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航空航天塑料市場:當前分析和預測(2022-2028)Aerospace Plastics Market: Current Analysis and Forecast (2022-2028) |
由於對更輕、更高效的飛機的需求不斷增長,航空航天塑料市場預計將以 7% 左右的穩定速度增長。 例如,2022 年 12 月,總部位於立陶宛的航空電子公司 WeSky 宣佈於本週推出新型輕型座椅電源系統。 WeSky 的 60W USB 電源解決方案稱為“Recharge”,可以減少商業航空公司的燃油消耗,並減少其碳足跡。
按聚合物類型,市場分為聚醚醚酮(PEEK)、聚碳酸酯(PC)、聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)、聚苯硫醚(PPS)、丙烯□丁二烯苯乙烯(ABS)等。 聚醚醚酮 (PEEK) 類別預計在預測期內將以顯著的複合年增長率增長。 這主要歸功於PEEK的高強度、輕質、耐化學性和尺寸穩定性等特性。 由於這些特性,PEEK 可用於支架、配件和緊固件等結構部件的設計。 PEEK 具有高強度重量比,可承受高負載和應力。 此外,PEEK因其高電絕緣性和耐高溫能力而被用於連接器和絕緣體等電氣元件的設計。 因此,這些因素將增加對PEEK的需求,進而加速航空航天塑料市場的增長。
按飛機類型劃分,市場分為商用飛機、通用/公務飛機、軍用飛機、旋翼飛機等。 其中,商用飛機類型預計在預測期內將以較大的複合年增長率增長。 這主要是由於在座椅靠背和頭頂儲物箱等內部組件的設計中使用了航空航天塑料。 塑料為傳統材料提供了一種輕質、耐用的替代品,同時提供了更大的設計自由度。 塑料用於機翼和機身等結構部件的設計。 塑料具有較高的強度重量比,可以承受飛行的壓力,同時比傳統材料更耐腐蝕。 因此,商用飛機使用的增加將加速航空航天塑料的市場增長。
根據應用,航空航天塑料市場分為機艙內飾、窗戶和擋風玻璃、機身、推進系統等。 預計客艙內飾類別在預測期內將以復合年增長率大幅增長。 這主要是由於在飛機機艙內飾的設計和製造中使用了航空航天塑料。 這是因為塑料材料比金屬和木材等傳統材料具有多種優勢,例如重量輕、耐用以及能夠模製成複雜形狀。 它還用於飛機內部裝飾,如照明裝置、座椅框架、廚房和盥洗室。 因此,航空航天塑料在飛機內飾中的使用正在增加,推動了市場的增長。
為了更好地了解航空航天塑料行業的市場採用情況,市場包括北美(美國、加拿大、北美其他地區)、歐洲(德國、英國、法國、西班牙、意大利、歐洲其他地區)、亞太地區(中國、印度、日本、亞太地區其他地區)以及世界其他地區(基於其在世界其他地區的全球影響力)。 預計北美將在預測期內引領市場。 這主要是由於波音、龐巴迪和空客等主要飛機製造商在美國、加拿大和墨西哥等國家擁有生產設施和供應商。 同樣在美國,有SABIC、Ensinger和Victrex等主要航空塑料製造商,生產車身蒙皮、機艙內飾件和發動機部件等多種零部件。 例如,2021 年 2 月,波音與業界領先的飛機零部件供應商代傲航空航天有限公司 (Diehl Aerospace GmbH) 的一個部門續簽了合同,為 B787 夢想飛機供應內部照明系統。 代傲宇航不斷改進其飛機內部照明產品,現已推出新一代 LED 系統。 此外,加拿大製造商還生產民用和軍用飛機的各種部件。 例如,專門生產複合材料結構的 Composites Atlantic 和為航空業生產保護殼的 Plasticase。
Aerospace Plastics are defined as a class of materials that are used in the aerospace industry for various applications, including aircraft, spacecraft, and satellites. These materials are used because of their high strength-to-weight ratio, low coefficient of thermal expansion, high resistance to temperature and corrosion, excellent mechanical properties, fuel savings, increased payload capacity, and improved performance. Additionally, aerospace plastics include a wide range of polymer-based materials such as thermoplastics, thermosets, composites, and elastomers. Some common examples of aerospace plastics include carbon fiber-reinforced polymers (CFRP), aramid fiber-reinforced polymers (AFRP), and high-temperature thermoplastics like polyether ether ketone (PEEK) and polyimides.
