
2024 年至 2031 年人形機器人市場(按運動類型、應用、組件和地區劃分)

Humanoid Robot Market By Motion Type (Wheel Drive, Biped), By Application (Education And Entertainment, Research And Space Exploration), By Component (Hardware, Software), Region For 2024-2031

出版日期: | 出版商: Verified Market Research | 英文 202 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內


人形機器人市場估值,2024 年至 2031 年


日本SoftBank Robotics和西班牙PAL Robotics等大公司正大力投資人形機器人,特別瞄準醫療保健、飯店和零售等服務業。這些機器人將執行接待訪客、提供資訊和協助日常任務等任務來改善客戶體驗和營運效率。在醫療保健領域,人形機器人可以幫助病人監護、記錄保存,甚至執行小型醫療程序,從而提高整體服務品質。因此,由於主要公司對人形機器人及其在醫療保健領域的應用的投資,預計 2024 年至 2031 年期間市場複合年增長率將達到 48.70%。




一種特殊類型的先進人形機器人,被稱為 "機器人" ,表現出類似人類的行為。這些機器人可以用電腦語音說話,以類似人類的方式奔跑、跳躍甚至爬樓梯。機器人可以執行各種各樣的任務,從複雜的工業任務到家事。如今,機器人已被廣泛應用於各個領域,其可完成的工作範圍正在迅速擴大。人形機器人可以根據其在科學和工程領域的應用進行分類。在科學領域,建立類似人類的機器並複製人類行為可以幫助我們更多地瞭解人類如何與世界互動及其背後的潛在機制。在工程領域,生物系統的研究可以為開發複雜而強大的人工系統提供重要的見解和指導。因此,人形機器人在從科學研究到實際工程應用的許多領域中具有巨大的潛力。這些能力不斷加深我們的理解並擴大機器人技術在各個領域的可能性。













隨著人形機器人融入日常生活、工業和醫療保健的各個方面,科技取得了顯著的進步。但隨著這些複雜的機器人日益聯網,它們面臨的網路安全威脅也越來越大。這些漏洞不僅危及人形機器人的運作和可靠性,也引發了對潛在濫用和敏感資料外洩的擔憂。連線問題、資料安全問題以及惡意功能修改的風險增加了人形機器人面臨網路威脅的風險。這種對無縫功能和整體安全性的重大風險對該行業構成了嚴峻課題,並可能減緩其成長軌跡。人形機器人身上組裝有很多感測器和電子元件,因此消耗的電量很大。雙足人形機器人尤其需要更多的能量,因為它們複雜的運動需要更多的感測器和零件。高功耗影響人形機器人的效率和營運成本,限制了人形機器人的發展。例如,人形機器人可以影響 35% 的勞動力,在大多數情況下,透過將工人提升到更有意義的工作,人形機器人的平均售價(ASP)可能在 10,000 美元到 15,000 美元之間。

以電腦控制設備和電子設備取代人力的做法,即所謂的工作自動化,逐漸重塑工作場所。自動化的興起導致中等技能製造和行政職位的失業。隨著機器人在物流、公共關係、護理、醫療、教育和娛樂等各行業中承擔更高階的任務,人們越來越擔心失業以及自動化對社會經濟的影響。例如,自2004年以來,製造業每引進一台工業機器人,平均就會有1.6名工人失業。在部署機器人的第一年,它通常會取代大約 1.3 名工人,此後這個數字會增加。


太空環境為人形機器人帶來了獨特的課題。營運商和部署系統之間的長距離會導致嚴重的通訊延遲,缺乏 GPS 基礎設施會使定位變得複雜。外星天體的非結構化沙地和岩石地形,加上微重力條件,增加了人形機器人在太空探索中所面臨的移動課題。這些課題阻礙了人形機器人在太空任務中的部署和運作效率。











Acmens 按國家/地區劃分


亞太地區在人形機器人市場佔據主導地位。亞太地區,尤其是日本、韓國和中國等市場,在人形機器人的應用和開發方面處於領先地位。這些國家擁有韓國的Robotis、日本的SoftBank、印度的Invento Robotics等知名公司,為人形機器人技術的進步做出了重大貢獻。該地區的航空航太業也展現了整合人形機器人的興趣,凸顯了其在傳統產業之外的多樣化應用。

