

Global Ethernet Switch And Routers Market Size By Product Type, By Technology, By Application, By Geographic Scope & Forecast

出版日期: | 出版商: Verified Market Research | 英文 202 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內



2023 年乙太網路交換器和路由器市場規模為 66.3 億美元,預計 2024 年至 2031 年複合年增長率為 5.86%,到 ​​2031 年達到 104.6 億美元。乙太網路交換器是一種網路設備,在連接區域網路 (LAN) 內的多個設備方面發揮重要作用。乙太網路交換器在 OSI 模型的資料鏈結層(第 2 層)運行,旨在有效管理和引導同一網段內設備之間的資料流量。乙太網路交換器使用 MAC 位址(媒體存取控制位址)將封包轉送到其預期目的地。當一台裝置向連接到交換器的另一台裝置傳送資料時,交換機會檢查資料包中的目標 MAC 位址,並僅將其轉送至目標裝置所連接的連接埠。乙太網路交換器通常具有多個連接埠(例如 5、8、16、24 或更多),每個連接埠都指定用於裝置連接。交換器分為非管理型交換器和管理型交換器。這些是即插即用設備,無需配置。自動偵測連接到每個連接埠的裝置並相應地管理流量。


路由器是一種在 OSI 模型的網路層(第 3 層)運作的網路設備。它的主要功能是在不同網路之間傳輸資料包,例如區域網路(LAN)和網際網路之間或多個LAN之間。

當網路中的裝置向另一個網路上的另一個裝置發送資料(例如,向網站發送請求)時,路由器會查看封包的目標 IP 位址。路由器使用路由表(其中包含有關可用網路路由和路徑的資訊)來確定封包到達目的地的最佳路徑。

路由器通常包含附加功能來增強網路功能和安全性。根據預先定義的安全規則過濾傳入和傳出流量,保護您的網路免受未經授權的存取和網路威脅。透過允許 LAN 中的多個裝置共用單一公用 IP 位址,節省 IP 位址並增加一層安全性。

路由器可用於將家庭網路連接到網際網路、透過廣域網路 (WAN) 連接多個辦公室地點或管理大型企業網路中的資料流量。了解路由器對於管理網路連接、確保網路之間的安全資料傳輸以及支援在不同設備和位置存取線上資源和服務至關重要。









物聯網 (IoT) 革命促使了從智慧家庭設備到工業感測器等互聯設備的爆炸性增長。乙太網路交換器和路由器提供連接和管理這些物聯網設備所需的骨幹網,從而實現無縫通訊和資料交換。


向 5G 網路、Wi-Fi 6 的過渡以及軟體定義網路 (SDN) 和網路功能虛擬化 (NFV) 的發展等技術進步創造了對更先進、高效能乙太網路交換器和路由器的需求性慾正在增加。這些技術提高了網路效能、可擴展性和靈活性。











技術創新的快速發展需要網路設備的不斷更新和進步。對於製造商來說,跟上 5G、Wi-Fi 6 和 SDN 等新興技術的步伐可能很困難且成本高昂,需要大量的研發投資和頻繁的產品更新。





























COVID-19 大流行加速了向混合和遠端工作模式的轉變,增加了對可靠家庭網路解決方案的需求。這一趨勢正在推動對能夠同時支援多個設備和高頻寬應用的高級家庭路由器和交換器的需求。


將網路和安全功能整合到單一裝置或平台中的趨勢日益明顯。這種方法稱為安全存取服務邊緣 (SASE),旨在透過將網路功能與安全服務整合來簡化網路管理並增強安全性。






該地區正在大力發展 IT 和通訊基礎設施,以支援不斷增長的數位經濟。政府和私人公司正在大力投資建設強大的網路基礎設施,其中包括先進的乙太網路基礎設施,以管理大量數據流量並確保連接。





亞太地區各國政府正在實施支持性政策和舉措,以加速數位轉型和互聯互通。旨在改善寬頻基礎設施、擴大網路存取和支援 5G 部署的計畫正在推動對網路設備的需求不斷增長。






北美的 5G 網路部署正在加速,對支援更快數據速率、更低延遲和更高設備密度的網路基礎設施的需求不斷增加。乙太網路交換器和路由器在 5G 網路的骨幹中發揮關鍵作用,促進無縫連接。

