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矽晶圓市場 - 全球產業規模、佔有率、趨勢、機會和預測,按晶圓尺寸、類型、按應用、最終用戶、地區、競爭細分,2018-2028 年Silicon Wafers Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, and Forecast, Segmented By Wafer Size, By Type, By Application, By End User, By Region, By Competition, 2018-2028 |
2022 年全球矽晶圓市場估值為 128.5 億美元,預計在預測期內將強勁成長,到 2028 年CAGR為 4.73%。在多種因素的推動下,全球矽晶圓市場目前正在經歷重大轉型這些正在重塑企業管理其技術基礎設施的方式。半導體晶圓在這一演變中發揮關鍵作用,使不同行業的組織能夠適應不斷變化的技術格局。讓我們探討推動矽晶圓技術在各行業發展和採用的主要催化劑。
科技創新的步伐正以前所未有的速度加快。人工智慧 (AI)、機器學習、物聯網 (IoT) 和區塊鏈等新興技術不斷重塑業務營運和客戶期望。為了利用這些創新的優勢,組織必須將其遺留應用程式改造為現代的、精通技術的解決方案。矽晶圓技術有助於將這些尖端技術無縫整合到現有系統中,使企業能夠保持在創新的前沿。
市場概況 | |
預測期 | 2024-2028 |
2022 年市場規模 | 128.5億美元 |
2028 年市場規模 | 171.1億美元 |
2023-2028 年CAGR | 4.73% |
成長最快的細分市場 | 超過300毫米 |
最大的市場 | 亞太 |
全球矽晶圓市場受到半導體產業持續技術進步與創新的強勁推動。矽晶圓是製造積體電路 (IC)、微晶片和各種電子元件的基本基材。隨著技術不斷快速發展,對更小、更強大、更節能的半導體元件的需求不斷成長。該市場的主要驅動力之一是日益先進的半導體製造流程的發展。這包括向更小的奈米節點(例如7奈米、5奈米及更高)的過渡以及對碳化矽(SiC)和氮化鎵(GaN)等新材料的探索。這些進步使半導體裝置具有更高的性能、更低的功耗和改進的熱管理。此外,3D 封裝技術的創新,如矽通孔 (TSV) 和中介層,增強了矽晶圓的性能。這些創新使得複雜的高密度晶片的創建成為可能,這些晶片可以處理人工智慧 (AI)、5G 和物聯網 (IoT) 等新興技術。汽車、消費性電子和工業應用等各產業對尖端半導體元件的需求是重要的動力。隨著越來越多的應用需要先進的矽晶圓,市場不斷成長。此外,半導體製造製程的發展使得生產更小、更有效率的電子元件成為可能,進一步刺激了對矽晶圓的需求。
5G 網路的推出和物聯網設備的激增在推動全球矽晶圓市場方面發揮關鍵作用。 5G 技術以其高速、低延遲連線的承諾,正在徹底改變從電信到自動駕駛汽車和智慧城市等各個領域。 5G 網路的部署需要能夠滿足不斷成長的資料傳輸和處理要求的半導體組件。矽晶圓對於射頻 (RF) 和毫米波 (mmWave) IC 的製造至關重要,而這些 IC 是 5G 基礎設施的組成部分。對這些RF 和毫米波IC 的需求正在激增,因為它們使5G 基地台、智慧型手機和其他5G 設備能夠高效運作。同樣,物聯網(IoT) 也出現了指數級成長,全球範圍內使用了數十億台連接設備。產業。物聯網設備依靠通常設計在矽晶圓上的半導體組件來收集、處理和傳輸資料。這些設備涵蓋智慧感測器、穿戴式技術、家庭自動化和工業物聯網等應用。
5G 和物聯網技術的整合正在推動對先進矽晶圓為這些設備和網路供電的需求。隨著5G網路的擴展和物聯網應用的不斷激增,對高性能矽晶圓的需求將持續存在。
汽車電子和電動車 (EV):
汽車產業向電動車(EV)的過渡以及將先進電子設備整合到汽車中是全球矽晶圓市場的重要驅動力。電動車在電池管理、電力電子、自動駕駛系統和資訊娛樂方面嚴重依賴半導體元件。矽晶圓對於碳化矽 (SiC) 和氮化鎵 (GaN) 裝置等功率半導體的生產至關重要。這些材料更適合高功率應用,並且在電動車行業中變得越來越重要。它們提高了能源效率和熱性能,這對於電動車動力系統至關重要。自動駕駛汽車和先進駕駛輔助系統 (ADAS) 的趨勢需要高度複雜的半導體,包括影像感測器、雷射雷達系統和處理器。這些元件是在矽晶圓上製造的,有助於汽車電子產業的成長。汽車產業對矽晶圓的需求是由對能夠承受汽車應用的苛刻條件的高效、高性能半導體的需求所推動的。隨著汽車產業不斷發展和電氣化,矽晶圓市場將持續成長。
