全球發泡聚苯乙烯市場 - 2024-2031Global Expanded Polystyrene Market - 2024-2031 |
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發泡聚苯乙烯 (EPS) 是一種由聚苯乙烯珠製成的輕質、剛性、閉孔泡沫材料。由於其優良的隔熱性能和減震能力,常用於絕緣和包裝。發泡聚苯乙烯(EPS)市場是指涉及發泡聚苯乙烯生產、分銷和消費的全球產業,發泡聚苯乙烯是一種輕質、剛性且耐用的塑膠泡沫材料。
EPS 在包裝中的使用不斷增加,刺激了不斷擴大的聚苯乙烯市場的需求。 EPS 因其輕質、減震和隔熱而受到青睞,使其成為電子、製藥和食品飲料等行業包裝的理想材料。根據世界包裝組織 (WPO) 的數據,到 2024 年,世界包裝產業將達到 1.05 兆美元,而 EPS 在這一成長中發揮著重要作用。
由於中國和印度等國家的快速工業化、城市化以及電子商務和建築業的成長,亞太地區在 EPS 市場中佔據主導佔有率。據印度包裝工業協會 (PIAI) 稱,包裝是印度高成長產業之一,每年以 22-25% 的速度成長,成為包裝產業的首選中心。這種成長也得益於對永續包裝解決方案日益成長的需求,因為 EPS 重量輕、耐用且可回收,符合該地區對更環保材料的推動。
EPS因其優良的保溫性能、輕質性和防潮性而被廣泛用作建築和建築中的保溫材料。建築業的成長,特別是在美國、中國和印度等發展中國家,是一個關鍵的驅動力。這種擴張刺激了對 EPS 的需求,因為它在減少建築物能源消耗方面發揮著至關重要的作用
根據牛津經濟研究院的數據,在超級建築市場中國、美國和印度的推動下,建築工程將從 2022 年的 9.7 兆美元增加到 2037 年的 13.9 兆美元。專注於減少碳足跡和提高能源效率的政府法規進一步推動了這一趨勢。
EPS 因其輕質、減震和隔熱而受到青睞,使其成為電子、製藥和食品飲料等行業包裝的理想材料。全球電子貿易的繁榮尤其增加了對保護性包裝解決方案的需求。
例如,根據國際研究中心的數據,2021年世界電子產品出口價值為153.8億美元。鑑於 EPS 在保護這些高價值產品在運輸過程中免受損壞方面發揮關鍵作用,這種擴張推動了對 EPS 的需求。
EPS 的環保替代品(例如可生物分解塑膠和紙基包裝)的興起帶來了重大限制。根據歐洲生物塑膠協會最近的報告,2023年生物塑膠的產能約為218萬噸,到2028年產能將增加至743萬噸左右,這可能會減少對傳統EPS產品的需求。
此外,與 EPS 廢棄物相關的環境問題日益嚴重。因為它不可生物分解,並且會嚴重造成塑膠污染。世界各國政府正在實施更嚴格的法規來限制一次性塑膠(包括 EPS)的使用。
EPS 廣泛用於食品、電子產品和消費品的包裝,其中保護和隔熱至關重要。該材料的吸收衝擊能力使其成為運輸易碎物品的理想選擇,而其絕緣性能有助於保存易腐爛的物品,例如食品和藥品的冷鏈包裝。
此外,在食品包裝中,EPS因其隔熱性而被廣泛使用,有助於保持熱或冷食品的溫度。食品包裝對EPS的需求激增,尤其是在速食和餐廳外送領域。同樣,在電子產品包裝中,EPS 對於在運輸過程中保護易碎和敏感產品至關重要。美國電子產品包裝中 EPS 市場正在穩步成長,需要為智慧型手機、筆記型電腦和其他消費性電子產品等設備提供保護性包裝的公司的需求顯著上升
印度蓬勃發展的數位經濟和電子製造業也推動了EPS需求的不斷成長。根據IBEF預測,到2025年,印度電子製造業規模預計將達到5,200億美元,對高效封裝和絕緣材料的需求不斷增加。同樣,日本汽車產業儘管 2021 年乘用車和輕型汽車產量下降 3%(總計生產 7,846,955 輛),但仍是 EPS 需求的重要貢獻者。總體而言,該地區 EPS 市場的成長得益於建築、電子和汽車產業的蓬勃發展。
該市場的主要全球參與者包括Advansix Inc.、BASF SE、BEWI ASA、Century Enka、DOMO Chemicals、Fibrant(海陽集團)、Junsei Chemical Co., Ltd.、Kishida Chemical Co., Ltd.、Otto Chemie Pvt .。有限公司和中國石化。
隨著永續發展成為產業利害關係人的焦點,全球發泡聚苯乙烯 (EPS) 市場正在經歷重大轉變。傳統的 EPS 源自石化產品,石化產品是不可再生的,並透過碳排放和持久性廢物導致環境退化。
永續發展的最新進展正在重塑 EPS 市場。公司正在投資開發替代材料和回收技術。例如,回收 EPS 的使用越來越受歡迎。根據Greenmax的研究,EPS絕緣材料的應用和需求預計每年成長3.3%。