在政府政策和補貼的推動下,中國對工業機器人的快速應用令人矚目。2021年,中國每位製造業工人所配備的機器人數量將比美國多18%,若考慮到中國製造業薪資較低,這一比例將上升12倍。這項政府主導的舉措使中國成為世界上最大的工業機器人採用國,尤其是在蓬勃發展的汽車產業。Humanoid 等中國機器人公司也因其具有競爭力的價格而越來越受歡迎,其產品售價約為 90,000 美元,明顯低於西方同行。這種經濟實惠的價格進一步刺激了中國各個領域對機器人技術的採用,有助於中國在機器人採用方面佔據全球領先地位。




新冠疫情進一步加速了亞太地區,尤其是在醫療保健領域對人形機器人的應用。人們對 Grace 之類的機器人的需求日益增長,它是由一家香港機器人公司開發的。Grace擔任醫生助理,配備熱像儀監測患者的生命徵象。這些機器人有助於最大限度地減少人與人之間的接觸,降低感染風險,並在健康危機期間提高醫療效率。

在印度,該國首台 3D 列印人形機器人 Manav 等創新成果彰顯了該地區對突破技術界限的決心。Manav 展現了廣泛的能力,從俯臥撐和踢足球等體力活動到教育和研究中的潛在應用。在技術創新、監管支援和不斷變化的市場需求的推動下,這些發展證實了亞太地區在人形機器人技術發展中發揮的積極作用。




2022年,美國機器人貿易逆差將達12.6億美元,出口僅佔進口總額的28%。儘管數字不大,但美國仍擁有創新機器人公司,例如加州的 Productive Robotics 公司,該公司生產用於自動化加工流程的多軸協作機器人。此外,總部位於伊利諾州的Ingersoll Machine Tools開發了 MasterPrint 機器人,這是一款結合了 3D 列印和 CNC 銑削的機器。


政府和主要市場參與者的增加投資也正在增加市場收入。政府透過資金和政策措施提供的支持正在促進人形機器人的開發和部署。此外,領先的公司正在投資研發以擴大這些機器人的應用領域。例如,Hanson Robotics製造的 Nadine 是一款女性人形公共機器人,可以回應問候、保持目光接觸並記住對話。這些創新凸顯了人形機器人的進步和潛力。



第 1 章 全球人形機器人市場:簡介

  • 市場概況
  • 調查範圍
  • 先決條件

第 2 章執行摘要


  • 數據挖掘
  • 驗證
  • 一次資料
  • 數據源列表

第4章 全球人形機器人市場展望

  • 概述
  • 市場動態
    • 促進因素
    • 阻礙因素
    • 機會
  • 波特的五力模型

第5章 全球人形機器人市場依運動類型劃分

  • 概述
  • 車輪驅動
  • 雙足動物

第6章 全球人形機器人市場(依應用)

  • 概述
  • 教育和娛樂
  • 研究與太空探索


  • 概述
  • 硬體
  • 軟體


  • 概述
  • 北美
    • 美國
    • 加拿大
    • 墨西哥
  • 歐洲
    • 德國
    • 英國
    • 法國
    • 歐洲其他地區
  • 亞太地區
    • 中國
    • 日本
    • 印度
    • 亞太其他地區
  • 世界其他地區
    • 拉丁美洲
    • 中東/非洲


  • 概述
  • 各公司市場排名
  • 主要發展策略

第10章 公司簡介

  • SoftBank Robotics
  • Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Toyota Motor Corporation
  • Boston Dynamics
  • UBTECH Robotics Corp. Ltd.
  • Shadow Robot Company
  • Agility Robotics
  • Hanson Robotics Ltd.
  • Tesla

第11章 重大進展

  • 產品發佈/開發
  • 併購
  • 業務拓展
  • 夥伴關係和聯盟

第12章 附錄

  • 相關研究
Product Code: 24713

Humanoid Robot Market Valuation - 2024-2031

Increase in commercial investments, the entry of international players, reduced hardware costs, and the growing popularity of existing robots. These trends are accelerating the adoption of humanoid robots across various industries, from manufacturing to service sectors. The advancements in artificial intelligence and robot hardware are making humanoid robots more capable and cost-effective. Thus, businesses are increasingly integrating these robots to enhance efficiency, productivity, and adaptability, positioning humanoid robots as key players in the future of automation surge the growth of the market size surpassing USD 3.32 Billion in 2023 to reach a valuation of USD 60.73 Billion by 2031.

Leading companies like SoftBank Robotics in Japan and PAL Robotics in Spain are investing heavily in humanoid robots, particularly targeting the service industry, including healthcare, hospitality, and retail. These robots enhance customer experience and operational efficiency by performing tasks such as greeting guests, providing information, and assisting with routine chores. In healthcare, humanoid robots help monitor patients, manage records, and even perform minor medical procedures, thus improving the overall quality of service. Thus, the investment of leading companies in humanoid robots and the application of humanoid robots in healthcare enable the market to grow at a CAGR of 48.70% from 2024 to 2031.

Humanoid Robot Market: Definition/ Overview

A humanoid is defined as something that resembles or looks like a human being and possesses certain human characteristics, having a shape similar to that of the human body. Typically, a humanoid robot features a torso, a head, two arms, and two legs. They can be categorized as male or female humanoids. The purpose of these robots can vary based on their biomechanics, functional capacity, production cost, and the complexity involved in their design and function.

Advanced humanoid robots are designed to perform multiple activities that mimic human reflexes without requiring high intellectual effort. These robots are fully automated and capable of adapting to their surroundings, allowing them to continue with their given commands. Depending on their size and weight, humanoid robots can maintain themselves and possess advanced features of autonomous learning, enabling them to avoid harmful situations for people, property, and themselves.

A specialized type of advanced humanoid robot, known as an android, exhibits human-like behavior. These robots can talk with a computerized voice, run, jump, and even climb stairs in ways similar to humans. Androids perform a variety of jobs, ranging from complex industrial tasks to household chores. Currently, robots are employed in numerous fields, and the range of tasks they can perform is progressively expanding. Humanoid robots can be categorized by their application in science and engineering. In science, building human-like machines and replicating human behaviors can teach us more about how humans interact with the world and the underlying mechanisms involved. In engineering, significant insights can be gained from studying biological systems, providing guiding principles for developing sophisticated and robust artificial systems. Thus, humanoid robots offer vast potential across various domains, from scientific research to practical engineering applications. Their capabilities are continually enhancing our understanding and expanding the possibilities of robotics in various sectors.

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How the Wide Utilization of Surveillance and Security Surge the Growth of the Humanoid Robot Market?

Humanoid robots are increasingly employed in surveillance and security roles, capitalizing on their ability to detect unauthorized intrusions and potential terrorist activities. Their sophisticated sensors and real-time monitoring capabilities make them invaluable assets for maintaining safety and security in various environments. These robots can patrol premises, analyze live feeds, and respond to potential threats more efficiently than traditional security measures. Their presence acts as a deterrent to criminal activities, and their capability to operate continuously without fatigue ensures relentless vigilance. The integration of AI and machine learning allows humanoid robots to learn and adapt to different security scenarios, enhancing their effectiveness over time.

The utilization of humanoid robots extends beyond Earth, playing a crucial role in research and space exploration. These robots facilitate connectivity and operations in remote and harsh environments where human presence is limited or impossible. For instance, humanoid robots can perform tasks such as sample collection, equipment maintenance, and environmental monitoring on other planets or in deep-space missions. Their ability to mimic human movements and operate complex machinery makes them indispensable in advancing scientific discovery and technological progress in space. The data collected by these robots help scientists understand extraterrestrial environments better, paving the way for future human missions.

The development of humanoid robotics has seen significant advancements, partly driven by increased funding from both public and private sources. However, this funding has become more demanding, requiring clearer justifications and practical applications. This scrutiny ensures that research aligns with societal needs and practical uses, fostering innovation. Public and corporate funds are directed towards projects that demonstrate clear benefits, such as enhancing healthcare delivery, improving industrial automation, or contributing to scientific research. This targeted funding approach helps prioritize developments that have the potential for wide-reaching impacts, ensuring that investments yield tangible benefits.

Humanoid robots are valuable tools in the fields of neuroscience and behavioral sciences, providing insights into human cognition and social interactions. Their human-like form and behavior allow researchers to simulate and study complex cognitive processes and social behaviors in controlled settings. For instance, experiments involving humanoid robots can help understand how humans interact with robots, how social cues are interpreted, and how certain behaviors are elicited. These studies can lead to the development of better human-robot interaction protocols and enhance the design of robots to be more intuitive and responsive to human needs.

In healthcare, humanoid robots play an essential role by assisting elderly individuals and patients with mobility impairments. These robots can facilitate video calls with medical professionals, ensuring that patients receive proper medication and care. Additionally, humanoid robots participate in social activities, acting as companions and aides in nursing homes and hospitals. Their ability to interact socially and perform routine tasks helps reduce the workload of healthcare professionals and improves the quality of life for patients. In the media and entertainment sectors, humanoid robots serve as staff members, participating in various interactive activities and providing services that enhance user experiences.

Humanoid robots offer significant potential in the fields of embodiment, consciousness, neurosciences, and cognitive sciences. By interacting with these robots, researchers can explore fundamental questions about human behavior and cognitive processes. The robots' human-like form allows for the study of embodiment, or how physical presence influences cognition and social interaction. These studies can lead to breakthroughs in understanding human consciousness and developing new therapeutic techniques for mental health disorders.

These robots are equipped with a variety of advanced sensors and electronic components, including cameras, motors, accelerometers, and gyroscopes. These components enable the robots to detect and interact with their surroundings, providing them with visual awareness, spatial orientation, and precise movement capabilities. The integration of these sensors allows humanoid robots to navigate complex environments, perform delicate tasks, and interact with humans more naturally and intuitively. This technological sophistication makes humanoid robots highly functional and adaptable to a wide range of applications.

The global manufacturing hubs, industries, and warehouses are experiencing significant skilled worker shortages, driving the demand for automation solutions. Humanoid robots are addressing this gap by improving efficiency, productivity, and adaptability to changing market conditions. These robots can perform a variety of tasks, from assembling products to managing inventories, thereby reducing the reliance on human labor. This trend positions humanoid robots as pivotal solutions for businesses worldwide, helping them navigate labor shortages and maintain competitiveness.

Ongoing technological advancements, including improvements in artificial intelligence, robot hardware, bipedal or wheel drive locomotion, and human-robot interaction, are enhancing the capabilities of humanoid robots. These developments make the robots more mobile and versatile, enabling them to perform various tasks in both industrial and domestic settings. For example, advancements in locomotion technology allow humanoid robots to move swiftly and efficiently across different terrains, while improvements in AI enable them to make more autonomous decisions.

Humanoid robots are used extensively across numerous industry verticals, including deep-sea research, mining, healthcare, and heavy industries. Their ability to operate machinery, care for the elderly and sick, and perform demanding industrial tasks drives their adoption and market expansion. In deep-sea research and mining, humanoid robots can perform tasks that are hazardous for humans, such as exploring underwater environments or extracting minerals. In healthcare, they assist with patient care, medical procedures, and administrative tasks, improving the efficiency and quality of healthcare services.

Will the Cybersecurity Threats and Risk of Malicious Functions Impede the Growth of the Humanoid Robot Market?

The increasing integration of humanoid robots into various aspects of everyday life, industry, and healthcare has led to significant technological advancements. However, as these sophisticated robots become more networked, they face substantial cybersecurity threats. These vulnerabilities not only compromise the operation and reliability of humanoid robots but also raise concerns about potential misuse and the compromise of critical data. Connectivity issues, data security problems, and the risk of malicious function modifications increase the susceptibility of humanoid robots to cyber threats. This significant risk to their seamless functioning and overall security presents a serious challenge to the industry, potentially slowing its growth trajectory. Humanoid robots are equipped with numerous sensors and electronic components, leading to high power consumption. Biped humanoid robots, in particular, require more energy due to the additional sensors and components needed for their complex movements. This high power consumption acts as a hindrance to the growth of humanoid robots, as it impacts their efficiency and operational costs. For instance, humanoids could potentially impact 35% of workers, in most cases by elevating them to more meaningful tasks, with humanoids selling at an average selling price (ASP) in the range of USD 10,000-$15,000

The practice of replacing human labor with computer-controlled devices and electronics, known as job automation, is gradually reshaping the workplace. The rise of automation has led to job losses in medium-skilled manufacturing and office roles. As robots take on more advanced tasks across various industries, including logistics, public relations, personal caregiving, medical, education, and entertainment, concerns about job displacement and the socio-economic impact of automation are growing. For instance, since 2004, the installation of each industrial robot in the manufacturing sector has displaced an average of 1.6 workers. In the first year of a robot's deployment, it typically replaces about 1.3 workers, with this number increasing in subsequent years.

The development of humanoid robots with advanced features, such as efficient hardware, tilt, position, force, and vision sensors, requires significant investment. The research and development (R&D) costs necessary to create robots capable of performing complex tasks increase in direct proportion to the complexity of these tasks. While educational robots and programmable industrial or service robots are available at reasonable prices, the high initial cost of developing and deploying sophisticated humanoid robots poses a substantial barrier to market growth.

Outer space environments present unique challenges for humanoid robots. The long distances between operators and deployed systems cause significant delays in communications, and the lack of GPS infrastructure complicates positioning. The unstructured, sandy, and rocky terrains of extraterrestrial bodies, along with microgravity conditions, add to the locomotion difficulties faced by humanoid robots in space exploration. These challenges hinder the deployment and operational efficiency of humanoid robots in space missions.

In controlled environments like factories and retail stores, robots have proven successful in operating and carrying out tasks. However, there is a growing need for robots to perform advanced activities in various sectors, including entertainment, education, search and rescue, public relations, logistics, cleaning, and medicine. The high initial cost of humanoid robots, combined with the need for sophisticated capabilities, may restrain market growth as industries weigh the benefits against the financial investment required.

Category-Wise Acumen

How Does the Application of Humanoid Robots in Medical Care, Research, and Education Surge the Growth of the Hardware Segment?

Hardware segment showing significant growth in the humanoid robot market. Hardware of humanoid robots encompasses a complex assembly of bodily parts and electronic, electrical, and mechanical components that work in unison to execute specific tasks. These components include sensors, actuators, generators, control systems, and more. The hardware elements not only give humanoid robots a human-like appearance but also significantly enhance their functionality and value. The integration of these hardware components is essential for enabling humanoid robots to perform tasks across various industries, such as medical care, research, and education.

The advanced hardware components enable the smooth incorporation of new technologies, allowing humanoid robots to interact with humans more effectively. As robotics engineering, materials science, and control system design continue to advance, more complex robots can carry out a broader range of activities with increased efficiency and accuracy. This progression is shifting the traditional approach from highly rigid robots to more compliant and dynamic ones, facilitating safer human interactions and more efficient locomotion.

Central to a humanoid robot's functionality is its control system. This essential component processes data received from the sensor system and sends commands to the actuators, guiding the robot's actions based on decision outputs. The control system's ability to seamlessly integrate and process information from various hardware components is crucial for the robot's overall performance. Consequently, the demand for high-quality hardware components in humanoid robots has surged, driven by the need for more sophisticated and capable robotic systems.

What Role does Navigation of the Environment with Ease and Inherent Stability of Wheel-Drive have on Market?

The wheel-drive segment is anticipated to exhibit significant growth in the humanoid robot market. Wheel-drive robots are relatively straightforward to construct and programmed to navigate their environments with ease. Unlike their two-legged counterparts, wheel-drive robots are less prone to toppling over due to their stable foundation, which allows them to maintain better balance. This inherent stability makes wheel-drive robots ideal for various applications, including entertainment at theme parks, science fairs, and amusement parks, where reliable and safe operation is paramount. The demand for humanoid robots equipped with wheel-drive technology is expected to rise significantly in the coming years, driven by these practical advantages.

The integration of wheel-drive technology in humanoid robots has substantially contributed to their effective mobility and adaptable maneuverability. This technology allows robots to traverse different terrains smoothly and execute tasks with high precision. For instance, wheel-drive robots can efficiently navigate complex environments, making them suitable for roles that require consistent and reliable movement.

The adoption of wheel-drive robots has significantly expanded the potential applications of robotics. In customer service, wheel-drive robots can assist in greeting and guiding customers, providing information, and enhancing the overall service experience. In educational settings, these robots can serve as interactive teaching aids, helping students understand scientific and technological concepts through hands-on interaction. In the entertainment industry, wheel-drive robots can perform various tasks, from simple interactions with guests to more complex performances, thereby enhancing the visitor experience.

Country/Region-wise Acumens

Will High Adoption of Humanoid Robots in Japan and China Surge the Growth of the Humanoid Robot Market?

Asia Pacific substantially dominates the humanoid robot market. Asia Pacific, particularly markets like Japan, South Korea, and China, stands out as a leader in the adoption and development of humanoid robots. These countries host prominent companies such as Robotis in Korea, Softbank in Japan, and Invento Robotics in India, among others, which have made significant strides in advancing humanoid technology. The region's aerospace sector has also shown interest in integrating humanoid robots, highlighting their versatile applications beyond traditional industries.

China's rapid adoption of industrial robots, facilitated by government policies and subsidies, has been pronounced. In 2021, China installed 18 percent more robots per manufacturing worker compared to the United States, a rate that increases to 12 times when accounting for lower Chinese manufacturing wages. This government-backed initiative has made China the largest adopter of industrial robots globally, with significant installations, particularly in the booming automobile industry. Chinese robotics firms like Humanoid have also gained traction due to competitive pricing, with products priced around $90,000, significantly lower than their Western counterparts. This affordability has further fueled the adoption of robotics across various sectors in China, contributing to its global leadership in robot installations.

Japan, specifically, is projected to experience the fastest growth in the humanoid robot market during the forecast period. This growth is driven by advanced healthcare systems that emphasize innovation and technological advancements. Japanese companies are leveraging humanoid robots to enhance patient care, automate medical procedures, and improve overall healthcare delivery. These robots are equipped with advanced sensors and capabilities that enable them to assist doctors in diagnosing illnesses and administering treatments efficiently.

Similarly, China's humanoid robot market is poised for substantial growth, supported by a structured regulatory framework and the introduction of new robot models tailored to the Chinese market. The country's focus on technological advancement and meeting the rising demand for enhanced customer experiences drives innovation in humanoid robotics. Lower hardware costs and increasing retail demand further contribute to market expansion, making humanoid robots more accessible and appealing across various sectors in China.

In 2022, China dominated the global robot installations, accounting for 52 percent of all installations worldwide. This significant market share gives Chinese robot producers a substantial advantage in their domestic market. In contrast, Japan led in global robotics output, contributing 46 percent of the total output and 36 percent of global exports in the same year. This export intensity was notably higher than that of the United States, which despite having a much larger GDP, accounted for just 5.4 percent of global robotics exports.

The COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated the adoption of humanoid robots in Asia Pacific, particularly in healthcare settings. There is a heightened demand for robots like Grace, developed by a Hong Kong-based robotics firm, which serves as a doctor's assistant equipped with thermal cameras to monitor patients' vital signs. These robots are instrumental in minimizing human contact, reducing infection risks, and enhancing medical efficiency during health crises.

In India, innovations like Manav, the country's first three-dimensional printed humanoid robot, demonstrate the region's commitment to pushing technological boundaries. Manav showcases capabilities ranging from physical activities like push-ups and playing football to potential applications in education and research. Such developments underscore Asia Pacific's dynamic role in advancing humanoid robotics, driven by innovation, regulatory support, and evolving market demands.

How the Numerous Robotics Hubs and Research Centers Foster the Growth of the Humanoid Robot Market in North America During the Forecast Period?

North America is anticipated to witness the fastest growth in the humanoid robot market during the forecast period. North America is a hub for numerous top robotics businesses and research centers at the forefront of developing humanoid robot technology. The United States and Canada, in particular, have seen the deployment of humanoid robots across various fields, including research and development, education, entertainment, and healthcare. Businesses and organizations in these countries are exploring the potential of humanoid robots to enhance learning environments, assist with medical procedures, and improve customer experiences. This exploration is driving significant advancements and applications of humanoid robotics in the region.

The North American market for humanoid robots is expected to flourish due to the region's excellent robotics research facilities, encouraging governmental initiatives, and robust academic-industry partnerships. These factors create a conducive environment for innovation and development in humanoid robotics. The country's well-developed healthcare infrastructure, advancements in robotics, and presence of key market players are anticipated to drive market growth over the forecast period.

The United States faced a trade deficit of USD 1.26 Billion in robotics in 2022, with exports constituting only 28 percent of the total value of imports. Despite these figures, the U.S. remains home to innovative robotics companies such as Productive Robotics, based in California, which manufactures multi-axis collaborative robots for automating machining processes. Additionally, Ingersoll Machine Tools, headquartered in Illinois, developed the Master Print Robotic, a machine that integrates 3D printing and CNC milling.

In healthcare and education, there is a rising demand for humanoid robots for caregiving and teaching purposes in North America. The region's healthcare sector is leveraging humanoid robots to assist with patient care, provide companionship to the elderly, and support medical procedures. Similarly, the educational sector is integrating humanoid robots into classrooms to aid in teaching and engaging students. This integration is part of a broader trend of incorporating advanced technology to enhance learning and caregiving experiences.

The increasing investment by the government and key market players is also driving the market's revenue. Governmental support in the form of funding and policy initiatives encourages the development and deployment of humanoid robots. Additionally, major businesses are investing in research and development to expand the application areas of these robots. For example, Nadine, manufactured by Hanson Robotics, is a gynoid humanoid public robot that can respond to greetings, maintain eye contact, and remember conversations. Such innovations highlight the progress and potential of humanoid robotics.

The development of humanoid robot technology and improved infrastructure is responsible for the market expansion in North America. With advanced infrastructure supporting the deployment of these robots, the region is well-positioned to continue its leadership in the field. The collaborative efforts between academia, industry, and government are fostering an environment where humanoid robotics can thrive and evolve.

Competitive Landscape

The humanoid robot market is a highly competitive space with both established and emerging players vying for market share. Innovation, application focus, cost-effectiveness, and strategic partnerships will be key differentiators for success.

The organizations are focusing on innovating their product line to serve the vast population in diverse regions. Some of the prominent players operating in the humanoid robot market include:

  • SoftBank Robotics, Honda Motor Co. Ltd., Toyota Motor Corporation, Boston Dynamics, UBTECH Robotics Corp. Ltd., Shadow Robot Company, Agility Robotics, Hanson Robotics Ltd., Tesla

Latest Developments:

  • In April 2024, Boston Dynamics, a U.S.-based engineering and robotics business, will unveil its all-new electric Atlas humanoid robot, succeeding its hydraulic predecessor and aiming to transform the robotics industry.
  • In February 2024, Kepler Exploration Robot Co., Ltd., a humanoid robot company, announced the launch of the Kepler Forerunner series of general-purpose humanoid robots (Kepler Humanoid Robot). These robots stand 178cm (5'10") tall and weigh 85kg (187 pounds). They have highly sophisticated hands capable of performing complicated movements with 12 degrees of freedom.
  • In January 2024, UBTECH ROBOTICS CORP LTD created history when it became the first humanoid robot firm to be listed on the HKEX Main Board. The groundbreaking action strengthens their status as industry pioneers, marking a watershed moment for humanoid robotics in the financial market. This assisted the corporation by commercializing humanoid robots.
  • In September 2023, Toyota Motor Corporation's affiliate Toyota Research Institute (TRI) presented a generative AI approach that uses Diffusion Policy to quickly teach robots new, dexterous skills. This milestone, achieved without writing additional code, improves robot utility and represents a big step toward developing "Large Behavior Models (LBMs)" for robots. TRI wants to teach hundreds of new talents by the end of this year, and an outstanding 1,000 by the end of 2024, utilizing this transformational technology.



  • 1.1 Overview of the Market
  • 1.2 Scope of Report
  • 1.3 Assumptions



  • 3.1 Data Mining
  • 3.2 Validation
  • 3.3 Primary Interviews
  • 3.4 List of Data Sources


  • 4.1 Overview
  • 4.2 Market Dynamics
    • 4.2.1 Drivers
    • 4.2.2 Restraints
    • 4.2.3 Opportunities
  • 4.3 Porters Five Force Model


  • 5.1 Overview
  • 5.2 Wheel Drive
  • 5.3 Biped


  • 6.1 Overview
  • 6.2 Education and Entertainment
  • 6.3 Research and Space Exploration


  • 7.1 Overview
  • 7.2 Hardware
  • 7.3 Software


  • 8.1 Overview
  • 8.2 North America
    • 8.2.1 U.S.
    • 8.2.2 Canada
    • 8.2.3 Mexico
  • 8.3 Europe
    • 8.3.1 Germany
    • 8.3.2 U.K.
    • 8.3.3 France
    • 8.3.4 Rest of Europe
  • 8.4 Asia Pacific
    • 8.4.1 China
    • 8.4.2 Japan
    • 8.4.3 India
    • 8.4.4 Rest of Asia Pacific
  • 8.5 Rest of the World
    • 8.5.1 Latin America
    • 8.5.2 Middle East & Africa


  • 9.1 Overview
  • 9.2 Company Market Ranking
  • 9.3 Key Development Strategies


  • 10.1 SoftBank Robotics
    • 10.1.1 Overview
    • 10.1.2 Financial Performance
    • 10.1.3 Product Outlook
    • 10.1.4 Key Developments
  • 10.2 Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
    • 10.2.1 Overview
    • 10.2.2 Financial Performance
    • 10.2.3 Product Outlook
    • 10.2.4 Key Developments
  • 10.3 Toyota Motor Corporation
    • 10.3.1 Overview
    • 10.3.2 Financial Performance
    • 10.3.3 Product Outlook
    • 10.3.4 Key Developments
  • 10.4 Boston Dynamics
    • 10.4.1 Overview
    • 10.4.2 Financial Performance
    • 10.4.3 Product Outlook
    • 10.4.4 Key Developments
  • 10.5 UBTECH Robotics Corp. Ltd.
    • 10.5.1 Overview
    • 10.5.2 Financial Performance
    • 10.5.3 Product Outlook
    • 10.5.4 Key Developments
  • 10.6 Shadow Robot Company
    • 10.6.1 Overview
    • 10.6.2 Financial Performance
    • 10.6.3 Product Outlook
    • 10.6.4 Key Developments
  • 10.7 Agility Robotics
    • 10.7.1 Overview
    • 10.7.2 Financial Performance
    • 10.7.3 Product Outlook
    • 10.7.4 Key Developments
  • 10.8 Hanson Robotics Ltd.
    • 10.8.1 Overview
    • 10.8.2 Financial Performance
    • 10.8.3 Product Outlook
    • 10.8.4 Key Developments
  • 10.9 Tesla
    • 10.9.1 Overview
    • 10.9.2 Financial Performance
    • 10.9.3 Product Outlook
    • 10.9.4 Key Developments


  • 11.1 Product Launches/Developments
  • 11.2 Mergers and Acquisitions
  • 11.3 Business Expansions
  • 11.4 Partnerships and Collaborations

12 Appendix

  • 12.1 Related Research