
GMIPulse - 農業市場情報訂閱

GMIPulse - Agriculture Market Intelligence Subscription

出版日期: 年間契約型資訊服務 | 出版商: Global Market Insights Inc. | 英文


Global Market Insights Inc. 提供 GMIPulse,這是一個支援商業智慧 (BI) 的尖端平台,旨在提供最佳的策略價值。 GMIPulse 提供適應性強的訂閱服務,可根據您的獨特需求進行客製化,提供全面而細緻的市場資料、競爭格局洞察以及對行業生態系統的深入了解。該平台是滿足所有市場研究需求的首選解決方案,確保您保持領先地位,並了解最新趨勢和技術進步。


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在技​​術進步、永續實踐和糧食安全需求增加的推動下,農業正在經歷變革。 GMIPulse 提供農業產業內以下主要市場的深入見解:


在精準農業和智慧農業技術採用的推動下,農業機械和技術市場可望顯著成長。預計 2023 年至 2030 年,全球農業機械市場將以 6.3% 的複合年成長率成長,到預測期結束時將達到 2,442 億美元。主要創新包括自動曳引機、農作物監測無人機和先進的灌溉系統。這些技術正在提高生產力、降低勞動成本並最佳化資源利用。


作物護理市場包括一系列旨在提高作物產量和健康的產品和服務。在增加農業產量和採用綜合害蟲管理措施的推動下,包括殺蟲劑、除草劑和殺菌劑在內的全球作物保護化學品市場預計從2023 年到2030 年將以5.2% 的複合年成長率成長。隨著農民尋求環保替代方案,生物作物保護解決方案正在獲得關注,預計將以 7.8% 的複合年成長率成長。


種子和土壤市場對於永續農業至關重要,重點是高產量、抗病種子的開發和土壤健康管理。預計 2023 年至 2030 年,全球種子市場將以 7.1% 的複合年成長率成長,到預測期結束時將達到 913 億美元。基因改造生物 (GMO) 和 CRISPR 基因編輯技術等生物技術的進步正在推動這一成長。隨著對土壤保持和肥力的重視增加,包括土壤改良劑和肥料在內的土壤健康管理市場預計也將以 6.5% 的複合年成長率強勁成長。

GMIPulse 透過其支援 BI 的平台提供無與倫比的策略價值。憑藉其可自訂的互動式介面、準確的資料和全面的市場洞察,GMIPulse 是您在競爭激烈的市場格局中保持領先地位的重要工具。立即訂閱,釋放您的市場研究和策略規劃能力的全部潛力。


Global Market Insights Inc. offers GMIPulse, a cutting-edge, Business Intelligence (BI)-enabled platform designed to deliver the finest strategic value. GMIPulse offers an adaptable subscription service, customizable to meet your unique needs, providing comprehensive and granular market data, competitive landscape insights, and an in-depth understanding of industry ecosystems. This platform is your go-to solution for all market research needs, ensuring you stay ahead with the latest trends and technological advancements.

Advantages of GMIPulse

  • 1. Easy Access to Accurate Market Data: GMIPulse provides instant access to granular and authentic market data, empowering you with precise and up-to-date information for strategic decision-making.
  • 2. Comprehensive Market Research Solution: As your all-encompassing market research tool, GMIPulse covers a wide array of industries, offering detailed analyses and forecasts to help you navigate market dynamics effectively.
  • 3. In-Depth Competitive Landscape: The platform offers comprehensive insights into competitive landscapes and company profiles, enabling you to understand your competitors and industry benchmarks thoroughly.
  • 4. Understanding Industry Ecosystems: GMIPulse allows you to gain a profound understanding of industry ecosystems, tracking technological advancements and their impact on industry trends.
  • 5. Customized Client Profiles: Tailor-made client profiles help you identify the latest growth opportunities and understand specific market needs, enhancing your strategic planning.
  • 6. Technology Tracking Stay informed about the latest technological trends and their implications on the market, ensuring you are well-prepared for future developments.
  • 7. Access to Latest Reports: Subscribers receive access to previously published reports and upcoming releases, keeping you updated with the most recent market intelligence.
  • 8. Interactive and User-Friendly Interface: The platform's interactive interface ensures a seamless user experience, allowing you to navigate through data effortlessly and derive meaningful insights efficiently.
  • 9. Enhanced Analyst Hours: Benefit from improved access to analysts for strategic assistance and in-depth explanations, ensuring you make well-informed decisions.
  • 10. Secure Login: Enjoy password-protected access to all reports, ensuring your data security and confidentiality.

Exceptional Benefits of GMIPulse

  • 1. Instant Report Access GMIPulse offers clients direct access to comprehensive market reports instantly, facilitating timely and informed decision-making.
  • 2. Tailor-Made Reports Access customized reports detailing market trends, technological developments, and innovations by industry leaders, tailored to your specific needs.
  • 3. Priority Sales Support Receive best-in-class sales support and assistance promptly, enhancing your customer service experience.
  • 4. Market Tracker Stay updated with streamlined access to all market trends and happenings, aiding in strategic planning and decision-making.
  • 5. Pricing Benefits Obtain reports that are not only comprehensive but also cost-effective, tailored to fit your budget and needs.

Industry Focus: Agriculture

The agriculture industry is undergoing transformative changes driven by technological advancements, sustainable practices, and increased demand for food security. GMIPulse provides in-depth insights into the following key markets within the agriculture industry:

Agri Machinery & Tech

The agri machinery and technology market is poised for significant growth, driven by the adoption of precision farming and smart agriculture technologies. The global market for agricultural machinery is projected to grow at a CAGR of 6.3% from 2023 to 2030, reaching USD 244.2 billion by the end of the forecast period. Key innovations include autonomous tractors, drones for crop monitoring, and advanced irrigation systems. These technologies are enhancing productivity, reducing labor costs, and optimizing resource use.

Crop Care

The crop care market encompasses a range of products and services aimed at improving crop yield and health. The global market for crop protection chemicals, including pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides, is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.2% from 2023 to 2030, driven by the need for increased agricultural output and the adoption of integrated pest management practices. Biological crop protection solutions are gaining traction, projected to grow at an even higher CAGR of 7.8%, as farmers seek environmentally friendly alternatives.

Seed & Soil

The seed and soil market is critical to sustainable agriculture, focusing on the development of high-yield, disease-resistant seeds, and soil health management. The global seed market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.1% from 2023 to 2030, reaching USD 91.3 billion by the end of the forecast period. Advances in biotechnology, such as genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and CRISPR gene-editing technology, are driving this growth. The soil health management market, including soil conditioners and fertilizers, is also expected to grow robustly at a CAGR of 6.5%, as the emphasis on soil conservation and fertility increases.

GMIPulse offers unparalleled strategic value through its BI-enabled platform. With its customizable and interactive interface, accurate data, and comprehensive market insights, GMIPulse is your essential tool for staying ahead in the competitive market landscape. Subscribe today to unlock the full potential of your market research and strategic planning capabilities.