
2024 年至 2031 年行為生物辨識市場(按類型、部署、應用、最終用戶和地區劃分)

Behavioral Biometrics Market By Type, Deployment, Application, End-Users, & Region for 2024-2031

出版日期: | 出版商: Verified Market Research | 英文 202 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內


行為生物辨識市場評估,2024 年至 2031 年


行為生物辨識技術可以在保護敏感資料的同時提供流暢的使用者體驗。對資料隱私和合規規則的日益重視,促使企業尋求更安全、更能保護隱私的身份驗證技術。行為生物識別技術可以透過減少個人資料的收集和保留來幫助緩解這些擔憂。對具有成本效益且高效的行為生物辨識技術的需求不斷增長,推動市場在 2024 年至 2031 年期間的複合年增長率達到 27.60%。





網路安全問題和日益增加的資料外洩正在推動行為生物辨識市場的發展。 2021年共記錄了1862起資料外洩事件,比2020年成長了68%,創下了新高。這一令人擔憂的趨勢凸顯了標準身份驗證系統的局限性,並推動了對行為生物識別技術的需求,該技術透過評估使用者的獨特行為提供增強的、持續的身份驗證。隨著網路威脅變得越來越複雜,將行為生物辨識技術納入安全系統對於妥善保護敏感資訊和應對不斷變化的網路犯罪情況至關重要。

行為生物辨識市場受到數位銀行和行動支付日益普及的推動。數位銀行用戶數量預計將從 2020 年的 24 億增加到 2024 年的 36 億,這將增加對安全、易於使用的身份驗證解決方案的需求。這種快速擴張正在為行為生物辨識技術創造一個龐大的市場,這種技術可以提供更高的安全性,同時又不會犧牲數位銀行和行動支付平台所要求的無摩擦用戶體驗。行為生物辨識技術正成為保護快速發展的數位金融環境的越來越重要的工具。





第 1 章簡介

  • 市場定義
  • 市場區隔
  • 研究方法

第 2 章執行摘要

  • 主要發現 市場概況 市集亮點

第三章 市場概覽

  • 市場規模與成長潛力
  • 市場趨勢
  • 市場推動因素
  • 市場限制
  • 市場機會
  • 波特五力分析
第 4 章。
  • 簽名分析
  • 按鍵動態
  • 語音識別
  • 步態分析

第 5 章。
  • 基於雲端
  • 本地
第六章 行為生物辨識市場(依應用)
  • 身份證明
  • 持續身份驗證
  • 風險與合規管理
  • 詐欺偵測與預防

第 7 章。
  • 銀行、金融服務和保險
  • 零售、電子商務
  • 醫療保健
  • 政府與公部門
  • IT 與電信
  • 交通
  • 飯店業

第 8 章 區域分析

  • 北美洲
  • 美國
  • 加拿大
  • 墨西哥
  • 歐洲
  • 英國
  • 德國
  • 法國
  • 義大利 亞太地區
  • 中國
  • 日本
  • 印度
  • 澳大利亞
  • 拉丁美洲
  • 巴西
  • 阿根廷
  • 智利
  • 中東和非洲
  • 南非
  • 沙烏地阿拉伯
  • 阿拉伯聯合大公國

第 9 章 市場動態

  • 市場推動因素
  • 市場限制
  • 市場機會
  • COVID-19 對市場的影響

第 10 章 競爭格局

  • 大型公司
  • 市佔率分析

第 11 章 公司簡介

  • Nuance Communications, Inc.
  • BioCatch Ltd.
  • SecureAuth Corporation
  • UnifyID Inc.
  • BehavioSec Inc.
  • Mastercard
  • IBM
  • Zighra
  • Plurilock
  • ThreatMark
  • SecuredTouch

第十二章 市場展望與機會

  • 新興技術
  • 未來市場趨勢
  • 投資機會

第 13 章附錄

  • 縮寫列表
  • 來源與參考文獻
Product Code: 26276

Behavioral Biometrics Market Valuation - 2024-2031

The growing demand for the behavioral biometrics market and the growing incidence of cybercrime and identity theft have rendered traditional security measures ineffective. Behavioral biometrics provide a more robust and trustworthy way of authentication due to they are harder to copy or steal. The increased use of digital technologies such as mobile devices and online banking has created a demand for safe and user-friendly authentication systems. The market size surpass USD 1.56 Billion valued in 2024 to reach a valuation of around USD 9.18 Billion by 2031.

Behavioral biometrics can deliver a smooth user experience while protecting sensitive data. The growing emphasis on data privacy and compliance rules has prompted businesses to seek more secure and privacy-preserving authentication techniques. Behavioral biometrics can help alleviate these concerns by reducing the collection and retention of personal data. The rising demand for cost-effective and efficient behavioral biometrics is enabling the market grow at a CAGR of 27.60% from 2024 to 2031.

Behavioral Biometrics Market: Definition/ Overview

Behavioral biometrics is the process of identifying and authenticating persons based on patterns in their behavior, such as typing rhythm, mouse movements, and device interactions. Behavioral biometrics, as opposed to traditional biometrics, which relies on physical qualities such as fingerprints or face recognition, studies how people use technology in unique ways, making it a valuable tool for continuous authentication. This technology is rapidly being used in security systems to improve fraud detection, reduce identity theft, and provide a more effortless user experience without the need for continual reauthentication.

Behavioral biometrics is a promising technology, with applications predicted to spread across various kinds of industries, including banking, healthcare, and cybersecurity. As cyber threats evolve, the need for more complex and adaptable security measures will promote the use of behavioral biometrics. Advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning will improve the accuracy and reliability of these systems, making them an essential component of multi-factor authentication frameworks. The increased emphasis on user privacy and the necessity for non-intrusive security solutions undoubtedly accelerate the integration of behavioral biometrics into regular digital interactions.

Will the Increasing Cybersecurity Threats and Data Breaches Drive the Behavioral Biometrics Market?

Increasing cybersecurity concerns and data breaches are propelling the behavioral biometrics market. The jump in breaches, with 1,862 recorded in 2021-a 68% increase over 2020 and a new record-highlights the significant need for improved security measures. This disturbing trend underlines the limitations of standard authentication systems and fuels demand for behavioral biometrics, which provide enhanced, ongoing authentication by evaluating unique user actions. As cyber threats become increasingly complex, incorporating behavioral biometrics into security systems becomes essential to properly protecting sensitive information and addressing the changing landscape of cybercrime.

The market for behavioral biometrics is being driven by the increased usage of digital banking and mobile payments. As the number of digital banking users is expected to reach 3.6 billion by 2024, up from 2.4 billion in 2020, the demand for secure and user-friendly authentication solutions is growing. This rapid expansion generates a sizable market for behavioral biometrics, which provide increased security without sacrificing the smooth user experience required by digital banking and mobile payment platforms. Behavioral biometrics are becoming an increasingly important instrument in protecting the rapidly developing digital financial environment.

Will the High Implementation Costs Hinder the Growth of the Behavioral Biometrics Market?

High implementation costs may impede the growth of the behavioral biometrics market. The integration of these advanced systems necessitates large investments in technology, infrastructure, and experience, which can be a barrier for many organizations, particularly small and medium-sized businesses. These expenditures cover not just the initial setup but also continuous maintenance, updates, and potential system upgrades to stay up with changing security threats. The financial barrier to implementing behavioral biometrics may hinder its widespread adoption, particularly in industries with tight budgets, delaying market growth.

User acceptability impedes the growth of the behavioral biometrics market. Many users are used to traditional identification techniques like passwords or fingerprint scanning, and they may be hesitant to adopt new technologies like behavioral biometrics, which constantly watch and evaluate their activity. Concerns about privacy, unfamiliarity with technology, and discomfort with the thought of being continually monitored can lead to user reluctance. This uncertainty can hinder the adoption of behavioral biometrics since enterprises may be hesitant to build systems that their users may not completely embrace, impeding the market's growth.

Category-Wise Acumens

How Does Banking and Finance Propel the Signature Analysis Segment for the Behavioral Biometrics Market?

Signature analysis is an expanding segment of the behavioral biometrics market. The banking and finance market will drive the signature analysis component of the behavioral biometrics market. As financial institutions prioritize security and fraud prevention, they are turning to signature analysis as a dependable technique for confirming transactions and authenticating individuals. Signature analysis provides a smooth means to validate identification without affecting the user experience, making it especially appealing in settings where both security and convenience are critical. The increased use of digital banking and mobile payments increases the requirement for advanced authentication solutions such as signature analysis, which helps guard against unauthorized access and fraudulent activity in these high-risk sectors.

Authentication and the incorporation of signature analysis technology into digital platforms will propel the signature analysis section of the behavioral biometrics market. As digital platforms spread across industries, the necessity for strong and user-friendly authentication systems grows more crucial. Signature analysis is a simple and secure technique to verify users by evaluating their unique signature patterns, and it can be quickly implemented into digital platforms such as online banking, e-commerce, and mobile applications. This connection improves security while maintaining a smooth user experience, making it an appealing solution for enterprises wishing to protect sensitive transactions and user data, boosting growth in the signature analysis area.

How Do the Increasing Banking, Finance, and E-Commerce Raise the Fraud Detection & Prevention Segment for the Behavioral Biometrics Market?

Fraud detection and prevention dominates the behavioral biometrics market. The growing banking, finance, and e-commerce industries are driving the fraud detection and prevention segment of the behavioral biometrics market by increasing the need for improved security measures to protect against emerging cyber threats and fraudulent activities. As these businesses grow, they will handle massive volumes of sensitive data and transactions, demanding effective fraud detection systems. Behavioral biometrics provides a comprehensive way to detect and prevent fraud by evaluating users' unique behavioral patterns, improving security while lowering false positives, and ensuring a seamless user experience. The growing need for effective fraud protection in high-risk sectors is driving the use and development of behavioral biometrics solutions.

Significant financial losses from fraud will drive the fraud detection and prevention segment of the behavioral biometrics market. As financial losses from fraud continue to climb, businesses are investing more in advanced security solutions to reduce these risks. Behavioral biometrics offers a strong answer by studying unique user behaviors to detect and prevent fraudulent activity more efficiently than traditional approaches. This skill is essential for protecting financial assets and avoiding losses, which drives demand for behavioral biometrics solutions in the fraud detection and prevention market.

Country/Region-wise Acumens

Will the Technological Advancements in North America Drive the Behavioral Biometrics Market?

The North American region dominates the behavioral biometrics market. Technological improvements will propel the behavioral biometrics market in North America. North America leads in technical innovation, which contributes significantly to market growth. North America has the greatest market share due to its strong infrastructure and early adoption of security solutions. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) reported that behavioral biometrics reduced account takeover fraud by 90%, boosting use in financial services and e-commerce. Furthermore, a 2022 Experian poll found that 74% of North American firms want to increase investments in complex authentication technologies, such as behavioral biometrics, in response to rising security concerns and a need for seamless user experiences. This robust demand and investment are strengthening North America's supremacy in the behavioral biometrics market.

The solid regulatory framework will propel the behavioral biometrics market in North America. The enormous increase in data breaches, with 1,862 recorded in 2021, and a 70% increase in fraud losses of more than USD 5.8 Billion, has resulted in stronger restrictions and a greater emphasis on advanced security measures. This legal pressure is driving firms to implement sophisticated technologies such as behavioral biometrics in order to improve data security and comply with increasing regulations. According to a KPMG poll conducted in 2022, 87% of North American businesses prioritize compliance, with 62% already employing or exploring behavioral biometric technology.

Furthermore, the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) predicts that by 2025, more than 60% of enterprise-level multi-factor authentication systems will include behavioral biometrics, emphasizing its critical role in meeting regulatory requirements and driving market growth in the region.

Will the Government Initiatives Expand the Asian Pacific Region for the Behavioral Biometrics Market?

Asia Pacific is experiencing the fastest growth in the behavioral biometrics market. Government initiatives will drive the behavioral biometrics market in Asia Pacific. According to the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the region's digital transformation is expected to create up to $1.7 trillion in yearly economic effect by 2025, with considerable investments in advanced authentication technologies such as behavioral biometrics. The Indian government's Digital India initiative has issued over 1.3 billion Aadhaar biometric IDs, encouraging the use of behavioral biometrics to improve security. In China, the government's 14th Five-Year Plan emphasizes cybersecurity and the promotion of biometric technologies, which reinforces this trend. Highlights how government-led initiatives are creating significant growth and establishing the region as a key market for behavioral biometrics technology.

Rapid digitization will propel the behavioral biometrics market in Asia Pacific. The development in digital activity has raised cybersecurity worries, as indicated by a 7% increase in cybersecurity incidents recorded by the Asia Pacific Computer Emergency Response Team (APCERT) in 2022, with financial fraud a major issue. The Cyber Security Agency of Singapore's focus on phishing and identity theft, combined with regulatory mandates such as the Reserve Bank of India's 2021 requirement for stronger online transaction verification, is driving increased demand for behavioral biometrics. These elements, together with the growing digital economy, are greatly increasing the market for behavioral biometrics in the region.

Competitive Landscape

The behavioral biometrics market is a dynamic and competitive space, characterized by a diverse range of players vying for market share. These players are on the run for solidifying their presence through the adoption of strategic plans such as collaborations, mergers, acquisitions, and political support.

The organizations are focusing on innovating their product line to serve the vast population in diverse regions. Some of the prominent players operating in the behavioral biometrics market include:

  • Nuance Communications, Inc.
  • BioCatch Ltd.
  • SecureAuth Corporation
  • UnifyID, Inc.
  • BehavioSec, Inc.
  • Mastercard
  • IBM
  • Zighra
  • Plurilock
  • ThreatMark
  • SecuredTouch

Latest Developments

  • In October 2023, BioCatch, a major behavioral biometrics company, released behavioral biometric software to safeguard vulnerable sectors of the population against fraud. The program is a new account opening protection feature aimed at protecting older customers from fraudulent activities.
  • In February 2023, BioCatch, a global leader in behavioral biometric intelligence and breakthrough fraud prevention technology, will open a headquarters in Australia. Furthermore, the firm strengthens its global market supremacy by developing operations throughout Asia-Pacific, with headquarters in Australia and Singapore.
  • In November 2022, Nuance Communications and NVIDIA will integrate medical imaging AI models directly into clinical environments.
  • In December 2022, Callsign and Illumina announced collaborative ventures, and SecureAuth published an authentication framework.

Behavioral Biometrics Market, By Category

  • Type:
  • Signature Analysis
  • Keystroke Dynamics
  • Voice Recognition
  • Gait Analysis
  • Deployment:
  • On-Premises
  • Cloud-Based
  • Application:
  • Identity Proofing
  • Continuous Authentication
  • Risk & Compliance Management
  • Fraud Detection & Prevention
  • End-Users:
  • Banking, Financial Services & Insurance
  • Retail & E-Commerce
  • Healthcare
  • Government & Public Sector
  • IT & Telecom
  • Transportation
  • Hospitality
  • Region:
  • North America
  • Europe
  • Asia Pacific
  • Latin America
  • Middle East & Africa


1. Introduction

  • Market Definition
  • Market Segmentation
  • Research Methodology

2. Executive Summary

  • Key Findings
  • Market Overview
  • Market Highlights

3. Market Overview

  • Market Size and Growth Potential
  • Market Trends
  • Market Drivers
  • Market Restraints
  • Market Opportunities
  • Porter's Five Forces Analysis

4. Behavioral Biometrics Market, By Type

  • Signature Analysis
  • Keystroke Dynamics
  • Voice Recognition
  • Gait Analysis

5. Behavioral Biometrics Market, By Deployment

  • Cloud-Based
  • On-Premises

6. Behavioral Biometrics Market, By Application

  • Identity Proofing
  • Continuous Authentication
  • Risk & Compliance Management
  • Fraud Detection & Prevention

7. Behavioral Biometrics Market, By End-Users

  • Banking, Financial Services & Insurance
  • Retail & E-Commerce
  • Healthcare
  • Government & Public Sector
  • IT & Telecom
  • Transportation
  • Hospitality

8. Regional Analysis

  • North America
  • United States
  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • Europe
  • United Kingdom
  • Germany
  • France
  • Italy
  • Asia-Pacific
  • China
  • Japan
  • India
  • Australia
  • Latin America
  • Brazil
  • Argentina
  • Chile
  • Middle East and Africa
  • South Africa
  • Saudi Arabia
  • UAE

9. Market Dynamics

  • Market Drivers
  • Market Restraints
  • Market Opportunities
  • Impact of COVID-19 on the Market

10. Competitive Landscape

  • Key Players
  • Market Share Analysis

11. Company Profiles

  • Nuance Communications, Inc.
  • BioCatch Ltd.
  • SecureAuth Corporation
  • UnifyID Inc.
  • BehavioSec Inc.
  • Mastercard
  • IBM
  • Zighra
  • Plurilock
  • ThreatMark
  • SecuredTouch

12. Market Outlook and Opportunities

  • Emerging Technologies
  • Future Market Trends
  • Investment Opportunities

13. Appendix

  • List of Abbreviations
  • Sources and References