The Aerospace Plastics Market is expected to grow at a steady rate of around 7% owing to the rising demand for lightweight & more efficient aircraft. For instance, in Dec 2022, WeSky, an avionics company based in Lithuania, announced the launch of a new lightweight in-seat power system this week. The WeSky 60W USB power supply solution is called "recharge" and it can reduce fuel consumption-as well as lower carbon emissions-for commercial airlines.
Based on polymer type, the market is segmented into Polyetheretherketone (PEEK), Polycarbonate (PC), Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA), PolyPhenyleneSulfide (PPS), Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), and Others. Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) category is expected to grow with a significant CAGR during the forecast period. This is mainly owing to the properties of PEEK such as high strength, lightweight, chemical resistance, dimensional stability, and many others. Due to such properties, PEEK is used in the designing of structural components, such as brackets, fittings, and fasteners. PEEK has a high strength-to-weight ratio and can withstand high loads and stresses. Additionally, PEEK is also used in the designing of electrical components, such as connectors and insulators due to its good electrical insulation properties and can withstand high temperatures. Thus, such factors are increasing the demand for PEEK which will in turn accelerate the growth of the aerospace plastics market.
Based on aircraft type, the market is categorized into commercial, general & business, military, rotary, and others. Among these, the commercial aircraft type is expected to grow with a significant CAGR during the forecast period. This is mainly due to the use of aerospace plastics in the design of interior components, such as seat backs and overhead storage bins. They offer a lightweight and durable alternative to traditional materials while allowing for more design flexibility. Since, Plastics are used in the design of structural components, such as wings and fuselages. They offer a high strength-to-weight ratio and can withstand the stresses of flight while being more resistant to corrosion than traditional materials. Thus, the growing use of commercial aircraft will accelerate the market growth of aerospace plastics.
Based on application, the aerospace plastics market has been classified into cabin interiors, window & windshields, airframe, propulsion system, and others. The cabin interiors category is expected to grow with a significant CAGR during the forecast period. This is mainly owing to the use of aerospace plastics in the design and manufacture of aircraft cabin interiors. As Plastic materials offer several benefits over traditional materials such as metal and wood, including their lightweight, durability, and ability to be molded into complex shapes. Furthermore, aerospace plastics are used to create decorative features in cabin interiors, such as lighting fixtures, seat frames, and even galleys and lavatories. Thus, the increasing use of aerospace plastics in cabin interiors is escalating the growth of the market.
For a better understanding of the market adoption of the Aerospace Plastics industry, the market is analyzed based on its worldwide presence in the countries such as North America (U.S., Canada, Rest of North America), Europe (Germany, U.K., France, Spain, Italy, Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, Rest of Asia-Pacific), Rest of World. North America is expected to lead the market during the forecast period. This is mainly owing to the presence of major aircraft manufacturers such as Boeing, Bombardier, and Airbus having their production facilities and suppliers located in the countries such as U.S., Canada, and Mexico. In addition, in U.S. the existence of major aerospace plastics manufacturers including SABIC, Ensinger, and Victrex are manufacturing a wide range of components, including exterior body panels, interior cabin components, and engine parts. For instance, in Feb 2021, Boeing extended its contract with Diehl Aerospace GmbH, a division of the industry-leading supplier of airplane components, for the supply of the B787 Dreamliner interior lighting system. Diehl Aerospace is continuously improving interior lighting products on aircraft types, and it now provides a new generation of LED systems. Furthermore, Canadian manufacturers are manufacturing a range of components for commercial and military aircraft. For example, companies such as Composites Atlantic, which specializes in the production of composite structures, and Plasticase, which manufactures protective cases for the aviation industry.
Some of the major players operating in the market include: SABIC; Mitsubishi Chemical Group Corporation; Saint Gobain S.A.; PPG Industries; DuPont; Solvay; Evonik Industries AG; BASF SE; Victrex plc; Rochling