粉末冶金、粉末注射成型 (PIM)、增材製造 (AM) 及相關市場 - 全球市場、最終用戶和應用:分析和預測 (2023-2029)

粉末冶金、粉末注射成型 (PIM)、增材製造 (AM) 及相關市場 - 全球市場、最終用戶和應用:分析和預測 (2023-2029)

Powder Metallurgy, Powder Injection Molding (PIM), Additive Manufacturing (AM), & Related Markets - Global Markets, End-Users & Applications: 2023-2029 Analysis & Forecasts

出版日期: | 出版商: Dedalus Consulting, Inc. | 英文 150 Pages, 200 Charts/Graphs | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內


粉末冶金 (PM)、粉末注射成型 (PIM)、積層製造 (AM) 和相關金屬成型製程是不斷發展且充滿活力的產業。隨著積層製造(AM、3D 列印)和金屬射出成型(MIM)等技術的進步,這些製程的全球市場預計將呈現出驚人的成長。



  • 非洲
  • 巴西
  • 中國
  • 法國
  • 德國
  • 印度
  • 印尼
  • 義大利
  • 日本
  • 韓國
  • 中東
  • 俄羅斯
  • 新加坡
  • 西班牙
  • 瑞士
  • 台灣
  • 英國
  • 美國
  • 其他亞太國家
  • 其他獨聯體國家
  • 其他歐盟國家
  • 其他歐洲國家
  • 其他拉丁美洲國家
  • 其他北美國家
  • 世界其他地區


  • 航空航天
  • 農業
  • 汽車
  • 家用電器
  • 化學煙火
  • 電腦/網絡
  • 建築
  • 國防/軍事/政府
  • 模具
  • 電子產品
  • 能源
  • 食品加工
  • 傢俱
  • 工業
  • 基礎設施
  • 醫療/研究
  • 石油/天然氣/採礦
  • 造紙和紙漿工業
  • 通訊
  • 交通
  • 其他





  • 一般粉末冶金 (PM) 定義


  • 機械加工與製造技術的進步與發展
  • 替代處理方法與破壞性技術
    • 研磨拋光技術
    • EDM(放電加工)
    • 雷射加工
    • 積層製造
  • 工具與生產力影響


  • ANSI 標準
  • ISO(國際標準化組織)標準
  • 符合國際標準
  • 低品質產品對市場的影響


  • 粉末冶金技術的未來
  • 材料科學的課題與進展
  • 透過新設計提高生產效率



  • 依加工製程劃分的全球機械加工產業(2023-2029 年)
  • 世界粉末冶金零件需求:依地區劃分(2023-2029)
  • 粉末冶金零件消費的區域趨勢與預測
  • 影響需求的因素
  • 相關法規
  • 高成長市場
  • 製造業趨勢:依國家分類


  • 成長和衰退的週期
  • 高成長市場(複合年增長率:依年)
  • 生產商降低成本的策略
  • 降低能源成本


  • 現有市場的有機成長
  • 新的應用領域
  • 利基市場


  • 原料
  • 全球貿易政策的影響


  • 全球粉末冶金零件需求:依通路劃分(2023-2029 年)
  • 賣方保證金


  • 平均售價:以零件類型劃分
  • 最終用戶產業價格分析
  • 價格趨勢:依國家劃分


  • 結構化零件
  • 切削工具
  • 半零件
  • 燒結磁鐵
  • 易損件
  • 其他


  • 壓制/燒結
  • 熱等靜壓 (HIP)
  • 粉末注射成型 (PIM)
  • 金屬射出成型 (MIM)
  • 陶瓷注射成型 (CIM)
  • 積層製造
  • 其他


  • 全球粉末冶金零件需求:依最終用戶產業劃分(2023-2029 年)
  • 統計數據與整體市場數據
  • 預測與預報:2024 年及以後
  • 全球多元化經濟體的高成長市場
  • 各國的主要產業
  • 影響最終用戶需求的因素
  • 最終使用者產品選擇標準分析


