

Bicycle Accessories Market: Current Analysis and Forecast (2024-2032)

出版日期: | 出版商: UnivDatos Market Insights Pvt Ltd | 英文 142 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內


預計預測期內自行車配件市場將達到 7.49% 的穩定成長率。騎自行車作為交通和娛樂方式的增加、電子商務銷售額的成長以及環保意識的增強是推動自行車配件市場成長的一些因素。自行車配件產品的電子賣家認識到頭盔、燈、鎖、包包等物品對於騎乘者的安全、方便和舒適的重要性。騎自行車的人的安全意識越來越強,這對高品質的頭盔和反光裝備產生了需求。製造商正在利用先進的材料來增加舒適度,同時減輕防護負擔。產業需求將促使大型製造商擴大生產能力以滿足需求。例如,台灣主要自行車製造商Giant集團將於2024年4月在越南平陽省額外投資1.2億美元。Giant初期投資6,000萬美元,目前已成功在越南新加坡工業園區(VSIP)II-A建設工廠,年產能達100萬輛自行車。該投資將用於資助 VSIP III 的額外生產設施建設,使 Giant 能夠擴大其在該地區的生產能力。網上購物的轉變也使消費者能夠買到自行車零件和配件。這將促使零售商進一步投資於改進的、用戶友好的網站設計和物流,以進入不斷增長的線上市場。

自行車配件市場按產品細分為服裝和零件。截至 2023 年,零件部分將成為自行車配件市場中最大的部分,並且在未來的預測期內仍將保持這一地位。這些零件不僅在提高自行車的性能和耐用性方面有其獨特的用途,而且它們還廣泛可用且具有成本效益。鞍座、踏板和車把等零件對於騎乘者的舒適度和效率至關重要。 2022 年,Shimano 重新發佈了 12 速 105 R7100 套件,除了去年推出的 Di2(電子)元件外,還配備可選的機械變速功能。新款 Shimano 105 R7100 機械 12 速套件僅相容於液壓碟式煞車,但其成本遠低於電子控制套件,成本優勢非常明顯。此外,隨著道路上的電動自行車數量越來越多,對高品質電動專用零件的需求也日益增長,包括電動傳動系統、電動馬達、電池和耐用輪胎。專用零件對於維持電動自行車的功能和使用壽命至關重要,電動自行車最常用於城市通勤和休閒健行。

根據自行車的類型,市場分為登山車、專業自行車、混合動力自行車、公路車和其他自行車。 2023 年的市場區隔中,公路車領域佔據市場主導地位,預計在預測期內將繼續佔據主導地位。隨著對健身和永續旅行的需求不斷增長,越來越多的人將公路自行車作為最快、最高效和最通用的城市交通方式。這促使對公路車配件(例如輕型車輪、空氣動力學車把和尖端傳動系統)的需求增加。例如,2024 年 5 月,Factor Bikes 透露將為其主要型號(包括 OSTRO VAM、O2 VAM、O2、LS 和 OSTRO Gravel)配備新升級的 SRAM Red AXS eTap 套件。此次合作旨在透過 SRAM 的空氣動力學和人體工學設計的自行車補充其先進的無線變速技術。它採用精緻的人體工學設計,改進的齒輪比和整合的功率計,為騎乘者提供更有效率、更靈敏的騎乘體驗。道路變得越來越智慧。例子包括先進的支援 GPS 的自行車電腦、功率計,甚至複雜的照明系統。例如,2023年8月,最值得信賴的高品質自行車配件製造商之一Lezyne推出了其尖端的LED產品線。該公司的最新產品完全由公司內部構思和設計,旨在為騎乘者提供最佳的照明體驗。這款最新產品具有前所未有的運行時間、先進的散熱功能、創新的光學鏡頭設計和防水 USB-C 充電端口,可提供最佳的性能、耐用性和風格。這些燈肯定會給最挑剔的騎士留下深刻印象。

依類型,市場分為 OEM 和售後市場。售後市場是 2023 年自行車配件市場的領先部分,並將在預測期內繼續保持領先地位。售後市場佔據自行車配件行業的最大佔有率,因為它滿足從休閒到競技的各種騎行者的自行車增強、維修和更換需求。隨著越來越多的騎乘者尋求使用高品質、耐用和技術創新的零件來改進自行車的方法,這一領域仍然是最成功的。其他因素,如騎自行車作為鍛鍊方式、電動自行車的銷量和使用量不斷增長以及山地自行車和公路自行車比賽的不斷提高,也在推動售後零件的銷售。但與僅在銷售點安裝零件的 OEM 市場不同,售後市場擁有各種各樣的產品,消費者可以根據他們的行駛距離和遇到的地形類型來修改他們的自行車,包括智慧型設備,如支援 GPS 的電腦、功率計、先進的傳動系統和專用輪胎。對永續性和效率的追求也催生了自行車維修文化,人們不斷訂購更換鏈條、煞車片和鞍座。