全球矽晶圓市場正經歷向更先進晶圓技術過渡的顯著趨勢。隨著半導體製造商努力滿足對更小、更快、更有效率的電子設備不斷成長的需求,該產業正在見證向更小奈米節點的轉變。這一趨勢包括在半導體製造製程中採用 7nm、5nm 甚至更先進的節點。先進的晶圓技術以更小的特徵尺寸和增強的性能為特徵,能夠以更低的功耗生產高性能積體電路(IC)。更小的節點使得晶片具有更大的電晶體密度,使其非常適合人工智慧 (AI)、5G 連接、邊緣運算和物聯網設備中的應用。先進的晶圓技術趨勢主要是由開發能夠滿足新興技術和應用需求的下一代電子產品的需求所推動的。
碳化矽 (SiC) 和氮化鎵 (GaN) 晶圓的出現:
全球矽晶圓市場的另一個重要趨勢是用於晶圓生產的替代材料的出現,特別是碳化矽(SiC)和氮化鎵(GaN)。與傳統矽晶圓相比,SiC 和 GaN 晶圓具有明顯的優勢,使其對各種應用越來越有吸引力。尤其是碳化矽晶圓,因其卓越的導熱性、高溫穩定性和耐極端環境能力而受到關注。 SiC 晶圓非常適合電力電子裝置,是電動車 (EV)、再生能源系統和高頻應用的關鍵組件。它們提供更高的能源效率和功率密度,對於專注於能源轉換和管理的行業來說非常有價值。另一方面,GaN 晶圓因其高電子遷移率以及在高頻和高功率應用中的優異性能而受到重視。 GaN 裝置正在成為 5G 基礎設施、雷達系統和軍事應用開發不可或缺的一部分。它們在高頻和功率位準下運行的能力使其成為下一代無線通訊和雷達系統的關鍵組件。 SiC 和 GaN 晶圓的趨勢反映了業界對能夠提供卓越性能、效率和可靠性的材料的持續追求。雖然矽晶圓仍然是半導體產業的支柱,但 SiC 和 GaN 晶圓對於特定的高成長應用變得越來越重要。
總之,全球矽晶圓市場的趨勢包括向先進晶圓技術的過渡、碳化矽 (SiC) 和氮化鎵 (GaN) 晶圓的出現,以及採用永續晶圓製造和回收實踐。這些趨勢反映了半導體產業的動態本質及其為滿足不斷變化的技術要求同時促進永續性和環境責任而不斷努力的情況。
由於這些優點,300 mm 晶圓成為大多數現代半導體裝置生產的首選晶圓尺寸。
對高效能 CPU 和 GPU 等先進半導體元件的需求不斷成長,正在推動 300 毫米以上晶圓領域的成長。這些設備應用廣泛,包括消費性電子、汽車和資料中心。
5G 和人工智慧 (AI) 等新興技術的日益普及也推動了 300 毫米以上晶圓領域的成長。這些技術需要在 300 毫米晶圓上製造的先進半導體裝置。
主要半導體製造商的分佈:亞太地區是一些全球最大的半導體製造商的所在地,例如台積電、三星和 SK 海力士。這些公司在該地區佔有重要地位,並大力投資新的晶圓製造設施。
Global Silicon Wafers Market was valued at USD 12.85 Billion in 2022 and is anticipated to project robust growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 4.73% through 2028. The Global Silicon Wafers Market is currently undergoing a substantial transformation, driven by a convergence of factors that are reshaping the way businesses manage their technological infrastructure. Semiconductor wafers are playing a pivotal role in this evolution, empowering organizations across diverse sectors to adapt to the ever-changing technological landscape. Let's explore the primary catalysts propelling the growth and adoption of Silicon Wafers technology across various industries.