物聯網 (IoT) 設備和智慧技術在智慧家庭、智慧城市和工業自動化等各個領域的激增,推動了對強大且可擴展的網路解決方案的需求。乙太網路交換器和路由器對於管理這些連接設備產生的資料至關重要。




第1章 簡介

  • 市場定義
  • 市場區隔
  • 調查手法

第2章 摘要整理

  • 主要調查結果
  • 市場概要
  • 市場亮點

第3章 市場概要

  • 市場規模與成長潛力
  • 市場趨勢
  • 推動市場要素
  • 阻礙市場要素
  • 市場機會
  • 波特的五力分析

第4章 乙太網路切換器及路由器市場:各產品類型

  • 乙太網路切換器
  • 未管理交換器
  • 管理交換器
  • 智慧交換器(層級2/3交換器)
  • 路由器
  • 有線路由器
  • 無線路由器

第5章 乙太網路切換器及路由器市場:各技術

  • 千兆位元乙太網路交換器和路由器
  • 10 Gb 乙太網路 (10GbE) 交換器/路由器
  • 無線區域網路 (WLAN) 路由器

第6章 乙太網路切換器及路由器市場:各用途

  • 企業網路
  • 服務供應商網路
  • 住宅用網路
  • 產業用網路

第7章 各地區分析

  • 北美
  • 美國
  • 加拿大
  • 墨西哥
  • 歐洲
  • 英國
  • 德國
  • 法國
  • 義大利
  • 亞太地區
  • 中國
  • 日本
  • 印度
  • 澳洲
  • 南美
  • 巴西
  • 阿根廷
  • 智利
  • 中東·非洲
  • 南非
  • 沙烏地阿拉伯
  • 阿拉伯聯合大公國

第8章 市場動態

  • 推動市場要素
  • 阻礙市場要素
  • 市場機會
  • COVID-19對市場的影響

第9章 競爭情形

  • 主要企業
  • 市場佔有率分析

第10章 企業簡介

  • Cisco
  • Arista Networks
  • Broadcom
  • Huawei Technologies
  • Juniper Networks
  • ZTE Corporation
  • HP
  • TP-Link
  • Ericsson
  • D-Link
  • Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

第11章 市場展望和機會

  • 新興技術
  • 今後的市場趨勢
  • 投資機會

第12章 附錄

  • 簡稱清單
  • 出處和參考文獻
Product Code: 16506

Ethernet Switch And Routers Market Size And Forecast

Ethernet Switch And Routers Market size was valued at USD 6.63 Billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 10.46 Billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 5.86% from 2024 to 2031. An Ethernet switch is a networking device that plays a crucial role in connecting multiple devices within a local area network (LAN). An Ethernet switch operates at the data link layer (Layer 2) of the OSI model and is designed to efficiently manage and direct data traffic between devices within the same network segment. Ethernet switches use MAC addresses (Media Access Control addresses) to forward data packets to their intended destinations. When a device sends data to another device connected to the switch, the switch examines the destination MAC address in the data packet and forwards it only to the port where the destination device is connected. Ethernet switches typically come with multiple ports (e.g., 5, 8, 16, 24 ports or more), each designated for connecting a device. Switches can be categorized into unmanaged and managed switches. These are plug-and-play devices that require no configuration. They automatically detect devices connected to each port and manage traffic accordingly.

Ethernet switches provide several advantages, By reducing network congestion and enabling simultaneous data transmission between devices. Switches can isolate traffic between different ports or VLANs, improving network security. Switches can easily accommodate network expansion by adding more devices through available ports.

A router is a networking device that operates at the network layer (Layer 3) of the OSI model. Its primary function is to forward data packets between different networks, such as between a local area network (LAN) and the Internet, or between multiple LANs.

