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賽車模擬器市場:現狀分析與未來預測(2024-2032)Racing Simulator Market: Current Analysis and Forecast (2024-2032) |
預計賽車模擬器市場在預測期內將達到 15.32% 的穩定成長率。遊戲對模擬體驗的需求不斷增長以及虛擬實境(VR)和運動模擬系統等即將出現的先進技術最終促進了賽車模擬器市場的成長。賽車模擬器透過提供高度逼真和準確的模擬條件,在遊戲、電子競技和專業駕駛員訓練中發揮重要作用。賽車模擬器透過模擬真實駕駛場景的精確回饋機制提供更多的參與和技能發展。其他趨勢包括電子競技活動和線上賽車錦標賽的日益普及,以及監管機構越來越多地使用賽車模擬器進行駕駛員培訓和測試。此外,針對一般使用者來說,緊湊、廉價的家用模擬器的需求也日益增加。例如,2023 年 5 月,UNIT 1 推出了 AURA 智慧自行車系統,這是一套針對騎乘者的全面安全解決方案。該系統配備智慧混合頭盔,帶有燈光、碰撞偵測、方向燈和煞車燈。該系統配備可自動調節不同顏色的智慧前燈和後燈、可同時控制所有設備的導航遙控器以及用於個人化和能源管理的行動應用程式。該裝置專為城市騎行和公共道路而設計,旨在提高騎行者的可見度和可預測性,同時提高各種騎行區域的安全性。
根據模擬器類型,賽車模擬器市場分為緊湊型/入門級模擬器、中型模擬器和全尺寸模擬器。緊湊型/入門級模擬器市場將在 2023 年成為市場上最大的市場,並且在未來的預測期內仍將保持這一地位。主要因素在於其價格實惠,從而吸引了許多潛在用戶,包括休閒遊戲玩家和賽車模擬器領域的新手。與中型或全尺寸模擬器不同,緊湊型模擬器提供逼真的賽車體驗,價格相當實惠,從而吸引了注重成本的消費者。電子競技、賽車遊戲和參與者的興起刺激了對緊湊型模擬器的需求增加,使用者可以透過這種設備以相對較低的成本獲得引人入勝的體驗。隨著技術的不斷進步,對緊湊型模擬器的要求(例如更好的力回饋、圖形、更具沉浸感的遊戲體驗)不斷提高,而成本僅為大型模擬器佔地面積的一小部分。
根據車輛類型,賽車模擬器市場分為乘用車和商用車。 2023 年,乘用車市場佔據了賽車模擬器市場的主導地位,預計在整個預測期內仍將保持主導地位。成長背後的主要因素是世界各地的人們都希望支持一級方程式賽車、納斯卡賽車和拉力賽等賽車運動。這些運動很受歡迎並且擁有大批粉絲。該模擬器適合此類賽車運動,其設計注重速度、精度和逼真的駕駛物理,對休閒遊戲玩家和專業電競賽車手都具有吸引力。這些汽車模擬器重現了著名的汽車和賽道。這將使我們更加接近真正的賽車賽事。例如,F1 模擬器應該讓使用者沉浸在高速賽道的世界中,並結合先進的車輛動力學,提供令人驚嘆的逼真體驗。此外,遊戲開發商和模擬器製造商經常與賽車運動組織合作,提供授權內容,進一步促進了乘用車模擬的成長趨勢。
依產品類型,市場分為硬體和軟體。其中,硬體領域在 2023 年佔據市場主導地位,預計在預測期內將繼續引領市場。賽車方向盤、踏板、座椅和駕駛艙等硬體組件對於提供逼真、身臨其境的模擬體驗如此重要,是因為這些硬體設定通常需要配備力回饋方向盤和運動平台,專業賽車手和真正的愛好者希望模擬真實世界的條件。高品質的硬體模擬了現實生活中的基本方面,例如道路振動、轉向阻力和加速力,使用戶能夠在模擬中更好地感知自己。例如,Logitech、Fanatec 和 Thrustmaster 繼續推出具有增強觸覺功能的賽車方向盤,從而提高了採用率。具有運動系統和虛擬實境頭戴式設備的完整模擬器正在被專業培訓機構廣泛採用,從而推動了硬體領域的驚人成長。
依組件,市場細分為方向盤、踏板組、變速箱變速桿、座椅、顯示器支架、駕駛艙等。方向盤領域在 2023 年佔據主導地位,預計在預測期內仍將保持領先地位。方向盤模擬了真實駕駛物理中常見的現象,借助先進的力回饋技術,提供了深入的模擬賽車體驗,甚至可以感受到觸覺。這使得用戶不僅可以感受到路面,還可以感受到車輛的轉彎反應,這使其成為休閒遊戲玩家和嚴肅賽車手的必備裝備。電子競技和有組織的賽車聯盟的迅速崛起大大增加了對高端方向盤和周邊設備的需求,例如國際汽聯認可的 Gran Turismo 錦標賽中使用的方向盤和周邊設備。 Logitech、Thrustmaster 和 Fanatec 都在開發創新的轉向底座,具有雙電機力回饋、個人化動作限制和多人相容性等功能。例如,2024 年 10 月,考斯沃斯與 SimRep Engineering 合作推出了 CCW Mk2 Pro Sim 方向盤,這是一款用於賽車運動和模擬賽車之間賽道的未來設備。這款新一代方向盤融入了考斯沃斯在賽車運動技術方面的專業知識,專為沉浸式模擬訓練而設計,可複製真實的賽車體驗。該方向盤還與賽車模擬器的入門級和中端系統中的踏板組一起出售,進一步提高了它的知名度。此外,越來越多的賽車運動愛好者尋求娛樂和訓練目的的真正的模擬體驗,使方向盤成為市場上的首選材料。
