發泡聚苯乙烯(EPS) 市場 - 2024 年至 2029 年預測Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Market - Forecasts from 2024 to 2029 |
預計發泡聚苯乙烯(EPS) 市場在預測期內將以 3.38% 的複合年成長率成長,從 2024 年估計值的63.89 億美元增至 2029 年的 75.44 億美元。
預計發泡聚苯乙烯(EPS)市場在預測期內將出現顯著成長。受益於包裝和建築行業的強勁需求,亞太地區預計將成為主要市場。與該市場成長相關的新興因素包括:不斷成長的世界人口和不斷變化的生活方式日益需要高品質、高附加價值的產品,如「綠色」產品和「公平貿易」理念。然而,產品可得性高和環境限制等限制因素繼續減緩市場成長。然而,在這些因素中,由於對生物基聚苯乙烯的需求不斷增加以及 EPS 新應用的出現,市場預計將會成長。還有其他因素推動該市場的成長。
城市人口對發泡聚苯乙烯(EPS)市場的成長做出了重大貢獻。隨著都市化的不斷加快,主要挑戰是盡可能有效地使用包裝和隔熱材料。 Theraplast 的 EPS 產品非常適合滿足此類需求,因為它們具有高度絕緣性和環保性。此外,電子、汽車等各領域的技術發展也增加了高品質包裝材料的需求。電動車的日益普及補充了已經成長的電子商務趨勢,這也推動了對 EPS 的需求。因此,在這兩個行業的支持下,EPS市場可能會持續成長。
EPS市場也受到世界人口對環保包裝和建築材料日益成長的需求的推動。世界各地的人們環保意識日益增強,更青睞生態友善產品。因此,EPS因其密度低而成為首選包裝材料,這對於具有環保意識的公司來說是一個優勢。在建築中,EPS也用作隔熱材料,而且也很經濟。換句話說,能源效率意識和環保做法也是推動EPS使用的因素。隨著越來越多的政府實施和支持 EPA 並採取措施減少 EPS廢棄物,EPS 市場預計將從這些措施中受益。
新興市場的需求是EPS市場受歡迎的另一個因素。最近經歷快速成長的地區包括中國和印度,這些地區的人口城市化程度更高,經濟成長速度更快,從而增加了對包裝和建築材料的需求。不斷壯大的中產階級是這些國家的成長要素,他們現在需要包裝商品,因此需要每股盈餘。這些國家快速部署的支援基礎設施也為 EPS 創造了更大的市場,特別是在建築計劃中。還有一些新興市場正在逐步但穩定地擴大,隨著市場需求的增加,EPS市場也有擴大的機會。
預計白色 EPS 領域將成為預測期內發泡聚苯乙烯(EPS) 市場成長最快的產品類型。這一成長歸因於包裝行業對白色 EPS 的市場需求不斷成長。白色 EPS 是最常見的 EPS 類型,是大多數承包商的首選。此外,由於白色EPS用途廣泛,可應用於多種領域,預計未來將更加流行。在包裝方面,白色 EPS 廣泛用於生產各種消費品、電子產品和食品的保護和隔熱產品。推動這一細分市場的因素包括網路購物的增加以及對輕質、堅固和耐用的更好包裝的需求。此外,食品服務業的擴張以及對合適和永續包裝(例如由白色 EPS 製成的托盤和杯子)日益成長的需求也推動了該行業的發展。除了包裝應用之外,白色 EPS 還因其保溫性能而被用作建築材料,例如牆壁隔熱材料、屋頂和基礎鞋墊。據預測,建設產業的成長,包括政府對節能建築的關注、能源規範的改進以及全球監管的整合和創新,是推動白色 EPS 使用的因素。此外,白色EPS在家具、體育用品和汽車中的使用也推動了該領域的成長。
灰色/銀色 EPS 細分市場預計將按類型推動發泡聚苯乙烯(EPS) 市場的成長。 EPS市場依類型分為灰色/銀色發泡聚苯乙烯(EPS),預計未來將呈現高成長率。特別是,灰色EPS由於其優異的絕緣性能,在考慮成本時預計將比其他產品顯示出更高的成長。阻燃劑、石墨和其他添加劑正被引入競爭日益激烈的「改性」EPS這一新領域。社會對「綠色」產品和解決方案的偏好不斷變化,包括永續包裝的日益重要以及能源效率和「綠色」建築的推廣,將繼續推動全球對灰色和銀色 EPS 的需求。不僅如此,保護性包裝材料的使用不斷增加,特別是在電子通訊領域,以及建築方面對輕質耐用隔熱材料的需求也補充了該細分市場的成長。因此,灰色和銀色 EPS 細分市場補充了全球越來越多的行業,預計將成為該市場的主要 EPS 促進因素。
建設產業中發泡聚苯乙烯(EPS) 的使用不斷增加,是 EPS 市場擴張的關鍵驅動力。幾位作者也對建築領域擴大使用發泡聚苯乙烯(EPS) 發表了評論。 EPS 在各種用途中的使用正在迅速增加,特別是考慮到建築和建築業是現代發展最快的行業之一。 EPS因其獨特而獨特的保溫能力、重量輕、多功能性而在建設產業中廣受歡迎。在建設產業中,EPS 廣泛應用,特別是用作牆壁和屋頂的隔熱材料以及地基的輕質支撐。由於其閉孔率和低導熱係數,它被認為是建築節能的最佳解決方案。 EPS隔熱材料改善了暖氣和冷氣管理,滿足建築業日益成長的排放需求。
此外,該材料的使用壽命長、對白蟻和化學品惰性且易於安裝,使其在建築市場上受到高度重視。 EPS 也用於結構隔熱板 (SIP) 的建造,它將 EPS 的隔熱性能與定向纖維板和其他飾面材料的結構性能相結合。這些 SIP 擴大用於住宅和小型商業建築的建設,以幫助提高熱力和結構能力。
永續的建設活動、能源使用、經濟高效且耐用的建築材料排放是 EPS 在建築領域越來越受歡迎的原因之一。隨著全球建設產業的進步,EPS應用預計將維持發泡聚苯乙烯(EPS)市場成長的需求。
由於人口成長、都市化加快、基礎設施發展和製造業不斷增加,亞太地區已確定發泡聚苯乙烯(EPS) 市場。中國和印度等新興國家電器市場的快速成長預計將增加對提供產品保護的輕質包裝助劑的需求,進而推動EPS的消費率。此外,亞太地區持續的經濟發展和有利的政府政策也促進了EPS產業的高市場佔有率和成長。
該地區強勁的工業和建築業支持了隔熱材料、包裝和應用等市場對 EPS 的高需求。該地區對永續包裝和建築材料的需求強勁,而 EPS 非常適合,因為它重量輕、可回收且具有成本效益。此外,在中國、日本、韓國等亞太地區已開發國家,由於節能和綠建築的推行,建築應用和隔熱材料對EPS的需求不斷增加。該地區的人口密度正在迅速增加,對住宅和商業區的需求也隨之增加。整體而言,亞太地區EPS市場的經濟發展、人口和基礎建設發展等因素有利於EPS市場的成長,使其獲得全球主導地位。
The expanded polystyrene (EPS) market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.38% over the forecast period to reach a market size of US$7.544 billion in 2029, increasing from estimated value of US$6.389 billion in 2024.
The Expanded polystyrene (EPS) market is expected to experience significant growth over the forecast period. Asia-Pacific is expected to be the key market, benefiting from booming demand in the packaging and construction segments. Some of the emerging factors being associated with the growth of this market include. An ever-growing global population and changing lifestyles are dictating the need for high quality and added value items like 'green' goods and the concepts of 'fair trade' A swiftly expanding application of the EPS in the marine floatation and floating decks. However, limitations such as high availability of products and environmental constraints continue to slow the growth of the market. However, amid these factors, the market is anticipated to grow owing to the rising necessity for bio-based polystyrene and emerging applications of EPS. There are other factors also which are fuelling the growth in this market.
The city population is collectively providing a tremendous contribution towards the market growth of Expanded polystyrene (EPS). With the development of the scale of urbanization, the primary task remains to use packaging and insulating materials as efficiently as possible. Theraplast's EPS product has good thermal insulation attributes, and it can also be considered environmentally friendly, which makes it ideal for meeting such requirements. Also, the technological development of various segments like electronics, automotive, and others has resulted in a higher demand for quality packaging materials. The already growing trend of e-commerce is complemented by the growing popularity of electric vehicles which also fuels the demand for EPS. Therefore, the market for EPS is likely to experience a sustained level of growth due to the support it receives from these two sectors.
The EPS market is also fundamental on the back of the increasing needs of the global population in environmentally friendly packaging and building materials. People around the world are developing a consciousness of environmental conservation and would prefer goods that are ecologically friendly. EPS is thus preferred for packaging due to its low density and the benefits it has for environment-conscious businesses. In construction, the EPS is also used for insulation, and it is also economical. This means that Awareness of energy efficiency and green practices is also a factor that is promoting the use of EPS. Since more governments are putting in place measures to conduct or support EPA and reduce waste on this material, the EPS market is anticipated to gain from these measures.
The need from emerging markets also constitutes one more factor that is playing a part in the popularity of the EPS market. Some of the areas that have grown rapidly over the recent past include China and India where the population is urbanized, and the economies are growing at a fast pace, thus giving rise to the demand for packaging and construction materials. This growth in the middle class which is a factor of growth in these countries is now demanding packaged goods and consequently EPS. Also, supportive infrastructure that is rapidly being adopted in these countries has created a greater market for EPS, especially in construction projects. There are also emerging markets that are slowly but steadily expanding and, therefore, with the increased market demand, the EPS market will have the opportunity to expand as well.
