GaN 供電充電器市場 - 全球產業規模、佔有率、趨勢、機會和預測,按功率輸出、按應用、最終用戶、地區和競爭細分,2018-2028 年Gan Powered Charger Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, and Forecast, Segmented By Power Output, By Application, By End User, By Region, and By Competition, 2018-2028 |
由於對高性能、高效、緊湊的充電解決方案的需求不斷成長,全球 GaN(氮化鎵)供電充電器市場正在經歷快速成長和轉型。 GaN 充電器已成為電子產業的一股顛覆力量,與傳統矽基充電器相比具有顯著優勢。這些充電器的特點是功率密度高、充電速度更快、外型更小,非常適合消費者的現代生活方式。
該市場的主要驅動力是「消費性電子」領域對 GaN 充電器的廣泛採用。隨著智慧型手機、平板電腦、筆記型電腦和其他小工具的普及,消費者正在尋求快速、可靠的充電解決方案。 GaN 充電器有效地滿足了這一需求,在不影響尺寸或效率的情況下提供快速充電功能。
此外,GaN充電器市場受益於其與各種消費性電子品牌和型號的兼容性,增強了其對精通技術的用戶的吸引力。這種適應性確保單一 GaN 充電器能夠滿足多個裝置的多樣化充電需求。此外,永續發展和能源效率的不斷成長趨勢與 GaN 充電器技術一致,使其成為消費者的環保選擇。
市場概況 | |
預測期 | 2024-2028 |
2022 年市場規模 | 6.9946億美元 |
2028 年市場規模 | 261221萬美元 |
2023-2028 年CAGR | 23.55% |
成長最快的細分市場 | 資訊科技與電信 |
最大的市場 | 北美洲 |
線上零售管道進一步促進了 GaN 充電器的可及性,使其可供全球受眾使用。透過線上訂購的便利,消費者可以輕鬆升級其充電解決方案,以享受 GaN 技術的優勢。
GaN 充電器通常配有多個端口,使其與多種設備相容。這種多設備相容性是市場上引人注目的驅動力。 GaN 充電器可透過單一充電器同時為筆記型電腦、智慧型手機、平板電腦和其他電子產品充電,因此無需多個轉接器。
對能夠同時為各種設備供電的多功能充電器的需求是一個關鍵促進因素。消費者重視便利性和靈活性,這使得 GaN 充電器成為有吸引力的選擇。這種趨勢對於全天依賴各種設備的專業人士和經常出行的旅行者來說尤其重要。
智慧型手機和筆記型電腦在日常生活中的普及推動了對 GaN 供電充電器的需求。消費者希望他們的設備能夠快速可靠地充電,以保持連接和高效工作。隨著智慧型手機和筆記型電腦的使用量不斷增加,GaN 供電的充電器市場受益於對行動技術的日益依賴。
擴大 GaN 在電子領域的應用:
GaN 技術已廣泛應用於充電器以外的電子設備。 GaN 功率放大器用於 RF 應用,GaN 電晶體已進入電源、資料中心和汽車電子領域。 GaN 在各個行業和應用中的日益普及推動了創新和規模經濟,從而降低了成本並進一步擴大了市場。
GaN 技術擴展到不同領域是 GaN 供電充電器市場的關鍵驅動力。隨著 GaN 技術的成熟並在電子行業中變得更加普遍,其優勢得到了更廣泛的認可並整合到充電器設計中。
GaN 供電充電器市場的主要挑戰之一是與氮化鎵技術相關的成本。 GaN 元件的製造成本比傳統矽基元件更高。因此,GaN 充電器的價格往往較高。這給說服對成本敏感的消費者投資 GaN 供電的充電器帶來了挑戰,特別是對於智慧型手機等日常消費性電子產品。
雖然 GaN 供電的充電器具有眾多優勢,但可能會出現相容性問題。並非所有裝置都針對 GaN 充電進行了最佳化,某些較舊的裝置可能根本不相容。製造商需要解決這些相容性問題,以確保 GaN 充電器可以在各種裝置上使用,而不會出現任何技術或安全問題。
主導市場的矽基充電器擁有完善的製造流程和規模經濟。 GaN 驅動的充電器面臨著傳統充電器的激烈競爭,使其難以獲得市場佔有率。製造商必須展示 GaN 技術的獨特優勢,以吸引客戶和零售商使用這些新型充電器。
與任何電子設備一樣,GaN 供電的充電器必須遵守嚴格的安全和監管標準。遵守國際安全認證和標準至關重要。滿足這些要求可能非常複雜且耗時,這對製造商,尤其是市場上的小型參與者構成了挑戰。