When a device within a network sends data to another device on a different network (e.g., sending a request to a website), the router examines the destination IP address of the data packet. Using its routing table, which contains information about available network routes and paths, the router determines the optimal path for the data packet to reach its destination.

Routers often include additional features to enhance network functionality and security, Protects the network from unauthorized access and cyber threats by filtering incoming and outgoing traffic based on predefined security rules. Allows multiple devices within a LAN to share a single public IP address, conserving IP addresses and providing an additional layer of security.

Applications of routers include connecting home networks to the internet, linking multiple office locations in a Wide Area Network (WAN), and managing data traffic in large-scale enterprise networks. Understanding routers is essential for managing network connectivity, ensuring secure data transmission between networks, and enabling access to online resources and services across different devices and locations.

Global Ethernet Switch And Routers Market Dynamics

The key market dynamics that are shaping the global Ethernet Switch And Routers Market include:

Key Market Drivers

Increasing Demand for High-Speed Internet and Data Connectivity

: With the growing reliance on Internet services, the need for high-speed and reliable data connectivity is paramount. Ethernet switches and routers are essential for facilitating high-speed internet access and efficient data transmission within networks, catering to both residential and commercial users.

Expansion of Data Centers and Cloud Services

: The rapid expansion of data centers and the widespread adoption of cloud computing services have significantly boosted the demand for advanced networking equipment. Ethernet switches and routers are critical components in data center infrastructure, enabling efficient data flow, load balancing, and network management.

Proliferation of IoT Devices

: The Internet of Things (IoT) revolution has led to an exponential increase in connected devices, from smart home gadgets to industrial sensors. Ethernet switches and routers provide the necessary backbone for connecting and managing these IoT devices, ensuring seamless communication and data exchange.

Advancements in Network Technologies

: Technological advancements such as the transition to 5G networks, Wi-Fi 6, and the development of software-defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV) have driven the need for more sophisticated and capable Ethernet switches and routers. These technologies enhance network performance, scalability, and flexibility.

Growing Enterprise Networks

: Enterprises are continually expanding their network infrastructure to support business operations, remote work, and digital transformation initiatives. Ethernet switches and routers are crucial for building robust, scalable, and secure enterprise networks that can handle increased data traffic and support various applications and services.

Rise in Cybersecurity Concerns

: As cyber threats become more sophisticated, there is a heightened focus on network security. Ethernet switches and routers equipped with advanced security features, such as firewalls, intrusion detection, and encryption, are essential for protecting networks from unauthorized access and cyberattacks.

Government and Industry Regulations

: Compliance with government regulations and industry standards related to data protection, network security, and telecommunications infrastructure drives the adoption of reliable and compliant networking equipment. Ethernet switches and routers help organizations meet these regulatory requirements and ensure network integrity.

Key Challenges:

High Competition and Price Sensitivity

: The market is highly competitive, with numerous established players and new entrants offering a wide range of products. This intense competition can lead to price wars, which may reduce profit margins for manufacturers and impact their ability to invest in research and development.

Rapid Technological Advancements

: The fast pace of technological innovation requires constant updates and advancements in networking equipment. Keeping up with the latest technologies, such as 5G, Wi-Fi 6, and SDN, can be challenging and costly for manufacturers, as it requires significant investment in R&D and frequent product updates.

Complexity of Network Management

: As networks become more complex with the integration of IoT devices, cloud services, and advanced applications, managing and maintaining these networks becomes increasingly difficult. Ensuring compatibility, interoperability, and seamless integration of new technologies with existing infrastructure poses significant challenges.

Cybersecurity Threats

: The growing sophistication of cyber threats necessitates robust security measures in networking equipment. Manufacturers must continually enhance the security features of their Ethernet switches and routers to protect against vulnerabilities and attacks. This ongoing need for advanced security solutions can increase development costs and complexity.

Regulatory Compliance

: Compliance with various government regulations and industry standards related to data protection, privacy, and network security can be challenging. Manufacturers must ensure that their products meet these stringent requirements, which can vary by region and industry, adding complexity to product development and distribution.