Organizations worldwide are in the midst of a digital revolution to maintain competitiveness in the modern business landscape. This entails the adoption of cutting-edge technologies, data-driven decision-making, and the development of customer-centric applications. Silicon wafers solutions are at the forefront of this transformation, allowing organizations to modernize legacy systems, embrace cloud-native architectures, and craft agile, user-friendly applications that align with the demands of the digital age.
The pace of technological innovation is accelerating at an unprecedented rate. Emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, the Internet of Things (IoT), and blockchain are consistently reshaping business operations and customer expectations. To harness the benefits of these innovations, organizations must revamp their legacy applications into modern, tech-savvy solutions. Silicon Wafers technology facilitates the seamless integration of these cutting-edge technologies into existing systems, empowering businesses to stay at the forefront of innovation.
Market Overview | |
Forecast Period | 2024-2028 |
Market Size 2022 | USD 12.85 Billion |
Market Size 2028 | USD 17.11 Billion |
CAGR 2023-2028 | 4.73% |
Fastest Growing Segment | More than 300 mm |
Largest Market | Asia-Pacific |
In today's fiercely competitive market, customer experience is a vital differentiator. Modern consumers expect seamless, personalized, and efficient interactions with businesses. Silicon wafers solutions enable organizations to revamp their customer-facing applications, ensuring they are responsive, intuitive, and capable of delivering real-time insights. This enhancement in customer experience leads to improved customer engagement, fosters brand loyalty, and drives revenue growth.
Legacy applications often come with high maintenance costs, security vulnerabilities, and scalability limitations. Silicon Wafers initiatives are designed to address these challenges by optimizing IT spending, reducing operational overhead, and enhancing resource utilization. Through the transition to cloud-based infrastructures, organizations can achieve cost-efficiency, scalability, and improved performance, all of which contribute to a healthier bottom line.
With the rising frequency and sophistication of cyber threats, security and regulatory compliance have become paramount concerns. Silicon Wafers solutions incorporate security enhancements that safeguard data, applications, and infrastructure. By modernizing applications and adhering to security best practices, organizations can mitigate risks, protect sensitive information, and maintain compliance with industry-specific regulations.
The global shift towards remote work has necessitated the adaptation of applications to support remote collaboration, secure access, and seamless communication. Modernized applications enable employees to work effectively from anywhere, fostering productivity and business continuity, even in challenging circumstances.
Silicon Wafers technology isn't solely about keeping pace with the competition; it's also about gaining a competitive edge. Organizations that successfully transform their applications can respond quickly to market changes, launch new services faster, and innovate more effectively. This agility allows them to outperform rivals and capture a larger share of the market.
In conclusion, the Global Silicon Wafers Market is experiencing remarkable growth due to the imperatives of digital transformation, rapid technological advancements, the need for enhanced customer experiences, cost optimization, security and compliance concerns, remote work trends, and the pursuit of a competitive advantage. As organizations continue to adapt to the evolving technology landscape, Silicon Wafers technology will remain a central driver in shaping the future of IT strategies and enabling innovation and resilience across industries.
Technological Advancements and Semiconductor Innovation:
The Global Silicon Wafers Market is strongly driven by ongoing technological advancements and innovations in the semiconductor industry. Silicon wafers serve as the fundamental substrate for manufacturing integrated circuits (ICs), microchips, and a wide array of electronic components. As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, there is a growing demand for smaller, more powerful, and energy-efficient semiconductor devices. One of the primary drivers in this market is the development of increasingly advanced semiconductor manufacturing processes. This includes the transition to smaller nanometer nodes (e.g., 7nm, 5nm, and beyond) and the exploration of new materials such as silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN). These advancements result in semiconductor devices with higher performance, reduced power consumption, and improved heat management. Furthermore, innovations in 3D packaging technology, such as through-silicon vias (TSVs) and interposers, have enhanced the capabilities of silicon wafers. These innovations enable the creation of complex, high-density chips that can handle emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), 5G, and the Internet of Things (IoT). The demand for cutting-edge semiconductor devices in various industries, including automotive, consumer electronics, and industrial applications, is a significant driver. As more applications require advanced silicon wafers, the market experiences continuous growth. Moreover, the evolution of semiconductor manufacturing processes is making it possible to produce smaller, more efficient electronic components, further fueling the demand for silicon wafers.