與矽基替代品相比,GaN 組件的工作溫度往往較高。有效的散熱和熱管理對於維持充電器的效能和安全性至關重要。解決散熱問題對於充電器製造商來說可能是一個挑戰,特別是在散熱器和冷卻機制空間有限的緊湊型攜帶式設計中。
許多消費者仍然沒有意識到GaN技術的優勢。提高消費者對 GaN 供電充電器優勢的認知並對其進行教育是一項持續的挑戰。製造商和零售商需要投資於行銷和教育工作,讓消費者了解 GaN 充電器提供的更快充電、效率和潛在的成本節約。
由於COVID-19大流行和地緣政治緊張局勢等多種因素,全球電子產業面臨供應鏈中斷。 GaN 供電的充電器製造商必須應對這些干擾,以確保關鍵組件的穩定供應。供應鏈中的任何中斷都會影響生產和交貨時間。
GaN 技術的創新通常受到專利和智慧財產權的保護。這可能會給希望進入市場的小型製造商帶來挑戰,因為他們可能面臨利用專有 GaN 技術的法律障礙或授權費用。確保遵守專利和智慧財產權可能是一個複雜的問題。
隨著市場的成長,GaN 供電充電器及其相關電子廢棄物對環境的影響令人擔憂。製造商面臨越來越大的壓力來解決其產品的永續性問題。這包括考慮生產過程、使用的材料以及報廢回收或處置對環境的影響。
GaN 供電的充電器市場正在迅速發展。製造商必須不斷投資於研發,以保持競爭力並向市場推出新的創新產品。保持在 GaN 技術的前沿需要在研發方面進行大量投資,這對於資源有限的小公司來說可能是一個挑戰。
GaN 技術的快速採用:
氮化鎵 (GaN) 因其卓越的功效、更小的外形尺寸以及處理更高功率密度的能力而擴大被用於充電器製造。這一趨勢是由智慧型手機、筆記型電腦和電動車 (EV) 等各種應用對更快、更有效率的充電解決方案的需求所推動的。
快速充電正在成為現代電子設備的標準功能。氮化鎵供電的充電器處於這一趨勢的前沿。借助 GaN 技術,這些充電器可以提供高功率位準,從而顯著縮短設備充電所需的時間。隨著消費者要求更快的充電速度,製造商正在開發能夠滿足這些期望的 GaN 充電器。
一個值得注意的趨勢是開發緊湊且高度攜帶的 GaN 供電充電器。這些充電器專為忙碌的人設計,可輕鬆放入口袋或包包中。它們特別受到旅行者和生活方式忙碌的個人的歡迎,他們在旅途中需要可靠、高效的充電解決方案。
GaN 供電的充電器正在進入電動車 (EV) 市場。 GaN 充電器提供更快、更有效率的充電,這對於電動車的採用至關重要。隨著全球電動車市場持續成長,針對電動車量身訂製的氮化鎵充電器的需求也不斷增加。
製造商正在製造具有一系列連接埠和功率輸出的 GaN 供電充電器,以適應各種設備。這些充電器可以同時為智慧型手機、平板電腦、筆記型電腦和穿戴式裝置等多種裝置充電,使其成為現代精通科技的消費者的多功能解決方案。
到2022 年,65W GaN 充電器細分市場將在全球GaN 供電充電器市場佔據主導地位。65W GaN 充電器可提供巨大的功率輸出,使其適用於各種設備,包括智慧型手機、筆記型電腦、平板電腦,甚至一些小型電器。這些充電器具有多個連接埠和快速充電功能,可同時為多個裝置供電,同時保持效率。這種多功能性是其受歡迎的關鍵驅動力。
65W GaN 充電器的主要優勢之一是其緊湊、輕巧的設計。這些充電器比一些高功率同類充電器更小、更攜帶。它們的外形非常符合超級本和緊湊型筆記型電腦的發展趨勢,這些筆記型電腦需要易於攜帶的充電器。這種緊湊的設計對於忙碌的消費者和專業人士來說至關重要。
65W GaN 充電器以其提供快速且高效充電的能力而聞名。無論是需要快速充電的筆記型電腦還是需要快速充電的智慧型手機,這些充電器都可以滿足。他們的 GaN 技術有助於減少充電過程中的熱量產生和能量損失,確保設備快速有效地充電。
這些充電器通常配備多個端口,包括 USB-C 和 USB-A,允許用戶同時為各種設備充電。在人們經常依賴多個小工具並希望簡化其充電解決方案的世界中,這種多設備充電功能非常寶貴。
到2022 年,筆記型電腦和筆記型電腦細分市場將在全球Gan 電源充電器市場中佔據主導地位。近年來,在遠端工作、線上教育和行動性增加的推動下,筆記型電腦和筆記型電腦的需求激增。筆記型電腦和筆記型電腦已成為專業人士、學生和個人的必備工具,有助於「筆記型電腦和筆記型電腦」領域在 GaN 充電器市場中佔據主導地位。