  • 產業競爭結構
  • 競爭因素
    • 性能和價格
    • 製造流程
    • 最終使用者選擇產品的標準
  • 市場進入壁壘
    • 市場進入與新公司:障礙與進入點
    • 資本投資
    • 供應鏈
    • 客戶忠誠度
    • 國際貿易
  • 公司策略
  • 競爭優勢與劣勢
  • 行銷策略與業務發展
  • 價格趨勢
  • 未來的競爭情勢

第 3 章壓制/燒結


  • 每個國家的主要產業

全球對沖壓和燒結零件的需求:依最終用戶產業劃分(數量和平均售價,2023-2029 年)

  • 統計數據與整體市場數據
  • 沖壓及燒結製造市場快速成長
  • 影響最終用戶需求的因素
  • 最終使用者產品選擇標準分析

依原料劃分的世界壓機和燒結製造需求(2023-2029 年)


  • 依產品類型劃分的預測和趨勢
  • 壓制和燒結製造標準 (P&S)



  • 技術趨勢與市場預測
  • 高成長市場
  • 整體結論

第 4 章熱等靜壓 (HIP)

熱等靜壓 (HIP) 零件的需求:依國家/地區劃分(數量/平均售價,2023-2029 年)

  • 每個國家的主要產業

全球熱等靜壓 (HIP) 零件需求:依最終用戶產業劃分(數量和平均售價,2023-2029 年)

  • 統計數據與整體市場數據
  • 熱等靜壓 (HIP) 製造市場高速成長
  • 影響最終用戶需求的因素
  • 最終用戶產品選擇標準分析

全球熱等靜壓機 (HIP) 製造需求:依原料劃分(2023-2029 年)

熱等靜壓 (HIP) 製造:依產品類型(數量/平均售價,2023-2029)

  • 依產品類型劃分的預測和趨勢
  • 使用 HIP 進行製造的標準



  • 技術趨勢與市場預測
  • 高成長市場
  • 整體結論

第 5 章粉末注射成型 (PIM)

粉末注射成型 (PIM) 零件的需求:依國家/地區劃分(數量和平均售價,2023-2029 年)

  • 每個國家的主要產業

全球粉末注射成型 (PIM) 零件需求:依最終用戶產業劃分(數量和平均售價,2023-2029 年)

  • 統計數據與整體市場數據
  • 粉末注射成型 (PIM) 製造市場快速成長
  • 影響最終用戶需求的因素
  • 最終使用者產品選擇標準分析

全球粉末注射成型 (PIM) 零件需求:依原料劃分(2023-2029 年)

粉末注射成型 (PIM) 製造:依產品類型劃分(數量和平均售價,2023-2029 年)

  • 依產品類型劃分的預測和趨勢
  • 使用 PIM 進行製造的標準



  • 技術趨勢與市場預測
  • 高成長市場
  • 整體結論

第 6 章金屬射出成型 (MIM)

金屬射出成型 (MIM) 零件的需求:依國家/地區劃分(數量和平均售價,2023-2029 年)

  • 每個國家的主要產業

全球金屬射出 (MIM) 零件需求:依最終用戶產業劃分(數量和平均售價,2023-2029 年)

  • 統計數據與整體市場數據
  • 金屬射出成型 (MIM) 製造市場快速成長
  • 影響最終用戶需求的因素
  • 最終使用者產品選擇標準分析

全球金屬射出成型 (MIM) 製造需求:依原料分類(2023-2029 年)

金屬射出成型 (MIM) 製造:依產品類型劃分(數量/平均售價,2023-2029 年)

  • 依產品類型劃分的預測和趨勢
  • 使用 MIM 進行製造的標準



  • 技術趨勢與市場預測
  • 高成長市場
  • 整體結論

第 6 章陶瓷注射成型 (CIM)

陶瓷注塑 (CIM) 零件的需求:依國家/地區劃分(數量和平均售價,2023-2029 年)