根據銷售管道,自行車配件市場分為線上和線下。 2023 年,線上細分市場將呈現最快的成長速度,預計在預測期內仍將維持這一趨勢。這一增長背後的主要因素是互聯網的廣泛使用和數位化的進步、產品選擇的廣泛性和易於比較等。隨著網路的普及,消費者行為日益數位化。如今,大多數騎行者,無論是專業騎行者還是普通騎行者,都喜歡在網上購物,並足不出戶地尋找產品。此線上系統擁有豐富的自行車配件目錄,包括零件、服裝和智慧設備。這使得消費者可以輕鬆地比較品牌、功能和價格。當然,在傳統商店購物更可取。您隨時可以透過送貨方式購買。它為消費者節省了時間。由於全天候可訪問性、產品評論和高度詳細的描述,線上平台對忙碌的人更有吸引力。造訪電子商務網站的顧客會注意到更優惠的價格、季節性折扣和捆綁銷售。忠誠度計劃和令人興奮的折扣會影響消費者選擇網上購物。


市場的主要參與者包括 Axel Group、Avon、SHIMANO INC.、Garmin Ltd.、Giant Bicycles India、Trek Bicycle Corporation、MERIDA BIKES、Specialized Bicycle Components, Inc.、DT Swiss 和 Endura Limited。


第一章 市場介紹

  • 市場定義
  • 主要目的
  • 利害關係人
  • 限制

第 2 章 研究方法或假設

  • 研究過程
  • 研究方法
  • 受訪者資料

第 3 章執行摘要

  • 產業摘要
  • 各細分市場的展望
    • 市場成長強勁
  • 區域展望

第 4 章 市場動態

  • 驅動程式
  • 機會
  • 阻礙因素
  • 趨勢
  • PESTEL 分析
  • 需求方分析
  • 供給面分析
    • 合併和收購
    • 投資場景
    • 產業洞察:領先的新創公司及其獨特策略

第 5 章 定價分析

  • 按地區進行價格分析
  • 影響價格的因素

第六章 2022-2032 年全球自行車配件市場收入

第 7 章。
  • 服飾
  • 元件

第 8 章。
  • 登山車
  • 專業自行車
  • 油電混合自行車
  • 公路車
  • 其他

第 9 章 市場洞察:按類型

  • 製造商
  • 售後市場

1號第 0 章 市場洞察:按銷售管道
  • 在線
  • 離線

第 11 章市場洞察:按地區

  • 北美洲
    • 美國
    • 加拿大
    • 其他北美地區
  • 歐洲
    • 德國
    • 英國
    • 法國
    • 義大利
    • 西班牙
    • 其他歐洲地區
  • 亞太地區
    • 中國
    • 日本
    • 印度
    • 澳大利亞
    • 其他亞太地區
  • 世界其他地區

第 12 章 價值鏈分析

  • 邊際分析
  • 市場參與者名單

第 13 章 競爭格局

  • 競爭資訊中心
  • 競爭市場定位分析
  • 波特五力分析

第 14 章 公司簡介

  • 加速集團
    • 公司概況
    • 主要財務數據
    • SWOT 分析
    • 產品組合
    • 最新動態
  • Avon
  • Garmin Ltd.
  • Giant Bicycles India
  • Trek Bicycle Corporation
  • Specialized Bicycle Components, Inc.
  • DT Swiss
  • Endura Limited

第 15 章 縮寫與先決條件

第 16 章附錄

Product Code: UMAU213129

The Bicycle Accessories Market is witnessing a steady growth rate of 7.49% within the forecast period. Increased cycling for transport and recreation as well as higher e-commerce sales combined with more environmental awareness have all contributed to the growth of the bicycle accessories market. E-sellers of bicycle accessories products recognize the importance of items such as helmets, lights, locks, and bags for safety, convenience, and comfort for cyclists. The growing tendency and focus on safety as regards cyclists is increasing the demand for quality helmets and reflective gear. Manufacturers are leveraging advanced materials to reduce the burden on protection while enhancing comfort. Industry demand leads to capacity expansion from major manufacturers to fulfill the demand. For instance, in April 2024, Giant Group, a leading Taiwanese bicycle manufacturer, will invest an additional USD 120 million in Vietnam's Binh Duong province. Following an initial and successful investment of USD 60 million, Giant now has a factory located in the Vietnam-Singapore Industrial Park (VSIP) II-A, boasting an annual production capacity of one million bicycles. The newer investment will fund the construction of a further production facility in VSIP III to enable Giant to expand its production capacity in the region. The shift towards online shopping has equally made bicycle parts and accessories available to consumers. This will see retailers investing further in improved and user-friendly site designs and logistics to tap the ever-increasing online market.

