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紅外線 LED 市場 - 全球產業規模、佔有率、趨勢、機會和預測,按組件、材料、最終用戶、地區、競爭細分,2019-2029FInfrared LED Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, and Forecast, Segmented By Component, By Material, By End User By Region, By Competition, 2019-2029F |
過去十年,在多個工業領域廣泛採用的推動下,紅外線發光二極體 (IR LED) 的全球市場出現了顯著成長。製造、醫療保健、運輸和物流等行業越來越認知到 IR LED 解決方案提供的內在價值。這種認可刺激了對先進技術的大量投資,旨在滿足分析要求並提高操作效率,特別是在具有挑戰性的水下條件下。
IR LED 市場的知名企業推出了整合了無線連接、即時資料視覺化和可擴展資料基礎設施等功能的創新解決方案。這些進步促進了自動化和有效績效監控的策略見解的產生。紅外線 LED 解決方案的部署使企業領導者即使在不利的水下條件下也能確保精確的資料捕獲,從而使他們能夠獲得最大價值並最佳化營運。與不同領域的專家合作開發了客製化的 IR LED 解決方案,以滿足獨特的分析需求和策略目標,特別是在嚴苛的水下環境中。該行業對基於證據的決策日益重視的回應刺激了對能夠在各種水下環境中捕獲高品質視覺資料的顯示器的需求。
物聯網 (IoT)、感測器和分析平台等變革性技術的整合徹底改變了 IR LED 系統的功能。這些系統擅長支援端到端資料工作流程,包括在具有挑戰性的水下條件下進行大規模、高品質的視覺資料收集,使 IR LED 市場成為持久前景的重要組成部分。隨著在嚴苛的水下環境中營運的各行業對精確、高效的資料收集和分析的需求不斷增加,紅外線 LED 市場在可預見的未來將保持其上升趨勢。
在安全和保全日益受到關注的時代,紅外線 LED 市場的需求正在大幅成長,這主要是由監控和安全系統中不斷擴大的應用所推動的。紅外線 LED 提供卓越夜視能力並增強監視攝影機有效性的固有能力使其在商業、住宅和政府等各個領域不可或缺。隨著企業和個人都優先考慮保護其資產,採用先進的監控解決方案已變得至關重要。紅外線 LED 在這一領域發揮關鍵作用,推動其快速整合到安全攝影機、存取控制系統和其他監控技術中。對強大安全基礎設施不斷成長的需求是推動紅外線 LED 市場向前發展的強大動力。
由於廣泛整合到各種消費性電子產品中,紅外線 LED 市場正在經歷強勁成長。從智慧型手機到智慧型電視,紅外線 LED 已成為不可或缺的組件,有助於增強功能和使用者體驗。遠端控制設備的激增和智慧家庭生態系統的發展進一步凸顯了紅外線 LED 的重要性。這些 LED 可實現設備之間的無縫通訊,使用戶能夠精確控制各種電子設備。尤其是娛樂產業,對紅外線 LED 技術的需求激增,該技術增強了遙控器的功能並實現了遊戲機的互動功能。隨著消費性電子產品的不斷發展,在對創新和互連設備永不滿足的需求的推動下,紅外線 LED 市場有望進一步擴大。
推動紅外線 LED 市場的關鍵驅動力之一是汽車安全系統中擴大採用這些 LED。隨著汽車行業經歷向自動駕駛和半自動駕駛汽車的變革,對先進感測技術的需求變得至關重要。紅外線 LED,特別是與 LiDAR(光檢測和測距)系統配合使用,在增強車輛感知能力方面發揮至關重要的作用。夜視輔助、行人偵測和避障等應用利用紅外線 LED 的獨特特性,在低光照或惡劣的天氣條件下有效運作。世界各國政府都強調嚴格的安全法規,進一步加速紅外線 LED 技術融入汽車設計。隨著製造商努力提高下一代汽車的安全性和可靠性,技術與汽車安全的交叉代表了紅外線 LED 市場利潤豐厚的成長途徑。