The white EPS segment is expected to be the fastest-growing product type in the expanded polystyrene (EPS) market during the forecast period. This kind of growth has been brought about by the ever-growing market demand for white EPS for use in the packaging sector. White EPS is the most popular type of EPS and it is preferred by most builders. White EPS is also expected to gain popularity in the future due to its general-purpose nature and its applicability in different fields. When it comes to packaging, white EPS is heavily utilized for the production of protective as well as insulating products for various consumers' goods, electronics, and foods. Some of the driving factors that have been attributed to this segment include: One of the major drivers for the need for white EPS in this segment is the growth in online shopping and the need for more superior packaging that is lightweight and has high strength and durability. Further, the escalating food service industry and need for the appropriate and sustainable packaging including trays and cups constituted from white EPS is also adding up to the segment. Aside from its use in packaging, white EPS is also used as construction material in structures for wall insulation and padding of roofs and foundations because of its thermal capability of EPS. The growth in the construction industry including the focus of governments to incorporate energy-efficient buildings and the integration of and innovation of improved energy codes and regulations around the world are factors that are predicted to motivate the use of white EPS. Besides, the sales having white EPS along with furniture, sports equipment, and automotive are boosting the segment's growth as well.
The grey and silver EPS segment is expected to drive the growth of the Expanded polystyrene (EPS) market by type. Based on the type, the EPS market has been segmented as grey and silver which is likely to show high growth rates for Expanded polystyrene in the future. Specifically, it has been forecasted that grey EPS will experience higher growth than other products because of its excellent thermal insulating properties, more so when cost is taken into consideration. Flame retardants, graphite, and other additives have been brought into the new segment of 'modified' EPS where competition has increased. The switches in society's preferences towards 'green' products and solutions, inclusive of a growing importance on sustainable packaging and the promotion of energy efficiency and 'green' building have continued to foster the global demand for grey and silver EPS. Not only this, the increasing use of protective packaging materials especially in the e-communication sector, and the demand for lightweight and durable insulating material in construction aspects also supplement the growth of this segment. Consequently, the grey and silver EPS segment can be projected as a major EPS driving force in its market, complementing the industries' increased use throughout the globe.
The growing application of Expanded polystyrene (EPS) in the building and construction industry is a key driver of the EPS market's expansion. Several authors have also commented on the increasing use of Expanded polystyrenes in the building and construction sector. The use of EPS for various purposes is increasing rapidly, especially in light of the fact that the construction and building industry is one of the most rapidly growing industries of the current era. EPS in the construction industry has come to prevail for its unique and unique ability to insulate, lightweight, and versatility. In construction, EPS applies widely, especially in walls and roof insulation, and provides lightweight support for the foundations. Thanks to its shut-porosity and low thermal conductivity it has been considered as an optimal solution for saving the energies in the constructions. EPS insulation improves heating and cooling management hence meeting the increasing demands for emissions reduction in the construction sector.
Moreover, characteristics such as the material's longevity, the inertness to termites and chemicals, and simple installation have reinforced the material's reputation in the construction market. EPS is also used in the construction of Structural Insulated panels (SIPs) that involve the insulation capability of the EPS and the structural capability of oriented strand boards or other facing materials. These SIPs are increasingly being used in constructing homes and small commercial structures since they aid in thermal and structural capacities.
The emission of sustainable construction activities, energy utilization, and cost-effective and more durable construction materials are among the reasons that have seen EPS gaining popularity in construction. With the advancement in the construction industry on the global level the EPS application is predicted to sustain its demand in the market growth of Expanded polystyrene.
Asia-Pacific region to dominate the Expanded polystyrene market during the forecast period.
The major economies like China, Japan, India, and South Korea dominate the Asia-Pacific region. Some of the fastest-growing emerging economies are from this region such as ASEAN countries. India and China have about 35.5% of the world's population. The Asia Pacific region is expected to dominate the expanded polystyrene market during the forecast period owing to the region being the home of several countries as mentioned above constituting significant production capacities that are driving the demand for eco-friendly materials.
The Asia Pacific has been identified as to lead in the Expanded polystyrene (EPS) market resulting from population growth, rising urbanization, infrastructural developments, and increasing manufacturing industries. The exponential growth of e-commerce markets in developing countries such as China and India is projected to raise the demand for lighter packaging aids that offer protection to products which, in turn, boosts the consumption rate of EPS. Furthermore, the constant economic development and the favorable government policies in the APAC contributed to a high market share and growth of the EPS industry.
Intense industrial and construction industries in the region are likely to support high EPS demand in markets such as insulation, packaging, and uses. There is a large demand in this region for sustainable packaging and construction material, which EPS is a good fit for as it is lightweight, recyclable, and cost-efficient. In addition, energy conservation and green building implementation in developed countries in the Asia-Pacific such as China, Japan, and South Korea are boosting EPS for construction usage and insulating materials. The population density is rapidly increasing throughout the region, and it is accompanied by the need for more housing and commercial area which in turn leads to a higher production demand for EPS usage for construction and packaging purposes. Altogether, factors such as the Asia-Pacific region's economic progress, population, and infrastructure development for the EPS market align in favor of its growth, resulting in its global dominance.