  • 每個國家的主要產業

陶瓷注塑 (CIM) 零件的需求:依最終用戶產業劃分(數量和平均售價,2023-2029 年)

  • 統計數據與整體市場數據
  • 陶瓷注射成型 (CIM) 製造市場快速成長
  • 影響最終用戶需求的因素
  • 最終使用者產品選擇標準分析

全球陶瓷注塑 (CIM) 製造需求:依原料分類(2023-2029 年)

陶瓷射出成型 (CIM) 製造:依產品類型劃分(數量/平均售價,2023-2029 年)

  • 依產品類型劃分的預測和趨勢
  • 使用 MIM 進行製造的標準



  • 技術趨勢與市場預測
  • 高成長市場
  • 整體結論

第 8 章增材製造

積層製造零件的需求:依國家/地區劃分(數量/平均售價,2023-2029 年)

  • 每個國家的主要產業

世界對積層製造零件的需求:依最終用戶產業劃分(數量和平均售價,2023-2029 年)

  • 統計數據與整體市場數據
  • 積層製造市場快速成長
  • 影響最終用戶需求的因素
  • 最終使用者產品選擇標準分析



  • 依產品類型劃分的預測和趨勢
  • 積層製造製造標準



  • 技術趨勢與市場預測
  • 高成長市場
  • 整體結論

Powder Metallurgy (PM), Powder Injection Molding (PIM), Additive Machining (AM) and related metal forming processes are a growing and dynamic industry. With advances in technologies such as additive manufacturing or metal injection molding (MIM) expanding, the global market for these processes is expected to show exceptional growth.

With 20 years experience in machining and materials research, Dedalus Consulting's intelligence offers comprehensive data and analyses.

This 2023 data and intelligence set provides quantitative data and qualitative analysis on the global market by country, end-user industry, application, constructed parts, and process. Expanded coverage includes historical data within the Ulysses(TM) platform.

Data and analysis in the published report is available for the years 2023 to 2029. The Ulysses database contains market data for the years 2004-2029.

This Published Research Report is divided into sections according to process. It includes a market/technology overview, demand by product, application, end-user industry, country, and competitive environment. Each section is divided according to specific market criteria listed below.

The report contains over 150 pages and over 200 charts/graphs.

Scope of Coverage

The following categories present how the data was developed, organized and is presented. Breaking the data into specific categories is essential to analyze and draw meaningful insights. The breakdowns are designed to highlight key patterns and trends in the data, as well as to facilitate comparisons between different groups or segments.

Research Objectives & Methodology

The primary objectives in this analysis are:

  • To provide clients with the tools they need to accurately assess their market opportunities and potential;
  • To determine the size of the total market for PM parts by country, end-user industry, process, product type, and application;
  • To forecast future growth in each product by geographic and end-use market; and
  • To assess the competitive environment within the market including supplier sales and market share.

Methodology & Sources

Dedalus Consulting employs all current market and competitive intelligence techniques in order to ensure comprehensive research and analysis. This includes primary and secondary research. The research methodology applies generally to all database services, published and custom research. It can also be modified to suit a project and the client's specific objectives.

Products covered include parts and applications manufactured using powder metallurgy processes. Market trends and forecasts are provided for the years 2023-2029.

Processes Covered:

  • Press & Sinter
  • Hot Isostatic Press (HIP)
  • Powder Injection Molding (PIM)
  • Metal Injection Molding (MIM)

Note: MIM is a subcategory of PIM along with Ceramic Injection Molding (CIM) but it is presented here independently as well in order to break the MIM market down in more detail.

  • Ceramic Injection Molding (CIM)

Note: CIM is a subcategory of PIM along with Ceramic Injection Molding (CIM) but it is presented here independently as well in order to break the CIM market down in more detail.

