海上支援船市場:現況分析與預測(2023-2030)Offshore Support Vessel Market: Current Analysis and Forecast (2023-2030) |
由於離岸風電基礎設施的增加,預計海上支援船市場在預測期內將以超過 5% 的複合年增長率強勁增長。 例如,2022年5月,德國、比利時、荷蘭和丹麥等國計畫在2050年將北海離岸風電容量增加150GW。 chevron也計畫於2023年在Anchor油田建造一座設施,提高石油和天然氣產量,產能為每天75,000桶原油和2,800萬立方英尺天然氣。
依類型劃分,市場分為拋錨拖船供應船、平台供應船、多用途支援船、緊急應變和救援船、船員船等。 2021年,起錨拖船供應船佔據了良好的市場。 這主要是由於其應用範圍廣泛,例如在石油鑽井平台上處理錨、將其拖曳到指定位置、固定錨以及用作緊急應變和救援船。 此外,這些令人印象深刻的船隻還配備了用於重型設備的靈活甲板和具有強大系柱拉力的推進系統,以其在波濤洶湧和冰冷的海洋中的適航性而聞名。 例如,Kongsberg Maritime海事於 2023 年 6 月宣布推出新一代平台供應船 (PSV) 和起錨拖船 (AHT) 設計,配備氨燃料引擎和插電式混合動力選項。
依應用劃分,市場分為石油和天然氣應用和離岸風電應用。 目前,石油和天然氣產業佔有重要的市場份額。 這主要是由於海上油氣田的勘探和生產活動持續高漲。 從石油鑽機檢查到生產,OSV發揮重要作用。 海上支援船是海上石油和天然氣鑽井平台的運輸解決方案,在鑽井平台安裝過程中為操作員提供協助。 此外,隨著北冰洋等深海區域活動的增加,OSV的需求也增加。 此外,深海風力渦輪機專案日益增長的潛力可能會強勁推動市場,因為高風速創造了非常有利的營運環境。 IEA預計,如果採取正確的政策方案和技術成本下降,到2040年,全球離岸風電裝置容量預計將成長15倍,成為價值1兆美元的產業。
依水深不同,市場分為淺水和深水。 目前,深水在兩者的市場份額中都佔有突出的地位,因為主要油田都位於深水。 隨著這些年對石油和天然氣的需求不斷增加,淺水區的碳氫化合物已經枯竭,深水區的勘探和生產活動蓬勃發展。 此外,隨著石油和天然氣需求的增加,企業正在大力投資超深水碳氫化合物勘探,以維持市場需求和供應。 此外,風力渦輪機位於海洋深處,為實現最大效率提供了完美的環境。 根據麥肯錫能源洞察公司的營運和排放基準報告,到 2040 年,深水盆地預計將貢獻至少 700 萬桶/天的全球能源需求(每天 2,400 萬桶)。
為了更了解海上支援船舶產業的市場實施情況,將市場分為北美(美國、加拿大、北美其他地區)、歐洲(德國、英國、俄羅斯、法國、西班牙、歐洲其他地區) )、亞太地區(根據中國、日本、越南、澳洲和亞太地區其他國家的全球分佈進行分析)和世界其他國家。 目前,由於北美地區進行了大量的鑽探、勘探和生產活動,該地區佔有有利的市場份額。 隨著陸上和淺水儲量的成熟,大部分石油和天然氣活動正在轉向深水。 美國等國家的深海勘探和生產活動正在增加。 由於市場上船舶製造商的增加,該地區的 OSV 數量也在增加。 此外,DEME Offshore US 等服務供應商也在該地區開展業務,幫助 Avangrid Renewables 等離岸風電業者運輸和安裝離岸風力渦輪機。
Offshore support vessels (OSVs) or Offshore Supply Vessels are specialized vessels for logistical support of different constructions in the offshore platforms and subsea installations. The offshore support vessels market is growing at a fast rate mainly driven by the rise in different offshore oil and gas exploration and offshore wind infrasturture projects. In addition to this, high exploration and development activities in hydrocarbons in ultra deepwater is also driving the demand for OFSV market. For instance, by March 2022, DEME's specialized floating installation vessel Orion had helped with 62 foundation installations including monopile foundations, transition pieces, offshore substation, and scour protection at the 800 MW Vineyard Wind 1 offshore wind farm in the USA. Therefore, rise in different offshore energy exploration and installation projects is propelling the growth of the offshore support vessels market during the forecast period.
The Offshore Support Vessel Market is expected to grow at a strong CAGR of above 5% during the forecast period owing to increasing offshore wind infrastructure. For instance, in May 2022, countries like Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark have planned to increase the offshore wind capacity in the North Sea by 150 GW by 2050. Again, Chevron in 2023 has planned to increase its increase oil and gas production by constructing a facility at Anchor Field that is expected to have a capacity of 75,000 barrels of crude oil and 28 million cubic feet of natural gas per day.
Based on type, the market has been segmented as anchor handling tug supply vessels, platform supply vessels, multipurpose support vessels, emergency response & rescue vessels, crew vessels and others. In 2021, anchor-handling tug supply vessels held a lucrative market share. This is mainly due to its extensive use like handling the anchor of an oil rig, tow it to the location and anchor it, and it is also used as an emergency response and rescue boat. Further, they have highly flexible decks for heavy duty equipment and a propulsion system designed with powerful bollard pull, these impressive vessels are known for their seakeeping capabilities in rough or icy waters. For instance, in June 2023, Kongsberg Maritime, launched new generation designs for platform supply vessels (PSVs) and anchor handling tugs (AHTs), equipped with ammonia-fuelled engines as well as plug-in hybrid option with the aim to reducing emissions and increasing onboard energy storage.
By application, the market is segmented into oil and gas applications and offshore wind applications. Currently, oil and gas sector occupy a considerable market share. This is mainly owing to ongoing high exploration and production activities in offshore oil and gas fields. Starting from surveying to production from oil rig OSV's play a critical role. Offshore support vessels act as a transportation solution for offshore oil and gas rigs by assisting operators in transporting rigs equipment at the time of rig installation. Moreover, with increasing activities in deepwater like Artic Ocean demand of OSV's rising due to operations carried require OSV's. Further, the rising scope for relishing the wind turbine projects in deepwater, where the high wind speed creates a much favorable environment for operation is likely to drive to market robustly. According to IEA, global offshore wind capacity is projected to increase fifteen-fold to 2040, becoming a $1 trillion industry with adoption of suitable policies scenario and decreasing technology cost
Based on water depth, the market is bifurcated into shallow water and deepwater. Of both, currently deepwater hold the prominent market share due to major oilfields are present in deepwater. Over the years with increasing oil and gas demands hydrocarbons from shallow waters used up thereby giving boom to explorations and productions activates in deepwater. Moreover, with increasing demand for oil and gas, companies are heavily investing in exploration of hydrocarbons in ultra-deepwater to maintain the demand and supply in the market. In addition, wind turbines are located in deepwater which provides the most suitable environment to work at its full efficiency. According to a McKinsey Energy Insights' Operations and Emissions Benchmarks report, deepwater basins are expected to contribute at least 7 MMbbl/d of the total 24 MMbbl/d global energy needs by 2040.
For a better understanding of the market adoption of the offshore support vessels industry, the market is analyzed based on its worldwide presence in the countries such as North America (United States, Canada, Rest of North America), Europe (Germany, UK, Russia, France, Spain, Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Vietnam, Australia, Rest of Asia-Pacific), Rest of World. Currently, North America holds lucrative market share due to large number of drilling, exploration and production activities in the region. As land and shallow water reserves are matured, most oil & gas activities have shifted to deepwater. Deepwater exploration and production activities have increased in countries like USA. OSVs' count is also growing in the region due to an increase in the number of vessel manufacturers in the market. Moreover, presence of offshore support vessel service providers like DEME Offshore US that are operating in the region, thereby helping offshore wind operators like Avangrid Renewables in transport and installation of offshore wind turbines.
Some of the major players operating in the market include: A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S; Bourbon Corporation SA; stensj Rederi AS; MMA Offshore Limited; Harvey Gulf International Marine, LLC; SEACOR Marine Holdings Inc.; Solstad Offshore ASA; Tidewater, Inc.; PACC Offshore Services Holdings Ltd.; Havila Shipping ASA.