與其他設備相比,筆記型電腦通常需要更高的功率輸出。此細分市場的主導地位源自於 GaN 充電器有效滿足這些電力需求的能力。 GaN 充電器,尤其是 65W 和 90W 型號,可為筆記型電腦提供快速、大容量的充電,使用戶能夠不間斷地工作更長時間。
許多筆記型電腦和筆記型電腦用戶還擁有其他設備,例如智慧型手機和平板電腦。專為筆記型電腦設計的 GaN 充電器通常包含多個端口,包括 USB-C 和 USB-A,使用戶能夠同時為筆記型電腦和其他設備充電。這種多功能性迎合了現代消費者的多設備生活方式。
對於經常外出的筆記型電腦使用者來說,攜帶性是一個關鍵特性。 GaN 充電器採用小巧輕巧的設計,非常適合現代筆記型電腦的超攜帶特性。 GaN 充電器可輕鬆放入筆記型電腦包或背包中,這增強了其對需要移動性和靈活性的用戶的吸引力。
到 2022 年,北美將主導全球 Gan 供電充電器市場。北美,尤其是美國,擁有強大的技術生態系統,擁有領先的半導體和電子公司、研究機構和創新中心。該地區一直處於 GaN 技術研發的前沿,促進了 GaN 供電充電器的創建和商業化。
在美國,蘋果、谷歌和英特爾等科技巨頭的出現推動了電力電子領域的創新,包括基於 GaN 的解決方案。此外,國家對技術研發的支持政策鼓勵企業投資並採用GaN技術。
北美已在消費性電子和汽車領域展示了 GaN 技術的早期應用。精通科技的消費者和對最新創新的強烈興趣促使各公司在該地區推出 GaN 供電的充電器,然後在世界其他地區獲得廣泛接受。
該地區注重創新的文化和競爭激烈的市場動態激勵企業透過開發和推出 GaN 充電器等尖端產品來保持領先地位。這種早期採用和持續創新使北美公司在全球市場上確立了領導地位。
北美擁有龐大且精通技術的消費者基礎,他們重視快速充電、能源效率和尖端技術。該地區的消費者希望他們的設備能夠快速且有效率地充電,無論是智慧型手機、筆記型電腦還是電動車。對更快、更有效率充電解決方案的需求推動了 GaN 供電充電器的成長。
北美主要智慧型手機和筆記型電腦製造商的存在進一步推動了 GaN 充電器的採用。這些公司認知到市場對高速充電解決方案的需求,並將 GaN 技術涵蓋其產品中。
The global GaN (Gallium Nitride) powered charger market is experiencing rapid growth and transformation, driven by the increasing demand for high-performance, efficient, and compact charging solutions. GaN chargers have emerged as a disruptive force in the electronics industry, offering significant advantages over traditional silicon-based chargers. These chargers are characterized by their high power density, faster charging speeds, and smaller form factor, which aligns perfectly with the modern lifestyle of consumers.
The key driver of this market is the surging adoption of GaN chargers within the "Consumer Electronics" segment. With the proliferation of smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other gadgets, consumers are seeking fast and reliable charging solutions. GaN chargers address this need effectively, offering rapid charging capabilities without compromising on size or efficiency.