Scalability Issues

: As businesses expand and data traffic grows, networking equipment must scale accordingly to handle increased loads. Ensuring that Ethernet switches and routers can scale effectively without compromising performance or reliability is a significant challenge, especially for large enterprises and data centers.

Supply Chain Disruptions

: Global supply chain disruptions, such as those caused by geopolitical tensions, pandemics, or natural disasters, can impact the availability of components and raw materials needed for manufacturing Ethernet switches and routers. These disruptions can lead to delays, increased costs, and difficulties in meeting market demand.

Energy Consumption and Environmental Impact

: The growing focus on sustainability and energy efficiency places pressure on manufacturers to develop networking equipment that consumes less power and has a lower environmental impact. Balancing performance with energy efficiency and sustainability goals can be a challenging task.

Market Saturation in Developed Regions

: In developed regions, the market for Ethernet switches and routers may be approaching saturation, with high levels of penetration and slower growth rates. Manufacturers need to identify and tap into emerging markets and new application areas to sustain growth.

Key Trends:

Increased Focus on Cybersecurity

: With the rising number of cyber threats, there is a growing emphasis on incorporating advanced security features into Ethernet switches and routers. This includes built-in firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and enhanced encryption methods to protect networks from unauthorized access and attacks.

Growth in Cloud Services and Data Centers

: The expansion of cloud computing services and the construction of new data centers are driving demand for high-performance Ethernet switches and routers. These devices are essential for managing the vast amounts of data traffic within and between data centers, ensuring seamless connectivity and data flow.

AI and Machine Learning Integration

: The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in networking equipment is becoming a significant trend. AI and ML can enhance network management, optimize traffic, predict potential issues, and improve overall network efficiency and security.

Demand for High Bandwidth and Low Latency

: As applications such as video streaming, online gaming, virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR) become more popular, the demand for high bandwidth and low latency networks is increasing. Ethernet switches and routers are evolving to meet these requirements, supporting higher speeds and more efficient data handling.

Energy Efficiency and Sustainability

: There is a growing focus on developing energy-efficient networking equipment to reduce power consumption and minimize the environmental impact. Manufacturers are investing in green technologies and practices to create more sustainable products.

Expansion in Emerging Markets

: The Ethernet Switch And Routers Market is experiencing significant growth in emerging markets such as Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Africa. Increasing internet penetration, urbanization, and digital transformation initiatives in these regions are driving demand for networking infrastructure.

Hybrid and Remote Work Models

: The shift towards hybrid and remote work models, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has increased the need for reliable home networking solutions. This trend is driving demand for advanced home routers and switches that can support multiple devices and high-bandwidth applications simultaneously.

Convergence of Networking and Security

: There is a growing trend towards the convergence of networking and security functions into a single device or platform. This approach, often referred to as secure access service edge (SASE), aims to simplify network management and enhance security by integrating networking capabilities with security services.

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Global Ethernet Switch And Routers Market Regional Analysis

Here is a more detailed regional analysis of the global Ethernet Switch And Routers Market:

Asia Pacific

Asia Pacific is significantly dominating the Ethernet Switch And Routers Market and is expected to continue its growth throughout the forecast period, owing to several variables.

The Asia Pacific region, particularly countries like China, India, and Southeast Asian nations, has experienced rapid economic growth over the past few decades. This economic expansion has led to increased investments in infrastructure, including networking and telecommunications, driving demand for Ethernet switches and routers.

The region is witnessing extensive development of IT and telecommunications infrastructure to support its growing digital economy. Governments and private enterprises are investing heavily in building robust network infrastructures, which require advanced Ethernet switches and routers to manage high data traffic and ensure connectivity.

Asia Pacific has one of the highest rates of internet penetration and mobile connectivity in the world. The proliferation of smartphones, tablets, and other internet-enabled devices necessitates the deployment of efficient network equipment to handle the increasing data load and ensure seamless connectivity.

Many countries in the Asia Pacific region are adopting smart city initiatives and integrating IoT technologies to improve urban living and industrial processes. These initiatives require reliable and scalable networking solutions, thereby driving the demand for Ethernet switches and routers.