  • Additive Manufacturing
  • Other

Raw Materials Used

  • Ferrous Materials/Alloys
  • Stainless Steels
  • Tungsten Carbide
  • Tool Steels
  • Carbon Alloys
  • Copper Alloys
  • Titanium Alloys
  • Aluminum Alloys
  • Ceramics
  • Soft Magnetic Irons
  • Precious Metals
  • Other (e.g., tin, magnesium, molybdenum...)

Applications Covered:

  • Structured Parts
  • Cutting Tools
  • Semi-Parts
  • Sintered Magnets
  • Wear Parts
  • Other

Geographic Coverage:

  • Africa
  • Brazil
  • China
  • France
  • Germany
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Korea (South)
  • Middle East
  • Russia
  • Singapore
  • Spain
  • Switzerland
  • Taiwan
  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • Other Asia/Pacific
  • Other CIS
  • Other EU
  • Other Europe
  • Other Latin America
  • Other NAFTA
  • Rest of World

End-User Industries Covered:

  • Aerospace
  • Agriculture
  • Automotive
  • Appliances
  • Chemical Processing
  • Computers/Networking
  • Construction
  • Defense/Military/Government
  • Die & Mold
  • Electronic Goods
  • Energy
  • Food Processing
  • Furniture
  • Industrial
  • Infrastructure
  • Medical/Research
  • Oil, Gas & Mining
  • Paper & Pulp Industry
  • Telecommunications
  • Transportation
  • Other

Table of Contents

Section 1: Technology Overview

Key Industry Terminology

What is Powder Metallurgy?

  • General Powder Metallurgy (PM) Definitions
    • PM Processes
      • Press & Sinter
      • Hot Isostatic Press (HIP)
      • Powder Injection Molding (PIM)
      • Metal Injection Molding (MIM)
      • Note: MIM is a subcategory of PIM along with Ceramic Injection Molding (CIM) but it is presented here independently as well in order to break the MIM market down in more detail.
      • Ceramic Injection Molding (CIM)
      • Note: CIM is a subcategory of PIM along with Metal Injection Molding (MIM) but it is presented here independently as well in order to break the CIM market down in more detail.
      • Additive Manufacturing
    • Applications
      • Structured Parts
      • Cutting Tools
      • Semi-Parts
      • Sintered Magnets
      • Wear Parts
      • Other
    • Raw Materials Used
      • Ferrous Materials/Alloys
      • Stainless Steels
      • Tungsten Carbide
      • Tool Steels
      • Carbon Alloys
      • Copper Alloys
      • Titanium Alloys
      • Aluminum Alloys
      • Ceramics
      • Soft Magnetic Irons
      • Precious Metals
      • Other (e.g., tin, magnesium, molybdenum...)

Advances in General Machining Processes

  • Advances and Developments in Machining & Manufacturing Techniques
  • Alternative Machining Methods & Disruptive Technologies
    • Grinding/Abrasive Techniques
    • EDM (Electro-Discharge Machining)
    • Laser Machining
    • Additive Manufacturing
  • Impact on Tooling and Productivity

International Standards

  • ANSI Standards
  • ISO (International Standards Organization) Standards
  • Meeting international standards
  • Impact of low quality products on the market

Technology Outlook

  • Powder Metallurgy Technology on the Horizon
  • Challenges and Advances in Materials Science
  • Increasing Productivity with New Designs

Section 2: Powder Metallurgy Market Overview

Regional Market Data and Analysis

  • World Machining Industry by Machining Process ($MM): 2023-2029
  • Global Demand for Powder Metallurgy Parts by Region ($MM): 2023-2029
  • Regional Trends & Forecasts in Powder Metallurgy Parts Consumption
  • Factors Affecting Demand
  • Relevant Legislation
  • High Growth Markets
  • Manufacturing Trends by Country

Industry Trends & Forecasts

  • Cycles of Growth and Decline
  • High-growth Markets (CAGR by Year)
  • Producer Strategies in Reducing Costs
  • Reduction of Energy Costs

Factors Affecting Demand

  • Organic Growth within Existing Markets
  • New Application Areas
  • Niche Markets

