

Customer Engagement: Worldwide Forecast 2024-2029

出版日期: | 出版商: Analysys Mason | 英文 17 Slides | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內


"客戶互動市場收入成長是由 CSP 對其客戶互動堆疊進行現代化改造的需求所推動的。"

本報告考察了全球客戶互動市場,並提供了通訊服務提供者 (CSP) 在客戶互動 (CE) 解決方案和相關服務上的支出預測。我們也向供應商和 CSP 提出建議。


  • 客戶互動市場支出的 6 年詳細全球預測
    • 三個主要應用子部分:顧客體驗管理、銷售/訂單管理、顧客價值管理
    • 兩種交付類型:產品相關服務、專業服務 (PS)
    • 四種通訊服務:行動、物聯網、消費者固定電話、企業固定電話
    • 八個區域中歐和東歐 (CEE)、亞太發達地區 (DVAP)、亞太新興地區 (EMAP)、拉丁美洲、中東和北非 (MENA)、北美 (NA) )、撒哈拉以南非洲(SSA)、西歐(WE)。
  • 考慮市場推動因素及其對預測期內支出的影響
  • 分析影響顧客互動市場的商業環境與區域動態
  • 詳細的市場定義
  • 給 CSP 和供應商的建議

"Revenue growth in the customer engagement market will be driven by CSPs' need to modernise their customer engagement stacks."

This report provides forecasts for communications service provider (CSP) spending on customer engagement (CE) solutions and related services for 2024-2029. The report also provides recommendations for vendors and CSPs.

This forecast report and the accompanying data annex provide:

  • a detailed, 6-year worldwide forecast for spending in the customer engagement market, split into:
    • three main application sub-segments: customer experience management, sales and order management, and customer value management
    • two delivery types: product-related and professional services (PS)
    • four telecoms services:mobile, IoT, consumer fixed and business fixed
    • eight geographical regions: Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), developed Asia-Pacific (DVAP), emerging Asia-Pacific (EMAP), Latin America (LATAM), the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), North America (NA), Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and Western Europe (WE)
  • an examination of the market drivers and how they will affect spending during the forecast period
  • analysis of the business environment and regional dynamics that will influence the customer engagement market
  • a detailed market definition
  • recommendations for CSPs and vendors.