為了更深入瞭解賽車模擬器市場,我們根據北美(美國、加拿大和北美其他地區)、歐洲(德國、英國、法國、義大利、西班牙和歐洲其他地區)、亞太地區(中國、日本、印度和亞太其他地區)和世界其他地區的全球影響力對市場進行了分析。預計預測期內北美賽車模擬器市場將佔據主導地位。推動市場成長的關鍵因素包括強大的賽車運動文化、遊戲技術的進步以及模擬器在專業賽車訓練和電子競技中的日益廣泛的使用。例如,該地區是美國納斯卡賽車和一級方程式賽車賽事的舉辦地,這些賽事越來越多地在其駕駛員準備計劃中使用這種模擬技術。強大的電競基礎設施也推動了該地區對賽車模擬器的需求,使得 iRacing 系列賽等比賽在愛好者中廣受歡迎。羅技和 Playseat 等公司正忙於創新並針對北美消費者推出客製化的沉浸式模擬器設定。例如,2023 年 11 月,D-BOX Technologies 與賽車和飛行模擬駕駛艙的全球領導者 Playseat (R) 合作,將 D-BOX 的觸覺技術整合到 Playseat (R) 的賽車和飛行模擬平台中。透過此次合作,Playseat (R) D-BOX 動態平台旨在透過同步運動、振動和紋理效果來提供逼真的沉浸式體驗。此次合作旨在利用兩家公司的專業知識及其作為國際汽車聯合會 (FIA) 官方授權合作夥伴的地位,增強模擬賽車和飛行模擬的真實感。該平台將 Playseat 的創新設計與 D-BOX 的先進觸覺技術相結合,有望重新定義遊戲和專業模擬體驗的標準,進一步加強 D-BOX 在娛樂領域的地位以及 Playseat 作為模擬設備先驅的聲譽。此外,使用 VR 和 AR 的模擬器的趨勢正在進一步改善用戶體驗並有助於推動該市場的滲透。優質產品在亞馬遜和百思買等各種商店中均可輕鬆買到,有助於它們在該地區市場持續佔據主導地位。
市場的主要參與者包括 CXC SIMULATIONS、Track Racer、SimXperience、Vesaro、VI-grade GmbH、Cruden BV、SIMWORX Pty Ltd.、Playseat、Next Level Racing 和 SimCraft。
The Racing Simulator Market is witnessing a steady growth rate of 15.32% within the forecast period. The increasing demands for experiencing simulation in gaming and upcoming advanced technologies such as virtual reality (VR) and motion simulation systems eventually supplement the growth of the racing simulator market. Racing simulators fulfill the purpose and accompany highly realistic and accurate simulation conditions in gaming, e-sports, and professional driver training. Racing simulators provide more engagement and skill improvement with accurate feedback mechanisms that simulate real driving scenarios. Apart from it, other trending factors include increasing fame of E-sports events and online racing tournaments, along with a growing number of utilizations for racing simulators in driver training and testing in enforcement agencies. Furthermore, the market is exhibiting a greater demand for compact and cheaper home simulators to target the casual user. For instance, in May 2023, UNIT 1 unveiled the AURA Smart Cycling System, a comprehensive safety solution for cyclists. The system has an intelligent hybrid helmet able to function with lights, crash detection, turn signals, as well as brake lights. It comes with smart front and rear lights that are automatically adjustable with different colors and a navigation remote for simultaneous control of all devices together with a mobile app for personalization and energy management. This device is engineered for urban riding as well as road riding; its intended aim is to enhance rider visibility and predictability while also improving safety across different riding domains.
Based on simulator type, the racing simulator market is segmented into Compact/ Entry-Level Simulator, Medium-level Simulator, and Full-Scale Simulator. In 2023, the compact/entry-level simulator segment was the largest in the market and would remain the same even in the forthcoming forecast period. The major factors primarily attributed is the broad affordability, making them appealing for so many potential users such as casual gamers and novices joining the racing simulator scene. The compact simulators are rather budget-friendly, offering realistic racing experiences unlike medium-level or full-blown simulators, so they can be attracted to cost-conscious consumers. Increasing e-sports, motorsport game activities, and their participation have all fueled an increased demand for compact simulators as a means through which users access entry into absorption experiences at relatively low costs. The continued surge in technology also continues to improve the requirements expected from compact simulators, such as better force feedback, graphics, and more ingressive gameplay, compared to a very small fraction of the costs of larger simulator footprints.
Based on vehicle type, the racing simulator market is segmented into passenger cars and commercial vehicles. The passenger cars segment dominates the racing simulator market in 2023 and is expected to retain its dominance throughout the forecast period. The major factors contributing to the growth include the people around the world wanting to endorse motor racing like Formula 1, NASCAR, or rally racing. These sport types are familiar and have great fanfare. A simulator has its place for such motorsports designed around speed, precision, and realistic driving physics; it's as appealing to casual gamers as to professional e-sports racers. Such simulators for passenger cars would recreate the famous cars and tracks. It would take them even closer to real-world motorsport events. For example, Formula 1 simulators should let the user enter the world of high-speed circuits coupled with advanced vehicle dynamics, offering a real breathtaking experience. Moreover, game developers and simulator manufacturers often establish collaborations with motorsport organizations in order to make available licensed content, which again has major contributions to the growing passenger car simulation trend.
Based on offering, the market is segmented into hardware and software. Among these, the hardware segment dominated the market in 2023 and is expected to continue leading during the forecast period. The reason for the dominance of hardware components like racing wheels and pedals, seats, and cockpits in delivering a realistic and immersive experience of simulation is that these hardware setups should have force-feedback steering wheels and motion platforms attached to them, which are desired by professional racers and true enthusiasts for mimicking real-world conditions. High quality hardware allows users to better perceive themselves in the simulation as it simulates essential real-life aspects such as road vibrations, steering resistance, and acceleration forces. For instance, Logitech, Fanatec, and Thrustmaster have been very active in continuously launching racing wheels with haptic enhancements that have increased adoption. Complete simulators with motion systems and VR headsets have witnessed intensive growth in uptake by professional training organizations, which have contributed to the phenomenal growth in the hardware segment.
Based on components, the market is segmented into steering wheel, pedal sets, gearbox shifters, seats, monitor stand, cockpits, and others. The steering wheel segment has dominated in 2023 and is projected to maintain its leadership during the forecast period. Steering wheels provide the experience of simulated racing to such depth, which typically mimics that observed in real driving physics and even feels the tactile sensations with the help of advanced force feedback technologies. This allows users to experience the feel of the road as well as feel the vehicle respond to turns, hence, making it mandatory equipment for leisure gamers and serious racers alike. The very rapid proliferation of eSports and organized racing leagues has caused a massive increase in the demand for high-end steering wheels and peripherals, such as those used for the FIA-certified Gran Turismo Championships. Logitech, Thrustmaster, and Fanatec have all developed their innovation-steering bases with dual-motor force feedback, personalized action limit, and multiplayer compatibility. For instance, in October 2024, Cosworth, along with SimRep Engineering, launched the CCW Mk2 Pro Sim steering wheel, a futuristic device for the track between motorsport and simulation racing. This next-generation wheel incorporates Cosworth's expertise in motorsport technology and is designed for immersive simulation training, replicating the experience of real-world racing. The steering wheels are sold with pedal sets in entry-level and mid-end systems for racing simulators, which increase their penetration further. Increasing in the segment is also a growing number of motorsport fans seeking word-for-word simulation experiences for entertainment and training purposes making the steering wheel the number one ingredient in the market.
Based on sales channels, the market is segmented into online and offline. The online segment has dominated the market, is expected to behave in the same way in the forecast period. The major factors contributing for the growth of the segment is mainly due to the increasing penetration of e-commerce platforms and the convenience it offers to the consumer. The diversity of products, competitive prices, and comprehensive reviews given on the web will provide buyers the opportunity and only the facts to be able to make buying decisions themselves. Global e-shopping has grown along with e-simulator retail sites that can give consumers all varieties of the newest technology and tailor it to their needs according to region. Consumers have begun to prefer online channels because of the convenience of home delivery and the multiple discounts offered. With this pandemic, it would have been the potential trigger that hastened this trend. The lockdowns didn't t allow physical visits and created vacuums inside, to be filled through the expansion of e commerce and the purchases-prevalence of high-value items such as racing simulators. Much of the action has taken place on Amazon and specialty gaming sites, with soaring numbers in both entry- and professional-grade simulation sales.
For a better understanding of the market of the racing simulator market, the market is analyzed based on its worldwide presence in countries such as North America (The US, Canada, and Rest of North America), Europe (Germany, The UK, France, Italy, Spain, Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, Rest of Asia-Pacific), Rest of World. The North America racing simulator market is expected to dominate in the forecast period. The major factors contributing to the growth of the market are the strong motorsport culture, advancements in gaming technology, and ever-growing usage of simulators in professional racing training and e-sports are some of the factors driving the growth. For instance, the region is hub of NASCAR and Formula events in the United States, wherein this simulation technology is increasingly used in driver preparation programs. The demand for racing simulators in the region has also been stirred up by the robust e-sports infrastructure that has made competitions such as the iRacing Series a favorite among enthusiasts. Companies like Logitech and Playseat are thus busy innovating and releasing such immersive simulator setups customized for the North American consumer. For instance, in November 2023, D-BOX Technologies partnered with Playseat(R), a global leader in racing and flying simulation cockpits, to integrate D-BOX's haptic technology into Playseat(R)'s racing and flight simulation platforms. The collaboration introduces the Playseat(R) D-BOX Motion Platform, designed to deliver a realistic and immersive experience by synchronizing motion, vibration, and texture effects. This partnership aims to enhance the realism in sim racing and flight simulations, leveraging both companies' expertise and their status as official license partners of the FIA (Federation Internationale de l'Automobile). By combining Playseat(R)'s innovative designs with D-BOX's advanced haptic technology, the platform is expected to redefine the standards for gaming and professional simulation experiences, further strengthening D-BOX's position in the entertainment sector and Playseat(R)'s reputation as a pioneer in simulation gear. Additionally, the growing trends on VR and AR-based simulators take the user experience even further and accommodate penetration in this market. There is a continued sustained domination of the market in the region, as premium products are easily accessible in different outlets such as Amazon and Best Buy.
Some of the major players operating in the market include CXC SIMULATIONS, Track Racer, SimXperience, Vesaro, VI-grade GmbH, Cruden BV, SIMWORX Pty Ltd., Playseat, Next Level Racing, and SimCraft.