Moreover, the GaN charger market benefits from its compatibility with various consumer electronics brands and models, enhancing its appeal to tech-savvy users. This adaptability ensures that a single GaN charger can meet the diverse charging requirements of multiple devices. Furthermore, the growing trend toward sustainability and energy efficiency aligns with GaN charger technology, making them eco-friendly choices for consumers.
Market Overview | |
Forecast Period | 2024-2028 |
Market Size 2022 | USD 699.46 Million |
Market Size 2028 | USD 2612.21 Million |
CAGR 2023-2028 | 23.55% |
Fastest Growing Segment | IT & Telecommunication |
Largest Market | North America |
Online retail channels have further facilitated the accessibility of GaN chargers, making them available to a global audience. With the convenience of ordering online, consumers can easily upgrade their charging solutions to enjoy the benefits of GaN technology.
Key Market Drivers
Fast Charging Technology Advancements:
The adoption of Gallium Nitride (GaN) technology in chargers has significantly enhanced charging speeds. GaN chargers can deliver higher power outputs, allowing devices to charge faster. This innovation aligns with consumers' growing demand for quick and efficient charging of their devices, whether it's smartphones, laptops, or other electronics.
The high-speed charging capabilities of GaN-powered chargers have become a major driver for their widespread adoption. As consumers increasingly value convenience and efficiency, GaN chargers that can deliver power rapidly meet this demand. This trend is particularly evident in the smartphone market, where fast charging is a key selling point.
Energy Efficiency and Green Technology:
GaN technology offers improved energy efficiency compared to traditional silicon-based chargers. GaN chargers produce less heat during operation, which reduces energy wastage and contributes to overall power efficiency. As the world becomes more environmentally conscious and governments implement stricter energy consumption regulations, energy-efficient technologies like GaN are encouraged and favored.
Consumers and businesses alike are drawn to green technology. GaN-powered chargers are more energy-efficient, producing less heat and reducing the overall carbon footprint. As sustainability becomes a significant driving force in purchasing decisions, GaN chargers align with the global shift towards greener and more sustainable products.
Shrinking Charger Sizes and Enhanced Portability:
GaN technology allows for smaller and more compact charger designs. These chargers are not only more convenient for users but also reduce the environmental impact by using fewer materials in production and generating less e-waste. Smaller chargers are ideal for travelers and anyone seeking a lightweight and portable charging solution.
The trend towards smaller and more portable chargers is a significant driver in the GaN-powered charger market. Consumers appreciate compact chargers that are easy to carry and store. GaN technology has made it possible to develop powerful chargers in compact form factors, catering to these preferences.
GaN chargers often come with multiple ports, making them compatible with a wide range of devices. This multidevice compatibility is a compelling driver in the market. GaN chargers can simultaneously charge laptops, smartphones, tablets, and other electronics from a single charger, eliminating the need for multiple adapters.
The demand for versatile chargers that can power various devices simultaneously is a key driver. Consumers value convenience and flexibility, making GaN chargers an appealing choice. This trend is particularly important for professionals and frequent travelers who rely on a variety of devices throughout the day.
Increased Smartphone and Laptop Usage:
Smartphones and laptops have become essential tools in people's personal and professional lives. The growing reliance on these devices, along with the demand for increased mobility and productivity, has driven the need for faster and more efficient charging solutions.
The proliferation of smartphones and laptops in everyday life has boosted the demand for GaN-powered chargers. Consumers expect quick and reliable charging for their devices to stay connected and productive. As smartphone and laptop usage continues to rise, the GaN-powered charger market benefits from this increasing reliance on mobile technology.
Expansion of GaN Adoption in Electronics:
GaN technology has found applications in a wide range of electronic devices beyond chargers. GaN power amplifiers are used in RF applications, and GaN transistors have made their way into power supplies, data centers, and automotive electronics. The increasing adoption of GaN across various industries and applications has driven innovation and economies of scale, resulting in cost reductions and further market expansion.
The expansion of GaN technology into different sectors is a key driver for the GaN-powered charger market. As GaN technology matures and becomes more prevalent in the electronics industry, its benefits are more widely recognized and integrated into charger designs.
Key Market Challenges
One of the primary challenges in the GaN-powered charger market is the cost associated with Gallium Nitride technology. GaN components are more expensive to manufacture than traditional silicon-based components. As a result, GaN chargers tend to have a higher price point. This poses a challenge in convincing cost-sensitive consumers to invest in GaN-powered chargers, particularly for everyday consumer electronics like smartphones.