Supply Chain Analysis

  • Raw Materials
  • Affect of Global Trade Policies

Distribution Channels

  • Global Demand for PM Parts by Distribution Channel ($MM): 2023-2029
  • Distributor Margins


  • Average Selling Price by Part Type
  • End-User Industry Pricing Analysis
  • Pricing Trends by Country

Global Market for PM Parts by Application ($MM, Units, $/unit)

  • Structured Parts
  • Cutting Tools
  • Semi-Parts
  • Sintered Magnets
  • Wear Parts
  • Other

Global Market for PM Parts by Process ($MM, Units, $/unit)

  • Press & Sinter
  • Hot Isostatic Press (HIP)
  • Powder Injection Molding (PIM)
  • Metal Injection Molding (MIM)
    • Note: MIM is a subcategory of PIM along with Ceramic Injection Molding (CIM) but it is presented here independently as well in order to break the MIM market down in more detail.
  • Ceramic Injection Molding (CIM)
    • Note: CIM is a subcategory of PIM along with Ceramic Injection Molding (CIM) but it is presented here independently as well in order to break the CIM market down in more detail.
  • Additive Manufacturing
  • Other

End-User Analysis

  • Global Demand for Powder Metallurgy Parts ($MM) by End-User Industry: 2023-2029
  • Statistics & Overall Market Data
  • Forecasts and Predictions: 2024 and Beyond
  • High growth markets in a diverse global economy
  • Key Sectors by Country and Region
  • Factors Affecting End-User Demand
  • Analysis of Criteria for End-User Product Selection

Competitive Environment

  • Competitive Structure of the Industry
  • Factors of Competition
    • Performance versus Price
    • Manufacturing Processes
    • End-User Criteria for Product Selection
  • Barriers of Market Entry
    • Market Entry and New Competitors: Obstacles and Points of Entry
    • Capital Investment
    • Supply Chain
    • Customer Loyalty
    • Global Trade
  • Company Strategies
  • Competitive Strengths & Weaknesses
  • Strategies for Marketing & Business Development
  • Pricing Trends
  • Competitive Landscape Moving Forward

Section 3: Press & Sinter

Press & Sinter Parts Demand by Country ($MM, Units, ASP): 2023-2029

  • Key Sectors by Country

Global Demand for Press & Sinter Parts by End-User Industry ($MM, Units, ASP): 2023-2029

  • Statistics & Overall Market Data
  • High growth markets for Press & Sinter manufacturing
  • Factors Affecting End-User Demand
  • Analysis of Criteria for End-User Product Selection

Global Demand for Press & Sinter Manufacturing by Raw Material ($MM): 2023-2029

Press & Sinter Manufacturing by Product Type ($MM, Units, ASP): 2023-2029

  • Forecasts & Trends by Product Type
  • Criteria for Manufacturing using P&S

Competitive Environment

Future Outlook

  • Technological Trends and Market Forecasts
  • High-growth Markets
  • General Conclusions

Section 4: Hot Isostatic Press (HIP)

Hot Isostatic Press (HIP) Parts Demand by Country ($MM, Units, ASP): 2023-2029

  • Key Sectors by Country

Global Demand for Hot Isostatic Press (HIP) Parts by End-User Industry ($MM, Units, ASP): 2023-2029

  • Statistics & Overall Market Data
  • High growth markets for Hot Isostatic Press (HIP) manufacturing
  • Factors Affecting End-User Demand
  • Analysis of Criteria for End-User Product Selection

Global Demand for Hot Isostatic Press (HIP) Manufacturing by Raw Material ($MM): 2023-2029

Hot Isostatic Press (HIP) Manufacturing by Product Type ($MM, Units, ASP): 2023-2029

  • Forecasts & Trends by Product Type
  • Criteria for Manufacturing using HIP

Competitive Environment

Future Outlook

  • Technological Trends and Market Forecasts
  • High-growth Markets
  • General Conclusions

Section 5: Powder Injection Molding (PIM)

