This report assesses the global market sizing and forecasting for automated print-and-apply systems and the print engines that drive them, and presents VDC's perspective on the reasons why organizations are evaluating and purchasing these solutions.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Key Findings
Global Market Overview & Forecast
Regional Market Overview & Forecasts
- Americas
- Asia-Pacific
Comparative Forecast by Industry
Go-to-Market Strategy
Print-and-Apply System Features and Functionalities
- Label Applicator Types
- Next-Generation Features
- Label Inspection and Verification
- Linerless Labeling
- Automated RFID Tagging
Competitive Landscape
Third-Party Print Engine Insights
Vendor Profiles
About VDC Research
Report Exhibits
Global Market Overview & Forecast
- Exhibit 1: Forecasted Shipments of Print & Apply Systems Segmented by Region (Millions of Dollars)
- Exhibit 2: Forecasted Shipments of Print & Apply Systems Segmented by Region (Thousands of Units)
Regional Market Overview & Forecasts
- Exhibit 3: Forecasted Americas Shipments of Print & Apply Systems Segmented by Subsector (Millions of Dollars)
- Exhibit 4: Forecasted EMEA Shipments of Print & Apply Systems Segmented by Subsector (Millions of Dollars)
- Exhibit 5: Forecasted Asia-Pacific Shipments of Print & Apply Systems Segmented by Subsector (Millions of Dollars)
Comparative Forecast by Industry
- Exhibit 6: Forecasted Global Shipments of Print & Apply Systems Segmented by Subsector (Millions of Dollars)
- Exhibit 7: Print & Apply Systems Ability to Print 2D Codes
- Exhibit 8: Print & Apply Systems Currently Printing 2D Codes
- Exhibit 9: Forecasted Global Shipments of Print & Apply Systems Segmented by Type of Underlying Engine (Thousands of Units)
Print-and-Apply System Features and Functionalities
- Exhibit 10: Average Refresh Cycle for Print-and-Apply Systems
- Exhibit 11: Forecasted Global Shipments of Print and Apply Systems Segmented by Technology (Thousands of Units)
- Exhibit 12: Global Vendor Shares of Print & Apply Solutions (Percent of Global Revenues)
Third-Party Print Engine Insights
- Exhibit 13: Forecasted Global Shipments of Third-Party Print Engine Shipments Segmented by Region (Millions of Dollars)
- Exhibit 14: Global Vendor Shipments of Print Engines by Vendor (Percent of Global Units)