The region is experiencing a surge in cloud computing adoption and data center construction. Major global and local cloud service providers are expanding their presence in the Asia Pacific, leading to increased demand for high-performance Ethernet switches and routers to support cloud services and data center operations.

Asia Pacific is home to several leading technology companies and manufacturers that are at the forefront of innovation in networking technologies. Continuous advancements in network equipment, driven by R&D investments, enhance the region's ability to produce cutting-edge Ethernet switches and routers.

Governments in the Asia Pacific region are implementing supportive policies and initiatives to boost digital transformation and connectivity. Programs aimed at improving broadband infrastructure, expanding internet access, and supporting the 5G rollout contribute to the growing demand for networking equipment.

North America

North America is experiencing significant growth in the Ethernet Switch And Routers Market. North America, particularly the United States and Canada, has a well-established and advanced IT infrastructure. This robust infrastructure supports the deployment and integration of high-performance Ethernet switches and routers, driving market growth.

The region is a global leader in cloud computing adoption, with many enterprises migrating to cloud-based services. This shift necessitates the deployment of advanced networking equipment, such as Ethernet switches and routers, to ensure reliable and efficient data transmission to and from cloud data centers.

North America hosts a large number of data centers, with continued investment in new facilities and expansion of existing ones. The increasing data traffic and storage needs drive demand for sophisticated networking solutions to manage and optimize data flow within and between data centers.

North America is at the forefront of technological innovation in networking equipment. Companies in the region are investing heavily in research and development to introduce advanced Ethernet switches and routers with enhanced capabilities, such as higher speeds, better security, and improved scalability.

The rollout of 5G networks is accelerating in North America, leading to increased demand for networking infrastructure that can support higher data rates, lower latency, and greater device density. Ethernet switches and routers play a crucial role in the backbone of 5G networks, facilitating seamless connectivity.

The proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and smart technologies across various sectors, including smart homes, smart cities, and industrial automation, drives the need for robust and scalable networking solutions. Ethernet switches and routers are essential for managing the data generated by these connected devices.

With rising cyber threats and stringent regulatory requirements, there is a growing emphasis on network security in North America. Ethernet switches and routers equipped with advanced security features are in high demand to protect networks from cyberattacks and ensure data integrity and privacy.

Many businesses and government agencies in North America are undergoing digital transformation to enhance operational efficiency and customer experience. This transformation involves upgrading network infrastructure and increasing the adoption of Ethernet switches and routers to support modern applications and services.

Global Ethernet Switch And Routers Market: Segmentation Analysis

The Global Ethernet Switch And Routers Market is segmented on the basis of Product, Technology, End-User, And Geography.

Ethernet Switch And Routers Market, By Product Type

  • Unmanaged Switches
  • Managed Switches
  • Smart Switches
  • Wired Routers
  • Wireless Routers

Based on Product Type, the Global Ethernet and Routers Market is bifurcated into Unmanaged Switches, Managed Switches, Smart Switches, Wired Routers, and Wireless Routers. The Wireless Routers segment is significantly dominating the Global Ethernet and Routers Market. The increasing demand for Wi-Fi connectivity in homes, offices, and public spaces, is driven by the proliferation of wireless devices and the need for seamless internet access. This trend is further accelerated by the rise in remote work and smart home technologies.

Ethernet Switch And Routers Market, By Technology

  • Gigabit Ethernet Switches/Routers

10 Gigabit Ethernet (10GbE) Switches/Routers

  • Wireless LAN (WLAN) Routers

Based on Technology, the Global Ethernet and Routers Market is bifurcated into Gigabit Ethernet Switches/Routers, 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10GbE) Switches/Routers, and Wireless LAN (WLAN) Routers. The Gigabit Ethernet Switches/Routers category is expected to dominate the Global Ethernet and Routers Market. The widespread adoption of Gigabit Ethernet technology in both residential and commercial networks. This is driven by the need for faster data transfer rates to support high-bandwidth applications, such as video streaming, online gaming, and cloud services.