Expansion of 5G Technology and IoT Applications:
The rollout of 5G networks and the proliferation of IoT devices are playing a pivotal role in driving the Global Silicon Wafers Market. 5G technology, with its promise of high-speed, low-latency connectivity, is revolutionizing various sectors, from telecommunications to autonomous vehicles and smart cities. The deployment of 5G networks demands semiconductor components that can handle the increased data transmission and processing requirements. Silicon wafers are essential in the manufacturing of radio-frequency (RF) and millimeter-wave (mmWave) ICs, which are integral to 5G infrastructure. The demand for these RF and mmWave ICs is surging, as they enable 5G base stations, smartphones, and other 5G devices to operate efficiently.Similarly, the Internet of Things (IoT) has seen exponential growth, with billions of connected devices in use across industries. IoT devices rely on semiconductor components, often designed on silicon wafers, to collect, process, and transmit data. These devices span applications such as smart sensors, wearable technology, home automation, and industrial IoT.
The convergence of 5G and IoT technologies is driving the need for advanced silicon wafers to power these devices and networks. As 5G networks expand and IoT applications continue to proliferate, the demand for high-performance silicon wafers will persist.
Automotive Electronics and Electric Vehicles (EVs):
The automotive industry's transition to electric vehicles (EVs) and the integration of sophisticated electronics into vehicles are significant drivers of the Global Silicon Wafers Market. EVs rely heavily on semiconductor components for battery management, power electronics, autonomous driving systems, and infotainment. Silicon wafers are crucial in the production of power semiconductors like silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) devices. These materials are better suited for high-power applications and are becoming increasingly important in the EV industry. They offer improved energy efficiency and thermal performance, which are essential for EV powertrains. The trend toward autonomous vehicles and advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) requires highly sophisticated semiconductors, including image sensors, LiDAR systems, and processors. These components are fabricated on silicon wafers and contribute to the growth of the automotive electronics sector. The demand for silicon wafers in the automotive industry is driven by the need for efficient, high-performance semiconductors that can withstand the demanding conditions of automotive applications. As the automotive industry continues to evolve and electrify, the market for silicon wafers will experience sustained growth.
In conclusion, the Global Silicon Wafers Market is primarily driven by technological advancements and semiconductor innovation, the expansion of 5G technology and IoT applications, and the increasing adoption of semiconductor components in automotive electronics and electric vehicles. These driving factors reflect the crucial role silicon wafers play in supporting the evolving landscape of technology and electronics across various industries.
Key Market Challenges
Supply Chain Vulnerabilities and Raw Material Dependency:
The Global Silicon Wafers Market faces a critical challenge related to supply chain vulnerabilities and raw material dependency. Silicon wafers, as the foundational material for semiconductor manufacturing, rely on a consistent and high-quality supply of raw materials, primarily crystalline silicon. The semiconductor industry's demand for silicon wafers has grown significantly, leading to concerns about the security and reliability of the supply chain. The manufacturing of silicon wafers is a complex and resource-intensive process that requires substantial energy and highly purified silicon. A major portion of the world's semiconductor-grade silicon is sourced from a limited number of suppliers, often concentrated in a few regions. This concentration of raw material production poses risks in the form of geopolitical tensions, trade disputes, or natural disasters that could disrupt the supply chain. Additionally, the semiconductor industry has witnessed periodic shortages and fluctuations in silicon wafer supply, which can impact production schedules and lead to increased costs for manufacturers. Ensuring a stable and diverse supply chain for raw materials is a critical challenge that the industry must address to maintain consistent silicon wafer production and meet growing demand. The development of alternative materials for wafers and efforts to increase recycling and sustainability in silicon production are some strategies being explored to mitigate these challenges. However, these solutions require significant investments and time to implement on a large scale.
Technological Obsolescence and Equipment Cost:
The rapid pace of technological advancement in the semiconductor industry presents another major challenge in the Global Silicon Wafers Market. As semiconductor manufacturers adopt smaller nanometer nodes and more advanced fabrication processes, the equipment used for wafer production and lithography becomes increasingly sophisticated and expensive. Upgrading manufacturing facilities to accommodate the latest technology nodes requires substantial capital investment, and the equipment itself can be extremely costly. For many semiconductor manufacturers, particularly smaller players, the financial burden of staying technologically competitive can be a significant barrier. Another aspect of technological obsolescence is the ever-shortening lifespan of semiconductor manufacturing equipment. Machines that were cutting-edge a few years ago may become outdated and unable to meet the demands of newer processes. Replacing or upgrading equipment to remain competitive is a constant challenge for manufacturers.
Additionally, the continuous push toward smaller feature sizes and greater precision necessitates ongoing research and development to develop new lithography techniques, materials, and production methods. This demands a significant investment in research and skilled workforce to ensure that the industry keeps pace with technological advancements.
Environmental and Sustainability Concerns:
The Global Silicon Wafers Market is increasingly confronted with environmental and sustainability challenges. The production of silicon wafers and semiconductors, as a whole, requires substantial energy consumption and involves processes that generate hazardous waste materials. The environmental impact of silicon wafer manufacturing and semiconductor production has become a subject of concern, both from an ecological and regulatory perspective. The industry is under pressure to reduce its carbon footprint and adopt more sustainable manufacturing practices. Achieving sustainability objectives, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions and minimizing waste, while maintaining the high production standards expected in semiconductor manufacturing, is a complex challenge. Furthermore, the growing demand for electronic devices and the increasing complexity of semiconductor devices have led to greater resource consumption and electronic waste. Proper disposal and recycling of electronic waste, including old silicon wafers, are essential to address sustainability challenges. The semiconductor industry is actively exploring initiatives to improve sustainability, including energy-efficient manufacturing processes, recycling programs, and the development of more eco-friendly materials. However, these efforts require a substantial shift in industry practices and a commitment to long-term sustainability goals.
In conclusion, the Global Silicon Wafers Market faces significant challenges related to supply chain vulnerabilities and raw material dependency, technological obsolescence and equipment costs, and environmental and sustainability concerns. Addressing these challenges requires collaboration, investment in research and development, and a commitment to sustainable practices to ensure the industry's continued growth and evolution.
Key Market Trends
Transition to Advanced Wafer Technologies:
The Global Silicon Wafers Market is experiencing a notable trend towards the transition to more advanced wafer technologies. As semiconductor manufacturers strive to meet the ever-increasing demand for smaller, faster, and more efficient electronic devices, the industry is witnessing a shift towards smaller nanometer nodes. This trend encompasses the adoption of 7nm, 5nm, and even more advanced nodes in semiconductor manufacturing processes. Advanced wafer technologies, characterized by smaller feature sizes and enhanced performance, are enabling the production of high-performance integrated circuits (ICs) with lower power consumption. Smaller nodes result in chips with greater transistor density, making them well-suited for applications in artificial intelligence (AI), 5G connectivity, edge computing, and IoT devices. The trend towards advanced wafer technologies is primarily driven by the need to develop next-generation electronics capable of meeting the demands of emerging technologies and applications.
As a result, semiconductor manufacturers are investing in cutting-edge lithography techniques, materials, and fabrication methods to keep pace with these trends. The industry's continued pursuit of smaller nodes is not only essential for maintaining competitiveness but also for enabling innovations that will shape the future of electronics.
Emergence of Silicon Carbide (SiC) and Gallium Nitride (GaN) Wafers:
Another significant trend in the Global Silicon Wafers Market is the emergence of alternative materials, specifically Silicon Carbide (SiC) and Gallium Nitride (GaN), for wafer production. SiC and GaN wafers offer distinct advantages over traditional silicon wafers, making them increasingly attractive for various applications. SiC wafers, in particular, have gained prominence due to their superior thermal conductivity, high-temperature stability, and resistance to extreme environments. SiC wafers are well-suited for power electronics and are a critical component in electric vehicles (EVs), renewable energy systems, and high-frequency applications. They offer enhanced energy efficiency and power density, making them valuable for industries focused on energy conversion and management. GaN wafers, on the other hand, are valued for their high electron mobility and excellent performance in high-frequency and high-power applications. GaN-based devices are becoming integral to the development of 5G infrastructure, radar systems, and military applications. Their ability to operate at high frequencies and power levels positions them as key components for next-generation wireless communication and radar systems. The trend towards SiC and GaN wafers reflects the industry's ongoing quest for materials that can deliver superior performance, efficiency, and reliability. While silicon wafers remain the backbone of the semiconductor industry, SiC and GaN wafers are becoming increasingly important for specific high-growth applications.