Powder Injection Molding (PIM) Parts Demand by Country ($MM, Units, ASP): 2023-2029

  • Key Sectors by Country

Global Demand for Powder Injection Molding (PIM) Parts by End-User Industry ($MM, Units, ASP): 2023-2029

  • Statistics & Overall Market Data
  • High growth markets for Powder Injection Molding (PIM) manufacturing
  • Factors Affecting End-User Demand
  • Analysis of Criteria for End-User Product Selection

Global Demand for Powder Injection Molding (PIM) Manufacturing by Raw Material ($MM): 2023-2029

Powder Injection Molding (PIM) Manufacturing by Product Type ($MM, Units, ASP): 2023-2029

  • Forecasts & Trends by Product Type
  • Criteria for Manufacturing using PIM

Competitive Environment

Future Outlook

  • Technological Trends and Market Forecasts
  • High-growth Markets
  • General Conclusions

Section 6: Metal Injection Molding (MIM)

  • Note: MIM is a subcategory of PIM along with Ceramic Injection Molding (CIM) but it is presented here independently as well in order to break the MIM market down in more detail.

Metal Injection Molding (MIM) Parts Demand by Country ($MM, Units, ASP): 2023-2029

  • Key Sectors by Country

Global Demand for Metal Injection Molding (MIM) Parts by End-User Industry ($MM, Units, ASP): 2023-2029

  • Statistics & Overall Market Data
  • High growth markets for Metal Injection Molding (MIM) manufacturing
  • Factors Affecting End-User Demand
  • Analysis of Criteria for End-User Product Selection

Global Demand for Metal Injection Molding (MIM) Manufacturing by Raw Material ($MM): 2023-2029

Metal Injection Molding (MIM) Manufacturing by Product Type ($MM, Units, ASP): 2023-2029

  • Forecasts & Trends by Product Type
  • Criteria for Manufacturing using MIM

Competitive Environment

Future Outlook

  • Technological Trends and Market Forecasts
  • High-growth Markets
  • General Conclusions

Section 6: Ceramic Injection Molding (CIM)

  • Note: CIM is a subcategory of PIM along with Metal Injection Molding (MIM) but it is presented here independently as well in order to break the CIM market down in more detail.

Ceramic Injection Molding (CIM) Parts Demand by Country ($MM, Units, ASP): 2023-2029

  • Key Sectors by Country

Global Demand for Ceramic Injection Molding (CIM) Parts by End-User Industry ($MM, Units, ASP): 2023-2029

  • Statistics & Overall Market Data
  • High growth markets for Ceramic Injection Molding (CIM) manufacturing
  • Factors Affecting End-User Demand
  • Analysis of Criteria for End-User Product Selection

Global Demand for Ceramic Injection Molding (CIM) Manufacturing by Raw Material ($MM): 2023-2029

Ceramic Injection Molding (CIM) Manufacturing by Product Type ($MM, Units, ASP): 2023-2029

  • Forecasts & Trends by Product Type
  • Criteria for Manufacturing using MIM

Competitive Environment

Future Outlook

  • Technological Trends and Market Forecasts
  • High-growth Markets
  • General Conclusions

Section 8: Additive Manufacturing

Additive Manufacturing Parts Demand by Country ($MM, Units, ASP): 2023-2029

  • Key Sectors by Country

Global Demand for Additive Manufacturing Parts by End-User Industry ($MM, Units, ASP): 2023-2029

  • Statistics & Overall Market Data
  • High growth markets for Additive Manufacturing
  • Factors Affecting End-User Demand
  • Analysis of Criteria for End-User Product Selection

Global Demand for Additive Manufacturing by Raw Material ($MM): 2023-2029

Additive Manufacturing by Product Type ($MM, Units, ASP): 2023-2029

  • Forecasts & Trends by Product Type
  • Criteria for Manufacturing using AM

Competitive Environment

Future Outlook

  • Technological Trends and Market Forecasts
  • High-growth Markets
  • General Conclusions