AI-native RAN:營運商和供應商的框架

AI-native RAN:營運商和供應商的框架

The AI-native RAN: A Framework for Telecoms Operators and Vendors

出版日期: | 出版商: Analysys Mason | 英文 18 Slides | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內


AI-native RAN有可能改變行動網路的經濟性,但現在必須做出艱難的決定。

雖然 AI 開始被引進 RAN 以提高自動化和智慧化程度,但業界已經制定了一個雄心勃勃的願景,即實現AI-native RAN,其中 AI 可以嵌入到行動網路的每個元素中。這有可能改變 5G 的經濟效益、提供新服務並改善客戶體驗。然而,解決方案和生態系統仍在發展,對營運商制定策略提出了挑戰。

基於新營運商研究,本報告概述了人工智慧原生平台的關鍵驅動因素和挑戰。它還開發了AI-native RAN 的分類,並將其映射到主要活躍參與者,包括供應商和營運商。該框架幫助利害關係人了解他們在新興市場中的地位並發現合作機會。


  • 什麼是AI-native RAN,推動其採用的因素有哪些?
  • AI-native RAN 的關鍵要素
    • 誰在領導這些元素的發展以及何時可用它們?
  • 哪些供應商和其他利害關係人形成有助於加速部署的平台和生態系統?
  • 嵌入式 AI 可以且應該支援的RAN 功能
  • AI 處理能力將在網路中配置在哪裡,以及關鍵的架構決策是什麼?

"The AI-native RAN could transform the economics of mobile networks but challenging decisions must be made now."

AI is beginning to be introduced to the RAN to increase automation and intelligence, but the industry has set out an ambitious vision of an AI-native RAN in which AI can be embedded into every element of the mobile network. This has the potential to transform the challenging economics of 5G, enable new services and improve customer experiences. However, the solutions and ecosystem are nascent, which makes it challenging for telecoms operators to plan their strategies.

This report sets out the main drivers and challenges in the AI-native platform, based on new operator surveys. It creates a taxonomy of the AI-native RAN and maps this against the main active players, including vendors and operators. The framework enables stakeholders to understand their place in the emerging market and identify alliances.

Questions answered:

  • What is the AI-native RAN and what are the drivers for its adoption?
  • What are the main elements of an AI-native RAN? Who is leading the development of these elements and when will they be commercially available?
  • Which vendors and other stakeholders are forming platforms or ecosystems and will these help to accelerate deployability?
  • Which RAN functions can or should be supported with embedded AI?
  • Where would the AI processing capability be located in the network and what are the main architectural decisions?

Who should read this report:

  • Heads of strategy and technology within vendor companies in the RAN equipment, RAN software, AI platforms, AI models and data, and semiconductors sectors.
  • CTO office and heads of network or data strategy within operators, especially those that aim to establish a roadmap for RAN AI and for virtualised RAN within the next few years.
  • CEOs and CTOs within start-up companies that are focused on RAN AI.
  • Leaders of standards groups or industry alliances that are working on RAN AI.