這三個促進因素凸顯了推動紅外線 LED 市場向前發展的多元化和動態力量。從滿足現代安全環境的需求到消費性電子產品的變革和汽車安全的徹底變革,紅外線 LED 始終處於技術創新的前沿。隨著這些促進因素持續影響產業動態,紅外線 LED 市場預計將在多個產業實現持續成長和影響力。
紅外線 LED 市場面臨重大挑戰,主要源自於技術障礙和研發 (RD) 複雜性。隨著對增強性能、小型化和成本效益的需求持續上升,製造商在突破紅外線 LED 裝置的技術界限時遇到了障礙。實現更高水準的效率、擴大光譜範圍並提高紅外線 LED 的可靠性給研究人員和工程師帶來了巨大的挑戰。開發尖端材料(例如基於砷化鎵 (InGaAs) 或氮化鎵 (GaN) 等先進化合物半導體的材料)的複雜性需要大量的研發投資。此外,在性能改進和成本考慮之間保持平衡仍然是一項棘手的任務,因為市場尋求以具有競爭力的價格提供高品質的紅外線 LED。競爭格局進一步加劇了這些挑戰,促使公司持續投資研發以維持領先地位。克服這些技術障礙需要產業內持續的創新和協作,以及與研究機構和大學的策略夥伴關係。
紅外線 LED 市場面臨的另一個巨大挑戰是價格波動和成本相關障礙。紅外線 LED 的製造成本受多種因素影響,包括原料價格、生產流程和規模經濟。製造過程的複雜性通常涉及複雜的半導體製造技術,導致生產成本更高。定價動態進一步受到市場競爭性質的影響,眾多參與者爭奪市場佔有率。挑戰在於如何在提供高品質紅外線 LED 和保持有競爭力的定價結構之間取得微妙的平衡。隨著各種應用對這些 LED 的需求不斷增加,製造商面臨著最佳化生產成本以確保市場生存能力的持續挑戰。此外,地緣政治事件、貿易政策、大宗商品價格波動等外部因素也會帶來不確定性,影響紅外線LED生產的整體成本結構。應對這些挑戰需要策略成本管理、供應鏈彈性以及對市場動態的敏銳了解,以確保紅外線 LED 市場的持續獲利。
這些挑戰凸顯了紅外線 LED 市場固有的複雜性,需要採取策略和協作方法來克服技術和成本相關的障礙。隨著產業不斷發展,解決這些挑戰對於維持成長、促進創新和確保紅外線 LED 技術在各個行業的廣泛採用至關重要。
紅外線 LED 在生物辨識應用中的整合:
隨著這些 LED 在生物辨識應用的整合度不斷提高,紅外線 LED 市場正呈現出顯著的趨勢。隨著生物辨識技術成為身分驗證和存取控制系統不可或缺的一部分,紅外線 LED 在提高生物辨識感測器的準確性和可靠性方面發揮著至關重要的作用。紅外線光使臉部辨識和指紋掃描等功能能夠在各種照明條件下有效運行,包括弱光或完全黑暗。這一趨勢在金融、醫療保健和政府等領域尤為突出,這些領域嚴格的安全措施和無縫的用戶身份驗證至關重要。隨著生物辨識解決方案持續受到關注,紅外線 LED 市場將透過其在推進生物辨識應用中的重要角色實現持續成長。
LiDAR 技術中對紅外線 LED 的需求不斷成長:
影響紅外線 LED 市場的一個新興趨勢是光探測和測距 (LiDAR) 技術對這些 LED 的需求不斷成長。 LiDAR 系統對於自動駕駛汽車和各種工業應用中的深度感知和物體識別至關重要,嚴重依賴紅外線 LED 來照亮周圍環境並收集準確的空間資訊。隨著汽車產業向自動駕駛邁進,LiDAR 的採用率不斷上升,從而推動了對紅外線 LED 的需求。這一趨勢不僅限於汽車應用,還包括機器人、工業自動化和智慧城市計劃,凸顯了紅外線 LED 技術的多功能性。紅外線 LED 市場準備利用這一趨勢,滿足基於 LiDAR 的感測解決方案不斷變化的需求。
量子點紅外線 LED (QD-IR LED) 的進步:
量子點紅外線 LED (QD-IR LED) 的進步代表了紅外線 LED 市場的重要趨勢。量子點(奈米級半導體顆粒)被整合到紅外線 LED 中,以增強其性能、效率和光譜範圍。此技術可精確控制發射波長,可應用於醫學影像、環境感測和電信等領域。量子點紅外線 LED 的使用解決了與傳統紅外線 LED 相關的一些技術挑戰,包括窄頻寬和有限的可調性。隨著這一領域的研發工作不斷取得進展,市場對量子點紅外線 LED 的需求可能會激增,為創新和市場擴張開闢新的途徑。