While GaN-powered chargers offer numerous benefits, compatibility issues can arise. Not all devices are optimized for GaN charging, and some older devices may not be compatible at all. Manufacturers need to address these compatibility issues to ensure that GaN chargers can be used across a wide range of devices without any technical or safety concerns.
Competition with Silicon-Based Chargers:
Silicon-based chargers, which dominate the market, have well-established manufacturing processes and economies of scale. GaN-powered chargers face fierce competition from traditional chargers, making it challenging to gain market share. Manufacturers must showcase the unique advantages of GaN technology to sway customers and retailers towards these newer chargers.
Regulatory and Safety Standards:
As with any electronic device, GaN-powered chargers must adhere to strict safety and regulatory standards. Compliance with international safety certifications and standards is essential. Meeting these requirements can be complex and time-consuming, which poses a challenge to manufacturers, especially smaller players in the market.
Heat Dissipation and Thermal Management:
GaN components tend to operate at higher temperatures than silicon-based alternatives. Effective heat dissipation and thermal management are crucial to maintaining the charger's performance and safety. Addressing thermal issues can be a challenge for charger manufacturers, particularly in compact and portable designs where space for heat sinks and cooling mechanisms is limited.
Consumer Awareness and Education:
Many consumers are still unaware of the advantages of GaN technology. Raising awareness and educating consumers about the benefits of GaN-powered chargers is an ongoing challenge. Manufacturers and retailers need to invest in marketing and educational efforts to inform consumers about faster charging, efficiency, and the potential cost savings offered by GaN chargers.
The global electronics industry has faced disruptions in the supply chain due to various factors, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical tensions. GaN-powered charger manufacturers must navigate these disruptions to ensure a steady supply of critical components. Any interruptions in the supply chain can impact production and delivery times.
Patent and Intellectual Property Concerns:
Innovations in GaN technology are often protected by patents and intellectual property rights. This can create challenges for smaller manufacturers looking to enter the market, as they may face legal hurdles or licensing fees to utilize proprietary GaN technology. Ensuring compliance with patents and intellectual property rights can be a complex issue.
Environmental Impact and Sustainability:
As the market grows, the environmental impact of GaN-powered chargers and their associated e-waste is a concern. Manufacturers are increasingly under pressure to address the sustainability of their products. This includes considering the environmental impact of the production process, materials used, and end-of-life recycling or disposal.
The GaN-powered charger market is rapidly evolving. Manufacturers must continually invest in research and development to stay competitive and bring new, innovative products to the market. Staying at the forefront of GaN technology requires significant investments in R&D, which can be a challenge for smaller companies with limited resources.
Key Market Trends
Rapid Adoption of GaN Technology:
Gallium Nitride (GaN) is increasingly being adopted in the manufacturing of chargers due to its superior power efficiency, smaller form factor, and ability to handle higher power densities. This trend is driven by the need for faster and more efficient charging solutions across various applications, including smartphones, laptops, and electric vehicles (EVs).
Proliferation of Fast Charging Ecosystem:
Fast charging is becoming a standard feature for modern electronic devices. Gan-powered chargers are at the forefront of this trend. With GaN technology, these chargers can deliver high power levels, significantly reducing the time needed to charge devices. As consumers demand faster charging speeds, manufacturers are developing GaN chargers that can meet these expectations.
Miniaturization and Portability:
One noticeable trend is the development of compact and highly portable GaN-powered chargers. These chargers are designed for people on the go, fitting easily in pockets or bags. They are particularly popular among travelers and individuals with busy lifestyles who require reliable and efficient charging solutions while on the move.
Expansion into Electric Vehicle Charging:
GaN-powered chargers are making their way into the electric vehicle (EV) market. GaN chargers offer faster and more efficient charging, which is crucial for EV adoption. As the global EV market continues to grow, the demand for GaN chargers tailored for electric vehicles is also on the rise.
Increasing Compatibility and Versatility:
Manufacturers are creating GaN-powered chargers with a range of ports and power outputs to accommodate various devices. These chargers can simultaneously charge multiple devices, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and wearables, making them versatile solutions for modern tech-savvy consumers.