這一成長是由於人們對環境問題的認知不斷增強以及減少塑膠廢物的監管壓力所推動的。此外,生物基 EPS 由澱粉或甘蔗等再生資源生產,與傳統 EPS 相比,可顯著減少碳足跡。巴斯夫和 TotalEnergies 等公司正在投資研究,以提高生物基 EPS 解決方案的效能和可擴展性。
俄羅斯-烏克蘭戰爭對全球發泡聚苯乙烯(EPS)市場產生了重大影響,這主要是由於供應鏈中斷和原料短缺。 EPS是建築、包裝和保溫業常用的物質,很大程度上依賴苯乙烯單體等原料,但由於衝突,苯乙烯單體面臨挑戰。
2024 年,巴斯夫推出 Neopor Mcycled,這是全球發泡聚苯乙烯 (EPS) 市場的重大發展,採用 10% 的回收 EPS 廢料。這項創新凸顯了該產業日益向永續發展轉變,越來越重視將回收材料納入 EPS 生產。
2022 年,全球發泡聚苯乙烯 (EPS) 市場的重大發展包括 BEWI ASA 擴大其地理足跡的策略性舉措。該公司簽署了收購立陶宛絕緣公司 BalPol 的意向書,此舉旨在加強其在波羅的海地區的業務。同時,BEWI ASA 增持了英國著名絕緣和包裝公司 Jablite Group 51% 的股份。
2021年,BEWI與瑞典塑膠回收公司簽署了意向書。該協議旨在瑞典塑膠回收公司規劃的位於瑞典穆塔拉的零站點設施中回收 EPS。該設施預計每年可處理 1,000 至 3,000 噸 EPS,凸顯 EPS 回收和永續性的重大進步。
Excel 電子表格包含擴展聚苯乙烯市場的綜合資料集,涵蓋各個細分市場。
PDF 報告由詳盡的質性訪談和深入研究後的綜合分析組成。
產品映射以 Excel 形式提供,包含所有主要參與者的關鍵產品。
全球發泡聚苯乙烯市場報告將提供約 62 個表格、56 張圖表和 215 頁。
2024 年目標受眾
Report Overview
Global Expanded Polystyrene Market reached US$ 15.98 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach US$ 22.83 billion by 2031, growing with a CAGR of 4.5% during the forecast period 2024-2031.
Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) is a lightweight, rigid and closed-cell foam material produced from polystyrene beads. It is commonly used for insulation and packaging due to its excellent thermal insulation properties and shock absorption capabilities. The expanded polystyrene (EPS) market refers to the global industry involved in the production, distribution and consumption of expanded polystyrene, a lightweight, rigid and durable plastic foam material.
The increasing use of EPS in packaging boosts the demand of the expanded polystyrene market. EPS is favored for its lightweight nature, shock absorbency and thermal insulation, making it an ideal material for packaging in industries like electronics, pharmaceuticals and food & beverages. According to the World Packaging Organisation (WPO) world packaging industry will reach $1.05 trillion by 2024, with EPS playing a significant role in this growth.