這些趨勢顯示了紅外線 LED 市場在技術進步和各種應用中擴大採用這些 LED 的推動下的動態演變。從生物辨識技術到雷射雷達和量子點技術,這些趨勢預示著紅外線 LED 技術在各行業的光明前景。
LED發射器細分市場將在2023年主導全球紅外線發光二極體市場。紅外線LED發射器在汽車、消費性電子、工業和醫療等各行業有著廣泛的應用。它們在接近感測器、夜視攝影機、遙控器、光通訊設備、光療設備和各種分析儀器中的應用推動了對紅外線 LED 發射器的需求。預計在 2023 年至 2029 年的預測期內,紅外線 LED 發射器的廣泛整合將繼續推動其市場主導地位。光電二極體、光電子學和整合組件等其他領域也受到關注。然而,隨著 LED 發射器在新應用領域的使用不斷增加,以及具有增強光學和電氣性能的先進發射器技術的推出,預計 LED 發射器領域將保持其領先地位。主要參與者正專注於開發具有高輸出功率和波長客製化能力的微型和超緊湊型紅外線 LED 發射器,以滿足不同最終用途行業不斷變化的需求。這包括在充滿挑戰的水下環境中運作、需要高品質視覺資料捕獲的行業。
砷化鎵(GaAs) LED 細分市場將在2023 年全球紅外線發光二極體市場中佔據主導地位。GaAs 是一種廣泛用於製造紅外線LED 的材料,因為其最佳能隙可發射850nm 範圍內的紅外線光。它提供高光輸出、低切換時間和長使用壽命。這些優點使 GaAs 成為各種應用中使用的紅外線 LED 的首選材料,包括光纖通訊、遠端控制、夜視設備、分析儀器和生物識別設備。 GaAs 紅外線LED 在如此多樣化的應用領域中的廣泛使用預計將推動該材料領域在2023 年至2029 年的預測期內繼續佔據主導地位。涉及鋁鎵砷(AlGaAs) 和銦鎵砷(InGaAs) LED的其他材料領域也將繼續佔據主導地位。由於其在特定紅外線範圍內的發射而受到關注。然而,由於持續不斷的研究和開發,GaAs LED 預計將保持其領先地位,以增強其性能能力,以滿足最終用途領域不斷變化的需求,特別是那些在水下環境中運作、需要高品質紅外線視覺資料收集的領域。
2023 年,亞太地區將主導全球紅外線發光二極體市場。亞太地區在紅外線發光二極體 (IR LED) 市場中所佔的重要佔有率可歸因於強勁的製造活動以及 IR LED 在各個行業的快速採用。主要國家有中國、日本、台灣、韓國等。領先的 IR LED 製造商的存在,加上原料和具有成本效益的勞動力的獲取,使亞太地區極具吸引力。此外,消費性電子、汽車、工業和醫療等最終用途領域的大幅成長也推動了該地區對 IR LED 的需求。預測表明,亞太地區IR LED 市場將在2023 年至2029 年的預測期內保持其主導地位。然而,在旨在推進IR 的研發力度加大的推動下,北美和歐洲也正在成為前景光明的區域市場。 LED 技術。儘管如此,在中國製造業產量不斷增加以及各個行業擴大採用工業自動化(包括那些在水下環境中運行、需要複雜的紅外線視覺資料收集能力的行業)的支持下,亞太地區預計將保持其領導地位。
Lumileds 控股公司
在本報告中,除了以下詳細介紹的產業趨勢外,全球紅外線 LED 市場還分為以下幾類:
紅外線 LED 市場,依組件分類:
紅外線 LED 市場,依最終用戶分類:
公司簡介:全球紅外線 LED 市場主要公司的詳細分析。
全球紅外線 LED 市場報告包含給定的市場資料,Tech Sci Research 根據公司的具體需求提供客製化服務。該報告可以使用以下自訂選項:
Global Infrared LED market has experienced tremendous growth in recent years and is poised to maintain strong momentum through 2029. The market was valued at USD 712 million in 2023 and is projected to register a compound annual growth rate of 14.23% during the forecast period.
