導,包括文件、教程和技術專家,他們可以協助整合和解決任何問題。簡化邊緣資料中心實施的這些方面可以提高流程效率並提高資料中心效能。
由於對邊緣運算解決方案的需求不斷成長,全球邊緣資料中心市場的採用率正在顯著上升。邊緣運算使運算資源更接近資料來源,從而實現更快的處理並減少延遲。這對於需要即時資料分析和決策的應用尤其重要,例如物聯網 (IoT) 設備、自動駕駛汽車和智慧城市。隨著組織努力提供無縫的使用者體驗並利用新興技術,對邊緣資料中心的需求正在快速成長。
就組件而言,邊緣資料中心市場分為解決方案和服務。 2022年,解決方案領域佔據最大收入佔有率,達到87.7%。預計在預測期內將繼續主導邊緣資料中心產業。解決方案部分包括硬體和軟體解決方案,例如網路設備、IT 機架和機櫃、DCIM 軟體和資料中心分析解決方案。
新一代 DCIM 產品的出現、COVID-19 期間資料中心工作負載的增加以及提高資料中心能源效率的需求等因素正在推動對邊緣資料中心解決方案的需求。硬體解決方案放置在現場或第三方資料中心,並根據公司的獨特要求進行客製化。該軟體管理和協調邊緣資料中心的處理和資料儲存。這可以包括軟體定義的網路系統、資料分析工具和支援即時資料處理的應用程式。
預計服務領域在預測期內將出現 20.3% 的最高成長率。服務部分分為專業服務和託管服務。邊緣資料中心專業服務可改善服務交付、簡化 IT 營運並支援雲端計畫。它包括整合和實施以及諮詢服務等服務。託管和專業服務透過追蹤和分析系統效能、識別障礙並將標準程序付諸實踐來提高邊緣資料中心的效率。透過外包其邊緣資料中心解決方案的營運和維護,託管和專業服務可以釋放內部資源並減少對專業 IT 員工的需求,從而幫助組織降低成本。
到2022 年,大型設施細分市場佔據最大的收入佔有率,為79.3%。具有12-49 個或更多機架且功耗為12 至14 kW/機架或機櫃的設施屬於大型設施細分市場。由於它們可以輕鬆擴展和支援組織的資料中心功能,因此這些大型設施資料中心非常適合擁有多個分支機構的企業。它們也是減少空間、快速部署和降低成本的理想選擇。邊緣資料中心的設計比標準資料中心更小、更在地化。然而,對更快、更有效率的資料處理和儲存的需求不斷成長,以及分散式運算的趨勢,預計將在未來幾年加速邊緣資料中心的崛起。
另一方面,中小型設施領域預計在預測期內將出現 19.2% 的最高成長率。未來幾年,中小企業預計將迅速採用邊緣資料中心解決方案,因為它們正在進行企業數位化並提供線上服務,這兩者都需要密集的資料應用。因此,在預測期內,對中小型邊緣資料中心的需求預計將增加。中小型邊緣資料中心由於其較小的規模和本地化的性質,與傳統資料中心相比更具成本效益。這對於需要資料處理和儲存能力但資源有限的中小型企業尤其有利。
根據最終用途產業,全球邊緣資料中心市場分為製造和汽車、IT和電信、BFSI、政府、醫療保健和生命科學、零售和電子商務、遊戲和娛樂等。 IT 和電信部門在 2022 年佔據最大的收入佔有率,達到 39.6%,預計在預測期內將保持這一地位。隨著物聯網、5G、擴增實境和虛擬實境以及人工智慧/機器學習等各種技術的引入,IT和電信產業正在不斷發展,以滿足大資料處理和低延遲的需求。因此,為了滿足這些需求,IT 和電信資料中心正在經歷轉型,以滿足低延遲和高資料量的需求,最終推動了對邊緣資料中心的需求。
預計製造業和汽車業在預測期內將出現 20.9% 的最高成長率。汽車領域擴大採用 5G 和邊緣運算等技術,因為它們可以以可靠和安全的方式提供高頻寬、低延遲和行動應用程式,是該細分市場成長的主要因素。邊緣資料中心透過提供連網設備和系統的即時分析和控制來推進製造和汽車行業的自動化。這有助於消除人為錯誤、提高效率並提高安全性。
北美在 2022 年以 33.1% 的佔有率主導邊緣資料中心市場,預計在預測期內將保持其地位。該地區邊緣資料中心解決方案和服務的高度採用是市場成長背後的主要因素。此外,北美擁有著名的邊緣資料中心解決方案和服務供應商,這使得北美成為市場前景廣闊的地區。
由於 5G 網路的不斷商業化和部署,該地區可能會顯著成長。北美的成長歸因於邊緣資料中心的日益普及,原因有很多,包括服務 5G、物聯網和人工智慧等未來技術的需求,這些技術需要低延遲和高頻寬連接。邊緣資料中心可以透過直接將資料處理和儲存資源提供給最終用戶來降低延遲,從而大幅提升應用程式和服務效能。
預計亞太地區在預測期內將以 19.3% 的最高CAGR成長。該地區邊緣資料中心市場的推動因素包括IT產業投資的增加、終端產業的成長以及華為技術有限公司和富士通等邊緣運算公司的大量存在。亞太地區採用邊緣資料中心的主要驅動力之一是該地區龐大的人口和快速的城市化。隨著越來越多的人搬到城市並更喜歡數位服務,對更快、更可靠的連接的需求也在成長。邊緣資料中心可以透過使儲存和運算資源更接近最終用戶、減少延遲以及提高軟體和服務品質來滿足需求。
Global Edge Data Center Market has valued at USD 10 Billion in 2022 and is anticipated to project robust growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 23% through 2028. The Global Edge Data Center Market is currently experiencing a rapid surge in growth, driven by the ever-expanding landscape of data-driven technologies and the need for real-time processing at the edge of