The Asia-Pacific holds a dominant share of the EPS market due to rapid industrialization, urbanization and the growth of the e-commerce and construction industries in countries such as China and India. According to the Packaging Industry Association of India (PIAI), Packaging is among the high-growth industries in India developing 22-25% per annum and becoming a preferred hub for the packaging industry. This growth is also supported by the increasing demand for sustainable packaging solutions, as EPS is lightweight, durable and recyclable, aligning with the region's push towards more eco-friendly materials.
Growing Demand From Construction Industry
EPS is widely used as insulation material in building and construction due to its excellent thermal insulation properties, lightweight nature and moisture resistance. The construction industry's growth, especially in developing countries such as the US, China and India, is a key driver. This expansion fuels demand for EPS as it plays a crucial role in reducing energy consumption in buildings
According to Oxford Economics, Construction work went up from US$ 9.7 trillion in 2022 to US$ 13.9 trillion in 2037-driven by superpower construction markets China, the US and India. This is further propelled by government regulations focusing on reducing carbon footprints and improving energy efficiency.
Emerging Demand for Protective Packaging Solutions
EPS is favored for its lightweight nature, shock absorbency and thermal insulation, making it an ideal material for packaging in industries like electronics, pharmaceuticals and food & beverages. The global electronics trade boom has particularly spiked demand for protective packaging solutions.
For instance, according to the Center for International Research, in 2021 World Exported Value of Electronic Products was US$ 15.38 Billion. This expansion drives the demand for EPS, given its critical role in safeguarding these high-value products from damage during shipping.
Rise of Eco-Friendly Alternatives
The rise of eco-friendly alternatives to EPS, such as biodegradable plastics and paper-based packaging, presents a significant restraint. The production capacity of bioplastics was around 2.18 million tons in 2023, with a production capacity to increase to around 7.43 million tons by 2028 according to a recent report from the European Bioplastics, which could potentially reduce the demand for traditional EPS products.
Furthermore, growing environmental concerns associated with EPS waste. As it is non-biodegradable and contributes significantly to plastic pollution. Governments around the world are implementing stricter regulations to limit the use of single-use plastics, including EPS.
Market Segment Analysis
The global expanded polystyrene market is segmented based on product, application, end-user and region.
Increasing Packcaging Demand Drives Segment Growth
EPS is widely used in the packaging of food, electronics and consumer goods, where protection and thermal insulation are critical. The material's ability to absorb shock makes it ideal for transporting fragile items, while its insulation properties help preserve perishable goods, such as in cold chain packaging for food and pharmaceuticals.
Furthermore, in food packaging, EPS is widely used due to its thermal insulation, helping to maintain the temperature of hot or cold food. The demand for EPS in food packaging has surged, especially in the fast-food and restaurant take-out sectors. Similarly, in electronics packaging, EPS is crucial for protecting fragile and sensitive products during transportation. The US market for EPS in electronics packaging is growing steadily, with a notable uptick in demand from companies requiring protective packaging for devices like smartphones, laptops and other consumer electronics
Market Geographical Share
Rising Industrial Developments in Asia-Pacific
Asia-Pacific is holding the largest share with significant growth in the global Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) market, driven by various sectoral developments across key countries. China's construction sector has played an increasingly important role in bolstering the economy and stabilizing employment. In the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020), the sector expanded 5.1 percent annually in added value, accounting for over 6.9 percent of GDP, according to the State Council Information Office.
India's burgeoning digital economy and electronic manufacturing sector also contribute to the rising demand for EPS. According to IBEF, The Indian electronics manufacturing industry is projected to reach US$ 520 billion by 2025, the need for efficient packaging and insulation materials is increasing. Similarly, Japan's automotive sector, despite facing a 3% decline in passenger car and light vehicle production in 2021 (with a total of 7,846,955 units produced), remains a significant contributor to EPS demand. Overall, the region's growth in the EPS market is supported by dynamic developments in construction, electronics and automotive sectors.
Market Competitive Landscape
The major global players in the market include Advansix Inc., BASF SE, BEWI ASA, Century Enka, DOMO Chemicals, Fibrant (Highsun Group), Junsei Chemical Co., Ltd., Kishida Chemical Co., Ltd., Otto Chemie Pvt. Ltd and, SINOPEC.
Sustainability Analysis
The global expanded polystyrene (EPS) market is undergoing significant shifts as sustainability becomes a central focus for industry stakeholders. Traditional EPS is derived from petrochemicals, which are non-renewable and contribute to environmental degradation through carbon emissions and persistent waste.
Recent advancements in sustainability are reshaping the EPS market. Companies are investing in the development of alternative materials and recycling technologies. For instance, the use of recycled EPS is gaining traction. According to study conducted by Greenmax, the application and demand for EPS insulation are expected to grow by 3.3% per year.
The growth is driven by increased awareness of environmental issues and regulatory pressures to reduce plastic waste. Furthermore, bio-based EPS which are produced from renewable sources such as starch or sugarcane, which significantly reduce the carbon footprint compared to conventional EPS. Companies such as BASF and TotalEnergies are investing in research to enhance the performance and scalability of bio-based EPS solutions.
Russia-Ukraine War Impact
The Russia-Ukraine war has significantly impacted the global expanded polystyrene (EPS) market, primarily due to disruptions in supply chains and raw material shortages. EPS, a commonly utilized substance in the construction, packaging and insulation industries, depends greatly on raw ingredients such as styrene monomer, which has faced challenges due to the conflict.
The conflict has worsened preexisting issues in the supply chain, resulting in higher costs and restricted access to key raw materials such as styrene. The war has heavily disturbed supply chains in Europe and other regions. Ukraine has experienced disruptions in energy deliveries, impacting the manufacturing of styrene and its byproducts. The rise in production expenses has been passed on to the EPS market, resulting in elevated prices for final goods.
Increased raw material costs have resulted in substantial price fluctuations in the EPS market. The main reason for this inflationary pressure is the rise in production expenses and disruptions in transportation. Rising prices are affecting sectors such as construction and packaging that heavily depend on EPS, resulting in decreased demand in certain areas.
Chemical Intermediate
Food & Beverages
North America
Rest of Europe
South America
Rest of South America
Rest of Asia-Pacific
Middle East and Africa
In 2024, BASF introduced Neopor Mcycled, a significant development in the global Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) market, featuring 10% recycled EPS waste. This innovation highlights the industry's increasing shift towards sustainability, with a growing emphasis on incorporating recycled materials into EPS production.
In 2022, significant developments in the global Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) market included BEWI ASA's strategic moves to enhance its geographic footprint. The company entered a letter of intent to acquire the Lithuanian insulation firm BalPol, a move poised to bolster its presence in the Baltic region. Concurrently, BEWI ASA increased its stake in Jablite Group, a prominent insulation and packaging company in UK, by acquiring an additional 51%.
In 2021, BEWI signed a letter of intent with Swedish Plastic Recycling. This agreement aims to recycle EPS at Swedish Plastic Recycling's planned Site Zero facility in Motala, Sweden. The facility is projected to handle between 1,000 to 3,000 tonnes of EPS annually, highlighting a significant advancement in EPS recycling and sustainability.
To visualize the global expanded polystyrene market segmentation based on product, application, end-user and region.
Identify commercial opportunities by analyzing trends and co-development.
Excel spreadsheet containing a comprehensive dataset of the expanded polystyrene market, covering all levels of segmentation.
PDF report consists of a comprehensive analysis after exhaustive qualitative interviews and an in-depth study.
Product mapping available as excel consisting of key products of all the major players.
The global expanded polystyrene market report would provide approximately 62 tables, 56 figures and 215 pages.
Target Audience 2024
Manufacturers/ Buyers
Industry Investors/Investment Bankers
Research Professionals
Emerging Companies