Over the past decade, the global market for Infrared Light Emitting Diodes (IR LEDs) has witnessed remarkable growth, propelled by widespread adoption across a multitude of industrial sectors. Industries spanning manufacturing, healthcare, transportation, and logistics have increasingly recognized the intrinsic value offered by IR LED solutions. This recognition has spurred significant investments in advanced technologies aimed at meeting analytical requirements and enhancing operational efficiency, particularly in challenging underwater conditions.
Prominent players in the IR LED market have introduced innovative solutions integrating features such as wireless connectivity, real-time data visualization, and scalable data infrastructure. These advancements have facilitated automation and the generation of strategic insights for effective performance monitoring. The deployment of IR LED solutions empowers business leaders to ensure precise data capture even in adverse underwater conditions, enabling them to extract maximum value and optimize operations. Collaborative endeavors with specialists across diverse sectors have led to the development of customized IR LED solutions tailored to unique analytical needs and strategic objectives, especially in demanding underwater environments. The industry's response to the growing emphasis on evidence-based decision-making has spurred demand for displays proficient in capturing high-quality visual data across varied underwater settings.
The integration of transformative technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), sensors, and analytics platforms has revolutionized the capabilities of IR LED systems. These systems excel in supporting end-to-end data workflows, including large-scale, high-quality visual data collection in challenging underwater conditions, thereby establishing the IR LED market as a vital component for enduring prospects. With the increasing demand for precise and efficient data capture and analytics across industries operating in demanding underwater environments, the IR LED market is poised to maintain its upward trajectory well into the foreseeable future.
Key Market Driver
Increasing Demand in Surveillance and Security Applications:
In an era marked by heightened concerns over safety and security, the Infrared LED market is experiencing a significant surge in demand, primarily fueled by the expanding applications in surveillance and security systems. The inherent ability of Infrared LEDs to provide superior night vision and enhance the effectiveness of surveillance cameras has made them indispensable in various sectors, including commercial, residential, and governmental. As businesses and individuals alike prioritize safeguarding their assets, the adoption of advanced monitoring solutions has become paramount. Infrared LEDs play a pivotal role in this landscape, driving their rapid integration into security cameras, access control systems, and other surveillance technologies. The ever-growing need for robust security infrastructure is a compelling driver propelling the Infrared LED market forward.
Pervasive Integration in Consumer Electronics:
The Infrared LED market is experiencing robust growth as a result of its pervasive integration into a wide array of consumer electronics. From smartphones to smart TVs, Infrared LEDs have become integral components, contributing to enhanced functionalities and user experiences. The proliferation of remote-controlled devices and the evolution of smart home ecosystems further underscore the significance of Infrared LEDs. These LEDs enable seamless communication between devices, allowing users to control various electronic appliances with precision. The entertainment industry, in particular, has witnessed a surge in demand for Infrared LED technology, enhancing the capabilities of remote controls and enabling interactive features in gaming consoles. As consumer electronics continue to advance, the Infrared LED market is poised to expand further, driven by the insatiable demand for innovative and interconnected devices.
Rising Adoption in Automotive Safety Systems:
One of the key drivers propelling the Infrared LED market is the increasing adoption of these LEDs in automotive safety systems. As the automotive industry undergoes a transformative shift towards autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles, the need for advanced sensing technologies becomes paramount. Infrared LEDs, particularly in collaboration with LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) systems, play a crucial role in enabling enhanced perception capabilities for vehicles. Applications such as night vision assistance, pedestrian detection, and obstacle avoidance leverage the unique properties of Infrared LEDs to operate effectively in low-light or challenging weather conditions. Governments worldwide are emphasizing stringent safety regulations, further accelerating the integration of Infrared LED technology into automotive design. The intersection of technology and automotive safety represents a lucrative growth avenue for the Infrared LED market, as manufacturers strive to enhance the safety and reliability of next-generation vehicles.
These three drivers underscore the diverse and dynamic forces propelling the Infrared LED market forward. From meeting the demands of modern security landscapes to transforming consumer electronics and revolutionizing automotive safety, Infrared LEDs are at the forefront of technological innovation. As these drivers continue to shape industry dynamics, the Infrared LED market is poised for sustained growth and influence across multiple sectors.
Key Market Challenges
Technological Barriers and RD Challenges:
The Infrared LED market faces significant challenges, primarily rooted in technological barriers and research and development (RD) complexities. As demands for enhanced performance, miniaturization, and cost-effectiveness continue to rise, manufacturers encounter obstacles in pushing the technological boundaries of Infrared LED devices. Achieving higher levels of efficiency, expanding the spectral range, and improving the reliability of Infrared LEDs pose substantial challenges for researchers and engineers. The intricacies of developing cutting-edge materials, such as those based on advanced compound semiconductors like Indium Gallium Arsenide (InGaAs) or Gallium Nitride (GaN), demand extensive RD investments. Additionally, maintaining a balance between performance improvements and cost considerations remains a delicate task, as the market seeks to offer high-quality Infrared LEDs at competitive price points. The competitive landscape further intensifies these challenges, prompting companies to continually invest in RD to stay ahead of the curve. Overcoming these technological barriers requires sustained innovation and collaboration within the industry, as well as strategic partnerships with research institutions and universities.
Price Fluctuations and Cost Challenges:
Another formidable challenge confronting the Infrared LED market revolves around price fluctuations and cost-related hurdles. The cost of manufacturing Infrared LEDs is influenced by several factors, including raw material prices, production processes, and economies of scale. The complexity of the manufacturing process, which often involves sophisticated semiconductor fabrication techniques, contributes to higher production costs. The pricing dynamics are further impacted by the competitive nature of the market, with numerous players vying for market share. The challenge lies in striking a delicate balance between offering high-quality Infrared LEDs and maintaining competitive pricing structures. As demand for these LEDs increases across diverse applications, manufacturers face the ongoing challenge of optimizing production costs to ensure market viability. Moreover, external factors such as geopolitical events, trade policies, and fluctuations in commodity prices can introduce uncertainties, affecting the overall cost structure of Infrared LED production. Navigating these challenges necessitates strategic cost management, supply chain resilience, and a keen understanding of market dynamics to ensure sustained profitability in the Infrared LED market.
These challenges underscore the complexities inherent in the Infrared LED market, requiring a strategic and collaborative approach to overcome technological and cost-related hurdles. As the industry continues to evolve, addressing these challenges will be crucial for sustaining growth, fostering innovation, and ensuring the widespread adoption of Infrared LED technology across various sectors.
Key Market Trends
Integration of Infrared LEDs in Biometric Applications:
The Infrared LED market is witnessing a notable trend with the increasing integration of these LEDs in biometric applications. As biometric technology becomes integral to identity verification and access control systems, Infrared LEDs play a crucial role in enhancing the accuracy and reliability of biometric sensors. Infrared light enables features such as facial recognition and fingerprint scanning to function effectively in various lighting conditions, including low light or complete darkness. This trend is particularly prominent in sectors such as finance, healthcare, and government, where stringent security measures and seamless user authentication are paramount. As biometric solutions continue to gain traction, the Infrared LED market is positioned to experience sustained growth through its vital role in advancing biometric applications.
Growing Demand for Infrared LEDs in LiDAR Technology:
An emerging trend shaping the Infrared LED market is the growing demand for these LEDs in Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) technology. LiDAR systems, critical for depth perception and object recognition in autonomous vehicles and various industrial applications, heavily rely on Infrared LEDs to illuminate surroundings and gather accurate spatial information. As the automotive industry moves toward autonomous driving, LiDAR adoption is on the rise, consequently propelling the demand for Infrared LEDs. This trend extends beyond automotive applications to include robotics, industrial automation, and smart city initiatives, highlighting the versatility of Infrared LED technology. The Infrared LED market is poised to capitalize on this trend by catering to the evolving needs of LiDAR-based sensing solutions.