networks. Edge data centers have emerged as a pivotal solution to meet the escalating demand for low-latency, high-performance computing resources in the era of 5G, Internet of Things (IoT), autonomous vehicles, and various other edge computing applications. These data centers are strategically positioned in closer proximity to end-users and connected devices, significantly reducing data transit times and enhancing overall network efficiency. The market is expected to witness robust expansion with a substantial compound annual growth rate (CAGR) in the forecast period. Key drivers include the proliferation of IoT devices, the roll-out of 5G networks, and the rising need for real-time data processing for applications like autonomous vehicles, smart cities, and industrial automation. As organizations increasingly rely on edge computing to power their critical operations, the Global Edge Data Center Market is poised for sustained growth, providing agile and responsive infrastructure to support the digital transformation landscape.
Market Overview | |
Forecast Period | 2024-2028 |
Market Size 2022 | USD 10 Billion |
Market Size 2028 | USD 36.36 Billion |
CAGR 2023-2028 | 23% |
Fastest Growing Segment | IT |
Largest Market | North America |
The Global Edge Data Center Market is experiencing a transformative shift driven by strategic advancements in edge computing. As organizations increasingly demand real-time data processing and ultra-low latency applications, edge data centers have emerged as pivotal components within the modern digital ecosystem. These centers are strategically positioned at the network's edge, closer to end-users and connected devices, facilitating rapid data processing and minimizing latency. Edge computing is indispensable for applications like IoT, autonomous vehicles, smart cities, and 5G-enabled services, all of which require instantaneous data access and highly responsive computing capabilities. Consequently, substantial investments are flowing into edge data centers to meet these evolving requirements. The seamless integration of edge data centers into the broader digital infrastructure is streamlining the deployment of edge computing, marking a significant driver behind the market's remarkable growth. With the continued ascent of edge computing, the Global Edge Data Center Market is poised for substantial expansion, revolutionizing the data processing landscape and reshaping digital experiences.
The global edge data center market is being driven by the growing demand for efficient data processing and storage solutions. With the proliferation of connected devices and the rise of data-intensive applications such as IoT, AI, and autonomous vehicles, there is a need for data centers that can handle the massive volumes of data generated at the edge of the network. Edge data centers bring computing resources closer to the source of data generation, reducing latency and enabling real-time processing and analysis. This increased data processing capability is crucial for applications that require low latency, such as autonomous vehicles, industrial automation, and smart cities.
Edge data centers play a vital role in enhancing the user experience by reducing latency and improving network performance. By bringing computing resources closer to end-users, edge data centers enable faster response times and seamless connectivity. This is particularly important for applications that require real-time interactions, such as online gaming, video streaming, and e-commerce. With edge data centers, content can be cached and delivered from nearby locations, reducing the distance data needs to travel and minimizing delays. This results in a smoother and more responsive user experience, leading to increased customer satisfaction and engagement.
Data sovereignty and compliance regulations are driving the adoption of edge data centers. Many countries have strict regulations regarding the storage and processing of data, especially personal and sensitive information. Edge data centers allow organizations to store and process data locally, ensuring compliance with local data protection laws. By keeping data within the borders of a specific country or region, organizations can address concerns related to data privacy, security, and sovereignty. This is particularly important for industries such as finance, healthcare, and government, where data protection and compliance are critical.
The adoption of emerging technologies such as 5G, AI, IoT, and edge computing is driving the growth of the global edge data center market. These technologies require low latency, high bandwidth, and real-time processing capabilities, which can be provided by edge data centers. 5G networks, with their high-speed and low-latency capabilities, are expected to generate massive amounts of data that will need to be processed and analyzed at the edge. AI and IoT applications, such as autonomous vehicles and smart homes, require real-time data processing and analysis, which can be efficiently handled by edge data centers. The convergence of these technologies is creating new opportunities for edge data center providers to deliver innovative solutions that cater to the needs of various industries.
The global edge data center market faces a significant challenge in terms of limited awareness and understanding among organizations regarding the importance and benefits of adopting edge data center solutions. Many businesses, particularly smaller enterprises, may not fully comprehend the potential risks and advantages associated with traditional data center models and the potential for edge data centers to enhance data processing efficiency and reduce latency. This lack of awareness can result in hesitation in investing in edge data center solutions, leaving organizations vulnerable to data processing bottlenecks and suboptimal performance. Addressing this challenge requires comprehensive educational initiatives to highlight the critical role that edge data centers play in enabling real-time data processing, reducing network congestion, and improving overall data center performance. Organizations need to recognize that outdated data center models can lead to data latency, increased costs, and hindered scalability. Real-world examples and case studies showcasing the tangible benefits of edge data centers can help foster a deeper understanding of their significance.
The implementation and management of edge data center solutions can pose complex challenges for organizations, particularly those with limited IT resources or expertise. Configuring edge data centers effectively and integrating them with existing data center infrastructure and networks can be technically demanding. Compatibility issues may arise during integration, leading to delays and suboptimal performance. To address these challenges, it is essential to simplify the deployment and management of edge data center solutions. User-friendly interfaces and intuitive configuration options should be provided to streamline setup and customization. Additionally, organizations should have access to comprehensive support and guidance, including documentation, tutorials, and technical experts who can assist with integration and troubleshoot any issues. Simplifying these aspects of edge data center implementation can lead to more efficient processes and improved data center performance.
The global edge data center market faces challenges related to security and privacy concerns. Edge data centers, by their nature, distribute data processing and storage closer to the edge of the network, which can increase the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches. Organizations need to ensure that robust security measures are in place to protect sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access to edge data centers. Additionally, privacy regulations and compliance requirements must be carefully considered and adhered to when implementing edge data center solutions. Addressing these challenges requires the implementation of robust security protocols, including encryption, access controls, and intrusion detection systems. Organizations must also stay updated with the latest privacy regulations and ensure compliance with data protection laws to maintain customer trust and avoid legal repercussions.
Edge data centers require efficient power and cooling infrastructure to ensure optimal performance and prevent equipment failures. However, the global edge data center market faces challenges in terms of power availability and cooling requirements. Edge data centers are often deployed in remote locations where power supply may be unreliable or limited. Inadequate power infrastructure can lead to downtime and hinder the seamless operation of edge data centers. Similarly, cooling requirements for edge data centers can be demanding, especially in regions with high ambient temperatures. Ensuring a stable power supply and implementing efficient cooling solutions are crucial to overcoming these challenges. Organizations should explore renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, to enhance the sustainability of edge data centers. Additionally, advanced cooling technologies, such as liquid cooling or intelligent airflow management, can help optimize cooling efficiency and reduce energy consumption.
The global market for edge data centers is experiencing a significant rise in adoption due to the increasing demand for edge computing solutions. Edge computing brings computing resources closer to the data source, enabling faster processing and reduced latency. This is particularly crucial for applications that require real-time data analysis and decision-making, such as Internet of Things (IoT) devices, autonomous vehicles, and smart cities. As organizations strive to deliver seamless user experiences and leverage emerging technologies, the need for edge data centers is growing rapidly.
Edge data centers offer several advantages. Firstly, they enable organizations to process and analyze data locally, reducing the need for data transmission to centralized data centers. This not only improves response times but also reduces network congestion and bandwidth requirements. Additionally, edge data centers enhance data privacy and security by keeping sensitive data closer to its source, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access or data breaches.
The global market is witnessing a shift towards modular and prefabricated edge data centers. Traditional data center construction methods are often time-consuming and expensive, making them less suitable for the dynamic requirements of edge computing. Modular and prefabricated edge data centers offer a more flexible and scalable solution.
Modular edge data centers are built using pre-engineered components that can be easily assembled and deployed in a short period. This allows organizations to quickly establish data center infrastructure in remote or underserved locations, where traditional data centers may not be feasible. Prefabricated edge data centers, on the other hand, are fully constructed off-site and then transported to the desired location. This approach significantly reduces construction time and costs while ensuring high-quality infrastructure.
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation technologies into edge data centers is a significant trend in the market. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data generated by edge devices, enabling intelligent decision-making and predictive analytics. This enhances the efficiency of edge data centers by optimizing resource allocation, predicting maintenance needs, and improving overall performance.
Automation plays a crucial role in managing and operating edge data centers. Automated systems can monitor and control various aspects of the data center infrastructure, including power and cooling, security, and network connectivity. This reduces the reliance on manual intervention, improves operational efficiency, and minimizes the risk of human errors.
The global market is witnessing a growing emphasis on green and sustainable edge data centers. As the demand for edge computing increases, so does the energy consumption of data centers. To address this concern, organizations are adopting energy-efficient technologies and sustainable practices in their edge data center deployments.
Green edge data centers leverage technologies such as advanced cooling systems, energy-efficient hardware, and renewable energy sources to minimize their environmental impact. These data centers prioritize energy conservation, reduce carbon emissions, and strive for higher energy efficiency ratings. By adopting green and sustainable practices, organizations can not only reduce their operational costs but also contribute to environmental sustainability.
In terms of components, the edge data center market is segmented into solutions and services. The solution segment accounted for the largest revenue share of 87.7% in 2022. It is expected to continue to dominate the edge data center industry over the forecast period. The solution segment includes hardware & software solutions such as networking equipment, IT racks & enclosures, DCIM software, and data center analytics solutions.
Factors such as the emergence of next-generation DCIM offerings, the rise in data center workloads during COVID-19, and the need to improve data center energy efficiency are driving the demand for edge data center solutions. Hardware solutions are placed on-site or in a third-party data center and tailored to a company's unique requirements. The software manages and coordinates processing and data storage in edge data centers. This can include software-defined networking systems, data analytics tools, and applications that enable real-time data processing.