Ethernet Switch And Routers Market, By Application

  • Enterprise Networking
  • Service Provider Networking
  • Residential Networking
  • Industrial Networking

Based on Application, the market is bifurcated into Enterprise Networking, Service Provider Networking, Residential Networking, and Industrial Networking. The Enterprise Networking segment is expected to lead the Ethernet Switch And Routers Market. The high demand for robust, scalable, and secure network infrastructure in corporate environments and data centers. This segment benefits from continuous investments in digital transformation, cloud services, and the need for reliable communication and data transfer within organizations.

Key Players

  • The "Global Ethernet Switch And Routers Market" study report will provide valuable insight emphasizing the global market. The major players in the market are
  • Cisco Systems, Inc., Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Juniper Networks, Inc., Arista Networks, Inc., Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP (HPE), ZTE Corporation, D-Link Corporation, TP-Link Technologies Co., Ltd., Netgear Inc., Extreme Networks, Inc., Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. (acquired by Broadcom Inc.), Dell Technologies Inc.

Our market analysis also entails a section solely dedicated to such major players wherein our analysts provide an insight into the financial statements of all the major players, along with its product benchmarking and SWOT analysis. The competitive landscape section also includes key development strategies, market share, and market ranking analysis of the above-mentioned players globally.

Global Ethernet Switch And Routers Market Key Developments

  • In March 2023, Cisco issued patches addressing a significant denial-of-service vulnerability affecting IOS XR software used in ASR 9000 routers, specifically impacting ASR 9902 and ASR 9903 models. Identified as CVE-2023-20049, the vulnerability affects the bidirectional forwarding detection (BFD) hardware offload feature. Exploitation can occur remotely without authentication, where malformed BFD packets may trigger flaws when the hardware offload feature is enabled.
  • In January 2023, ZTE Corporation, a global provider of information and communication technology solutions, launched its commercial 5G flagship CPE MC888 PRO. Powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon SDX62 chip, this product supports multi-band 5G/4G for high-speed access. It aims to meet diverse network coverage needs in settings such as homes, supermarkets, enterprises, and other businesses, providing robust wireless network solutions for various customer


1. Introduction

  • Market Definition
  • Market Segmentation
  • Research Methodology

2. Executive Summary

  • Key Findings
  • Market Overview
  • Market Highlights

3. Market Overview

  • Market Size and Growth Potential
  • Market Trends
  • Market Drivers
  • Market Restraints
  • Market Opportunities
  • Porter's Five Forces Analysis

4. Ethernet Switch And Routers Market, By Product Type

  • Ethernet Switches
  • Unmanaged Switches
  • Managed Switches
  • Smart Switches (Layer 2/3 Switches)
  • Routers
  • Wired Routers
  • Wireless Routers

5. Ethernet Switch And Routers Market, By Technology

  • Gigabit Ethernet Switches/Routers
  • 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10GbE) Switches/Routers
  • Wireless LAN (WLAN) Routers

6. Ethernet Switch And Routers Market, By Application

  • Enterprise Networking
  • Service Provider Networking
  • Residential Networking
  • Industrial Networking

7. Regional Analysis

  • North America
  • United States
  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • Europe
  • United Kingdom
  • Germany
  • France
  • Italy
  • Asia-Pacific
  • China
  • Japan
  • India
  • Australia
  • Latin America
  • Brazil
  • Argentina
  • Chile
  • Middle East and Africa
  • South Africa
  • Saudi Arabia
  • UAE

8. Market Dynamics

  • Market Drivers
  • Market Restraints
  • Market Opportunities
  • Impact of COVID-19 on the Market

9. Competitive Landscape

  • Key Players
  • Market Share Analysis

10. Company Profiles

  • Cisco
  • Arista Networks
  • Broadcom
  • Huawei Technologies
  • Juniper Networks
  • ZTE Corporation
  • HP
  • TP-Link
  • Ericsson
  • D-Link
  • Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

11. Market Outlook and Opportunities

  • Emerging Technologies
  • Future Market Trends
  • Investment Opportunities

12. Appendix

  • List of Abbreviations
  • Sources and References