Based on the product, the bicycle accessories market is segmented into apparel and components. In 2023, the component segment was the largest in the market and would remain the same even in the forthcoming forecast period. As components are widely available and cost-effective, besides having applications of their own in the performance enhancement and durability of bicycles. Components such as saddle, pedal, and handlebar are critical in rider comfort and efficiency. In 2022, Shimano relaunched the 12-speed 105 R7100 group set with mechanical shifting as an option in addition to the Di2 (electronic) elements that came out the year before. The cost benefits come very clearly as the new Shimano 105 R7100 Mechanical 12-speed groupset is compatible with only hydraulic disc brakes, but it is way below the cost of its electronic alter ego. Moreover, because of the increasing number of e-bikes on the road, the demand for higher quality components that are specific for use in electric including electric drivetrains, motors, batteries, and very durable tires-has increased specialized components are important for the upheld functionality and longevity of these e-bikes most preferred for urban commuting and recreational hiking.

Based on bicycle type, the market is segmented into mountain bikes, professional bikes, hybrid bikes, road bikes, and others. The road bike segment dominated the bicycle accessories market in 2023 and is expected to dominate in the forecast period. As the demands for fitness and sustainable transport grow, more people have embraced road biking as the quickest, most efficient, and versatile way of urban travel. This, in turn, has stimulated the specific demand for accessories associated with road bikes, including lightweight wheels, aerodynamic handlebars, and state-of-the-art drivetrain systems. For instance, in May 2024, Factor Bikes revealed the outfitting of its leading models, including the OSTRO VAM, O2 VAM, O2, LS, and OSTRO Gravel, with the newly upgraded SRAM Red AXS eTap groupset. The collaboration intends to supplement their performance alongside the aerodynamic and ergonomic designs of their bicycles with advanced wireless shifting technology from SRAM. It consists of refined ergonomics, improved gear ratios, and integrated power meters that deliver a more efficient and responsive cycling experience for its riders. Roads are becoming more intelligent. GPS-enabled augmented cycling computers, power meters, and even complex lighting systems are just a few examples. For instance, in August 2023, Lezyne, one of the most reliable manufacturers and providers of high-quality cycling accessories revealed its new state-of-the-art LED product line. This newest offering from the house is entirely conceived and engineered in-house for the best experience that could be provided to cyclists in lighting. The latest offering has unprecedented run times, advanced heat dissipation, a novel optical lens design, and a waterproof USB-C charging port, which makes it provisioned with the best performance, durability, and style. These lights are sure to behold even the most demanding riders.

Based on type, the market is segmented into OEM and Aftermarket. The aftermarket is the major segment in the bicycle accessories market in 2023 and remains the leading segment during the forecast period. Aftermarket accounted for the largest share in the bicycle accessories industry as it meets the requirements of bike enhancement and repair/replacement across bicycle users ranging from recreational to competitive ones. This segment remains the most successful because more cyclists are looking for ways to improve their bicycles using high-quality, long-lasting, and technologically innovative parts. Other influences, including cycling as exercise, the growth of e-bicycle sales and usage, and improved mountain and road bicycle competitions, have also fueled aftermarket parts sales. However, unlike the OEM segment that involves only those components installed at the point of sale, the aftermarket has a wide range of offerings such as smart devices like GPS-enabled computers, power meters, advanced drivetrain systems, specialized tires, and many more that the consumers need to modify the bikes according to the distance they need to travel and the type of terrain they are going to encounter. Also, cycling repair culture has emerged, because charging for sustainability and efficiency, constantly orders replacement number one chains, number two brake pads, and number three saddles.

Based on sales channel, the bicycle accessories market is segmented into online and offline. In 2023, the online segment shows the fastest growth grade and is expected to behave the same in the forecast period. The major factors contributing to the growth are the increased internet penetration and digitalization, wide product variety & easy comparison, and others. The internet is more readily available, and the behavior of consumers is more and more digitalized; therefore, online shopping has become easier and more convenient. These days, most cyclists-from the serious ones to the relaxed ones-are going to do their shopping via online stores, looking for products in the comfort of their own homes. Online systems run an enormous catalog of bicycle accessories that include components, apparel, and smart devices. This gives consumers the chance to compare brands, features, and prices without hassle. Of course, it will be much preferable to shop in a conventional store. There is buying power anytime with home delivery. There is a time saving for consumers. Features such as accessing it 24 hours a day, product reviews, and very detailed descriptions make online platforms almost more attractive for busy people. They are packed with benefits, customers who visit e-commerce websites find themselves with better prices, seasonal discounts, and bundling. Consumers are influenced into choosing online shopping by loyalty programs and exciting discounts.

