

Voice of Customer: Global Banking and Financial Services Security Trends

出版日期: | 出版商: Frost & Sullivan | 英文 49 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內



數位化努力、自帶設備 (BYOD) 趨勢以及支援物聯網的設備數量之多,已將銀行和金融服務組織引入了一個巨大的數位生態系統,而該生態系統很容易受到許多威脅。在這個快速變化的網路安全環境中,組織已準備好進行重大投資,以保護其設施、營運和客戶銀行交易免受損害。

Frost & Sullivan 在 2023 年對擁有 250 名或以上員工的組織進行了調查,以了解網路安全營運、組織管理、技術投資、威脅意識以及影響網路安全新投資決策的其他因素。者和影響者。受訪者來自代表全球趨勢的七個國家:澳洲、巴西、法國、德國、日本、英國和美國。具體而言,對於銀行、金融服務和保險業,681 名主管級或以上級別的受訪者(主要來自 IT 或網路安全團隊)被問及有關網路安全預算、計劃優先事項、通用工具和技術以及持續挑戰的問題,並分享您的見解和觀點。



  • 研究目標
  • 樣本結構


  • 主要發現
  • 對網路安全購買和升級的整體影響
  • 誰是決策者?
  • 網路保全行動
  • 網路安全資源


  • 主要發現
  • 網路安全預算
  • 網路安全預算與前一年同期比較去年同期趨勢
  • 2023年網路安全預算分配
  • 按國家/地區分類的平均網路安全預算
  • 俄羅斯-烏克蘭戰爭對網路安全預算的影響


  • 主要發現
  • 網路安全戰略的促進因素
  • 網路安全策略
  • 潛在網路攻擊的風險意識
  • 過去 12 個月內成功的網路攻擊
  • 目前的網路安全問題
  • 先前成功的網路安全攻擊
  • 先前成功的網路安全攻擊的影響
  • 組織風險意識


  • 主要發現
  • 網路安全計畫優先事項
  • 網路安全解決方案的主要目的
  • 應用安全解決方案
  • 雲端安全解決方案
  • 資料安全解決方案
  • 端點安全解決方案
  • 身分安全解決方案
  • 網路安全解決方案
  • 安全營運解決方案
  • 保全服務


  • 策略洞察力


  • 成長機會推動Growth Pipeline Engine(TM)
  • 為什麼成長如此困難?
  • The Strategic Imperative 8(TM)
  • 免責聲明
Product Code: K9F6-23

Growth Opportunities Gleaned from a Survey of Enterprise End Users Who Influence Cybersecurity Budgets

Because of digitalization initiatives, the bring-your-own-device trend, and the sheer number of internet of things-enabled devices, banking and financial services organizations have found themselves connected to a vast digital ecosystem vulnerable to many threats. In this fast-changing cybersecurity landscape, organizations are ready to make significant investments to protect their facilities, operations, and customers' banking movements from harm.

Frost & Sullivan conducted a Voice of Customer survey of a total of 2,448 cybersecurity decision makers and influencers in organizations with at least 250 employees in 2023 to understand their cybersecurity operations, organizational management, technology investment, threat awareness, and other factors influencing decisions for new cybersecurity investments. The respondents were from seven countries (Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States) chosen as a representation of global trends. Specifically for the banking, financial services, and insurance sector, the focus of this analysis, 681 respondents-primarily director-level or above and part of information technology or cybersecurity teams-provided insights and opinions on topics including cybersecurity budgets, program priorities, common tools and technologies, and persistent challenges.

Table of Contents

Research Objectives and Methodology

  • Objectives
  • Sample Structure

Cybersecurity Teams in Banking and Financial Organizations

  • Key Findings
  • Overall Influence on Cybersecurity Purchases and Upgrades
  • Who are the Decision Makers?
  • Cybersecurity Operations
  • Cybersecurity Resources

Cybersecurity Solutions Budget

  • Key Findings
  • Cybersecurity Budget
  • Cybersecurity Budget Year-over-Year Changes
  • Cybersecurity Budget Allocation in 2023
  • Average Cybersecurity Budget by Country
  • Russo-Ukrainian War's Influence on Cybersecurity Budgets

Growth Drivers and Challenges

  • Key Findings
  • Cybersecurity Strategy Drivers
  • Cybersecurity Strategy
  • Risk Awareness in Potential Cyber Attacks
  • Successful Cyber Attacks in the Past 12 Months
  • Current Cybersecurity Concerns
  • Previous Successful Cybersecurity Attacks
  • Impact of Previous Successful Cybersecurity Attacks
  • Organizational Risk Awareness

Tools and Technologies

  • Key Findings
  • Cybersecurity Program Priorities
  • Main Objectives for Cybersecurity Solutions
  • Application Security Solutions
  • Cloud Security Solutions
  • Data Security Solutions
  • Endpoint Security Solutions
  • Identity Security Solutions
  • Network Security Solutions
  • Security Operations Solutions
  • Security Services

Strategic Insights

  • Strategic Insights


  • Growth Opportunities Fuel the Growth Pipeline Engine™
  • Why Is It Increasingly Difficult to Grow?
  • The Strategic Imperative 8™
  • Legal Disclaimer