Sustainable Wafer Manufacturing and Recycling:
Sustainability has emerged as a significant trend in the Global Silicon Wafers Market. The semiconductor industry is recognizing the importance of reducing its environmental footprint and adopting more sustainable manufacturing practices. The production of silicon wafers and semiconductors is energy-intensive and generates hazardous waste materials, prompting a reevaluation of environmental responsibilities. Manufacturers are increasingly focused on implementing sustainable practices in wafer manufacturing. This includes adopting more energy-efficient processes, minimizing waste generation, and exploring greener materials. Additionally, recycling programs for silicon wafers and semiconductor materials are being developed to reduce electronic waste and promote circular economy principles. The adoption of eco-friendly materials and manufacturing processes not only addresses environmental concerns but also aligns with regulatory requirements and consumer expectations. Sustainable practices in the wafer manufacturing process are not only ethical but also beneficial for long-term business viability, as they reduce operational costs and promote corporate social responsibility. This trend towards sustainability reflects the industry's commitment to mitigating its environmental impact while continuing to meet the growing demand for silicon wafers and semiconductor devices. As the focus on sustainability intensifies, innovations in greener manufacturing techniques and materials are expected to shape the future of the industry.
In conclusion, the Global Silicon Wafers Market is characterized by trends that include the transition to advanced wafer technologies, the emergence of Silicon Carbide (SiC) and Gallium Nitride (GaN) wafers, and the adoption of sustainable wafer manufacturing and recycling practices. These trends reflect the dynamic nature of the semiconductor industry and its continuous efforts to meet evolving technological requirements while also promoting sustainability and environmental responsibility.
Segmental Insights
Wafer size Insights
The dominating segment in the global silicon wafer market by wafer size is more than 300 mm. This dominance is expected to continue in the coming years, driven by the following factors:
Higher chip density: 300 mm wafers can accommodate more chips per wafer than smaller wafers, which reduces the cost per die.
Better performance: 300 mm wafers are better suited for the fabrication of advanced semiconductor devices, such as high-performance CPUs and GPUs.
Lower defect rates: 300 mm wafers have lower defect rates than smaller wafers, which improves the overall yield of semiconductor devices.
As a result of these advantages, 300 mm wafers are the preferred wafer size for the production of most modern semiconductor devices.
The increasing demand for advanced semiconductor devices, such as high-performance CPUs and GPUs, is driving the growth of the more than 300 mm wafer segment. These devices are used in a wide range of applications, including consumer electronics, automotive, and data center.
The growing adoption of emerging technologies, such as 5G and artificial intelligence (AI), is also driving the growth of the more than 300 mm wafer segment. These technologies require advanced semiconductor devices that are fabricated on 300 mm wafers.
Regional Insights
The dominating region in the global silicon wafers market is Asia-Pacific (APAC). This dominance is expected to continue in the coming years, driven by the following factors:
Strong domestic demand: APAC is home to some of the largest consumer electronics markets in the world, such as China, India, and South Korea. This strong domestic demand is driving the growth of the semiconductor wafer market in the region.
Government support: Governments in APAC are investing heavily in the semiconductor industry. For example, the Chinese government has launched a $150 billion investment program to develop the country's semiconductor industry and related industries, including the silicon wafer industry.
Presence of major semiconductor manufacturers: APAC is home to some of the world's largest semiconductor manufacturers, such as TSMC, Samsung, and SK Hynix. These companies have a significant presence in the region and are investing heavily in new wafer fabrication facilities.
Some of the key countries in the APAC silicon wafer market include:
China: China is the largest silicon wafer market in the world. The country is home to a number of major semiconductor manufacturers, such as SMIC and Hua Hong Semiconductor.
Taiwan: Taiwan is another major silicon wafer market. The country is home to TSMC, the world's largest semiconductor foundry.
South Korea: South Korea is home to Samsung, the world's largest memory chip maker. Samsung is also a major player in the silicon wafer market.
Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd.
SUMCO Corporation
GlobalWafers Co., Ltd.
Siltronic AG
Shinryo Corporation
SK Siltron Co., Ltd.
Okmetic Oy
LG Siltron Incorporated
Wafer Works Corporation
Wafer World, Inc.
In this report, the Global Silicon Wafers Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below: