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牛肉萃取物市場:成長,未來展望,競爭分析,2024年~2032年Beef Extract Market - Growth, Future Prospects and Competitive Analysis, 2024 - 2032 |
由於微生物培養、動物疫苗和食品加工等各種最終用途領域的需求不斷增加,預計在 2024-2032 年預測期內,牛肉萃取物市場將以 7.8% 的複合年增長率增長。萃取物以其濃鬱的風味和高營養價值而聞名,被廣泛用作食品和飲料行業的關鍵成分以及微生物學的介質。細分分析揭示了明顯的趨勢,食品加工細分市場預計將在收入方面領先,微生物培養細分市場預計將實現最高的複合年增長率。粉末形式細分市場預計將在 2023 年產生最高收入,液體形式細分市場預計在預測期內呈現最高複合年增長率。從地區來看,北美預計將以最高的收入佔有率主導市場,而亞太地區預計將表現出最高的複合年增長率。在競爭格局中,荷美爾食品公司 (Hormel Foods Corporation)、Proliant Biologicals 和 BRF SA 等主要參與者都專注於採取策略性措施來維持其市場地位。總體而言,牛肉萃取物的市場前景樂觀,預計未來幾年將有巨大的擴張和創新機會。
食品加工產業對天然優質原料的需求不斷增長是牛肉萃取物市場的關鍵推動因素。隨著消費者越來越尋求正宗風味和營養產品,牛肉萃取物作為湯、醬汁、肉汁和預製食品中風味調味品的使用正在迅速增加。強調使用天然成分的清潔標籤產品的趨勢進一步推動了對牛肉萃取物的需求。 2023年,由於牛肉萃取物在各種烹飪應用中的廣泛使用,食品加工產業佔據了最高的收入佔有率。雀巢和聯合利華等領先的食品加工公司正在將牛肉萃取物納入其產品配方中,以滿足消費者對天然、美味食品的偏好。此外,美食和方便食品的日益普及也促使越來越多地使用牛肉萃取物來改善加工食品的味道和營養成分。食品和飲料行業的高端化趨勢仍在繼續,製造商專注於產品創新和品質改進,以應對不斷變化的消費者口味。
由於生物技術的進步以及微生物學和分子生物學研究活動的增加,微生物培養市場正在迅速擴大。牛肉萃取物廣泛用作微生物實驗室中細菌、真菌和其他微生物生長的營養豐富的培養基。萃取物提供勝肽、胺基酸和維生素等必需營養素,促進微生物生長,並有助於獲得準確可靠的實驗結果。預計到 2023 年,微生物培養領域將在 2024-2032 年預測期內呈現最高的複合年增長率。疫苗、抗生素和其他生物製藥生產中對牛肉萃取物的需求不斷增長,進一步推動了市場成長。輝瑞和默克等製藥公司正在微生物培養基中使用牛肉萃取物來支持創新藥物和疫苗的開發和製造。傳染病的日益普及以及醫療保健領域對研發的日益關注預計將推動對微生物培養基的需求並推動牛肉萃取物市場的發展。微生物培養市場的擴張為牛肉萃取物製造商提供了巨大的成長機會,他們正在投資於產品開發和品質保證,以滿足生物技術和製藥行業的苛刻需求。
由於人畜共通傳染病的流行以及人們對動物健康和福利意識的增強,獸用疫苗行業正在經歷強勁增長。牛肉萃取物是生產牲畜和伴侶動物疫苗的重要成分,為疫苗株的生長提供必需的營養。該萃取物由於能夠提高疫苗功效和穩定性而在動物健康領域中廣泛採用。 2023年,動物疫苗產業對牛肉萃取物市場收入貢獻顯著。 Zoetis 和 Boehringer Ingelheim 等獸藥公司在疫苗生產過程中使用牛肉萃取物,以確保疫苗的高品質和有效。對動物性蛋白質不斷增長的需求以及預防和控制動物疾病的需求正在推動新疫苗的開發和商業化,從而增加了對牛肉萃取物的需求。此外,政府的舉措和對動物健康計劃的資助正在支持動物健康疫苗產業的成長,進一步推動牛肉萃取物市場的發展。在預測期內,獸醫學的不斷進步、對改善動物健康和生產力的關注預計將推動動物健康疫苗產業對牛肉萃取物的需求。
依劑型劃分的市場包括膏體、液體、顆粒和粉末。 2023 年,由於易於使用、保質期長以及適用於各種應用的多功能性,粉末細分市場的收入最高。粉狀牛肉萃取物作為增味劑和營養補充劑廣泛應用於食品加工產業,為產品配方提供便利性和一致性。由於其穩定性和易於儲存,它在微生物培養基中也是優選的。 Proliant Biologicals 和 BRF SA 等公司提供高品質的粉末狀牛肉萃取物,用於食品加工和微生物應用。然而,液體形式預計在 2024-2032 年預測期內將呈現最高的複合年增長率。液體牛肉萃取物由於易於摻入各種配方中且溶解度高而越來越受歡迎。特別是在食品加工行業,液體牛肉提取物越來越多地用於湯、醬汁以及食品和飲料中,以提供濃鬱、正宗的風味。隨著製造商尋求易於使用的成分來提高產品品質和消費者吸引力,對方便食品和預製食品的需求不斷增長正在推動液體食品領域的成長。液體牛肉萃取物的多功能性和功能優勢預計將推動其在各種應用中的採用,並在預測期內促進市場的顯著成長。
牛肉萃取物市場按最終用途細分為微生物培養、動物疫苗和食品加工。 2023年,由於牛肉萃取物作為風味增強劑和營養成分在各種食品中的廣泛使用,食品加工產業的收入最高。在食品加工行業,由於對天然、高品質原料的需求,牛肉萃取物被廣泛使用,特別是在湯、醬汁和預製食品中。雀巢和聯合利華等主要食品加工公司將牛肉萃取物納入其產品配方中,以增強風味和營養價值。然而,微生物培養領域預計將在 2024-2032 年預測期內實現最高複合年增長率。這種增長是由微生物實驗室和生物製藥製造對營養豐富的培養基不斷增長的需求所推動的。製藥公司和研究機構利用培養基中的牛肉萃取物來支持微生物的生長,用於疫苗生產、抗生素開發和其他生物技術應用。對醫療保健和生物技術領域研發的日益關注預計將推動微生物培養領域的顯著增長,並為牛肉萃取物製造商創造巨大的機會。
從地區來看,牛肉萃取物市場分為北美、歐洲、亞太地區、拉丁美洲以及中東和非洲。 2023年,由於食品加工產業對天然成分的高需求以及微生物培養基中牛肉萃取物的廣泛使用,北美地區的銷售額百分比最高。特別是美國擁有成熟的牛肉萃取物市場,在食品和製藥領域的應用引人注目。主要製造商的存在及其對創新和品質保證的關注有助於該地區的市場主導地位。相反,預計亞太地區在 2024 年至 2032 年的預測期內將呈現最高的複合年增長率。對優質食品的需求不斷增長、生物技術和製藥行業新興市場的成長以及對研發的日益關注正在推動該地區的市場成長。中國、日本和印度等國家的快速工業化和城市化正在增加加工食品和生物製藥的消費。食品和飲料行業的擴張,加上人們對天然成分益處的認識不斷提高,預計將促使亞太地區牛肉萃取物市場的顯著成長。此外,政府促進生物技術領域的舉措以及研發投資預計將進一步促進市場成長,並為牛肉萃取物製造商創造巨大機會。
牛肉萃取物市場的競爭模式為荷美爾食品公司、ProliantBiologicals、BRF SA、Colin Ingredients、Carnad Natural Taste、Diana Group、PT Foodex Inti Ingredients、Givaudan、JBS SA、Maverick Biosciences Pty Ltd、Nippon Hamredients、Givaudan、JBS SA、Maverick Biosciences Pty Ltd、Nippon Ham Group 、 Titan Biotech Limited、Kanegrade Ltd、A. Costantino & CSPA、Abbexa Ltd、Alpha Biosciences, Inc. 和 BD Biosciences 專注於加強其市場地位的策略性舉措。 2023 年,這些公司利用其廣泛的產品組合和市場影響力,從牛肉萃取物產品中獲得了可觀的收入。荷美爾食品公司以其高品質肉類產品而聞名,提供適用於各種應用的牛肉萃取物,包括食品加工和微生物培養基。 ProliantBiologicals 專注於動物原料,提供用於生物技術和製藥行業的優質牛肉萃取物。 BRF SA 是一家領先的食品加工公司,將牛肉萃取物添加到其產品中以增強風味和營養價值。這些公司採用併購、產品創新和業務擴張等策略來保持競爭力。例如,荷美爾食品公司致力於擴大其產品組合併提高產能,以滿足對天然優質原料不斷增長的需求。 ProliantBiologicals 投資於研發,開發創新的牛肉萃取物產品,以滿足生物技術和製藥產業不斷變化的需求。 BRF SA 致力於永續發展和品質保證,確保我們的牛肉萃取物產品符合最高的行業標準。對創新的持續關注加上策略聯盟和投資正在定義牛肉萃取物市場的競爭動態。隨著市場的發展和新公司進入該行業,競爭格局預計將變得更加活躍,推動牛肉萃取物市場的進一步發展和成長。
2032 年之前的預估與市場預測
The beef extract market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.8% during the forecast period of 2024 to 2032, due to increasing demand from various end-use sectors, including microbiological culture, animal health vaccines, and food processing. The extract, known for its rich flavor and nutritional benefits, is extensively used as a key ingredient in the food and beverage industry and as a culture medium in microbiology. The segmentation analysis reveals distinct trends, with the food processing