For a better understanding of the market of the bicycle accessories market, the market is analyzed based on its worldwide presence in countries such as North America (The US, Canada, and Rest of North America), Europe (Germany, The UK, France, Italy, Spain, Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, Australia, Rest of Asia-Pacific), Rest of World. The Asia Pacific bicycle accessories market is expected to dominate in the forecast period. The major factors contributing to the growth of the market are the growing urbanization and rising consciousness towards the sustainable and affordable means of transport among citizens. Such overwhelming concerns about road traffic and air pollution have popularized bicycles as a green alternative, especially in countries like China, India, and Japan. Increased bicycle use would, therefore, directly spur the demand for accessories such as helmets, lights, locks, and repair kits, since consumers always seek safety and convenience. Additionally, the manufacturing base for bicycles and accessories in this part of the continent presents a competitive advantage. Several of the largest bicycle manufacturers in the world have production units in the Asia Pacific; among them are manufacturers in China and Taiwan. Thus, a cheaper manufacturing cost coupled with supply chain efficiency boosts the competitive standing of the above markets. Local and international brands have also invested hugely in innovation into products and e-commerce channels to their consumer base. Further government promotion of cycling infrastructures and safety enhances the market. For example, dedicated bike lanes and sharing systems have been developed in many of the major cities in Asia, which further spur adoption and, by extension, accessory segmentation.

Some of the major players operating in the market include Accell Group, Avon, SHIMANO INC., Garmin Ltd., Giant Bicycles India, Trek Bicycle Corporation, MERIDA BIKES, Specialized Bicycle Components, Inc., DT Swiss, and Endura Limited.



  • 1.1. Market Definitions
  • 1.2. Main Objective
  • 1.3. Stakeholders
  • 1.4. Limitation


  • 2.1. Research Process of the Bicycle Accessories Market
  • 2.2. Research Methodology of the Bicycle Accessories Market
  • 2.3. Respondent Profile


  • 3.1. Industry Synopsis
  • 3.2. Segmental Outlook
    • 3.2.1. Market Growth Intensity
  • 3.3. Regional Outlook


  • 4.1. Drivers
  • 4.2. Opportunity
  • 4.3. Restraints
  • 4.4. Trends
  • 4.5. PESTEL Analysis
  • 4.6. Demand Side Analysis
  • 4.7. Supply Side Analysis
    • 4.7.1. Merger & Acquisition
    • 4.7.2. Investment Scenario
    • 4.7.3. Industry Insights: Leading Startups and Their Unique Strategies


  • 5.1. Regional Pricing Analysis
  • 5.2. Price Influencing Factors



  • 7.1. Apparels
  • 7.2. Components


  • 8.1. Mountain Bikes
  • 8.2. Professional Bikes
  • 8.3. Hybrid Bikes
  • 8.4. Road Bikes
  • 8.5. Others


  • 9.1. OEM
  • 9.2. Aftermarket


  • 10.1. Online
  • 10.2. Offline


  • 11.1. North America
    • 11.1.1. The US
    • 11.1.2. Canada
    • 11.1.3. Rest of North America
  • 11.2. Europe
    • 11.2.1. Germany
    • 11.2.2. The UK
    • 11.2.3. France
    • 11.2.4. Italy
    • 11.2.5. Spain
    • 11.2.6. Rest of Europe
  • 11.3. Asia-Pacific
    • 11.3.1. China
    • 11.3.2. Japan
    • 11.3.3. India
    • 11.3.4. Australia
    • 11.3.5. Rest of Asia-Pacific
  • 11.4. Rest of World


  • 12.1. Marginal Analysis
  • 12.2. List of Market Participants


  • 13.1. Competition Dashboard
  • 13.2. Competitor Market Positioning Analysis
  • 13.3. Porter Five Forces Analysis


  • 14.1. Accell Group
    • 14.1.1. Company Overview
    • 14.1.2. Key Financials
    • 14.1.3. SWOT Analysis
    • 14.1.4. Product Portfolio
    • 14.1.5. Recent Developments
  • 14.2. Avon
  • 14.3. SHIMANO INC.
  • 14.4. Garmin Ltd.
  • 14.5. Giant Bicycles India
  • 14.6. Trek Bicycle Corporation
  • 14.7. MERIDA BIKES
  • 14.8. Specialized Bicycle Components, Inc.
  • 14.9. DT Swiss
  • 14.10. Endura Limited