Advancements in Quantum Dot Infrared LEDs (QD-IR LEDs):
Advancements in Quantum Dot Infrared LEDs (QD-IR LEDs) represent a significant trend in the Infrared LED market. Quantum dots, nanoscale semiconductor particles, are integrated into Infrared LEDs to enhance their performance, efficiency, and spectral range. This technology allows for precise control over the emitted wavelength, enabling applications in areas such as medical imaging, environmental sensing, and telecommunications. The use of Quantum Dot Infrared LEDs addresses some of the technological challenges associated with traditional Infrared LEDs, including narrow bandwidth and limited tunability. As research and development efforts in this space continue to progress, the market is likely to witness a surge in demand for Quantum Dot Infrared LEDs, opening new avenues for innovation and market expansion.
These trends showcase the dynamic evolution of the Infrared LED market, driven by advancements in technology and the increasing adoption of these LEDs in diverse applications. From biometrics to LiDAR and Quantum Dot technologies, these trends signal a promising future for Infrared LED technology across various industries.
Segmental Insights
By Component Insights
The LED Emitters segment dominated the global Infrared Light Emitting Diode Market in 2023. Infrared LED emitters have widespread applications across various industries such as automotive, consumer electronics, industrial, and medical. Their use in proximity sensors, night vision cameras, remote controls, optical communication devices, phototherapy equipment, and various analytical instruments has propelled the demand for infrared LED emitters. This extensive integration of infrared LED emitters is expected to continue driving their market dominance during the forecast period from 2023 to 2029. Other segments such as photodiodes, optoelectronics, and integrated assemblies are also gaining traction. However, the LED emitters segment is anticipated to maintain its leadership position with its increasing use across new application areas and the launch of advanced emitter technologies with enhanced optical and electrical properties. Key players are focusing on developing miniature and ultra-compact infrared LED emitters with high output power and wavelength customization capabilities to cater to the evolving needs of diverse end-use industries. This includes industries operating in challenging underwater environments requiring high-quality visual data capture.
By Material Insights
The Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) LEDs segment dominated in the global Infrared Light Emitting Diode Market in 2023. GaAs is a widely used material for manufacturing infrared LEDs due to its optimal bandgap that allows emission of infrared light in the 850nm range. It offers high optical output, low switching times, and long operational lifespan. These advantages have resulted in GaAs becoming the preferred material for infrared LEDs used in various applications including optical fiber communications, remote controls, night vision devices, analytical instruments, and biometric equipment. The extensive use of GaAs infrared LEDs across such diverse application fields is expected to drive the material segment's continued dominance during the forecast period from 2023 to 2029. Other material segments involving Aluminium Gallium Arsenide (AlGaAs) and Indium Gallium Arsenide (InGaAs) LEDs are also gaining traction due to their emission in specific infrared ranges. However, GaAs LEDs are anticipated to retain their leadership position owing to ongoing research and development for enhancing their performance capabilities to meet the evolving demands of end-use sectors, especially those operating in underwater environments requiring high-quality infrared visual data collection.
Regional Insights
Asia Pacific dominated the global Infrared Light Emitting Diode Market in 2023. The significant share of the Asia Pacific region in the Infrared Light Emitting Diode (IR LED) market can be attributed to robust manufacturing activities and the rapid adoption of IR LEDs across diverse industries in key countries such as China, Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea. The presence of leading IR LED manufacturers, coupled with access to raw materials and cost-effective labor, has rendered the Asia Pacific region highly attractive. Additionally, substantial growth in end-use sectors like consumer electronics, automotive, industrial, and medical is fueling the demand for IR LEDs in the region. Forecasts indicate that the Asia Pacific IR LED market is poised to maintain its dominant position throughout the forecast period from 2023 to 2029. However, North America and Europe are also emerging as promising regional markets, driven by heightened research and development efforts aimed at advancing IR LED technologies. Nonetheless, Asia Pacific is expected to uphold its leadership status, supported by the escalating manufacturing output from China and the increasing adoption of industrial automation across various sectors, including those operating in underwater environments that necessitate sophisticated IR visual data collection capabilities.
OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH
Epistar Corporation
Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd
Nichia Corporation
Lumileds Holding B.V
High Power Lighting Corp
Kingbright Company, LLC
Lextar Electronics Corporation
EPILEDS Technologies, Inc
Koninklijke Philips N.V
In this report, the Global Infrared LED Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:
Infrared LED Market,By Component:
Infrared LED Market,By Material:
Infrared LED Market,By End User:
Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies presents in the Global Infrared LED Market.
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