The service segment is anticipated to witness the highest growth rate of 20.3% during the forecast period. The service segment is bifurcated into professional services and managed services. Edge data center professional services improve service delivery, simplify IT operations, and enable cloud initiatives. It includes services such as integration & implementation and consulting services. Managed and professional services facilitate the efficiency of edge data centers by tracking and analyzing system performance, identifying roadblocks, and putting standard procedures into action. By outsourcing the operation and maintenance of its edge data center solutions, managed and professional services are helping organizations to reduce costs by freeing up internal resources and decreasing the requirement for specialized IT workers.
The large facility segment held the largest revenue share of 79.3% in 2022. Facilities with 12-49 racks or more and a power draw of 12 to 14 kW/rack or cabinet fall under the large facility segment. As they easily expand and support an organization's data center capabilities, these large facility data centers are perfect for businesses with several branch offices. They are also ideal for reducing space, deploying quickly, and offering ways to cut costs.Edge data centers are designed to be smaller and more localized than standard data centers. However, the growing demand for faster and more efficient data processing and storage, as well as the trend toward distributed computing, are projected to accelerate the rise of edge data centers in future years.
On the other hand, the small and medium facility segment is expected to witness the highest growth rate of 19.2% during the forecast period. In the upcoming years, SMEs are anticipated to rapidly adopt edge data center solutions since they are undergoing firm digitization and providing online services, both of which require intensive data applications. Thus, demand for small and medium-edge data centers is expected to increase during the forecast period. Small and medium-sized edge data centers are more cost-effective in comparison to traditional data centers owing to their smaller size and localized nature. This can be particularly beneficial for small and medium-sized businesses that require data processing and storage capabilities but have limited resources.
Based on the end-use industry, the global edge data center market is segmented into manufacturing & automotive, IT & telecom, BFSI, government, healthcare & life science, retail & E-commerce, gaming & entertainment, and others. The IT & telecom segment held the largest revenue share of 39.6% in 2022 and is expected to maintain its position over the forecast period. With the introduction of various technologies such as IoT, 5G, augmented and virtual reality, and AI/ML, the IT & telecom sector is growing to meet the needs of large data processing and low latency. Thus, to meet these demands IT & telecom data centers are going through a transformation to handle low latency and high data volume needs, which is ultimately driving the demand for edge data centers.
The manufacturing & automotive sector is expected to witness the highest growth rate of 20.9% during the forecast period. Increasing adoption of technologies such as 5G and edge computing in the automotive sector as they can provide high bandwidth, low latency, and mobile applications in a reliable and secure manner, is the major factor behind the segment growth. Edge data centers advance automation in the manufacturing and car industries by offering real-time analysis and control of connected equipment and systems. This can help to eliminate human error, increase efficiency, and improve safety.
Edge data centers can be utilized to improve supply chain management in the automotive and industrial industries. For instance, edge data centers can provide insights into the location of various items, their condition, and performance by analyzing data from sensors and other connected devices in real-time, allowing businesses to optimize logistics and decrease costs.
North America dominated the edge data center market with a share of 33.1% in 2022 and is anticipated to retain its position over the forecast period. The high adoption of edge data center solutions and services in this region is the major factor behind the market growth. In addition, North America has prominent edge data center solutions and service providers, which makes North America a promising region for the market.
The region is likely to witness significant growth owing to the growing commercialization and deployment of 5G networks. North America's growth is attributed to the growing adoption of edge data centers for various reasons, including the requirement to serve future technologies such as 5G, IoT, and AI, which demand low latency and high bandwidth connections. Edge data centers can lower latency by directly bringing data processing and storage resources to end users, substantially boosting application and service performance.
Asia Pacific is anticipated to grow at the highest CAGR of 19.3% during the forecast period. The market for edge data centers in this region is driven by the rise in investments in the IT sector, the growth of end-use industries, and the vast presence of edge computing companies such as Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd, and Fujitsu. One of the primary drivers of edge data center adoption in the Asia Pacific is the region's huge population and rapid urbanization. The demand for faster and more reliable connectivity grows as more people relocate to cities and prefer digital services. Edge data centers can address the demand by bringing storage and computational resources closer to end-users, reducing latency, and improving software and service quality.
In this report, the Global Edge Data Center Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below: