核融合市場:現況分析與預測(2030-2040)Nuclear Fusion Market: Current Analysis and Forecast (2030-2040) |
由於政府對核能的資助增加,聚變市場預計將以約 6% 的複合年增長率穩定成長。 此外,隨著對永續能源的需求不斷增長,以及對氣候變遷和化石燃料儲備枯竭的日益關注,核融合可以提供幾乎無限的能源供應,而且不會產生排放,滿足全球能源需求。它已成為主流,因為它具有被利用的潛力。 此外,技術進步顯著提高了核融合的可行性和商業可行性。 等離子體約束、超導磁體和聚變反應器設計的創新促進了更高效、更緊湊的聚變反應器的發展。 這些技術進步正在增強投資者的信心並吸引大量資本進入該行業。 例如,2022 年 12 月,美國能源部宣佈在聚變科學方面取得重大科學進展。 令人驚訝的是,他們獲得了比引起核融合反應所需的更多的能量,展示了突破性的結果。
依技術,市場分為慣性約束和磁約束。 磁約束通常被認為是全世界核融合最有效且高度優選的技術。 磁約束趨勢的主要驅動力是磁約束允許更長時間的持續等離子體約束,這對於實現聚變所需的條件至關重要。 慣性約束通常需要短脈衝,而磁約束則適用於雷射聚變等其他應用。 此外,託卡馬克和仿星器等磁性約束技術具有高度可擴展性,可開發成更大、更強大的設備。 從長遠來看,這種可擴展性將能夠產生更大量的聚變能。 除此之外,磁約束方法可以更好地控制等離子體的形狀和穩定性,從而實現更有效率的反應器設計。 這增加了控制聚變反應和最大化能量輸出的能力。
根據燃料,市場分為氘氚、氘、氘氦-3 和質子硼。 目前,全球最高效、最受青睞的聚變燃料似乎是氘-氚 (D-T) 燃料組合。 氘是氫的同位素,在海水中很容易獲得且含量豐富。 另一方面,氚在自然界中並不存在,必須在聚變反應器中產生或生長。 然而,氚可以從相對豐富的鋰中生產。 此外,D-T聚變需要最低的溫度才能實現聚變,與其他燃料組合相比,實現和維持聚變相對容易。 除此之外,與其他燃料組合相比,D-T聚變具有最高的單位質量能量輸出。 這種高能量輸出有助於其作為商業聚變發電燃料的普及。
為了更了解融合的市場介紹,市場為北美(美國、加拿大等北美地區)、歐洲(德國、英國、法國、西班牙、義大利等歐洲地區)和亞太地區(中國,根據在世界其他地區(日本、印度、亞太其他地區)和世界其他地區的全球影響力進行分析。 歐洲取得了顯著進展,被廣泛認為是聚變發電領域的領導者。 許多因素促進了歐洲在這一領域的進步,其中一個著名的例子是國際熱核實驗反應器(ITER)。 作為ITER計畫的東道國,歐洲擁有世界上最大的聚變實驗設施,位於法國。 這項合作涉及 35 個國家,其中包括幾個歐洲國家,並顯著加強了歐洲作為核融合研究領導者的地位。 此外,歐洲在致力於推動聚變能源的研究機構和大學之間建立了強有力的夥伴關係。 歐洲聚變發展協議 (EFDA) 和 EUROfusion 聯盟是此類合作的典型例子,它們匯集了科學家、工程師和資源來推動聚變能源的發展。 此外,英國的歐洲聯合環面 (JET) 和德國的溫德爾斯坦 7-X 設施等設施在歐洲核融合研究的領導地位中發揮著至關重要的作用。
Nuclear fusion, in the context of physics and energy production, refers to a process in which two or more atomic nuclei join together to form a new, heavier nucleus. This merging of atomic nuclei releases an immense amount of energy. It is the fundamental mechanism by which stars, including our Sun, generate heat and light. Nuclear fusion has the potential to revolutionize energy production due to numerous benefits. It produces vast amounts of energy, is virtually limitless in terms of fuel availability, and generates significantly less radioactive waste compared to nuclear fission (the splitting of heavy atomic nuclei). Furthermore, fusion reactions do not release greenhouse gases or contribute to the long-lived radioactive waste associated with conventional power sources.
The Nuclear Fusion Market is expected to grow at a steady CAGR of around 6% owing to the increased government funding for nuclear energy. Furthermore, the increasing need for sustainable energy sources and rising concerns over climate change and depleting fossil fuel reserves have catapulted nuclear fusion into the mainstream due to its potential to provide an emission-free, virtually limitless energy supply, addressing global energy demands. Moreover, advancements in technology have significantly enhanced the feasibility and commercial viability of nuclear fusion. Innovations in plasma confinement, superconducting magnets, and fusion reactor designs have led to the development of more efficient and compact fusion reactors. These technological advancements have bolstered investor confidence and attracted substantial funding to the sector. For instance, in December 2022, a significant scientific advancement in nuclear fusion science was announced by the U.S. Department of Energy. Remarkably, the fusion reaction yielded more energy than the amount required to initiate it, marking a groundbreaking achievement.
Based on technology, the market is bifurcated into inertial confinement and magnetic confinement. Magnetic confinement is generally considered the most efficient and highly preferred technology for global nuclear fusion. The primary factor responsible for this inclination towards magnetic confinement is that, they allow for sustained plasma confinement over longer durations, which is essential for achieving the conditions required for nuclear fusion. While inertial confinement typically involves short-duration pulses that are more suitable for other applications, such as laser fusion. Furthermore, magnetic confinement technologies, such as tokamaks and stellarators, are more scalable and can be developed into larger and more powerful devices. This scalability enables the production of more significant amounts of fusion energy in the long run. In addition to this, The magnetic confinement approach provides better control over the shape and stability of the plasma, allowing for more efficient reactor designs. This enhances the ability to control fusion reactions and maximize energy output.
Based on fuels, the market is segmented into deuterium-tritium, deuterium, deuterium helium3, and proton boron. The most efficient and highly preferred fuel for nuclear fusion globally currently seems to be the deuterium-tritium (D-T) fuel combination. Primary factors that are responsible for this include abundance, where deuterium, an isotope of hydrogen, is readily available in seawater, making it abundant. Tritium, on the other hand, is not naturally occurring and needs to be produced or bred within the fusion reactor. However, tritium can be bred from lithium, which is also relatively abundant. Furthermore, D-T fusion has the lowest temperature requirements for achieving fusion, making it relatively easier to achieve and sustain compared to other fuel combinations. In addition to this, D-T fusion offers the highest energy output per unit mass compared to other fuel combinations. This higher energy output contributes to its preference as a fuel for commercial fusion power generation.
For a better understanding of the market adoption of nuclear fusion, the market is analyzed based on its worldwide presence in countries such as North America (The U.S., Canada, and the Rest of North America), Europe (Germany, The U.K., France, Spain, Italy, Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, Rest of Asia-Pacific), Rest of World. Europe has made remarkable strides and is widely recognized as a frontrunner in the realm of nuclear fusion power generation. Numerous factors have contributed to Europe's progress in this domain, with one notable example being the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). As the host of the ITER project, Europe boasts the world's largest experimental fusion facility, situated in France. This collaborative endeavor involves 35 countries, including several European nations, and has significantly bolstered Europe's position as a leader in nuclear fusion research. Moreover, Europe has fostered robust partnerships among research institutions and universities dedicated to advancing fusion energy. The European Fusion Development Agreement (EFDA) and the EUROfusion consortium are prime illustrations of such collaborations, uniting scientists, engineers, and resources for the advancement of fusion energy. Additionally, Europe's research infrastructure for nuclear fusion is firmly established, with facilities like the Joint European Torus (JET) in the United Kingdom and the Wendelstein 7-X facility in Germany playing pivotal roles in Europe's leadership in fusion research.
Some of the major players operating in the market include First Light Fusion Ltd; Zap Energy Inc.; Renaissance Fusion; Lockheed Martin Corporation; TAE Technologies, Inc.; Commonwealth Fusion Systems; Marvel Fusion GmbH; General Fusion; KYOTO FUSIONEERING LTD.; and Tokamak Energy Ltd