
建築 OT 網路安全產業分析(2024-2030)

Buildings OT Cybersecurity Industry Analysis 2024-2030

出版日期: | 出版商: Westlands Advisory Ltd | 英文 | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內



雖然建立 OT 網路安全的投資不斷增加,但起始水準相對較低,這凸顯了整個產業許多網路安全專案的整體發展不足。隨著網路安全風險意識的增強,估計2024年全球投資將達到 37億美元,2023年至2031年年複合成長率為 16%。2024-2031年TAM為517億美元,其中80%以上投資將在已開發國家。WA預計除北美、歐洲和亞太地區的已開發國家外,到2030年投資有限且成長率較低。

已開發國家有較強的市場推動因素。儘管經濟存在不確定性,但從2025年起,建築施工成長預計將強勁。建築資產所有者有各種能源績效目標 - 為了達成EPBD(能源績效建築指令)、美國EO 14057(美國聯邦建築到2045年實現淨零排放的目標)、印度的節能法案、日本的建築節能法案等目標,永續發展目標也可能推動改造市場。預計在建構管理平台、智慧感測器和增強連接方面的大量投資將有助於實現這些永續發展目標。科技進步不僅可以降低能源成本、提高永續性,還可以改善居住者的體驗。然而,連接性和智慧型裝置的增加引進了新的漏洞並擴大了攻擊面,迫使資產所有者調整和發展其網路安全計劃。

雖然 NIS2 等網路安全法規並非專門針對建築物,但預計將提高人們的意識並改善網路風險計畫。雖然 NIS2 較其前身(NIS)有了顯著擴展,但追蹤記錄顯示,如果沒有強有力的執行,變化就會緩慢。在WA,認為建築資產的數位化和董事會對網路安全風險意識的提高是比當前和未來網路安全法規更重要的投資驅動因素。


WA認為,對網路安全的思考方式正隨著 DX 趨勢而逐漸改變。隨著組織轉向零信任架構,這包括更加關注資產和設備管理、漏洞管理、網路分段、威脅偵測和安全遠端存取管理。然而,隨著資料日益在邊緣設備上處理並傳輸到雲端平台進行儲存和分析,資產所有者需要致力於保護其 OT 設備和網路,同時需要確保資料受到保護雲端。需要更加關注彈性,以使組織能夠以最小的中斷回應事件並從中恢復。這包括一個治理框架,使網路安全與企業目標和監管要求保持一致,重點關注人員、流程和技術。

建築物 OT 網路安全的定義

此分析回顧了建築 OT 網路安全市場,探討了影響資產所有者和安全領導者的趨勢,並評估了當前和未來的OT 網路安全支出。

涵蓋用於保護 OT 網路和裝置的技術和服務。在普渡大學模型中,這是第3 級及以下級別,涵蓋所附圖表中所述的監督、自動化和現場層。



該專案包括用於在 NIST 2.0 框架(治理、識別、保護、檢測、回應和復原)中保護建築 OT 的技術和管理網路安全控制。唯一的例外是排除在分析之外的備份和災難復原技術。




  • 執行摘要
  • 建置 OT 網路安全市場(2023-2031年)
  • 市場預測:依產業細分
  • 世界各地建築物的OT 網路安全:區域趨勢


  • 投資驅動因素:概述
  • 樓宇自動化主題
  • 經濟概況
  • 技術概要
  • 規制概要
  • 威脅趨勢
  • 漏洞趨勢

建置 OT 架構與網路安全控制

  • 建置 OT 架構與網路安全控制:概述
  • 樓宇自動化系統(BAS)參考架構
  • 樓宇自動化系統的風險
  • 客戶面臨的挑戰
  • 網路安全技術與管理控制
  • 行政控制
  • OT 網路安全參考架構與技術控制
  • 樓宇自動化系統(BAS)安全架構
  • 建構 OT 網路安全場景
  • 高階 IoT 架構


  • 技術概述
  • 建構縱深管理與防禦
  • 資產和漏洞管理解決方案的趨勢
  • 資產與漏洞管理解決方案
  • 威脅偵測趨勢
  • 威脅偵測解決方案
  • 端點保護的趨勢
  • 端點保護解決方案
  • 網路保護趨勢
  • 網路保護解決方案
  • 安全遠端存取管理(SRAM)的趨勢
  • 安全營運趨勢
  • 安全營運解決方案
  • 其他技術解決方案
  • 專業保全服務的定義
  • 專業保全服務的趨勢
  • 託管安全服務定義
  • 託管安全服務的趨勢
  • 技術成熟度
  • 投資提升網路安全成熟度
  • 科技與服務領域的投資(2031)


  • 促進各地區投資的因素:概述
  • 北美市場預測:依產業細分(2024-2031年)
  • 北美成長產業
  • 北美收入機會
  • 亞太市場預測:依產業細分(2024-2031年)
  • 亞太地區的成長產業
  • 亞太地區的收入機會
  • 歐洲市場預測:依產業細分(2024-2031年)
  • 歐洲的成長產業
  • 歐洲收入機會
  • 中東市場預測:依產業細分(2024-2031年)
  • 中東的成長產業
  • 中東獲利機會
  • 非洲市場預測:依產業細分(2024-2031年)
  • 非洲成長產業
  • 非洲的獲利機會
  • 拉丁美洲市場預測:依產業細分(2024-2031年)
  • 拉丁美洲成長產業
  • 拉丁美洲的收入機會
  • 中亞市場預測:依產業細分(2024-2031年)
  • 中亞的成長產業
  • 中亞獲利機會


  • 摘要
  • 生態系與通路
  • 打造 OT 網路安全產品供應商


  • 依產業劃分的細分市場
  • 教育設施(2023-2031年)
  • 醫療設施(2023-2031)
  • 政府大樓(2023-2031年)
  • 零售店(2023-2031)
  • 資料中心(2023-2031)
  • 飯店與娛樂設施(2023-2031年)
  • 工業建築(2023-2031)
  • 交通(2023-2031)
  • 商業建築(2023-2031)


Investment in buildings OT cybersecurity is increasing although it is starting from a relatively low base, highlighting the overall underdeveloped state of many cybersecurity programs across the industry. Global investment is forecast to reach $3.7B in 2024 and will grow at a CAGR of 16% from 2023-2031 as cybersecurity risk awareness improves. The TAM from 2024 to 2031 is $51.7B with over 80% of this investment spread across developed nations. Outside of NA, Europe and developed countries in Asia Pacific, WA expects limited investment and low growth to 2030.

There are strong market drivers in developed economies. Despite economic uncertainties, the construction growth for buildings is expected to strengthen post-2025. Sustainability goals will also drive the renovation market as building asset owners aim to meet energy performance targets such as the Energy Performance Buildings Directive (EPBD), the US EO 14057 which targets net-zero emissions from federal buildings by 2045, India's Energy Conservation Act and Japan's Building Energy Conservation Act, among others. Significant investment in building management platforms, smart sensors, and enhanced connectivity are expected to help reach these sustainability goals. Technological advancements will not only reduce energy costs and improve sustainability but also enhance occupant experiences. However, growing connectivity and smart devices introduce new vulnerabilities and expands the attack surface requiring assets owners to adapt and evolve cybersecurity programs.

Although not specific to buildings, cybersecurity regulations such as NIS2 are expected to enhance awareness and improve cyber risk programs although WA expects the impact to be limited to incremental improvements to current programs rather than large and widespread investment. Although NIS2 has been significantly expanded from its predecessor (NIS), history highlights that without strong enforcement change is slow. WA believes that digital transformation of building assets and growing board awareness of cybersecurity risk are more significant investment drivers than current and forthcoming cybersecurity regulation.

Lowering the typical building operators cyber risk profile is challenging in a sector that lacks cybersecurity skills, has a complex ecosystem of vendors and service companies, limited board commitment, and budget constraints. These barriers need to be overcome through greater industry education and collaboration.

WA believes that attitudes to cybersecurity are slowly changing in response to digital transformation trends. This includes a growing focus on asset and device management, vulnerability management, network segmentation, threat detection and Secure Remote Access Management as organisations move towards zero-trust architectures. However, as data is increasingly processed by edge devices, and forwarded to cloud platforms for storage and analysis, asset owners need to focus on protecting OT devices and networks, whilst ensuring that edge devices and data is protected to and from the cloud. A greater focus on resilience is required, ensuring that organisations can respond and recover from incidents with minimal disruption. This includes a focus on people, processes and technology and a governance framework that aligns cybersecurity with company goals and regulatory requirements.

Buildings OT Cybersecurity Definition

This analysis reviews the Building OT Cybersecurity market, exploring the trends impacting asset owners and security leaders, and evaluates current and future OT cybersecurity expenditure.

The project covers the technologies and services used to protect OT networks and devices. In the Purdue Model this is level 3 and below, covering the supervisory layer, automation layer and field layer described in the accompanying chart.

Building terminologies are often used interchangeably. Building Management Systems (BMS), Building Automation Systems (BAS), Building Control Systems (BCS) and Facility Related Control Systems (FRCS) all overlap and are included within the scope of the project.

Systems, devices and related controllers includes HVAC, energy management, elevators, fire and safety, lighting, electronic security (physical access control, surveillance cameras), mechanical systems (e.g. water pumps) and parking systems.

The project includes technical and administrative cybersecurity controls used to protect buildings OT across the NIST 2.0 framework (Govern, Identity, Protect, Detect, Respond, Recover). The only exception is back-up and disaster recovery technology which has been excluded from the analysis.

The project is global and covers the period 2023 to 2031. The base year is 2023 and 2024 is a forecasted number that may change in subsequent editions of the report. The Total Available Market (TAM) is often quoted for the period 2024-2031 whilst the CAGR for the period covers 2023-2031.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

  • Executive Summary
  • Buildings OT Cybersecurity Market 2023-2031
  • Market Forecast by Industry Segment
  • Global Buildings OT Cybersecurity Regional Trends

Cybersecurity Investment Drivers

  • Summary of Investment Drivers
  • Building Automation Themes
  • Economics Summary
  • Technology Summary
  • Regulatory Summary
  • Threat Trends
  • Vulnerability Trends

Building OT Architectures and Cybersecurity Controls

  • Summary of OT Architectures and Cybersecurity Controls
  • Building Automation System (BAS) Reference Architecture
  • Building Automation System Risk
  • Customer Challenges
  • Technical and Administrative Cybersecurity Controls
  • Administrative Controls
  • OT Cybersecurity Reference Architecture and Technical Controls
  • Building Automation System (BAS) Security Architecture
  • Buildings OT Cybersecurity Scenarios
  • High Level IoT Architecture

Technology Lifecycle & Use Cases

  • Technology Summary
  • Building Management Defence in Depth
  • Asset & Vulnerability Management Solutions Trends
  • Asset & Vulnerability Management Solutions
  • Threat Detection Trends
  • Threat Detection Solutions
  • Endpoint Protection Trends
  • Endpoint Protection Solutions
  • Network Protection Trends
  • Network Protection Solutions
  • Secure Remote Access Management (SRAM) Trends
  • Security Operations Trends
  • Security Operations Solutions
  • Other Technology Solutions
  • Professional Security Services Definition
  • Professional Security Services Trends
  • Managed Security Services Definition
  • Managed Security Services Trends
  • Technology Maturity
  • Investment to Improve Cybersecurity Maturity
  • Investment in Technology and Services Categories 2031

Market Expenditure & Outlook

  • Summary Regional investment Drivers
  • North America Market Forecast by Industry Segment 2024-2031
  • North America Growth Sectors
  • North America Revenue Opportunities
  • Asia-Pacific Market Forecast by Industry Segment 2024-2031
  • Asia-Pacific Growth Sectors
  • Asia-Pacific Revenue Opportunities
  • Europe Market Forecast by Industry Segment 2024-2031
  • Europe Growth Sectors
  • Europe Revenue Opportunities
  • Middle East Market Forecast by Industry Segment 2024-2031
  • Middle East Growth Sectors
  • Middle East Revenue Opportunity
  • Africa Market Forecast by Industry Segment 2024-2031
  • Africa Growth Sectors
  • Africa Revenue Opportunity
  • Latin America Market Forecast by Industry Segment 2024-2031
  • Latin America Growth Sectors
  • Latin America revenue Opportunity
  • Central Asia Market Forecast by Industry Segment 2024-2031
  • Central Asia Growth Sectors
  • Central Asia Revenue Opportunity


  • Summary
  • Ecosystem and Channels
  • Buildings OT Cybersecurity Product Vendors

Vertical Market Trends

  • Vertical Market Segmentation
  • Education Facilities 2023-2031
  • Healthcare Facilities 2023-2031
  • Government Buildings 2023-2031
  • Retail 2023-2031
  • Data Centres 2023-2031
  • Hospitality & Entertainment 2023-2031
  • Industrial 2023-2031
  • Transportation 2023-2031
  • Commercial Buildings 2023-2031