segment leading in revenue and the microbiological culture segment anticipated to achieve the highest CAGR. The powder form segment generated the highest revenue in 2023, while the liquid form segment is expected to exhibit the highest CAGR during the forecast period. Geographically, North America dominated the market with the highest revenue share, while the Asia-Pacific region is projected to witness the highest CAGR. The competitive landscape is dominated by leading players such as Hormel Foods Corporation, Proliant Biologicals, and BRF S.A., focusing on strategic initiatives to maintain their market positions. Overall, the market outlook for beef extract is positive, with significant opportunities for expansion and innovation in the coming years.
Key Market Drivers
Rising Demand in the Food Processing Industry
The growing demand for natural and high-quality ingredients in the food processing industry is a significant driver for the beef extract market. Consumers are increasingly seeking products with authentic flavors and nutritional benefits, leading to a surge in the use of beef extract as a flavor enhancer in soups, sauces, gravies, and ready-to-eat meals. The trend towards clean label products, which emphasizes the use of natural ingredients, has further boosted the demand for beef extract. In 2023, the food processing segment accounted for the highest revenue share, driven by the extensive use of beef extract in various culinary applications. Major food processing companies such as Nestle and Unilever are incorporating beef extract into their product formulations to meet consumer preferences for natural and flavorful food products. Additionally, the rising popularity of gourmet and convenience foods has contributed to the increased usage of beef extract, enhancing the taste and nutritional profile of processed foods. The ongoing trend towards premiumization in the food and beverage industry is expected to continue driving the demand for beef extract, with manufacturers focusing on product innovation and quality enhancement to cater to evolving consumer tastes.
Expansion of the Microbiological Culture Market
The microbiological culture market has been expanding rapidly, driven by advancements in biotechnology and increasing research activities in microbiology and molecular biology. Beef extract is widely used as a nutrient-rich culture medium in microbiological laboratories for the growth of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms. The extract provides essential nutrients such as peptides, amino acids, and vitamins, promoting microbial growth and facilitating accurate and reliable experimental results. In 2023, the microbiological culture segment is expected to exhibit the highest CAGR during the forecast period of 2024 to 2032. The rising demand for beef extract in the production of vaccines, antibiotics, and other biopharmaceuticals has further propelled market growth. Pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer and Merck are utilizing beef extract in their microbiological culture media to support the development and production of innovative drugs and vaccines. The increasing prevalence of infectious diseases and the growing focus on research and development in the healthcare sector are anticipated to drive the demand for microbiological culture media, thereby boosting the beef extract market. The expansion of the microbiological culture market presents significant growth opportunities for beef extract manufacturers, who are investing in product development and quality assurance to meet the stringent requirements of the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries.
Growth in the Animal Health Vaccines Sector
The animal health vaccines sector is experiencing robust growth, driven by the increasing prevalence of zoonotic diseases and the rising awareness about animal health and welfare. Beef extract is a crucial component in the production of vaccines for livestock and companion animals, providing essential nutrients for the growth of vaccine strains. The extract's ability to enhance the efficacy and stability of vaccines has led to its widespread adoption in the animal health sector. In 2023, the animal health vaccines segment contributed significantly to the revenue of the beef extract market. Veterinary pharmaceutical companies such as Zoetis and BoehringerIngelheim are utilizing beef extract in their vaccine production processes to ensure high-quality and effective vaccines. The growing demand for animal protein and the need to prevent and control animal diseases are driving the development and commercialization of new vaccines, thereby increasing the demand for beef extract. Additionally, government initiatives and funding for animal health programs are supporting the growth of the animal health vaccines sector, further boosting the beef extract market. The continuous advancements in veterinary medicine and the focus on improving animal health and productivity are expected to drive the demand for beef extract in the animal health vaccines sector over the forecast period.
Fluctuating Raw Material Prices
One of the primary restraints affecting the beef extract market is the fluctuating prices of raw materials, particularly beef. The cost of beef is influenced by various factors, including livestock feed prices, climatic conditions, and changes in supply and demand dynamics. Fluctuations in beef prices directly impact the production cost of beef extract, leading to price volatility in the market. For instance, adverse weather conditions such as droughts can reduce cattle supply, leading to increased beef prices and subsequently higher costs for beef extract manufacturers. Additionally, variations in feed prices, driven by changes in the prices of grains and other feed components, can affect cattle production costs and beef prices. The beef industry is also influenced by trade policies, tariffs, and regulations, which can create uncertainties in the supply chain and impact beef prices. For example, trade disputes between major beef-producing and importing countries can lead to supply disruptions and price fluctuations. The volatility in raw material prices poses a challenge for beef extract manufacturers, who need to manage cost pressures and maintain competitive pricing. To mitigate this restraint, manufacturers are exploring alternative sources of raw materials, optimizing production processes, and implementing effective supply chain management strategies. However, the inherent volatility in beef prices remains a significant challenge for the beef extract market, affecting profit margins and market stability.
Market by Form
The market segmentation by form includes paste, liquid, granules, and powder. In 2023, the powder form segment accounted for the highest revenue, attributed to its ease of use, long shelf life, and versatility in various applications. The powdered beef extract is widely used in the food processing industry as a flavor enhancer and nutritional supplement, providing convenience and consistency in product formulations. It is also preferred in microbiological culture media due to its stability and ease of storage. Companies such as Proliant Biologicals and BRF S.A. offer high-quality powdered beef extract for use in food processing and microbiological applications. However, during the forecast period of 2024 to 2032, the liquid form segment is expected to exhibit the highest CAGR. Liquid beef extract is gaining popularity due to its ease of incorporation into various formulations and its enhanced solubility. The food processing industry, in particular, is increasingly adopting liquid beef extract for use in soups, sauces, and beverages, where it provides a rich and authentic flavor. The rising demand for convenience foods and ready-to-eat meals is driving the growth of the liquid form segment, as manufacturers seek easy-to-use ingredients that enhance product quality and consumer appeal. The versatility and functional benefits of liquid beef extract are anticipated to drive its adoption across various applications, contributing to significant market growth during the forecast period.
Market by End-Use
The beef extract market is segmented by end-use into microbiological culture, animal health vaccines, and food processing. In 2023, the food processing segment generated the highest revenue, driven by the extensive use of beef extract as a flavor enhancer and nutritional ingredient in various food products. The demand for natural and high-quality ingredients in the food processing industry has led to the widespread adoption of beef extract, particularly in soups, sauces, and ready-to-eat meals. Major food processing companies such as Nestle and Unilever are incorporating beef extract into their product formulations to enhance flavor and nutritional value. However, during the forecast period of 2024 to 2032, the microbiological culture segment is expected to achieve the highest CAGR. The increasing demand for nutrient-rich culture media in microbiological laboratories and biopharmaceutical production drives this growth. Pharmaceutical companies and research institutions are utilizing beef extract in their culture media to support the growth of microorganisms for vaccine production, antibiotic development, and other biotechnological applications. The rising focus on research and development in the healthcare and biotechnology sectors is anticipated to drive significant growth in the microbiological culture segment, presenting substantial opportunities for beef extract manufacturers.
Geographic Trends
Geographically, the beef extract market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. In 2023, North America held the highest revenue percentage, driven by the high demand for natural ingredients in the food processing industry and the extensive use of beef extract in microbiological culture media. The United States, in particular, has a well-established market for beef extract, with significant adoption in the food and pharmaceutical sectors. The presence of leading manufacturers and the focus on innovation and quality assurance contribute to the region's market dominance. Conversely, the Asia-Pacific region is expected to exhibit the highest CAGR during the forecast period of 2024 to 2032. The increasing demand for high-quality food products, the growing biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, and the rising focus on research and development drive market growth in this region. Countries such as China, Japan, and India are witnessing rapid industrialization and urbanization, leading to increased consumption of processed foods and biopharmaceutical products. The expanding food and beverage industry, coupled with the rising awareness about the benefits of natural ingredients, is anticipated to drive significant growth in the beef extract market in the Asia-Pacific region. Additionally, government initiatives to promote the biotechnology sector and investments in research and development are expected to further boost market growth, presenting substantial opportunities for beef extract manufacturers.
Competitive Trends
The competitive landscape of the beef extract market is characterized by the presence of key players such as Hormel Foods Corporation, ProliantBiologicals, BRF S.A., Colin Ingredients, Carnad Natural Taste, Diana Group, PT Foodex Inti Ingredients, Givaudan, JBS S.A., Maverick Biosciences Pty Ltd, Nippon Ham Group, Titan Biotech Limited, Kanegrade Ltd, A. Costantino & C. S.P.A, Abbexa Ltd, Alpha Biosciences, Inc., and BD Biosciences, who focus on strategic initiatives to strengthen their market positions. In 2023, these companies generated significant revenues from their beef extract offerings, leveraging their extensive product portfolios and strong market presence. Hormel Foods Corporation, known for its high-quality meat products, offers beef extract for various applications, including food processing and microbiological culture media. ProliantBiologicals specializes in animal-derived ingredients, providing premium beef extract for use in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries. BRF S.A., a leading food processing company, incorporates beef extract into its product formulations to enhance flavor and nutritional value. These companies employ strategies such as mergers and acquisitions, product innovations, and expansions to maintain their competitive edge. For instance, Hormel Foods Corporation has focused on expanding its product portfolio and enhancing production capabilities to meet the growing demand for natural and high-quality ingredients. ProliantBiologicals invests in research and development to develop innovative beef extract products that cater to the evolving needs of the biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors. BRF S.A. emphasizes sustainability and quality assurance, ensuring that its beef extract products meet the highest industry standards. The continuous focus on innovation, coupled with strategic collaborations and investments, defines the competitive dynamics of the beef extract market. As the market evolves and new players enter the industry, the competitive landscape is expected to become more dynamic, driving further advancements and growth in the beef extract market.
Historical & Forecast Period
This study report represents an analysis of each segment from 2022 to 2032 considering 2023 as the base year. Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) for each of the respective segments estimated for the forecast period of 2024 to 2032.
The current report comprises quantitative market estimations for each micro market for every geographical region and qualitative market analysis such as micro and macro environment analysis, market trends, competitive intelligence, segment analysis, porters five force model, top winning strategies, top investment markets, emerging trends & technological analysis, case studies, strategic conclusions and recommendations and other key market insights.
Research Methodology
The complete research study was conducted in three phases, namely: secondary research, primary research, and expert panel review. The key data points that enable the estimation of Beef Extract market are as follows:
Research and development budgets of manufacturers and government spending
Revenues of key companies in the market segment
Number of end users & consumption volume, price, and value.
Geographical revenues generated by countries considered in the report
Micro and macro environment factors that are currently influencing the Beef Extract market and their expected impact during the forecast period.
Market forecast was performed through proprietary software that analyzes various qualitative and quantitative factors. Growth rate and CAGR were estimated through intensive secondary and primary research. Data triangulation across various data points provides accuracy across various analyzed market segments in the report. Application of both top-down and bottom-up approach for validation of market estimation assures logical, methodical, and mathematical consistency of the quantitative data.
Market Segmentation
Region Segment (2022-2032; US$ Million)
North America
Rest of North America
UK and European Union
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
Middle East and Africa
Rest of Middle East and Africa
Key questions answered in this report
What are the key micro and macro environmental factors that are impacting the growth of Beef Extract market?
What are the key investment pockets concerning product segments and geographies currently and during the forecast period?
Estimated forecast and market projections up to 2032.
Which segment accounts for the fastest CAGR during the forecast period?
Which market segment holds a larger market share and why?
Are low and middle-income economies investing in the Beef Extract market?
Which is the largest regional market for Beef Extract market?
What are the market trends and dynamics in emerging markets such as Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa?
Which are the key trends driving Beef Extract market growth?
Who are the key competitors and what are their key strategies to enhance their market presence in the Beef Extract market worldwide?
TABLE 4 North America Beef Extract Market By Form, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
TABLE 7 U.S. Beef Extract Market By Form, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
TABLE 10 Canada Beef Extract Market By Form, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
TABLE 13 Rest of North America Beef Extract Market By Form, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
TABLE 16 UK and European Union Beef Extract Market By Form, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
TABLE 19 UK Beef Extract Market By Form, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
TABLE 22 Germany Beef Extract Market By Form, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
TABLE 25 Spain Beef Extract Market By Form, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
TABLE 28 Italy Beef Extract Market By Form, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
TABLE 31 France Beef Extract Market By Form, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
TABLE 34 Rest of Europe Beef Extract Market By Form, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
TABLE 37 Asia Beef Extract Market By Form, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
TABLE 40 China Beef Extract Market By Form, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
TABLE 43 Japan Beef Extract Market By Form, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
TABLE 46 India Beef Extract Market By Form, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
TABLE 49 Australia Beef Extract Market By Form, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
TABLE 52 South Korea Beef Extract Market By Form, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
TABLE 55 Latin America Beef Extract Market By Form, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
TABLE 58 Brazil Beef Extract Market By Form, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
TABLE 61 Mexico Beef Extract Market By Form, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
TABLE 64 Rest of Latin America Beef Extract Market By Form, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
TABLE 67 Middle East and Africa Beef Extract Market By Form, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
TABLE 70 GCC Beef Extract Market By Form, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
TABLE 73 Africa Beef Extract Market By Form, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
TABLE 76 Rest of Middle East and Africa Beef Extract Market By Form, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
FIG. 9Market Positioning of Key Beef Extract Market Players, 2023
FIG. 10Global Beef Extract Market - Tier Analysis - Percentage of Revenues by Tier Level, 2023 Versus 2032