Segmental Insights
Power Output Insights
65W GaN Chargers segment dominates in the global Gan Powered Charger market in 2022. The 65W GaN chargers offer a substantial power output, making them suitable for a wide range of devices, including smartphones, laptops, tablets, and even some smaller appliances. With multiple ports and fast-charging capabilities, these chargers can simultaneously power multiple devices while maintaining efficiency. This versatility is a key driver of their popularity.
One of the key advantages of 65W GaN chargers is their compact and lightweight design. These chargers are smaller and more portable than some of their higher-power counterparts. Their form factor aligns well with the growing trend of ultrabooks and compact laptops that demand a charger that's easy to carry. This compact design is essential for consumers and professionals on the go.
65W GaN chargers are known for their ability to deliver fast and efficient charging. Whether it's a laptop that needs a quick power boost or a smartphone that requires a rapid charge, these chargers can deliver. Their GaN technology helps reduce heat generation and energy loss during the charging process, ensuring that devices charge swiftly and efficiently.
These chargers typically come equipped with multiple ports, including USB-C and USB-A, allowing users to charge various devices simultaneously. This multi-device charging capability is invaluable in a world where people often rely on multiple gadgets and want to streamline their charging solutions.
Application Insights
Laptops & Notebooks segment dominates in the global Gan Powered Charger market in 2022. The demand for laptops and notebooks has surged over recent years, driven by remote work, online education, and increased mobility. Laptops and notebooks have become essential tools for professionals, students, and individuals alike, contributing to the dominance of the "Laptops & Notebooks" segment in the GaN charger market.
Laptops and notebooks typically require higher power outputs compared to other devices. This segment's dominance is rooted in the ability of GaN chargers to meet these power demands efficiently. GaN chargers, especially 65W and 90W variants, can provide rapid and high-capacity charging for laptops, allowing users to work longer without disruptions.
Many laptop and notebook users also own other devices, such as smartphones and tablets. GaN chargers designed for laptops often include multiple ports, including USB-C and USB-A, enabling users to charge their laptops along with other gadgets simultaneously. This versatility caters to the modern consumer's multi-device lifestyle.
Portability is a key feature for laptop users who are often on the move. GaN chargers offer a compact and lightweight design that aligns well with the ultraportable nature of modern laptops. The ease of carrying a GaN charger in a laptop bag or backpack enhances its appeal for users who require mobility and flexibility.
Regional Insights
North America dominates the Global Gan Powered Charger Market in 2022. North America, particularly the United States, is home to a robust technological ecosystem, featuring leading semiconductor and electronics companies, research institutions, and innovation hubs. The region has been at the forefront of GaN technology research and development, fostering the creation and commercialization of GaN-powered chargers.
In the U.S., the presence of tech giants like Apple, Google, and Intel has driven innovation in power electronics, including GaN-based solutions. Furthermore, the country's supportive policies for technology research and development have encouraged companies to invest in and adopt GaN technology.
North America has demonstrated early adoption of GaN technology in the consumer electronics and automotive sectors. Tech-savvy consumers and a strong appetite for the latest innovations have driven companies to introduce GaN-powered chargers in the region before they gain widespread acceptance in other parts of the world.
The region's innovation-focused culture and competitive market dynamics incentivize companies to stay ahead of the curve by developing and introducing cutting-edge products like GaN chargers. This early adoption and continuous innovation have allowed North American companies to establish a leadership position in the global market.
North America boasts a large and tech-savvy consumer base that values fast charging, energy efficiency, and cutting-edge technology. Consumers in the region expect their devices to charge quickly and efficiently, whether it's a smartphone, laptop, or electric vehicle. This demand for faster and more efficient charging solutions has fueled the growth of GaN-powered chargers.
The presence of major smartphone and laptop manufacturers in North America further drives the adoption of GaN chargers. These companies recognize the market demand for high-speed charging solutions and have incorporated GaN technology into their product offerings.
Xiaomi Corporation
Belkin International
Anker Innovations Technology Company Limited
Aukey Technology Co., Ltd.
RavPower Technology Company Limited
Shenzhen Ugreen Technology Co., Ltd.
GaN Systems Inc.
Navitas Semiconductor Corporation
Baseus Technology Co., Ltd.
Innoscience Technology Co., Ltd.
In this report, the Global Gan Powered Charger Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below: