工業自動化·無線IoT的全球市場 - 第5版Industrial Automation and Wireless IoT - 5th Edition |
工業自動化產業的活躍無線物聯網設備數量預計到 2028 年將達到 1.103 億,高於 2023 年底的 5,650 萬,複合年增長率為 14.3%。
本報告提供了全球工業自動化和無線物聯網市場的研究和分析,包括對市場中30 家領先公司的高階主管訪談的見解、對市場趨勢和關鍵發展的詳細分析以及對市場趨勢的詳細分析它提供市場預測、超過 79 家主要公司的概況等資訊。
This study investigates the worldwide market for wireless IoT applications in industrial automation. The installed base of active wireless IoT devices in the industrial automation industry is forecasted to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 14.3 percent from 56.5 million units at the end of 2023 to 110.3 million units by 2028. Get up to date with the latest information about vendors, products and markets.